The Redemption (Charlotte Bloom Book 2) (17 page)

BOOK: The Redemption (Charlotte Bloom Book 2)
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I disrobed and slowly walked into the shower. The warm, steady stream of water seemed to clear my head a bit, and the pounding in my skull lessened. I smiled thinking of the time Alec took a shower with me, and what had proceeded to happen after—the quickie in his bedroom. It had been all about my pleasure. No one had ever done that for me. I was a lucky woman.

I shampooed quickly and got out, basking in one of the large, fluffy towels on the towel rack. Ennis has equipped the bathrooms with the softest, most luxurious towels I’d ever felt. In fact, the whole house was like this—not ostentatious, not flaunting its wealth, but simple, deluxe, the best of the best… my kind of house.

I dried my hair with the blowdryer and slipped into the bedroom, where I proceeded to change into a pair of black skinny jeans and a simple white blouse. I clipped my hair up haphazardly. I glanced at Alec. He was still sound asleep. It was past eight in the morning, and my stomach grumbled loudly. I grabbed my phone, threw on some socks, swiped on some mascara and blush, and headed downstairs to call Mary.

I was still slightly pissed off at her. That she would even suggest that Alec had wanted to propose to me when she wasn’t entirely sure. It had been infiltrating my mind lately, especially the past day, seeing how compatible we actually were when we didn’t have an end date. Now that I was convinced it wasn’t a vacation fling, everything felt more real; more intense. I was also slightly embarrassed for thinking he would propose so soon.

Ennis was nowhere to be found, so I walked to the kitchen, made a quick cup of coffee, and headed into the library to call Mary. She picked up on the second ring.

“Please tell me Alec is with you,” she breathed, her voice thick and sleepy.

“Oh yes, he’s here. He’s still asleep.”

“How did everything go?”

“Great! Except… you were wrong about the proposal.”

“I’m never wrong!” she hissed, and I heard her whisper something to Henry. I’d probably woken them up.

“Well he told me that he came to L.A. to get closure. He was going to say goodbye.” I didn’t mean to sound accusatory, but I felt hurt and betrayed. Why would she tell me something like that if she wasn’t 100% sure?

“Well, he lied to you then. I was so certain—”

“But did you have proof?” I sighed, and I heard her do the same. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to sound like such a bitch. It doesn’t matter anyways. Things are back to normal with us.”

“I’m glad to hear it. He really missed you.”

“I know. I still feel awful.”

“Well, I’m sure you’re making it up to him,” she laughed.

“Of course,” I giggled. “How are you?”

“Better now that I know you’re coming back to Wales. For good.”

My heart sped up. I’d been so busy trying to win Alec back that I hadn’t really thought about what our future looked like. It was a no-brainer, but the possibility of a life here, in the U.K. with Alec, made me so happy. I grinned.

“I’m not leaving this time,” I said quietly.

“Can I count you in for the holiday party, then?”

“When is it?” I’d totally spaced.

“Tomorrow! You guys
to come.”

“I’m not sure how long Alec is planning on staying, but I’ll ask him today.”

We sat on the phone for a moment, silent and content.

“I’m really glad you two worked things out,” Mary said. “How did it happen? I didn’t even ask you—was he in Ireland when you got there?”

I explained everything in full detail, and we discussed the rules (“That’s
Alec!”) and our drunken night at the pub yesterday (“FI-NAL-LY!” Mary exclaimed). I told her I’d check with Alec about the Christmas party and we said our goodbyes.

I’d forgotten how much I missed talking to Mary. I was baffled that it was already December 20
. Christmas was five days away. It was so weird to think that last Christmas, Harry and I had celebrated together. So much could happen in a year…

I’d known that I’d made the right decision for some time now. At first, I hadn’t been sure. But then I had met Alec, Mary, Katie, and everyone else at the Parc and I knew these people were meant to be in my life. Harry and I had not been happy—I could see that now that I’d felt true happiness. We had been the perfect, cookie-cutter couple for a while. Trying to bring a baby into the world had only solidified our problems and my doubts about us. It’d taken a few months for me to completely come to terms with it, but I knew now, without a doubt, that Alec was the man for me. I was so grateful that I’d gotten a second chance.

It was almost nine now. Surely, Alec was awake. I texted Amara and promised to call her ASAP. It was midnight there, and she was probably already asleep.

Hey, Mar. All is well here. Alec and I are together. Things are great! I’ve never been happier. How sad would you be if I moved to Wales?

I sent it off quickly, hoping she would respond. I grinned when I saw her response. She must still be awake.

Well, considering you’re probably going to marry the guy and have a million babies, I’d expect nothing less. Just make sure you have a guesthouse built for me.

I wrote back.

Of course. A guesthouse for you is a given. Tell Sam I’m sorry. I’ll have to put in my two weeks. And I’ll have to get help packing up my apartment.

I waited for her to respond.

I told you, IT WAS A PITY JOB! Created for you because I begged him to do you a favor. Consider your two weeks entered. Will you be coming back to L.A. at least?

I responded.

Yes, I’ll be back, hopefully with Alec so that you can meet him.

She wrote back immediately.

Good! I’ll need to meet the man who will be kidnapping you and forcing you to live 5,000 miles away.

I sent a quick goodnight text and got up, ready to wake Alec.








“Of course we’re going to the Christmas party,” Alec said sleepily, grabbing me as I slunk down next to him. I’d just woken him up. “I’d been planning on it. Besides, I know everyone wants to see you.”

“I just wanted to make sure, you know, with your mom and everything.”

“I’ll be back soon, don’t worry. She will be fine. I promise. We can have a goodbye dinner tonight.”

I sunk down further so that I was hugging him. He kissed my forehead and I felt myself come apart a little bit at the sight of his messy bedhead and bare chest.

“OK, if you’re sure,” I murmured as his lips traveled down to my cheek. “We should probably talk about us,” I breathed as he nibbled my ear. I let out an audible moan. “Our future,” I said slowly, softly, as his lips grazed my jawline. I squirmed, adjusting my position.

“We’ll talk later,” he demanded. “I love morning sex with you,” he purred, unbuttoning my blouse torturously slow. I lay on the bed as he slowly undressed me, smiling as I reacted to his touch, even the slightest brush of his fingers against my shoulder, my thigh, my stomach…

“But it can’t be all about the sex,” I whispered as he dragged my pants off from the edge of the bed.

“It won’t be,” he grumbled. “Stop talking. We can spend the whole day talking, if that’s what you want. But right now, I just want to make love to you, Charlotte Bloom.”

“Alec…” I trailed off, wondering what I was trying to say, but all was forgotten as Alec breathed near my inner thigh, taking my underwear off with his teeth. I shivered.

I supposed it was a lost cause.








After we’d had our fill of each other (twice), we got fixed up and headed down to breakfast. Ennis was preparing crepes with Nutella by the smell of it. I could’ve died and gone to heaven.

“Morning, mum,” Alec said, walking over to his mother and kissing her on the cheek.

“Well, you’re sure in a good mood,” she grinned, winking at me. I tried to hide my blush by looking down at my second cup of coffee.

“We’re off tomorrow. Back to Wales.”

“You’re not staying for Christmas?” she cried, turning around to face him. I chimed in.

“I for one would love to stay,” gesturing to the house. “I’m sure Christmas is beautiful here. And I bet it’ll be a white Christmas. My
white Christmas,” I added. “We should stay, Alec,” I whined.

It was true. I loved Ireland already, and the house already felt like home. I hated to think that I was prying Alec away from his mother, especially since Aedan wasn’t around anymore. It was Christmas, for crying out loud.

“Actually, we have a party to attend,” Alec said, eyeing me with a mischievous glint in his eyes. “The Parc is throwing a massive party, and we said we’d be there. I’m sorry, mum. But after that, we’re headed back to Los Angeles to help Charlotte pack up, so I’m sure you’ll be seeing much more of her. Of
,” he said, enunciating
I grinned at him.

“Oh, alright,” she conceded. “I’ll ring Stephen and Fiona to see if they can join us for dinner tonight. And Charlotte,” she said, walking over to hug me, “I’m so glad you’re staying in the U.K.”

I hugged her tightly, smiling.

“I’m so happy. I hope we can see you more than four times a year,” I suggested, meeting Alec’s eyes with my very own mischievous glint.

We all ate merrily as it snowed outside. I had two helpings of Nutella crepes, which Ennis had dusted with powdered sugar and fresh cut strawberries. It might’ve been the best thing I’d ever eaten. Afterwards, I helped Ennis clean up as Alec showered, and then we headed to the library to finish
, as we hadn’t finished it at Giant’s Causeway.

When we were done, we went up to Alec’s room for a quickie, and it was there that we took a two-hour nap. It had gotten darker out as we emerged from our blissful dreamland, and we cuddled underneath Alec’s blankets as the snow continued to fall outside.

“So, what did you want to talk about earlier?” Alec asked, looking at me vulnerably, his eyes wide and curious.

“Just… what we’re doing. Where will we live? Do I need a visa? Where will I work? Will we go back to L.A. soon? Do you need to go back to work soon?” I said, listing just the things I had continuously thought about over the past few days.

“Let’s have a discussion, then,” he said matter-of-factly. “Do you want to move to Wales, or do you want me to move to L.A.?”

“Wait, what? You would move to L.A.?”

“Would you be there?”

“Yes, obviously… that’s a stupid ques—”

“OK then. Wherever you want to go, I will go.”

“Oh,” I breathed. “I want to live in Wales.”

I’d known this for some time. Swansea and the surrounding areas had begun to feel like home, and it was a no-brainer.

“OK. So we’ll live in Wales,” he said. “I’ll keep an eye out for a place to live.”

“I guess I can work at the Parc. I’m sure Helen and George will find something for me to do.”

“And they can sponsor your visa,” he said, nodding as I smiled. “You can apply for the visa when you get back to the States. I’ll go with you. We’ll get your life sorted. I can meet your parents, your friends, see where
grew up... I took a month’s vacation. I was supposed to take one this summer but I didn’t want to leave the Parc, especially since this
, this crazy, redheaded woman, swept me off of my feet.”

I smiled, and breathed in his scent under the heavy covers. The air was thick with sweet, milky breath.

“I think we should have all future serious conversations in bed, under the covers,” I said, laughing.

“So, what else is there?”

I thought about it for a minute.

“Will you spend Christmas with me?”

He laughed and grabbed my face gently, kissing it all over.

“Charlotte, you are maddening. We’re talking about our future, moving in together, and starting a life here, and you ask me if we’re spending Christmas together?”

“I want to spend it at the Parc,” I said honestly.

My answer surprised me. I hadn’t been thinking it, but now that I said it out loud, it was perfect. I pictured Mary and me dancing around in our pajamas underneath a giant tree in the lobby, eating Helen’s beef stew or roast turkey, going horseback riding with Alec if the weather permitted, and drinking beer at Henry and Mary’s pub down the road. Yes. It was exactly what I wanted.

“OK. Then we’ll go back tomorrow for the party, and stay a few days for Christmas. Then we’ll head back to L.A. and get you all sorted out.”

“OK. Done and done.” I kissed his nose. “That was easy. Lunch?”

“I think it’s time for dinner,” Alec muttered, peaking out of his covers at his clock. “Yep. Five. Let’s get ourselves decent and head down, yeah?” He kissed my forehead and uncovered us, sending a cool whoosh of air across my naked body. “Stephen and Fiona will be here soon.”

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