The Right Hand of God (71 page)

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Authors: Russell Kirkpatrick

Tags: #Fantasy Fiction, #General, #Fiction, #Fantasy, #Imaginary Wars and Battles, #Epic

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Claws of Adrar: Claw-shaped formations near the summit of the Pass of Adrar. Part of the large feature known as the Golden Lion

Company, the: The group of northerners who came south attempting to warn Faltha of the coming Bhrudwan incursion

Conal Greatheart (Conn-arl): man of Instruere who rose up against the rule of the Destroyer. Aided by a band of warriors (some historians say criminals) he drove the Destroyer from Instruere and set up the Knightly order of Fealty [FM spike]

Corrigia (Coh-rigg-ee-yah): Pirate-infested island off the coast of south-western Faltha. The pirates of Corrigia harass shipping and coast-dwellers in southern Nemohaim and western Vertensia [NM boat]

Cotyledon, Lake (Cott-ee-lee-din): Large lake on the Mossbank River [FD pennywort, sense of meaning from FD cup-shaped depression]

Council of Faltha: Ruling council of ambassadors from the Sixteen Kingdoms of Faltha, based in Instruere

Cuantha, King (Koo-ann-thah): King of Favony, traitor to Faltha [FM antlered stag]

Culmea, the (Kull-me-ah): Hill country to the south-east of Bewray in Nemohaim, heavily populated [FM pasture]

Deorc (Dee-york): Lieutenant to the Destroyer, Keeper of Andratan [JS spearhead]

Deningen (Den-ing-in): coastal fishing village of central Deruys [D fish bucket]

Deruys (Dee-roys): One of the Sixteen Kingdoms of Faltha, a coastal land south of Straux [FM no regard]

Dessica (Dess-ih-cuh) aka Khersos, the Great Desert: Desert land extending over southern Faltha [FM to dry out]

Destroyer, the aka Undying Man, Lord of Bhrudwo, Lord of Andratan, Kannwar: Rebel against the Most High, cursed with immortality and now makes his home in Bhrudwo. Rules from his fortress of Andratan

Deuverre (Doo-vair): One of the Sixteen Kingdoms of Faltha, located north of Straux in central Faltha; rich, densely populated farmland [FM twin rivers]

Dhaur Bitan (Dour Bit-arn) aka The Poisoning: Story of the fall of Kannwar and exile from the Vale, contained in the Domaz Skreud [FM death bite]

Dhauria (Dau-ree-yah) aka the Drowned Land: Names for the Vale of Youth after it was drowned by the sea [FM death estuary] 

Diamant River (Die-ah-mant): Broad river draining the western flanks of the Aldhras Mountains, cutting a deep valley into their unexplored heart. Said to be a sacred valley [SVZ precious metal]

Docks, the: Warehouse and shipping district of Instruere, outside the main wall of the city 

Domaz Skreud (Doh-marz Scroyd): The Scroll which recounts the rise of the Destroyer and the fall of the Vale of Youth [FM doom scroll]

Dona Mihst (Doh-na Mist): City built on the site of the Rock of the Fountain in the Vale of Youth [FM misty down, later corrupted to dunamis, FM power] 

Dorm River (Doh-nu): River draining the southern Wodranian Mountains, emptying into the Aleinus River [FM hillwater]

Druin (Drew-in): Youth of Loulea, large boy who bullies others and is keen on Stella [FI brown] 

Dukhobor (Dook-oh-bore): Gathering place of the Haukl, a city supposedly never seen by mortal eyes [FM city of monsters] 

East Bank Road: Road running through the eastern provinces of Redana'a and Piskasia, parallel to the main road to The Gap 

Ecclesia (E-kle-zyuh): Name given to the group who began meeting at Foilzie's basement [ST called out]

Ehrenmal (Air-en-mall): Town in western Favony on the north bank of the Aleinus River [FM bad blood]

Elders: Rulers of Escaigne, once high-ranking members of the Watchers Escaigne (Ess-kane): Hidden kingdom in rebellion against Instruere [FM entangled]; Escaignians are also known as Cachedwellers

Faltha (Fal-thuh): Continent of north-western hemisphere, an alliance of sixteen independent kingdoms [CT contraction of Falthu/aite, itself a corruption of Withwestwa] 

Falthan Patriots: Name given by Arkhos of Nemohaim to those who joined him in treason against Faltha 

Farr Storrsen (Far Store-sin): Elder son of Storr of Vinkullen, a thin, angular man [FI far]

Favony (Fah-vone-ee): One of the Sixteen Kingdoms of Faltha, located on the central Falthan plains north of Straux [FM hot wind)

Fealty, Knights of: Knights said to have driven the Destroyer out of Faltha a thousand years ago, led by Conal Greatheart

Fealty, Treaty of: Treaty signed by the kings of the Sixteen Kingdoms at the home of Conal Greatheart, establishing the Council of Faltha

Feerik (Fee-rick): Man of Sivithar in northern Straux, now the Presiding Elder of Escaigne [ST foeman] 

Fenni, the (Fen-ny): Race of losian dwelling on the moors of inland Firanes [FN ancient people]

Firanes (Firr-uh-ness): Westernmost of the Sixteen Kingdoms of Faltha. Named for the sunrise on the heights of the Jawbone Mountains [FM Fire Cape]

Firefall, the: The moment in the Vale when the Most High came to the First Men with fire; also applied to subsequent visitations to individuals and groups 

First Men, the: Those called north from Jangela by the Most High to live in the Vale of Youth; name also applies to those exiled from the Vale who settled in Faltha, and to their descendants

Fisher Country: Colloquial name for Piskasia 

Fodhram (Fodd-rum): A short-statured losian race dwelling in the forests of Withwestwa [FD woodsman] 

Foilzie (Foyl-zee): Widow from Instruere, tenement-owner, shoemaker and stall-holder [FM help mate] 

Fountain, Rock of the: Place in the Vale of Youth where the Most High set the fountain of eternal life 

Fountain of Diamonds: Once the most famous of Sivithar's many fountains, now destroyed 

Four Halls, Battle of the: General (and somewhat erroneous) name given to the struggle for control of Instruere 

Frerlok (Frer-lock): Fortress of the Widuz, south of the Sagon River, built entirely of marble slabs [W lookout] 

Frinwald (Frinn-wold): Messenger for the King of Straux [FM harefoot]

Fuir af Himmin (Foo-ir Ahf Him-min): Affirmation of the Watchers, used as a greeting [FM Fire of Heaven] 

Fuirfad (Foo-ir-fadd) aka Realm of Fire, Way of Fire: The lore and religion of the First Men, teachings which enabled them to follow the Most High [FM fire path] 

Furist (Few-rist): Arkhos (leader) of the House of Landam in exile, founder of Sarista [FM to be admired] 

Furoman (Foo-row-man): Personal secretary to the Appellant Division of the Council of Faltha, headed by Saraskar of Sarista [ST tight grasp]

Galen (Gay-linn): servant in the employ of the Council of Faltha, works in the Hall of Meeting [ST ruddy] 

Gap, the: Narrow pass between Aldhras Mountains and The Armatura, linking Faltha and Bhrudwo

Geinor (Gay-nor): Adviser to the king of Nemohaim, one of his oldest counsellors; father of Graig [NM charity]

Ghadir Massab: City of the Sanusi, fabled city of gold, a trading centre and slave market on the shores of B'ir Birkat in the Deep Desert [S oasis at the river mouth]

Glade of True Sight: Small clearing in Hinepukohurangi, the land of the Mist, where the fortunate men or women might meet their ancestors. The Glade is seldom found in the same place twice

Golden Lion: Large rock formation near the summit of the Pass of Adrar; once the site of bandit ambushes

Graig (Grayg): Soldier in the Nemohaimian army, son of Geinor the counsellor [NM spear]

Granaries, The: Suburb of Instruere made of warehouses, many for the storing of grain

Great Harlot: Perjorative Escaignian name for Instruere

Great North Woods: Boreal forest of northern Firanes, part of a much larger forest encompassing northern Faltha

Great South Road: The Straux section of the road between Instruere and Bewray, the major road to the south-western kingdoms

Great Southern Mountains: Wide mountain chain separating southern Bhrudwo from unknown lands

Hal Mahnumsen (Hell): Youth of Loulea, adopted older son of Mahnum and Indrett. A cripple whose name is seemingly ironic [FI whole, hale]

Haldemar (Hall-da-marr): Fenni wife of Perdu, the adopted Fenni [FN wholesome]

Halkonis (Hall-koe-niss): Dhaurian scholar, expert on spells of all kinds [FM whole-hearted]

Hall of Lore: One of the four halls of Instruere, modelled on the halls of Dona Mihst. Here are housed the Archives, and many of the Councilmen live in the annexe to this hall

Hall of Meeting: One of the four halls of Instruere, modelled on the halls of Dona Mihst. Behind the Iron Door is the large Outer Chamber, where important city meetings are held; the Council of Faltha meet in the Inner Chamber

Hamadabat (Har-mard-ah'bat): Northern province of the Sanusi, between B'ir Birkat and the Veridian Borders [S stinging sand]

Hauberk Wall (Haw-berk): Tall peaks of the Aldhras Mountains, located at the head of the valley of the Daimant River [SVZ mail-coat]

Haufuth, the (How-footh): Title of village headmen in northern Firanes [FI head]

Haukl (How-kill): Legendary race who dwell in the Aldhras Mountains, supposedly a contemplative people who avoid contact with men [meaning unknown]

Haum (Hown): One of the Sixteen Kingdoms of Faltha, located north of Asgowan. Annexed by Sna Vaztha in 1006 [FM horn]

Hauthius (How-thee-yoos): Scholar of Dhauria, author of the Sayings of Hauthius [FM head scholar]

Hauthra (How-thruh): Capital city of Haurn, sacked by Sna Vaztha in 1006 [FM head]

Helig Holth (Hay-ligg Holth): Huge sinkhole on the edge of Clovenhill, on which the fortress of Adunlok is built. Venerated by the Widuz as the mouth of Mother Earth [WZ holy mouth]

Hermit, the: Man of Bandits' Cave, drawn south with the Company

Herza (Her-zuh): Mother of Stella, wife of Pell, woman of Loulea Vale [FI choice]

Hinerangi (Hi-nay-rang-ee): Daughter of the paramount chief of the Children of the Mist, brother of Te Tuahangata [M slcysong]

Idehan Kahal (Eye-dih-harn Kar-harl): Sanusi and Saristrian name for the Khersos, the Deep Desert of southern Faltha [S killing fields]

Illyon (Ill-yon) aka Freckle: Escaignian woman who helps rescue the Company, and accompanies the Arkhimm southwards [ST harbinger]

Inch Chanter (Inch Charn-tuh): Treikan walled town, hunting and farming community in Old Deer [OT small song] 

Indrett (Inn-dritt): Woman of Loulea, formerly of Rammr, married to Mahnum [FI right hand]

Inmennost (In-men-ost): Capital city of Sna Vaztha and seat of the descendants of Raupa, Arkhos of Leuktom. Greatest of the northern cities of Faltha [of uncertain origin] 

Inna (In-nuh): Northern of two villages founded on an island in the Aleinus River, coalescing into Instruere; also one of the three main gates to the Great City [FM within] 

Inner Chamber aka Chamber of Debate: Small meeting hall, an annexe of the Hall of Meeting, where the Council of Faltha meet

Instruere (In-strew-ear) aka Great City: Largest city in Faltha and seat of the Council of Faltha [combination of Inna and Struere, together forming the OF word meaning to instruct]

Instruian Guard: Soldiers under the control of the Council of Faltha, charged with keeping the peace in Instruere 

Inverlaw Eich (Inn-vuh-lore Aick): Town on a terrace above the Lavera River, destroyed in 979, replaced by Ashdown [WZ between hill place]

Iron Door: Door guarding the entrance to the Outer Chamber of the Hall of Meeting in Instruere, where the Council of Faltha meet

Iskelsee (Iss-kill-see): Ice-bound bay in the remote north of Firanes, a place where seals gather. A favourite of Firanese, Halvoyan, Scymrian and Fenni hunters [FI ice sea] 

Jangela (Yun-gella): Land to the south of Faltha, supposedly impenetrable jungle, beyond which the rich and exotic Southlands are said to be [FM jungle]

Jardin (Jar-dinn): Capital of Vertensia, a small city at the centre of a horticultural region favoured by seasonal rains [FM garden] 

Jasweyah (Jarss-way-uh): Mountainous kingdom in southern Bhrudwo, formerly Deorc's kingdom [OB look over] 

Jawbone Mountains aka Tanthussa: Main mountain chain of Firanes (rare form Tanthussa derived from FM teeth) 

Jena (Jenn-uh): Former friend of the Destroyer's eunuch, lived on the Fisher Coast in the south of Bhrudwo [OB sweet one] 

Jethart (Jeh-thirt): Heroic figure of western Treika, hated foe of the Widuz, now an old man [OT bright hunter] 

Joram Basin (Jaw-im): Deep cirque-like basin set between the Sentinella at the head of the Vale of Neume [FM jewel] 

Jugom Ark (Yu-gum Ark) aka Arrow of Yoke: Flaming arrow loosed by Most High at Kannwar, severing his right hand and sealing his doom. Symbol of unity for Faltha. Name derives from 'yoking together' like oxen [FM yoke arrow] 

Kanabar (Can-a-barr): Wide inland steppes in southern Birinjh, a province of Bhrudwo [OB sulphur brown] 

Kannwar (Cann-wah) aka the Destroyer: Original name of Destroyer, means Guardian of Knowledge [FM hen-ward] 

Kantara (Can-tah-ruh): Legendary castle in the sky which comes down to earth once in a thousand years [FM thousand] 

Kaskyne (Kass-kine): Capital and largest city of Redana'a. One of the Sixteen Kingdoms; situated on a hill above the southern banks of the Aleinus River at the head of Vulture's Craw [FM short rapids]

Kauma (Cow-muh): Capital city of Sarista, at the mouth of the Lifeblood River [FM calm]

Kljufa River (Clue-fah): Largest river in Firanes, carving a path through the Jawbone Mountains [FM to cleave] 

Kroptur (Crop-tuh): Seer and Watcher of the seventh rank, lives on Watch Hill near Vapnatak [FM spell-caster] 

Kula (Koo-lah): Old Widuz warrior, experienced in border campaigns [W axeman]

Kurr (Cur) aka Kurnath: Man of Loulea, formerly from the south. Reflects ironic naming practices of Straux [OF ill'bred dog, perh. from FM grumbler]

Landam, House of (Lan-dam): One of the four great houses of the First Men [FM house of earth]

Lankangas, the (Lan-kan-guz): Ten feudal cities of southeastern Firanes unwilling to accept leadership of King of Firanes [FI long plain]

Laya (Lay-uh): Pei-ratin girl who died of a sickness in her bones [P frond]

Leith Mahnumsen (Leeth): Younger son of Mahnum of Loulea and Indrett of Rammr. Name carries sense of putting aside the past [CT forgetful, lethargic]

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