Read The Satin Sash Online

Authors: Red Garnier

The Satin Sash (13 page)

BOOK: The Satin Sash
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Her breathing pattern changed. “Why do you want to know?” The words were faint; inside them, a silent scream for him to touch her. Make love to her.Take her before she went up in flames.
He seized her wrists and brought her arms up, flattening her hands against the window. His weight pressed into hers as he caressed her sides, his voice the very sound of desire. “I’m going to strip you down to your skin, and I’m going to take every little inch of you with my tongue.”
It took an effort to say, “Hah.”
He nudged her legs apart with his knee, seized her long skirt with both hands, and crept them up to her waist. Air rushed across her bare bottom. “I’ll make you come for all the times you haven’t come, and then I’ll have you coming some more.”
A tremble shot through her, and she fought for it not to show, her palms sweating against the glass.
His hand slipped between her ass cheeks.A shock of excitement ripped through her as he groped her. “Pussy.” His terse whisper passed through her in a current of electricity. “My hot, wet, juicy pussy. You’ve been walking like this all day?”
His fingers tunneled into her cleft, stroking the outside, startling her to a cry when he pushed in. She threw her head back, parting her legs wider. “Yes!” She was frantic for him, for
“I feel starved, Antonia.” The words were whispered against her neck as he expertly rolled her clit under his thumb, his zipper scraping her buttocks as he rubbed his arousal against her. “I’m starved for the sounds you make, the sight of your face as you come. I’m starved for your nipples, your tongue, the things you say to me when I’m inside you.”
“I miss you, too.” Her eyes drifted shut, her body rocking to his moves, their unchecked passion soaring through her. “Three days, and I can’t stand more.”
He chuckled. “In three more days, you won’t be able to stand, period.”
She threw her head back and laughed, and he covered one breast with his free hand, massaging the flesh. “Do I amuse you, Miss Kearny?”
Her lingering laugh drifted to a moan when he twisted his wrist, a second finger joining his long middle one inside her channel. Her hips moved to his hand, seeking more.
The click of the bedroom door faintly penetrated the cloak of their desire. One word leapt into her mind, and her eyes sprung open.
Grey slid out of her. “We’ve got company.”
Taking her wrists in his hands, he gently lowered her arms. He was breathing as fast as she was, his face close to her ear. “We’re going to strip you naked, and we’re going to lick you like candy, and when you’re squirming and begging for cock, we’re going to fill you up until you can’t breathe.” His sweltering tongue did erotic things to her earlobe, gingerly fucked the crevice. “We’re going to do this all weekend, Toni. Night and day. Until all you can think about is getting more tongue on your pussy, more dick in your mouth, more getting lapped at like a wet, juicy lollipop.”
She’d come if he kept speaking, plunging his tongue into her tingling ear.
“Turn around for me, baby.”
She did. Flutters exploded in her stomach at the sight of Heath. Not a dream. Not a thought. But real. Flesh-and-blood man.
Definitely not her worst nightmare.
His eyes came at her across the room, heavy lidded, shining with lust. He wasn’t smiling.
Grey drew her protectively to his side. “Breathe.”
But she couldn’t. Not when Heath fisted his hands on the front of his shirt and tugged it over his head. The chest he revealed was ridged and muscled, every rib delineated, his abs marked with taut muscle.
Black hair reckless atop his head, his muscles flexed as he carelessly tossed the shirt aside, and then his hands went to his waistband. God, she felt like an innocent.
A virgin.
Her legs turned rubbery as he flicked the button of his jeans, his fingers deft as he lowered the zipper. Heat pulsed between her thighs, fast like her heartbeat.
She couldn’t help closing her eyes as Heath started shoving his jeans down his hips. But she
the slide of denim, heard her heart thundering, heard the fabric whisper down his legs.
Grey gathered her blouse at her sides, sliding it up.
This is it, this is it, this is
it . . .
In her wildest imaginings, she’d pictured herself as a beach temptress—not coy, but a brazen goddess driving two gorgeous males to uncontrollable lust. In reality, she was just Toni Kearny, and she was overwhelmed. She could hardly breathe, much less move or act sexy.
Grey gripped her waist, his fingers digging into the side of her hip. “Open your eyes, Toni. See what you do to him.”
She pulled her eyes open and gaped. Heath was wearing the longest, biggest erection she’d ever seen. He stood with his feet braced apart, his arms at his sides, his fingers curled into his palms. And something hummed. Inside her. In her blood, coursing dangerously through her veins.
Her eyes ran along Heath’s strong cheekbones, the plump curve of his mouth, the golden tan across his body. Silky hairs dusted his chest. An arrow of thicker hair started under his navel and fanned out to a dark thatch from where that enormous penis thrust out. Her fingers tingled at her sides, alive with a need to touch him, compare him to Grey, discover their differences and their similarities.
“You see Heath?”
“Yes.” God, yes, she
. Felt. Sensed. Smelled them both.
Grey captured her earlobe in his teeth. “We own you tonight.”
“I . . . I own you both.”
The admission made Heath’s eyes flash, like a bull at the sight of red, a green light, a yes.
Grey buzzed her ear with his nose and his hands were roaming, caressing up her hips. “Let’s get naked, Miss Kearny.”
Jolted into action, she clenched her fingers in the fabric of his polo and struggled to wrench it off him. He helped her, then shucked off his Dockers, his underwear, until she beheld six feet three inches of glorious, bare-assed, mouthwateringly naked Grey.
Looking down at her, he caught her wrist and tugged her forward. “My turn.”
He’d undressed her a thousand times. When he did it leisurely, he always kissed bits and pieces he revealed. Now he kissed the swell of one lace-encased breast as he reached behind her to undo her pink bra.“So beautiful . . .” He pulled the straps from her shoulders and let it fall, raking his tongue across one elongated nipple. “Oh, sweetheart, you’re so sexy. . . .”
She wanted to eat him up with her mouth, to swallow his beautiful words into her.
Her bra dropped at her feet, and her breasts sprung fully free. He kissed both.
Gently he turned her around to unhook her skirt while Heath came to her, smelling of earth and rain and a rich, balmy musk. Her skirt swooshed down to her ankles. A gust of air cooled her before Heath’s proximity reversed her body to heat.
She felt so naked. But his face . . .
His face was ravaged with need. His nostrils flared. Suddenly, she felt as though she were the only woman he’d ever seen; so alive were his eyes on her, so greedy, taking in the perky swell of her breasts, her clean-shaven pussy.
His fingers skimmed up her cheek as he ducked his head. His tongue glided up the corner of her lips, teasing her with the tip. “I’m so fucking turned on,” he growled. He turned his head to lick at the other corner of her lips, harshly whispering, “Say my name.”
“Heath.” It felt too good to say it.
“Ahh, Toni.” His head went down, and his tongue swept gently across the puckered bud of one nipple, his fingers enclosing the flesh around it.
A melting sensation spread through her thighs as she mapped his arms with trembling fingers. She stopped exploring and sunk her nails into his shoulders when his mouth opened around her, covering her with heat. The power in his mouth combined with the soft sucking noises felt like jolts of lightning.
Silently winding around her like a panther, Grey came to watch.
His sculpted bronze torso, his neck, his muscled arms—her heart pounded at the sight. Her breath became ragged as he wrapped a hand around his pulsing flesh and stroked up. She’d never seen him touch himself. He did it so expertly, almost casually, the unmistakable scrape of flesh singing in her ears. He was marvelous. A god. Touching himself.
Their gazes met over Heath’s hunched shoulders. Gazing deep into her eyes, he stroked himself a second time—deliberately slowly, so it took him two full seconds to go from base to head and back down again. She licked her lips, loving that cock, that long- fingered hand, that man. A spiral of wanting whirled inside her tummy.
“Do that again,” she mouthed.
He shook his head, eyes glimmering as he let go of himself and took another step. She watched him bob as he walked, and her pussy rippled with wanting that cock just as it was; marvelously red and fully extended.
A tender heat mingled with lust shone in his eyes as he came within touching distance. He reached out to pet her free breast, smiling as he plucked the nipple with two fingers. “This one’s mine.” He lowered his head, his eyes on hers, and against her flesh, breathed, “You’re mine.”
She clutched the back of his head and drew him to her breast. “Yes.”
When he covered her nipple with his mouth, she threw her head back in bliss. “Yes.”
Wow wow wow wow . . .
She’d never thought it would feel like this. She’d worried she would discover this had been a bad idea, but no, no, it was so good. Felt so maddeningly
There wasn’t a single breath she took that wasn’t spiced with their desire. Sensations assailed her, one after the other, following their touches, their sounds. Her nipples had never felt so hard, so hot. Grey’s mouth was sure and loving on her nipple, and the breast Heath suckled grew raw and fiery. He was not a gentle lover, and his roughness excited her, his hands not so careful as they went around her and squeezed her ass. She yelped in surprise, and his gruff sound was muffled by her sweaty skin.
He moved, and a thick, blunt- fingered hand slipped between her thighs. She bucked when he found her and pressed the tip of a callused finger into her clit. Her breath hissed through her teeth.
Grey looked up from her breast. “You like that?”
“God. Perfect.
“She likes that, Heath.”
And Heath did it again. And again. He caught the flesh and pinched, pressed, plucked. She screamed, her head rolling loosely on her neck, her breath soughing out of her chest. Grey moved around her, became her wall, and raw, hungry screams welled up in the back of her throat as she let her weight rest on him, let Heath do things to her.
Their combined panting breaths were like a dark, endless song in the room, punctuated with Toni’s cries as Heath made bold, wicked movements on her clit.
Grey’s chest jerked roughly against her back as he breathed. “Toni?” His murmur throbbed in her ear. “Tell us what you want, baby.”
“She wants me to eat her.”
Her mind spun with Heath’s dirty talk as he knelt before her, drawing her legs apart.
His eyes bored into hers for a heart-stopping moment, and smiling a lazy, sexy smile, he ducked his head. “Don’t you, Toni?” A moan caught in the back of her throat when he tasted her. A soft, wet flick.
Please please please please
His tongue came so long, so strong, giving deep, velvety strokes up her entrance. She’d never been licked like this. He licked like a
, using only his tongue, and it was maddeningly erotic.
Grey’s breath whispered across her hair, his mouth nipping at her shoulder. “You’re awfully quiet, my love.”
She smothered a sound. She’d imagined she would ravage them, both of them, take them like a wild woman, but she could hardly move. Only feel. Feel
. Against her. Doing dirty things to her.
Instinctively, her hands came up, burying in Heath’s soft, thick hair, drawing his mouth against her clit.
“Don’t you want me to know you’re enjoying it?” Grey pressed.
Heath laved the bud with his tongue, his thumb driving inside her. Her body surged up hungrily, but she kept from moaning still. Embarrassed. Embarrassed that she was ready to come.
“Give me your moans, baby, purr for me.” Grey’s strong, elongated erection dug into her bottom, intensifying her yearning as he played her nipples to an ache. “Purr for Heath,Toni.”
She turned her head, ashamed that she would come with another flick of Heath’s mouth. Her parted lips scraped across Grey’s jaw, silently asking, begging for his participation with each sultry breath she poured on him. “Grey.”
He was tense, just standing with her as she was tongue- fucked, and there was a moment when she could no longer contain her sounds of need. The little circles of her hips, craving Heath’s mouth.
Grey’s fingers pinched her breasts. She pushed her chest up to him, pitched her hips wantonly to Heath’s face while she licked at Grey’s, lust shooting through her. “Grey.” Heath drew back and fondled the moist petals, and Toni panted against the stubble of Grey’s jaw. “Grey.”
He dragged his eyes from what he’d been hotly, darkly watching and seized her mouth, kissed her with passion and heart and emotion. He drowned her whimpers with his mouth, rubbing himself against her fevered body as Heath curved his hands around her ass and raised her to his mouth, probing lightly, expertly into her.
She detonated with a muffled cry; her climax racked through her, waves and waves of shudders seizing her like earthquakes.
When she thought her legs would buckle, Grey caught her, kissing her lips as he scooped her up and carried her to the bed. The aftershocks of her orgasm made her tremble as he set her down. He brushed her wet hair behind her shoulders, and his hand remained on her face, his eyes following his thumb as he ran it along her cheek. “I can barely stand the sight of you like this.”
BOOK: The Satin Sash
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