The Red and the White: A Family Saga of the American West (53 page)

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Authors: Andrew R. Graybill

Tags: #History, #Native American, #United States, #19th Century

BOOK: The Red and the White: A Family Saga of the American West
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Compelling as I have found the history of the Clarkes, I doubt that the subject would have appealed to me nearly as much if I were not a father and husband myself. My wife, Jennifer, and our children, Fiona and Gavin, are the best parts of every day, the ones who give my life meaning, purpose, and direction. I do not have the words to adequately express my love for them, so perhaps it is best to leave those things—which are so indelibly felt—largely unsaid.


Page numbers in
refer to illustrations.
Page numbers beginning with 247 refer to endnotes.

Abercrombie and Fitch, 221

abolitionists, 137–41, 275

Academy of Music, 156

Adams, John Quincy, 45

adultery, punishment for among Blackfeet, 47

African Americans:

in intermarriage, 81
Jefferson’s views on, 49
suffrage movement for, 162

African colonization, 137

Akseniski (Good Singing), 92–93

à la façon du pays
marriages, 48

Alamo, fall of, 69, 259

Albany and Schenectady Railroad, 65

alcohol use:

of Baker, 119, 119, 122, 141, 150
of E. Booth, 155
in fur trade, 73, 76, 81
of G. Bent, 4
among Indians, 40, 41, 45, 82, 109, 120, 123, 144–45, 146, 185
of Kipp, 38
medicinal, 44
in military, 118, 122
of Poe, 55
temperance movement and, 42

allotment policy, 6, 166–81, 186, 188, 227, 284

Indian resistance to, 173–76, 175, 179–80

“American Alps,” 183

American Fur Company (AFC), 8–9, 33–39, 41–43, 62, 73–76, 78–79, 89, 91, 201, 252, 262

American Notes
(Dickens), 54

American Revolution, 19, 33, 58, 59

American School for the Deaf, 201, 220

American Sign Language (ASL), 203–4, 214

American Temperance Society, 42

Anadarko, Okla., 231

Anglos, see white Americans

Ann Arbor, Mich., 80

Antietam, Battle of, 86, 267

“Appeal for the Indians, An” (Child), 138

Arapahos, 122, 134

Army, U.S.:

campaign against the Indians by, 113–30
defeats of, 122
Fifth Infantry of, 58–60,
hardships of, 118, 121–23
Missouri Division of, 111, 113, 116
Second Cavalry of, 2, 109, 117–30, 130,
, 161
Seventh Cavalry of, 115, 162
Thirteenth Infantry of, 119

Army and Navy Journal
, 136

Aspasia, 165

Assiniboines, 1–3, 24, 26, 37, 39, 43–45,
, 89

Astor, John Jacob, 32–34

Audubon, John James, 38, 71–73, 181

Audubon, Victor, 71

Aztecs, 85

Baker, Eugene M.,
, 272

accolades for, 129, 131
alcoholism of, 119,
, 122, 141, 150
attack on Piegans by,
, 109, 117, 118–32,
, 147;
see also
Marias Massacre
condemnation of, 132–33, 136, 144
decline, death, and burial of, 141
surprise strategy of, 120, 122–23

Baker Massacre,
Marias Massacre

Bannack, Mont., 86, 88

Barrymore, Maurice, 156

Bar X Six ranch, 213

Bear Chief, 100

Bear Head, 124–28, 148, 272

Bear in a Trap
(J. L. Clarke), 218

Bear Mountain, 54


carvings of, 211, 212, 216, 217, 218, 219, 221, 225,
, 239, 240
hunting of, 52, 257

Beauregard, P. G. T., 67

Beecher, Lyman Ward, 42

Bent, Charles, 4, 83

Bent, George, 4

Bent, William, 4, 83

Benton, Fort, 78, 80, 86, 90, 91, 92, 93–94,
, 96, 129, 159, 193, 206, 279

Benton, Thomas Hart, 78

Berger, Jacob, 37, 77–78

Bernard Pratte & Company, 34

Bernhardt, Sarah, 6, 158

Big Bend, massacre at,
Marias Massacre

Big Horn, 123

Birds of America
(J. J. Audubon), 71

Bismarck, N.Dak., 202


Black Bear, 45, 47–48, 51, 101–2

Blackfeet, 142

allotment of, 186–87
deleterious effect of gold rush on, 88–89
eras of hardship for, 143, 177, 185, 242
Ewers’s anthropological record of, 233–35
first encounter between whites and, 28
in fur trade,
, 48, 76
horses of, 22–24,
, 229
as hostile and warlike, 25–26, 30, 94
McFee’s anthropological study of, 242–44
novel about, 1–2
original territory of, 15, 21, 26, 37, 40
religious beliefs and customs of, 21, 26, 47
reputation of M. Clarke among, 60, 79–80, 96
as resistant to expansionism, 12–13, 15, 89, 251
Rockefellers’ visit to, 217
smallpox among, 43
spurning of tradition by, 41
Sully’s diplomatic mission to, 107–9
traditional culture and daily life of, 21–22
transformational changes for, 23–25
warrior image of, 25–26,
“white-oriented” vs. “Indianoriented,” 242–43
see also

Blackfeet, The: Raiders on the Northwestern Plains
(Ewers), 235

Blackfeet Community College, 152,

Blackfeet Community Hospital, J. L. Clarke’s three grand friezes for, 227–31,
230, 232, 234

Blackfeet Encampment
(J. L. Clarke), 195–97,
, 241

Blackfeet Reservation, 6, 146, 177–78,
, 186, 188, 197, 207, 213, 231, 241, 244, 279

Blackfoot Confederacy, 9, 14–15

Blackfoot Indian Pe-Toh-Pee-Kiss, The Eagle Ribs
(Catlin), 25

Black Hawk War, 67

Black Kettle, 115, 133

Black Weasel (Shanghai), 100

“blood-ism,” 245

Bloods, 14, 24, 25, 32, 39, 43, 51, 77, 89, 94–95, 108, 257, 279

Boddo (character), 82–83

Bodmer, Karl,
, 40, 44, 45,

Boone, Daniel, 19, 29

Booth, Edwin, 155–56, 278

Booth, John Wilkes, 153

Booth’s Theatre, 156, 158, 278

Boston City Hospital, 199

Boulder, Mont., 205–8, 222

Boulder School for the Deaf,
Montana Deaf and Dumb Asylum

bourgeois (fur trade field agent), 36–37,
, 40, 50, 72, 75

Bozeman, John, 110

“breeds,” use of term, 82, 163

Brooks, Preston, 166, 281–82

Browning, Daniel M., 175–76

Browning, Mont., 222, 227, 231, 233, 234, 241–42

Browning High School, 222

buffalo (bison):

in Blackfeet culture, 21–23,
carvings of, 212, 217–18
dwindling herds of, 88–89, 91, 181
hunting of, 21–23,
, 90, 233, 234
tanning hides of, 8, 22, 46–47, 233

Buffalo Hunt, Chase—No. 6
(Catlin), 23

buffalo jump (
), 22, 228–29,

buffalo nickel, Piegan model for Indian head on, 222

buffalo robes, 37, 39–40, 46, 78, 92

buffalo skull icon, 210, 215

Buford, John, 118

Bull Run, First Battle of, 67

bull trains,

Burgoyne, John, 58

Burke Act (1906), 284

Calf Shirt, 80, 95


gold rush in, 85–86
Helen Clarke in, 184, 193

Calthorpe, Hal (character), 154–55, 158

camas root, 21

“Came Running Back Lake,” 194

Camp Disappointment, 15

Canada, 20, 27, 143

as safe haven for Indians, 84, 109, 112, 116, 122, 128, 132, 162
U.S. border with, 1, 3, 121

Carlisle Indian School, 167–70,
, 200, 212, 282

Carter, Thomas H., 179

Cass, Lewis, 59, 66

Castor canadensis
, 27

Catch-for-Nothing, 92

Catholicism, 78–79, 192, 208–9

Catlin, George,
23, 25, 38,

as artist of Indian customs, 36
description of McKenzie, 36–37

Champlain, Samuel de, 27

Charbonneau, Jean Baptiste, 243

Charbonneau, Toussaint, 14, 243

Chardon, Fort, 77

Chardon, Francis, 76, 81

Charles II, King of England, 27

Cherokees, 137

Chewing Black Bones, 235

Cheyennes, 4, 83, 115, 122, 134

Child, Lydia Maria, 138–39


in Indian culture, 45–48, 64
scarlet fever in, 198–200

Chinese, bias against, 159

Chivington, John, 134

Chouteau, Pierre, Jr. “Cadet,” 34, 41, 73, 76

Christianity, as goal in Indian reform, 114, 134, 168

Cincinnati, Ohio, 70

Civil War, 3, 4, 41, 67, 68, 86, 93, 95–96, 103, 104, 111, 116, 118, 132, 134, 137, 138, 139, 141, 156, 159, 167, 209, 237, 274

Clark, William, 13–19

Clarke, Agnes, 146

Clarke, Charlotte Ouisconsin,
Van Cleve, Charlotte Ouisconsin

Clarke, Charlotte Seymour, 58–59, 70, 103

Clarke, E. Malcolm, xx,
, 198, 236, 238, 244, 260, 267

allegations of rape against, 99–100
attempted murder charge against, 78
birth of, 9, 59
bravery of, 57
burial and gravesite of, 103–4, 151–52,
charm and charisma of, 9,
, 80
as clerk at Fort McKenzie, 74–75
competitive nature of, 90
East Coast trip of, 65–66
Four Bears moniker of, 48, 51–52, 99–100
in fur trade, 2, 8, 73–75, 78–79, 90, 91
as good husband and father, 80–81
and Hagler feud, 55–56, 70–71, 75
handsome appearance of, 9, 51
and Harvey feud, 75–78, 89, 91, 260
Indian relationships of, 60, 62–63, 79–80, 102–3
marriage of Coth-co-co-na and, 2, 4, 8, 48, 51–53, 80–81, 83, 110, 262
marriage of Good Singing and, 92–93
military family heritage of, 57–59
monikers of, 48, 51–52, 79, 99
murder of, 2–3, 5–6,
55, 57
, 97–104, 107–8, 110, 130, 142,
, 157, 160, 161, 200
and O. McKenzie murder, 89–91
penchant for violence of, 5–6, 52, 55, 56–57, 62, 71, 75, 77, 89–93, 262
personal reinvention of, 73
prominence of, 5, 51, 57, 73, 75, 93, 103, 146, 165
ranch established by, 92
religion of, 79
role in founding Montana Historical Society, 93
sense of honor of, 55–56, 61–62, 71
as skilled outdoorsman, 60–61, 90
in Texas military, 69–71
in Upper Missouri region, 71–85
at USMA, 5, 9, 28, 55–57
wedding of, 5, 8–10
youth of, 57–71

Clarke, Helen P. “Nellie,” xx, 5–6, 91,
154, 184, 191
, 197, 212, 237, 239, 244, 281, 283–84

accomplishments of, 6, 164–65,
, 170, 189,
as allotment agent,
, 167–81,
, 184, 190, 192, 192, 201, 208
allotment of, 186–87, 189
as “Aspasia of the wilderness,” 165
birth of, 81, 263, 276
burial and grave of, 192–93,
and Carlisle Indian School, 168–71,
, 200
commanding presence of,
, 165
death of, 6, 192–93, 195
destroyed scrapbook of, 157–58
economic hardships of, 158, 179, 180, 184–85, 188–90, 191
education of, 81, 159, 268
eulogy for, 192
fetishized hybridity of, 190–91,
generosity of, 191
in incident of M. Clarke’s murder, 98–102, 157

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