The Right Hand of God (72 page)

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Authors: Russell Kirkpatrick

Tags: #Fantasy Fiction, #General, #Fiction, #Fantasy, #Imaginary Wars and Battles, #Epic

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Lessep: (Less-ip): Young rascal from the streets of Instruere, of indeterminate origin [FM close-mouthed] 

Lifeblood River: River of southern Faltha whose headwaters are the Thousand Springs. Flows through the Deep Desert and into Sarista 

Lindholm (Lind-home): City of western Deruys, near border with Nemohaim [OD flower hill]

Longbridge: The mile-long bridge connecting Instruere with Deuverre. Its southern counterpart is Southbridge 

Lore, Hall of: Centre of learning in Dona Mihst; latterly a major building in Instruere

Lore Market: One of sixteen official markets in Instruere, sited near the Hall of Lore

Losian (low-si-yin): Properly those who left the Vale of Youth before the fall, forsaking the Most High; popularly, all those races of Faltha who are not First Men [FM the lost]

Loulea, village, Vale (Low-lee) aka Louieij: Small coastal village in North March of Firanes, set in vale of same name [CT low lea]

Mablas (Mah-blass): Scholar of Dhauria, expert on the Maghdi Dasht [FM parchment]

Maelstrom, the (Mal-strom): Whirlpool in the Lower Clough of the Kljufa River, below which the river runs underground until surfacing downstream [FM whirling stream]

Maendraga (Mah-enn-drar-gah): A middle-aged man from the Vale of Neume, the Guardian of the Arrow; his name follows the tradition of naming guardians after species of plants found in the Vale [FM mandrake]

Maghdi Dasht (Marg-dee Darshht) aka Lords of Fear: One hundred and sixty-nine feared Bhrudwan warrior-wizards [OB Heart of the Desert]

Mahnum (Marr-num): Trader of Loulea, son of Modahl, married to Indrett [FI man, human]

Malayu (Mah-lah-you): Chief city of province of Malayu, most populous city in Bhrudwo [OB corruption]

Malos (Mar-loss): Loulea villager, small in stature [MF gentleman]

Mandaramus (Man-da-rah-muss): Dhaurian harp-maker and master harpist [FM gifted man]

Maremma (Muh-rem-muh): A vast low-lying area in the Central Plains of Faltha, in the countries of Straux, Deuverre and Asgowan [FM death swamps]

Mariswan (marr-ih-swan): Huge birds now extinct. The Jugom Ark is fletched with mariswan feathers [FM majestic fowl]

Maufus (Marw-foos): Dhaurian, contemporary of Phemanderac, elevated to Dhaurian Congress while young [FM steady, stable]

Meeting, Hall of: Largest building in Faltha, the place of public gatherings in Instruere; latterly the home of the Council of Faltha

Mercium (Merr-see-um): Capital city of Straux, the second-largest city in Faltha, on the inland edge of the Aleinus Delta [AS merchant]

Merin (Mait-in): Wife of the Loulea village Haufuth [Fl laughter]

Midwinters' Day: Midwinter celebrations, held in northern Faltha, asserting the coming of spring

Mist, The, aka Hinepukohurangi: Forested lands between Deruys and the Valley of a Thousand Fires, often cloaked in mist; home to the Children of the Mist, considered losian by the First Men

Mjolkbridge (Myoulk-bridge): Town in inland Firanes, on the southern bank of Mjolk River, Site of the last bridge across the river [OF milk]

Modahl (Mow-darl): Legendary Trader of Firanes, father of Mahnum and grandfather of Leith and Flal [FM manservant] 

Morneshade (Morn-shayd): City of Sarista, on the eastern desert coast

Most High: Supreme god of the First Men 

Motu-tapu (moh-too-tah-poo): Sacred island of the Pei-ra, part of the Rehu Archipelago [M sacred place] 

Nagorj (Nah-gorge): Southern upland province of SnaVaztha immediately west of the Gap [OSV north gorge] 

Nemohairn (Nee-moh-haym): One of the Sixteen Kingdoms of Faltha, set on the southern Bay of Bewray. Once home to Bewray, guardian of the Jugom Ark [FM new home] 

Nena (Nen-ya): Wife of Mandrake the Guardian, originally an Aslaman but was exiled [P blossom] 

Nentachki (Nenn-tach-key): Unit of currency used by the Sanusi; roughly equivalent to a month's wages [S cold month]

Net of Vanishing: An Illusion designed to make a person or thing invisible. The Net of Vanishing requires considerable power

Neume, Vale of (Noome): Valley in the Almucantaran Mountains, in southern Nemohaim; supposed location of Kantara [FM numinous]

New Age: Calendar of Faltha, the first year of which was the Destroyer's supposed defeat by Conal Greatheart 

North March: Area of Firanes bounded by Iskelsee to the north, Wodhaitic Sea to the west, the Fells to the east and the Innerlie Plains to the south 

Northern Escarpment: Southern edge of the Sna Vazthan tableland, scaled by the road to The Gap 

Outer Chamber: Main meeting hall in the Hall of Meeting, site of public gatherings in Instruere

Parlevaag (Parl-ih-vagg): Fenni woman captured by Bhrudwans, slain by Widuz warriors [FN storyteller] 

Pei-ra, the (Pay-rah): A losian race from the mountains of south-western Faltha, driven out of their home of Astraea by the First Men [P the people]

Pelasia (Peh-lay-see-ah): Woman of Instruere, one of the Ecclesia, slain by the Instruian Guard [CT precious one] 

Perdu (Purr-do): Mjolkbridge hunter rescued from death by the Fenni, now serving them as interpreter [FI in hiding] 

Pereval (Peh-reh-varl): Disputed province between Haurn and Sna Vaztha, currently under Sna Vazthan jurisdiction [SVZ plainland]

Petara (Peh-tar-uh): Elder from Escaigne, one who helped plan the overthrow of Instruere [FM small] 

Phemanderac (Fee-man-duh-rack): Scholar of Dhauria who leaves his homeland to learn the whereabouts of the Right Hand [FM the mandate]

Philosophers, the: The senior members of the School of the Prophets in Dhauria 

Pinion, The: Longhouse in Instruere, houses the Instruian Guard. Notorious for its dungeon, known ironically as the Pinion Inn

Piskasia (Pisk-ay-zha): One of the Sixteen Kingdoms of Faltha, located south of Sna Vaztha along the banks of the Aleinus [FM fish land]

Plafond (Pluh-fonnd): Capital city of Deuverre, at the western end of the basin formed by the Central Plains of Faltha [FM plate Up]

Plonya (Plonn-yuh): One of the Sixteen Kingdoms of Faltha, located between Firanes and the wild Widuz country [FM floodplain]

Porveiir, Mount (Pour-vay-er): Huge volcanic dome, intermittently active, on the western margins of the Wodranian Mountains in Favony [FA pourer]

Presiding Elder: The head Elder and ruler of Escaigne; formerly a high-ranking Watcher. The current Presiding Elder is named Feerik

Preuse River (Proyse) Major river of Sna Vaztha, draining the northern marches of the Wodranian Mountains and crossing the Fruesan Plains [SVZ ice]

Prosopon (Proh-soh-pon): Second city of Redana'a, located at the feet of the Taproot Hills [FM promise of prosperity]

Pylorus, Sir (Pie-lore-us): One of the Knights of Fealty, keeper of the Hall of Conal Greatheart [FM faithful]

Pyrinius (Pie-rinn-ee-yoos): Dominie (teacher) of Phemanderac, expert harpist and scholar of Dhauria [FM fire servant]

Raupa (Rau-puh): Arkhos of the House of Leuktom in exile, founder of Sna Vaztha [FM royal one]

Rauth (Rowth): Loulea village elder, red-haired. Likely a nickname [CT red]

Raving King of Deruys: Nickname by which the king of Deruys is widely known, attributed to his cryptic speech

Reaf (Reef): Deruvian general, perished in the snows of Vulture's Craw [FM to hold back]

Redana'a (Re-dar-na-ah): One of the Sixteen Kingdoms of Faltha, an inland country on the southern bank of the Aleinus River, hemmed in by the Taproot Hills [FM red roots]

Remparer Mountains (Remm-pa-rair) aka Ramparts of Faltha, Manu Irion, Man-Eaters: Continental mountain range dividing western from central Faltha [FM the ramparts]

Rhinn na Torridon (Rinn nar toh-rih-don) aka Tarradale Broads: Coastlands south of Remparer Mountains [WZ rack of gentle valleys]

Rhynn (Rinn): Arkhos of Asgowan, one of the Council of Faltha [FM rack]

Right Hand: Mysterious weapon, person or organisation mentioned in prophecy as overcoming the Destroyer

Robber of Firanes: Perjorative name for Modahl, given by his Sna Vazthan enemies

Roleystone Bridge: Stone arch over the Kljufa River at the head of the Upper Clough, the only bridge north of the Trow of Kljufa

Room of Four Windows: Viewing room at the top of the Tower of Worship in Inst mere. Each window faces a cardinal point of the compass 

Roudhos, Duke of (Raud-hoss): Leader of Neheria, one of the most prominent provinces of southern Bhrudwo. Of an ancient and proud lineage, Roudhos was an unwilling servant of the Destroyer [OB Red Duke]

Ruben-rammen (Roo-bin-ramm-in): Landsman of Favony, in league with the King of Favony to deceive the Army of Faltha [CT prevaricator, lit. here and there] 

Saiwiz, House of (Sigh-wizz): One of the four great houses of the First Men [FM house of the sea]

Salentia (Suh-lent-ee-yuh): Independent city on the border between Piskasia and Favony, but owing allegiance to neither. It occupies flat land on the northern bank of the Aleinus River [FM time of peace]

Sanusi (Sar-noo-see): A desert people who dwell in Dessica, the Deep Desert. Scholars are unsure as to whether they are losian or have come west from Bhrudwo [S sand men] 

Saraskar (Sah-ra-scar): The Arkhos of Sarista, and head of the Appellant Division of the Council of Faltha [FM sun child] 

Sarista (Sah-ris-tah): Southernmost of the Sixteen Kingdoms of Faltha and the last to be settled. Saristrians are dark-skinned [FM sunlands]

Saumon (Sau-monn): Fishing village in Piskasia, on the eastern bank of the Aleinus River [FM rainbow fish] 

School of the Prophets: The University of Dhauria, in which young men are trained in magic and scholarly arts 

Sentinels, The aka Sentinella: Twin peaks of the Almucantaran Mountains in southern Nemohaim, guardians of the Jugom Ark 

Silsilesi (Sill-sill-ay-see): Mining district of Sarista, providing much of Sarista's wealth and exports [FM iron ore]

Sivera Alenskja (Siv-er-ah Al-enn-skyah): Steep-sided gorge of the upper Aleinus River, south of Sna Vazthn, west of The Gap [OSV deep sky rapids]

Sivithar (Sih-vih-thar): City on the southern bank of the Aleinus River, in northern Straux, a river port [AS silver thread]

Sjenda (Si-yen-duh): Chatelaine of the Deruvian palace, serves Leith as procurer of provisions. Lost in the snows of Vulture's Craw [OD settler]

Sna Vaztha (Snarr Vazz-thuh): One of the Sixteen Kingdoms of Faltha, located to the north-east of Faltha [FM frozen snow]

Southbridge aka Straux Bridge: The bridge connecting Instruere with Straux. Its northern counterpart is Longbridge 

Steffi (Stef-fill) aka Meall Gorm: Active volcano in Withwestwa Wood, a well-known landmark by the Westway. Place where the Company rescued Leith and Hal's parents [FM the hood]

Stella Pellwen (Stell-ah Pell-win): Youth of Loulea, daughter of Pell and Herza of Loulea [CT from the stars]

Sthane (Sthayn): Leader of the smallest clan and member of the Council of Leaders in the Vale of Youth; opposes Kannwar [FM spine]

Stibbourne Farm (Stib-born): Farm of Kurr, located on Swill Down, possibly named after corn stubble, or less likely an FM word (stiborn) meaning stubborn

Straux (Strouw): Most populous of the Sixteen Kingdoms of Faltha, located south of Aleinus River on the Central Plains [FM wheat field]

Struere (Strew-ear): Southern and larger of two villages founded on an island in the Aleinus River, coalescing into Instruere; also the name of the southern gate of Instruere [FM instruct]

Swill Down: Hill forming the southern boundary of Loulea Vale. Location of Stibbourne Farm

Tabul (Tah-bull): One of the Sixteen Kingdoms of Faltha, a southern inland kingdom with great mineral resources [FM table land]

Tanama (Ta-nah-ma): Widuz chieftain, from a village just north of Tolmen [W second chance]

Tanghin (Tang-in): Man from Bhrudwo who joins the Ecclesia; rapidly promoted to one of the Blessed [JS torment]

Taproot Hills: Mountain range of Redana'a; southern continuation of the Wodranian Mountains. Forms the southern part of Vulture's Craw

Te Tuahangata (Tay Too-ah-hung-ar-tah): Man of The Mist, son of the paramount chief, accompanies the Arkhimm on their journey southward [M man who journeys]

Thraell River (Thray-ell): River draining the eastern part of Breidhan Moor, flowing into Kljufa River [FM in thrall]

Tinei (Tin-ay): Wife to Kurr of Loulea [OF twist]

Tor Hailan (Tor-Hi-lan): City of Pereval province, built on the mountain of the same name. The battle between Sna Vaztha and Haurn was fought here [SVZ high bare hill]

Treika (Tree-kuh): One of the Sixteen Kingdoms of Faltha, located between Widuz lands and the Remparer Mountains [FM forest land]

Tructa (Truk-tuh): Town in southern Piskasia, on the west bank of the Aleinus River [FM grey fish]

Truthspell: aspect of spoken magic allowing the speaker to trap anyone who responds to the truth woven into the words

Turtu Donija (Tur-too-Doh-nee-juh): capital and largest city of Piskasia, on west bank of Aleinus River [FM city of rest]

Uchtana, Lord (Uck-tar-na): A Lord of Fear [OB to take forcibly]

Uflok (Ouf'lock): Widuz town on the banks of the Sagon, where the families of the warriors of Adunlok make their homes [WD up look]

Valley of a Thousand Fires: long, narrow land between the mountains of south-western Faltha and the Deep Desert; hot, arid and filled with volcanic activity 

Vaniyo (Var-nee-yoh): Bhrudwan Trader [MB subtle hands] 

Vapnatak (Vapp-nuh-tack): Largest town in the North March of Firanes. Named after the annual weapontake that took place here in the years of the Halvoyan incursions [OF weapontake] 

Vassilian (Vass-ill-ee-yin): Town on the Plains of Amare where a battle was fought between Nemohaim and Pei-ra; neither side claimed victory [NM valiant struggle] 

Verenum Spire (Veh-reh-nim): Active volcanic cone, constantly erupting. Located in central Haum [FM green mountain]

Veridian Borders: Mountain range on the southern border of Straux, separating the fertile Central Plains from the arid lands to the south

Vertensia (Verr-ten-see-yuh): One of the southern Sixteen Kingdoms of Faltha, a land of coastal gardens and severe highlands [FM garden land]

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