The Red Moon: Moon Rising (8 page)

BOOK: The Red Moon: Moon Rising
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happened last night?" I asked, still confused about what Mrs.
Hawks said the night before. "Don't worry about it Mia,


everything's fine." He replied, leaning back into the couch.


"What do you mean don't worry about it. I came home to a


totally trashed house. Look around dad, in case you didn't notice


the pictures are all broken, the pillows on the love seat is torn,


there's knife marks running down the wall. Now what the hell


happened here last night?
Lily was scared out of her mind and so


was I." I snapped, at his reluctance to tell me. He just sat there not


even looking at me.


"Like I said Mia; don't worry about it, and everything's fine."


He said, with a very stern look on his face. "Fine, don't tell me.


After all you didn't even take time to tell me that my mother would


be coming to my graduation; I don't know why I thought you would


tell me about last night anyway." I snapped, as I made my way


toward the stairs. I went to my bedroom and slammed the door


behind of me.


I sat on my bed with my eyes closed tightly feeling every bit of


anger that I had felt yesterday. I could feel the anger growing, and


growing, like a balloon; it felt like I was going to pop. I felt an


overwhelming feeling of frustration and confusion building as well.


It was that same energy that I felt yesterday when my mom and
James showed up. I could feel the air in my room getting thick and


cold, as my body grew hot like I was burning up.


I felt the room suddenly begin to fill with a breeze just like it


did yesterday. My hair began to flutter around again like the fan


was switched on. I didn't open my eyes to see if the window was


still open, I was too upset.
Pictures of yesterday started to play in


my head; as if someone was flipping through the pages of a


picture book; sending my emotions into a spiral.


I saw my mother laughing and hold James' hand.
I saw her


long thick red hair, that made me look like her. The more I thought


about it the more the energy built, and as the energy built the wind


got stronger like the fan was on high. The air got colder and


thicker like I was sitting in a dense fog in the middle of the forest.


My body grew hotter, as if I had a fever.


I began to get a little scared, but the anger was way too


overwhelming. I could feel a slight shake beneath my bed, and yet


still I refused to open my eyes fearing what I might see. Then I


thought about Jon; his soft lips kissing mine; his warm hands


running over my arms; his tight hug that brought my body closer to


his. I didn't feel so angry anymore, and the energy began to


subside a little.
I slowly opened my eyes as the wind in the room began to


disappear and the shaking underneath my bed stopped; and I


found my dad standing there in front of me, just staring at me.


"Mia, what are you doing?" He demanded angrily. "What?" I


snapped back. I looked around my room, and noticed that my


pillows were on the floor and the papers that sat on my desk had


been flown around my room.
I looked at the window and noticed


that the window was completely shut and the lock was in place.


I jumped off the bed pulling my hair away from my face.


"Damn it." Dad said, still angry looking at my bed. I followed his


gaze onto my bed and saw that my chard bed sheets.
"Dad?" I


said, even more confused and scared than I was before.


going on?" I asked looking down at my sweaty palms.
"Come with


me baby." He said calmly, as he took me by my hand.
We went


down the steps where Lily stood quietly. "We'll be back."
said, as he hurried pass Lily. "Alright." She looked at us worriedly.

Dad and I drove around for awhile in complete silence. We
never spoke to each other either. I just sat quietly with my hands
folded on my lap. I thought about Tucker and his quick exit this
morning; I thought about what just happened in my bedroom. I felt
confused and I desperately wanted answers; but from who.
would have answers for me if my dad wouldn't tell me.

As we drove around town I wondered where my dad was


taking me. We drove for a bit longer and then I realized that we


were now headed towards uncle Tom's house. We pulled into his


long driveway, that led to a small brown log house; it was


surrounded with old dead bushes and tall grass. It was a house


that you would never know was there; it was in the middle of


Surrounded by only forest, his only neighbors was


about 10 miles down the road, in either direction. We stopped just


short of a porch that was totally overgrown with weeds.
Dad jumped out of the truck and disappeared around the back


of the house. I just sat there, wondering what was I doing here.


Shortly after dad and uncle Tom came to the corner of the house.


"Mia; come on, get out of the truck." Dad called out, as he waited


for me while talking with uncle Tom. I slowly got out of the truck,


still confused; still scared, not knowing what was going on with me


and why I was even here.


I slowly walked over to them. "Hi again." I said, looking at the


ground. "Hum... Well Mia looks like we all need to sit down hum?"


Uncle Tom laughed pointing to Tucker's truck that was parked in


the back yard. "Tucker?" I said, even more confused than I was


just a minute ago. "Dad; Mia." Tucker called out from inside the


"Yup, looks like we all need to sit down and talk a little."


Uncle Tom said, pulling up his baggy pants.


We all slowly walked over toward the back steps. I noticed


that there was a big fire burning in a large stoned pit way in the


back of the yard. There was huge logs placed around the pit, and


a small little hut not to far away from the pit. The back yard wasn't


as badly overgrown as the front, but it was still full of high grass


and dead bushes everywhere. There were even a few busted old


cars piled in the corner.
We stepped into his house and the smell
of burning pine trees stunk up the entire house. I crinkled my nose


at the stench, and squeezed it tightly. "Sorry Mia; I know the smell


is a bit much, especially for a girl; but this is how I keep my place


warm." He said pointing to a small metal stove that sat in the


corner of the house. "I don't get much visitor's so I'm used to the


smell; besides why buy oil if I got wood right outside, right." He


laughed. "Um; yeah I guess." I replied still holding my nose.


Tucker sat at the end of a small old dusty couch.
"Tuck, what


are you doing here?" I asked looking around.
"Well, I guess I


could ask you the very same thing." He said with a smile.


“I'm not sure."
I replied shrugging my shoulders.


I sat down slow so I wouldn't disturb the dust that was built up


on the old covers.
Uncle Tom started in on his questions quick.


"Mia, let me ask you a question. Do you remember much about


when you were young? Like do you remember your


grandparents?" Uncle Tom asked with a serious look in his eyes.


He sat down on a small wooden stool beside his old iron stove.


"Yeah, I remember them, why wouldn't I?" I asked rather


annoyed with that question.
"No, Mia do you remember what it


was like. Um, maybe things
that they might have told you about


the Weeping Mountains perhaps?" He asked quickly.
"Well I remember some stuff but not a lot. I remember that


they always told us stories about the mountains, I remember that


they always made us do obstacle courses and stuff. Um...
I used


to walk in the forest a lot with grandma to pick berries and herbs.


I demanded, as I began to get very suspicious. "Some of


the stuff they told us well, some of it was real." Tucker said softly.


"What? They told us stories Tucker." I said, as I turned to look at


him. "No Mia they weren't just stories well not everything." He




"Mia, what happened today in your room?" Uncle Tom asked


now sitting at the edge of his old small wooden stool. "Tell him


Mia; tell him the truth." Dad said softly as he tried to encourage


me. "Well I really don't know what happened. All I know is; is that I


was think about what happened last night and yesterday and I got


really angry because dad wouldn't tell me anything ; he just left me


in the dark and I; I don't know. The next thing I knew dad came to


my room, yelled at me and here we are." I blurted out angrily.


"Tom she's experiencing some of the signs of the change, but


this is too soon." Dad said leaning over to uncle Tom. "What


changes?" I demanded, cutting them both off. "Like this." Tucker


said, as he squeezed his hand into a fist and a short swirl of wind
formed right above it; like I could actually see the air rotating


around his fist like a energy force field of some sort. I jumped back


fast freaked out at the very sight.


"What the hell." I said loudly. "Mia, what do you really r


remember about your mom?" Uncle Tom continued with his stupid


while he and dad totally ignored what just took place. I


looked at dad and uncle Tom very confused; I know they just saw


that. I could feel the frustration building up in me. I think they could


sense it because uncle Tom sat back in his chair. "Alright, ok." He


said. He and dad got up and walked outside, leaving me and


Tucker there in the small smelly living room.


"Tuck, what the hell was that?" I demanded. "Mia; you


wouldn't believe me if I told you." He replied looking down at his


hands. "What?" I said. "Yeah, last night something happened


when I got to the hospital and luckily uncle Tom was with me. He


told me that it could have ended up a whole lot worse if he wasn't."


He said, still looking at his hands.


"Tell me Tucker, why won't anyone tell me anything." I


demanded. I could feel the frustration still growing, then it started


to turn to anger. I could feel that energy again, the burning in my


veins; the tick cold air growing around me. "Mia, you have to
relax." He said, with both hands on my shoulders.


" But; but I can't relax Tucker; I'm trying." I said, as I felt the


energy building even more.
"Dad." Tucker called out. "Ah shit." I


heard uncle Tom say as he ran into the living room. "Hey." He


said, slapping me across my face; as if to snap me out of it. But he


shouldn't have done that.


My blood pumped harder through my veins, my body began


to burn again like I had a fever that kept getting higher. The air in


the room grew thicker and thicker, until there was a dense cloud of


fog in room blocking the sight of the old dusty floor; I could barely


see in front of me. Sudden gusts of wind began to blow throughout


the house; a wind so strong it felt like it was gonna topple the


house over. Suddenly the entire house began to shake.


I felt my heart beating faster and faster until finally uncle Tom


was caught by the wind let go of my shoulders as he flew across


the room. Dad tried to grab hold my hands; that were tightly


closed into fists; but he flew across the room too. Tucker took


cover behind the old couch. "Dad, what's happening?" I said,


afraid of what was going on; afraid of the feeling that had


overcome me.
"Mia, baby you need to relax." Dad yelled out.


"Dad; I can't; I'm trying." I called out reaching my hands out for
him; I suddenly began to float up from the couch.


Gusts of wind swirled beneath me, as I got closer to the


ceiling of the house. I felt my head shoot straight up toward the


roof; it was like someone grabbed my head and held it facing


upward toward the ceiling of the house; as the most unbelievable


heat flowed out of my mouth. "Grab her before she burns this


house down." I heard uncle Tom scream out.


In one full motion Tucker jumped off the floor and he speared me


to the ground. I didn't know what was happening, it felt like all the


air in my body was gone.
It felt like I was floating in complete


darkness, listening to the sounds of everything around me.


"David, I'm gonna call the counsel together. You stay here


and make sure she doesn't burn down my house." He said,


nervously. "Tucker sit with your sister." Dad said, as he went


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