The Red Moon: Moon Rising (3 page)

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to pop." Nadia asked trying to look over the crowd of people; most


likely trying to get another glimpse of the mysterious couple. "You


seemed pretty upset." She continued, still trying to see over


everyone. "Yeah, but I'm fine now." I said as I let Katie's little


legs down to run around.


"That was my mother and her new husband." I said finally.


"Wait, what, say that again. That was your mom." She said in


complete surprise. "Yup, you heard me right. That was my mom." I


repeated. "Loren, Mia's here." She called out. Nadia seemed to
always find away to talk about something else when she wasn't


interested anymore. I guess that was just her thing; if it didn't


involve her then she really didn't want to know. Loren appeared


out of the crowd holding a small box.


"Hey Mia; Katie found you I see." She said pointing at the


feather that hung behind my ear. Her small stature fit her pink


fitted dress perfectly. Looking at her you wouldn't even think that


she had a daughter. Physically she looked great, splitting image of


Nadia just shorter. Although, I will say that Loren was much more


well liked by people, she was someone who truly cared about




"Here, Mia, this is for you." She said, handing me the small


box. "What is it?" I asked taking the box in one hand and pulling at


the bow with the other. "The girls wanted to get you both


something for graduation. I think they chose well." She replied with


a smile on her face.
I slowly lifted the cover to reveal a beautiful


gold ring; shaped as a rose with a small red ruby in the middle.


"Oh my, this is beautiful." I said, admiring it's shine in the box.


I carefully took the ring out and held it up to the sun; the ruby


glimmered in the light. "It's absolutely lovely." I said, as I continued


staring at it watching it, glimmering in the sunlight. "Thank you;
thank you, very much; I love it." I said, with a smile as I slipped it


over my finger.
I watched it twinkling in the sunlight as I turned


my hand from side to side.


"Of course, you deserve it. You both do." Lila said, stepping


Lila was the next in line to be captain of the squad.


Nadia picked her just a few nights ago after practice. She wasn't


very tall but she did know a lot about gymnastics’.
She was pretty,


with shoulder length black hair, small slender face with green


eyes. Her family was one of the only Asian families in Hillside.


"Look, this is mine." Nadia said, lifting her hand, presenting her


own ring to be adorned. "Wow, that's nice." I said looking at her


heart shaped ring with a diamond in the middle. The diamond fit


her perfectly, always sparkling at every chance that she was




"Yours was easy Mia; we all knew that we should get you a


rose ring, with a red ruby. Look it matches your roses, the colors


and all." Lila pointed out with a smile, while pointing at my bunch


of roses, now tucked tightly under my arm. "Oh yeah, I forgot I had


these." I said, with a slight laugh. "Thank you Lila; thank you to all


of you for such a wonderful gift." I said, looking around at the small


group of girls now surrounding both Nadia and I.
"We'll miss you
guys." Nadia explained. "Remember all of you, if you ever need


help for anything, we will always be around to help." Nadia


continued, as everyone leaned in for a group hug. The smell of


perfume mixed well with each other, as the smell of berries filled


the air surrounding our little circle.


"Hey Mia, come on it's time to go. Dad already left so you're


going to have to ride with me." Tucker said, from behind the group


of girls. "Oh, alright. I'm coming." I said, looking around, making


sure I didn't forget to hug anyone. My heart started to feel sad


knowing that this could very well be the last time I get to hug them.


"Hey Tuck. I didn't see you at the ceremony; were you in


there?" Nadia asked; now turning all her attention to Tucker.


Nadia always had a thing for my brother but he never showed any


interest in her. I didn't understand why, I mean I think she was his


type but he never responded to any of her advances. Which in a


way was kind of funny I guess. She was so used to getting


everything she wanted; but she never managed to bag my


brother. I kind of laughed to myself at the thought.


"Yup, I was there and I wouldn't have missed it at all." He


replied wrapping his huge arms around my neck. "So are you


going to Jim's party tonight Mia?" She said, still staring hard at
Tucker. "What about you Tucker, will you be there?" She asked,


with her puppy dog eyes. "Um, yeah, I guess we'll both be there.


So come on Mia, got lot's to do before the party." He said tugging


me backwards.
I got the feeling that he wanted out of there as


fast. I chuckled just thinking about it. "I know; I know." I said with a


smirk. "Alright guys; I'll see you all tonight." I said, right before


Tucker spun me around and pulled me through the crowd. "Geez."


I said, pulling my arm out of his tight grip.


"Dad invited mom and James to dinner tonight."
He said, as


we slowed our walk toward his truck. It was rather nice truck, for a


guy of his age. With all the off-road adventures offered here at


Hillside you would almost expect his truck to have more than a


few small dings, just as everyone else did; but nope not Tucker's;


aside from a little dent here and there, it was still in pretty good


"What? Why" I said, surprised at my angry tone. "Don't


know, but she asked if we'd like to have dinner with them first,


then dad gave them an invite." He answered, shrugging his




"Don't you think there's something wrong about that? I mean


she shows up like, years later; with a new husband for that matter.


She must have some kind of nerve to do this, let alone agree to
come to our house for dinner, even if dad invited her. She should


have said no." I began.
"Well, I'd like to think she just wants to try


to make things right." He said cutting me off, in her defense. "Yeah


right; by showing up today. Yeah; that will fix everything."
I said


as I hopped into the truck.


"Are we really going to Jim's party tonight?" I asked, placing


the roses on the seat next to me. "Um yeah; I thought you wanted


to go. By the way where did you get those?" He asked, pointing at


the roses. "Oh yeah; I go them from Jon via Steve." I said, with a


chuckled looking down at the beautiful flowers.
"Jon huh. Yeah, I


did run into the boys out front earlier while the ceremony was


going on. Um; so what's that?" He asked, with his eyes fixed on


my hand. "Oh yeah, I got this from the squad. Isn't it pretty?


got one too but she got a diamond." I said, as I lifted my hand up


so the sun would catch the ruby, twinkling red beams of light into


his eyes. "Ah; well when you're ready to cash it in, I know of a few


guys who would pay some good money for precious gems." He


laughed, as he started his truck and headed toward the school


exit. "Yeah right Tuck in your dreams." I laughed back, holding on


as he made a sharp turn out of the school.


At that very moment I couldn't help but tear; as an
overwhelming feeling of sadness passed through my heart. This


was the last time that I would leave this school as a student.


took a long hard star at the school, it's old buildings, old football


and track field.
I even caught a glance of some teachers crying


with students.
It felt weird to see all of my classmates still saying


their goodbye's; as the reality of growing up sunk in.


I really didn't care for my mom, nor did I really care for her


new husband. I really didn't know either of them. I was never a


person who judged a book by it's cover, because that is what I


was taught since I was a kid; but I guess because James was with


my mother it was automatic that I felt this way about him. Maybe it


was the way he looked, or even the way she looked at him with


that twinkle in her eyes. My dad always told me that it was


important to never judge someone without even giving them a




I guess I could be more open to meeting him, or the both of


them for that matter. I mean he never did anything to me, well


directly at least. But there was just something about him that I


didn't like.
Maybe I was jealous or something; I don't know,


perhaps I was just jumping to conclusions and he really was a


nice guy. Perhaps I shouldn't hold my mother's faults against him;
after all he wasn't around when she left us anyway. I thought, as I


gazed out the open window, admiring the passing trees.


We got home a little before six o'clock and dad's truck was


already there.
I could tell that Lily was just about done with


dinner. The entire house smelled like broiled steaks and


potatoes; with a heavy scent of garlic and black peppers; needless


to say the house smelled great.
My dad met Lily about two years


ago, but it was like they were meant to be together. They were


always goofing around, making each other laugh, and playing


jokes on each other.
Although we never heard them say it in front


of us; we did see it often; Tucker and I knew that they were in




"We're home." I announced; as I swung the old screen door


open, letting it hit the back wall hard. I shrugged my shoulders in


hopes that it wouldn't break. I smiled at the thought, that it might.


"Mia. Congratulations." Lily said, as she put down the napkins on


the table and hurried over toward me; in her cute yellow sun dress


with huge flowers surrounding the bottom, I always thought she


looked like a sunflower when she wore it. I chuckled softly to


myself as it crossed my mind.


Lily was a very kind lady. She wasn't very tall in fact she was
about the same height as me.
She had short brown hair that she


always wore down, and it was always brushed perfectly, pulled


behind of the ears. Her light peach colored lips matched her pale


colored skin and her round light brown eyes. She was my dads


complete opposite; I guess that's why they made such a great


Although, when the arguments started, kindness, went


out the window and she always won the fight. I smiled every time I


heard them arguing.


I took notice immediately, that there were three extra seats at


the table, but the smell of the food grabbed my attention quickly.


She put her arms around me and gave me a big hug, squeezing


me a little. "You go on and freshen up, your dad said that we're


going to have some guests tonight." She said as she spun around


and headed back into the kitchen. "We sure are." I murmured.


"Yeah; that sounds good." Tucker called out slamming the screen


door shut making his way toward the steps.


"Hey, I don't think so. I'm first." I yelled, now running toward


the step. I pushed Tucker on the side as we both reach the stairs


at the same time. Tucker tumbled over dad's work shoes that


always sat at the bottom of the steps. "I'm the graduate, I'm first." I


said laughing, hurrying up the steps. "Yeah, yeah. This won't be
the case come tomorrow Mia, you can count on that." He said,


also laughing, with his sarcastic tone. "Hey; hey you two stop it.


I'm so going to miss this; when you two are all grown with your


own children doing the same exact thing; I'm so going to laugh at


you both." Lily called out from the kitchen laughing hysterically.


My brother and I were always really close. All our lives it was


just my dad, Tucker and I, until Lily got added into the mix.


never really tried to be the step mom, she was more like an older


sister or an older friend who just so happened to be with my dad.


Dad always tried his best to do what he could for us, but it really


wasn't much. We had what we needed, but couldn't always get


what we wanted. But in the end; Tucker and I were just fine with


that. Lily made things a whole lot easier when she came into the


family. She really helped me out a lot; household chores, laundry,


shopping; not to mention being there for me.


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