The Red and the White: A Family Saga of the American West (55 page)

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Authors: Andrew R. Graybill

Tags: #History, #Native American, #United States, #19th Century

BOOK: The Red and the White: A Family Saga of the American West
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in Indian culture, 279
white-Indian exchange of, 40

Glacier National Park, 205, 213, 216, 217, 222

conflicting visions for, 182–83
establishment of, 146, 178, 181–82,
, 200
N.Y. tourist promotion for, 187
renaming of landscape features at, 193–94
tourism at, 182–83, 187–88, 189–90, 225

Glacier Park Lodge, 6, 146–47,
, 183, 211, 217, 220, 223, 235

glaciers, glaciation,
, 177

Glencoe massacre (Scotland), 138

gold, lust for, 85–89, 92, 206, 266

Good Singing (Akseniski), 92–93

Grant, Johnny, 84

Grant, Ulysses S., 55, 93, 132, 273, 274, 275

“peace policy” of, 134–35

Grasshopper Creek, 86

Gray Eyes, 108

Gray Wolf, 123–24

Great Depression, 227, 231, 241

Great Falls, Mont., 121, 196, 200, 210, 215

Great Falls Leader Daily
, 186

Great Falls Tribune
, 186

Great Lakes, 20, 27, 33, 45, 48, 58, 84

Great Northern Railway, 6–7, 181–82,
, 187, 204, 212, 213, 222

debate over Rocky Mountain goat logo of, 211, 289

Grinnell, George Bird, 4, 177, 181–82, 194, 284

Gros Ventres, 96

Guggenheim, Mrs. Isaac, 183


in beaver hunting, 27
Indian culture transformed by, 24–25, 41

Guy Mannering
(D. Terry), 157

haberdashery, 27, 39

Hagler, Lindsay, 55–56, 70–71, 75, 260

Haiti, 11

Half-Breed, The
(Whitman), 82–83

“half-breed,” use of term, 7, 82–84, 154, 162

Halligan, Father, 192

Halvorson, Clara, 202

Hamilton, Alf, 148

Hardie, James A., 116–17

Harding, Warren G., 197

Harper’s Weekly
, 133

Harrison, Benjamin, 171

Harrison, William Henry, 20

Hartford, Conn., 201

Harvey, Alexander, 75–78, 81, 89, 91, 92, 260

HBC blanket, 28, 251

Heavy Runner, 108–9, 129, 145, 150

Baker’s attack on,
107, 119
, 121, 125–27, 147
in heirs’ compensation claim, 148–51
mistaken identity and death of, 125–27, 148, 150, 161

Helena, Mont., 1–3, 87, 92, 97, 103, 104, 105, 110, 112, 117, 121, 151, 185, 201

J. L. Clarke’s carving demonstration and sale in, 219, 239
State Capitol at, 236

Helena Daily Herald
, 130, 161

Helena grade school, 159, 193

Helena Woman’s Club, 211

Helen Lake, 194

Henday, Anthony, 28

Henry (Helen Clarke’s lover), 160–61, 169

Hidatsas, 16, 25–26

Highwood, Mont., 199

Highwood Mountains, 146

Hilger, David,
, 151–52

Hill, Louis W., 181–84, 187, 190, 204–5, 212

J. L. Clarke’s commissioned work for, 211

Hispanic Society of America, 220, 222

Hitler, Adolf, 218

Hooker, Joseph, 116

horse racing, 90


Indian culture transformed by, 22–25,
, 41, 229
theft of, 16, 17, 23–25, 94, 99, 100, 108, 129, 148
wealth measured in, 24–25, 56, 94, 148

House of Representatives, U.S., 166

army appropriations bill in, 140
Crockett in, 69
in Indian affairs, 132–33, 135–37

Houston, Sam, 69, 70, 71

Houston Volunteer Guards, 71

Hudson River, 20, 45, 54, 65

Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC), 17, 27–29, 33, 48, 250

Huntley, Chet, 236

Illinois, 19, 20, 40

Imata-Koan (Little Dog), 216–17

immigrants, 34, 119, 208, 209

Indiana, 19

Indian Affairs Bureau, 133–34

Indian art:

blossoming of interest in, 225
collectors of, 216–17
government support for, 227–28, 231
in New Deal, 228

“Indian craze,” 216–17, 226

Indian head icon, 215

“Indian informants,” 234

Indian New Deal, 227

Indian Reorganization Act (1934), 223

Indian ring, 133, 135


anthropological studies of, 233–35, 242–44
brutality toward, 128
brutal vengeance of, 63–65
dedication to traditions and old ways of, 193–94, 223,
, 234–35
deleterious effects of gold rush upon, 86, 88–89
diplomatic missions to, 107–9, 117, 121
dispossession of, 6, 62, 96, 137, 284;
see also
allotment policy
eroding autonomy of, 41
forced assimilation of, 167, 185, 225, 231
in fur trade, 17, 33, 35–36, 35, 62
government duplicity toward, 89, 133, 134, 171–72, 178, 180–81, 210, 223, 242
government policy toward, 96–97, 109, 134–38, 166–81, 225, 231
during Great Depression, 227
as local color, 183, 217, 223
in Louisiana Purchase, 12
marriage customs of, 46–48, 51, 53
racism against, 94, 114, 131, 138–39, 154–55, 163, 186, 189, 197, 214–15
rivalries and warfare among, 23–26, 31, 43–45, 62–65, 96–97
romanticizing and fetishizing of, 190–91, 205, 216, 235
self-determination goal of, 231
sign language of, 204
starvation of, 113, 177, 178, 180, 185
whites compared to, 18
see also specific tribes

“Indians, The” (Child), 138–39

Indian Territory, in allotment, 172,
172, 175
, 179, 201

Indian Wars, 2, 110, 138, 162

see also specific battles and incidents

influenza, 4

Interior Department, U.S.:

in allotments, 179–80, 189
in compensation claim for Marias Massacre, 148–49, 151
in transfer initiative, 134–37, 140


laws against, 263
among Spanish and French, 255
white-black, 81

intermarriage, white-Indian, vii, 2, 3,
, 108

abandonment of wives in, 80, 85
as common in West, 5, 9, 48, 49–50, 81
condemnation of, 9, 48, 49, 81–85
fur trade and, 48–50
love matches in, 50
misperceptions about, 82–83
political, social, and economic benefits of, 49–50, 51
shifting social perceptions of, 83–84
social hierarchy in, 50

International Exhibit of Fine and Applied Arts by Deaf Artists, 220

Irish, 34, 267

Itomot’ahpi Pikun’i (Big Bend; Killed Off the Piegans), 127

Ives, George, 159

Jackson, Andrew, 42, 45, 56–57, 66, 69, 137, 259

Jackson, Rachel, 66, 259

Jackson, Thomas “Stonewall,” 54–55

Jefferson, Thomas:

expansionist goal of, 11–14
grid system proposal of, 19
in Louisiana Purchase, 11–12, 15, 19
racism toward African Americans by, 49
support of white-Indian intermarriage by, vii, 48

Jefferson River, 30

Jesuits, 78, 92, 143

John L. Clarke Western Art Gallery and Memorial Museum, 239–40,

Johns, William “Billy,”
, 151

John Two Guns White Calf (Two Guns), 222–24,

Joseph, Chief, 162


of Kurz, 90
of Lewis and Clark, 14

Kah-ta-Nah, 77

Kainahs (Bloods; many chiefs), 14

Kansas City, Mo., 153

keelboats, 38–39, 77

Kent (dog), 202

Kentucky, 19

Kills-on-the-Edge (Mary Monroe), 148

Kipp, Darrell Robes, 178, 284

Kipp, James, 37–39

racially mixed marriage of, 50, 80, 117,
, 256

Kipp, Joe, 116–17, 119, 123, 127, 165

decline and death of, 147–48
eulogy for, 163
Marias Massacre testimony of, 147–49
mistaken identity of, 125–26, 143–44,
, 146

Kipp, Richard “Dick,” 147–49

(beaver), 26

Kurz, Rudolph Friederich, 51, 90

Kutenais, 26, 89

Lambert, Kirby, 236

Lame Bull’s Treaty, 89, 95

land-grant college act, 166

land grants:

for M. Clarke, 96
for military, 71, 260
in Ohio Valley, 19

Lane, Franklin K., 149

Lane, Harry, 148

Lange, Dorothea, 227

Langford, Nathaniel, 103

Laocoön Group
, 218

Last Chance Gulch, 92

lauan (Philippine mahogany), 227–28, 231

Laussat, Pierre Clément de, 10–12

Leaves of Grass
(Whitman), 83

Lee, James, 77–78

Lee, Robert E., 93, 132

Leonid meteor shower, 40–41

Lewis, Fort, 78

Lewis, Henry,

Lewis, Meriwether, 13–19, 21, 92, 243

in violent encounter with Piegans, 15–18, 30

Lewis and Clark expedition,
Corps of Discovery expedition

, 137

Liguest, Pierre Laclède, 13

Lincoln, Abraham, 41, 113, 155, 274

lipreading, 203–4

Lisa, Manuel, 30–33

Little Beard, 27

Little Beaver,
Culbertson, Alexander

Little Bighorn, Battle of, 162

Little Dog (Imata-Koan; J. D. Rockefeller, Jr.), 216–17

Little Dog (murdered Piegan headman), 96–97

Little Dog (Piegan chief), 186–87

Little Six, 63–65

Logan, John, 136

Lone Star Republic, 70

Long Beard, 27

Longstreet, James, 54

Louisiana Purchase, 10–13, 16, 19

, 88, 159

lynching tree,

Makes Cold Weather, 235

malaria, 171

Mandans, 14, 80, 144

manualism, oralism vs., 203–4

Manuel, Fort (Fort Raymond), 30, 31

Many Glacier, J. L. Clarke’s studio at, 212

Marias Massacre (Baker Massacre), 2, 5,
, 109–10,
, 125–27,
, 138, 142,
, 145–46, 148, 271–72

accolades for, 130–31
aftermath of, 128–30
bicentennial ceremony of, 249
commemoration at site of, 152,
controversy of, 130–33, 136–37
heirs’ compensation claim in, 147–51
humanitarian Indian reform spurred by, 137–41
Joe Kipp’s guilt and blame for, 143–45
lack of recognition of,
tally debate in, 127–28, 147–50
as tragic mistake, 125–27, 143–45, 148, 150, 161

Marias River, 16, 25, 37, 39, 74, 78, 117, 121, 123

Marigny, Bernard de, 10

Marland, E. W., 171

Maximilian of Wied, Prince, 40, 41, 43–45,
, 47, 74

McAlpin Hotel, 187

McCarthy, Cormac, 4

McFatridge, Arthur, 147–48

McFee, Malcolm, 241–43

McKay, Walton, 128

McKenzie, Fort, AFC post at, 8, 10, 39, 41, 50, 51, 73–78,
, 255

McKenzie, Kenneth, 34–60, 253, 256

ambition and determination of, 37, 39
as bourgeois of Fort Union, 36–37,
, 72
as “King of the Missouri,” 36,
racially mixed marriage of, 50, 89
savvy and charisma of, 34, 36

McKenzie, Owen, 71–73, 89–91

McKinley, William, 179

Meade, George, 116

Meagher, Thomas F., 92, 96, 157, 267–68, 279

Medicine Line, 109, 126

Medicine Lodge Creek, 113

medicine women, 47

Merrilies, Meg (character), 157–58

Métis, as distinct racial group, 3, 84, 265

Mexican-American War, 83, 258


muralists of, 228
and Texas Revolution, 68–71

Michigan, 19

Midvale, Mont., Horace Clarke’s home at, 5, 146, 183–85,
, 193, 200, 205, 207

see also
East Glacier Park, Mont.

military, U.S.:

atrocities against Indians by, 2
in transfer initiative, 134–37, 140
see also
Army, U.S.

Milk River, 91

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