The Promises We Keep (Made for Love Book 1) (102 page)

BOOK: The Promises We Keep (Made for Love Book 1)
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I like Roman. I like the way he makes me laugh and the way he comforts me when I

m crying. I appreciate the way that he listens just as much as he shares. I love the way he plays guitar and the vulnerability he expresses in his song lyrics. I adore the way he treats his sister and the bond that they have. Then, of course, his face

he has a very attractive face.
Above all that, I cherish the respect he has for me and our friendship. It

s been over a month since I inadvertently told him that I was falling for him and he allusively assured me that my feelings were reciprocated. We

ve hung out a lot since then, because we

ll be performing together at Little Bird in a couple weeks, and yet he has not pushed me to even
how it is that I feel, let alone act on it. Even though I won

t deny that I like him, he understands I

m not sure what I want to do about it.

Sometimes I feel like a total tease, which I hate, but I can

t help it! I know that it

s not fair to avoid the elephant in the room every time we

re together, but it

s all I can manage right now. My feelings for him are overwhelming all on their own

to talk about them and figure out what to do with them, and to add his feelings to the mix? Yeah, I

m not mentally or emotionally equipped to handle that. The truth is, it

s been
since I

ve liked someone other than Beckham.
. As crazy as I feel to admit this, I think I might understand what Beckham was saying when he broke up with me and told me that he
grew up
as my boyfriend

because I grew up as his girlfriend. Now that I

m not his

the feelings that I have for Roman seem familiar and yet completely foreign at the same time. I

m beginning to realize that

s not

. It

s not common to be twenty-one and to have only had
person who you

ve ever gone out on dates with;
person that you

ve ever kissed


s just not common. But that

s my story.

Now there

s Roman

or at least, the possibility of Roman.

Are you
I can

t talk you into going out for some fro-yo?

he asks as he walks me to my car.


I reply with a shrug and a smile.

Girls night has already started without me. I

ve got a bride, a twin, and a bestie waiting.

Alright. Fair enough. Well, I

m glad you came tonight.

Absolutely; thank you for inviting me.


ve never been to Roman

s church before. I didn

t really know much about it except for they had an extra service on Saturday. It was nice to see where he attends; just like any other detail that helps define Roman, I was glad to be exposed to this one.

I knew you

d appreciate the worship tonight. The praise team does some really sick acoustic sets.

Yeah, it was great.


re interrupted by the buzzing of my cell phone from inside of my purse.


s probably Avery,

I explain as I start to dig for my device. When I see
lit up across the screen, my heart skips a beat; a second later, I

m filled to the brim with guilt. I know that I

m not doing anything wrong, but in this moment, it doesn

t feel that way. Instead, it feels like I

m cheating on the man who

s trying to reach me.

Beckham is trying to reach me
. I wonder if something is wrong. We don

t have plans and his call is unexpected; a text would be one thing, but a call?

Are you going to answer it?

asks Roman hesitantly.

Now there

s Roman

or at least, the possibility of Roman.

But there

s also Beckham.


m in love with Beckham. I love the way he makes me smile just by walking into a room. I love the way he holds me when I

m having a bad day. I love the way he listens to me when we

re in the middle of an argument just as much as when I

m simply excited about something that I want to share with him. I love the way he gets all nerdy and tries to explain scientific things to me even though I know I

ll never get it. I love the way he treats
sister and
sister and how he does so as if he

s known them and loved them for the same amount of time. I love the way he calls me
and the way he makes me feel like I

m beautiful, no matter what I look like. And

those blue eyes, dark like a deep body of water I could swim in, and that handsome smile. We might be broken up, I might

no, I definitely

hate it, because it

s put me in this crazy, confusing place where I now reside, but I still

I slide my finger across the screen and bring my phone up to my ear before his call goes to voicemail.


Hey, Addie


s me. Are you busy?

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, needing to gain control of this horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach

the one that makes me feel like a terrible person for betraying Beckham by being with Roman, betraying Roman by answering Beckham

s call, and betraying
for not simply owning up to my feelings and dealing with them.

Um, could you hold on for a second?


I take another deep breath as I look up at Roman and press my phone against my shoulder.


m so sorry, I have to take this.

I can tell by the look in his eyes as he nods that he knows it

s not Avery on the other end of my call. Then again, my own eyes probably gave it away.

Okay. I

ll let you go. I

ll see you in a couple days, yeah? We

ll finish working on our song?

Yeah. I

ve got mid-terms, but I

ll let you know when I have some free time. Is that okay?

You bet,

he answers, wrapping me in an embrace. I only have one arm available to hug him back, but he doesn

t seem to mind. When he pulls away, we exchange our final farewells and I climb into my car and bring my phone back up to my ear.

Hey. Sorry about that.

Are you sure you

re not busy?

I mean, I kind of am. I

m on my way home to hang out with the girls. Are you okay?

Oh, I

m fine. I just

I was going to see if you wanted to hang out, but you

ve got plans so I

ll let you go.

No, wait,

I mutter instead of goodbye. I can tell by the sound of his voice that something is wrong, he

s just not telling me. I wish he would, though. It kills me that he won

t just come right out and say it.

Beck, what

s up?

He sighs and I relax into my driver

s seat knowing that if I pry for long enough, he

ll spill.


m here if you need to talk. You know that, don

t you?

Of course he does. Why else would he have called?

I just got another rejection today, that

s all.

Oh, Beck, I

m sorry.

That brings the count up to seven. I

ve been keeping track

and, who can blame me? No one! I

ve been thinking of following him wherever he goes for so long

and I can

t seem to let go of the possibility that I still might.
I shove that thought aside, unwilling to deal with the many layers of my curiosity on the matter, and focus on this particular moment



Which one?

University of Washington.

Alright. Seattle is out.

So you still have a chance with Stanford and Baylor and you

ve not heard anything from the University of California?


re keeping track,

he says softly. His tone makes my stomach tingle.

Are you surprised?

I ask, boldly.

I shouldn

t be. I

m just glad that you are, I guess.

I start and then I stop.
No, he shouldn

t be surprised. In fact, I feel like he should be asking me how I feel about our potential options. Our! But he

s not. As much as I want to believe that it

s fine

that I knew this was coming and that just because we don

t talk about it doesn

t mean he

s not wondering or thinking about the possibility of us moving away together


s not fine. It just isn


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