The Rules In Paradise (Playing By The Rules) (30 page)

BOOK: The Rules In Paradise (Playing By The Rules)
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"He's just a guy I just met."

"You were going to sleep with a guy you had just met?" I saw his eyebrow rise over the top of his sunglasses.

"I slept with you didn't I?" I said as cutting as I could manage.

"I hardly consider what was between us the same as some man picking you up at the bar."

"The only difference is he didn't convince me to trust him."

"I didn't convince you to do anything. You're a grown woman and you're stubborn. I couldn't convince you to run from a rabid dog if you didn't want to. You chose to trust me."

"So did I choose to let you destroy my world?" I asked.

"I will accept blame for those things that I did wrong. I have suffered for them for the better part of a year. I disappeared from your life like you asked."

I felt the tears stinging my eyes.

"Except you didn't Cole. You didn't disappear from my life because I spent every day since then thinking about you. One day I would be so hurt and feel like I could barely move otherwise I would fall apart. Another day I would miss you and think about you and think that I saw you or could feel you around me. You didn't leave, I've still been living with the thought of you all year."

"I did as you asked Olivia. I spent the year living with the reminder that I lost the best thing I would ever have. I know you don't believe this, but I have been a shell of a man without you. I lost everything when I lost you." He was now sitting forward, leaning his elbows on the table. I wiped a few tears off of my face. I was about to speak when three waiters came over bringing plates of food and setting them down on the table.

"Thank you," Cole said, handing the man another bill. "Here, eat what you like. I knew you wouldn't tell me what you'd like, so I ordered a bit of everything." He said, leaning back in his chair again.

"You're absurd," I said looking at all the food on the table.

"Maybe so, but you are too thin and it makes me worry about you. If this is to be the last time I see you I want to know you at least had a good breakfast, so eat, please." He picked at a plate of fruit as he sat there, silently willing me to eat.

I silently picked at a plate with some yogurt and berries. We both sat silently for awhile. I was unsure of where to go next. Cole pulled his sunglasses off and put them on the table. For the first time today I saw his amazingly light eyes. They were covered with concern right now.

"Olivia I am still terribly in love with you. I know that I messed up, but I didn't know what else to do. I fell in love with you, and I knew that you were the only one I wanted. I'm sorry."

I sat there and looked at him. His face was so handsome, even lined with worry and fear. I wanted nothing more than to hug him and tell him that I still loved him. He was so unsure and so tortured.

"Olivia, I'm so glad to see you! You look better," I saw James walking up, talking excitedly. He noticed Cole and his face dropped, "Excuse me, I'm sorry I hope I'm not interrupting."

"You are," I heard Cole mumble across the table.

"I'm sorry, I'm really ok. I just felt ill last night, thank you though for checking on me." In the daylight he was even hotter than last night. He was wearing a pair of board shorts and a black tank top. He was built to near perfection and his smile was reassuring, not overbearing.

"I was wondering if you'd like to meet me for dinner tonight, there's a really nice place a few miles from here," James said, pointing towards the west.

"I'm sorry, she's extremely busy tonight." Cole said. James looked between me and Cole with a look of concern.

"I'm sorry, you are?" James asked Cole. I watched a scary smile spread across his face, his eyes lit up and he stood with his hand outstretched.

"Cole Cooper, it is truly my pleasure to meet you. I'm sorry I didn't get your name, Olivia, you didn't mention it to me," Cole said, his eyes full of amusement focused on me. I felt my face get hot.

"Umm, this is James, James this is Cole."

"James what?" Cole asked, not taking his eyes off of me. My face flushed even darker.

"James Williams," James said, putting his hand in Cole's and shaking it fervently. There was clearly a fight for power going on. The guys finally stopped shaking, but Cole was still standing.

"Well Olivia, I will call your room tonight and perhaps we can make some plans. I'm really glad you're feeling better. Have a good day," James said as he looked between Cole and I and walked away.

Once he was quite a few feet away Cole took his seat.

"What the hell was that pissing contest about?" I asked.

"I don't like him," Cole replied, back to his cool and calm self.

"Well I might be wrong about this, but I think he was asking me out and not you."

"Exactly, it gives me even more reason not to like him," Cole replied.

"Oh that's not the only reason you don't like him?" I asked.

"No, he's a punk. He only wants to have sex with you. He is extremely immature."

"And how do you know all of this?" I asked Cole.

"Because it is my job Olivia. It is my job to read people, don't forget that. Just because I cannot get a read on you does not mean everyone else is not extremely easy for me."

"What exactly will I be doing tonight that will make me so busy?"

"Hopefully you will be reminded of my unrelenting charm and striking good looks and spend the evening with me." A smile was growing on his face.

"You're impossible," I said exasperated.

"So that's a yes?" He said with a huge smile.
























Chapter 24

"What if I say no?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Then I go with my tail tucked between my legs back home. However, there is a part of me that believes that you won't say no. It is my belief and my hope that you are just as arrested by me as I am of you. Which brings me to why I'm here. There is a part of me that trusts in the fact that you have missed me and thought of me even a fraction as much as I have of you. If I'm right then I believe that there is a part of you that may still love me. I'm hoping to attach to that part of your heart and bring you back to me."

"And if none of this is true?" My eyebrow was cocked and I was trying to give him half as much intensity as he pressed upon me daily.

"If none of this is true then I will resign myself to the fact that I've lost you. I've accepted that that is a real possibility. You have no obligations to me Olivia. I cannot make you do anything. All I know is that I'm going to try my hardest to win you back. My plans did not anticipate another suitor, let alone a punk like that."

"He's your age! How is he a punk?" I asked incredulously.

"He just is. Just trust me for once would you," he said. His voice was slightly irritated.

"I believe that my blind faith and trust in you are why we're sitting here right now."

His eyes went wide and he gave me a little bit of a sly smile.

"This is why I cannot bear to go down without a fight. You make me work for it Olivia. Come on, let's go," he said, getting up and putting his sunglasses on. He slid his phone in his back pocket and looked at me still sitting at the table.

"I had thought we'd set out on our adventure today, if you can bring yourself to get up," he said slightly annoyed but with a smile on his face.

"I haven't said yes," I said, looking at him.

"Are you saying no?" He asked looking amused.

"No," I said and got up from the table. He laughed loudly.

"I thought not, now come, let's go." He started walking for the beach.


We walked down the beach. The sun was blazing in the sky. We walked along the water in silence for awhile. It wasn't awkward or strange. I just thought we were both lost in our own heads.

"Ok, so I need a little clarification," I said, breaking the silence. I could hear the smile in his voice when he replied.

"I had no doubt about that Olivia," he said. He was looking straight ahead.

"Let's assume that what we're doing here really is me doing you a favor, ok?" I heard a faint chuckle.

"You do know what happens when one makes assumptions right?"

"You're a bastard," I said getting annoyed.

"Ok, ok. You're doing me a favor, got it."

"Ok, in repayment for said favor I want full disclosure. I get to ask you whatever, whenever, and you have to answer or all bets are off."

"Olivia, I believe you're starting to border on blackmail and I can assure you not only is it a crime, but I've had my fair share of it as of late."

"I still believe that you may or may not be a lying, cheating, son of a bitch, which should be a crime. I'd play along if I were you."

"Fine, full disclosure, but I have to have my own rules, to ensure you don't wine and dine me as they say. If I give you everything you want up front, who says you'll agree to see me again? Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free kind of thing right? You can get full disclosure in the form of three questions a day."

"I know you didn't just say that about the cow." I couldn't help but laugh. It was funny coming out of Mr. Impeccable English's mouth.

"It was an appropriate analogy. So do we have a deal?"

"Fine, but you can't cheat. You can't beat around the bush, you have to answer the questions." He stopped walking and looked at me. I stopped abruptly and gave him a confused look. "In the business world we shake hands to enter into a verbal contract." He held out his hand in front of his body. I gave him a weird look and shook it. "Now, that is the protocol for business dealings. I believe in our case this is not strictly business, what about a kiss to seal the deal?" He smiled, not letting go of my hand. I made my eye roll as dramatic as possible and yanked my hand away.

"You're incorrigible," I said and walked away.

"Well I do believe you are finally getting your money's worth from that overpriced education. Do they still call that a hundred dollar word?" I smiled in spite of myself and tried to play it off.

We walked again in a period of silence. He agreed to let me have it all. Now I knew there were some things I would not want to know but that I would have to endure, I accepted that as part of this agreement.

"Ok, question number one," I said.

"It took you a whole fifteen seconds, I'm shocked. Continue," he said, with a smile.

"What is going on with Fredericks now?" I asked.

"Nothing. He's finally backed off. I basically sold my soul to the fucking devil but that bastard has finally finished his perverse gameplay."

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