The Promise (46 page)

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Authors: Kate Benson

BOOK: The Promise
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“Yours Chase!” she gasps. “I belong to you
!” she screams out and with those words, I explode furiously inside of her while she writhes against me in pleasure.

As I slow my pace
down and watch as her breathing begins to even out, I lower my arms from the headboard and place them on either side of her head, leaning down on my forearms. She leaves her legs wrapped around me, allowing me to catch my breath and rest inside her as we kiss each other softly.

She’s still panting roughly as our eyes meet and she smiles up at me
, giving me a kiss on the jaw, “I can’t believe how much I’m in love with you,” she whispers and I see the tears gathering within her eyes as she speaks the words out loud. Leaning down, I kiss her softly and slowly as I roll her over onto my chest, wrapping my arm around her waist, never once breaking our connection. This action causes her hair to fall forward and I secure it behind her ear, before pulling slowly away. “It scares me,” She confesses and I kiss her softly again while smiling gently at her.

“Don’t be afraid, Baby,” I whisper. “I feel the
exact same way about you.”

She looks down at me
, searching my eyes and as she thinks over the words I just said, she chews on her lip until I pull it free with my hand. “Really?” she asks me with a genuine questioning look entering her eyes. I can’t help but laugh at her. She really has no clue at all just how much she means to me.

“Are you kidding me?” I ask her
, with complete disbelief evident within my voice. She blushes as she gives me a slight shrug. “I’m completely and hopelessly in love with you, Sophie,” I admit, my voice taking on a more serious tone now. “I can’t get enough of you, Baby. I can’t begin to imagine my life without you in it.” I rest my palm against her cheek and as I trace over the arch of her eyebrow with my thumb, she gently closes her eyes, humming sweetly to herself while pressing her lips into my palm.

The light from the bathroom splays across the bed, illuminating her features just enough for me to see the way the blush heats the soft planes
of her face. Her long, thick eyelashes rest there just above her cheeks, brushing her newly sun-kissed skin. I can just barely see the light dust of freckles that dance across the bridge of her nose.

she gives me the small smile that always causes my breathing to hitch, those rogue dimples of hers pop up and are just begging to be kissed. She opens her eyes and I feel my heart stopping for what feels like the millionth time today.

Every time she looks at me, everything else simply ceases to exist. My girl is beautiful. She’s simply breathtaking and she
really has no idea. I’m under her spell, completely enraptured by her, but she doesn’t seem to have a clue.

I tighten my grip on her bare waist as I trace the outline of her perfect lips
, continuing to marvel at her before I’m able to speak again. “You are absolutely everything to me, Sweetheart. I didn’t even know my heart was capable of feeling so much. Before I met you, I was just floating and I didn’t even know it,” she opens her eyes again and they meet with mine. “But now I’m alive. I wouldn’t be able to exist without you, Sophie. Don’t ever doubt what you mean to me.

smile widens as she kisses me sweetly on the lips, before resting her forehead against my chest. She gently bites down on my collarbone and whispers, “You’re such a jerk,” I can tell she’s sniffling though. I can hear the smile within her voice. I chuckle a little and move her head until she’s facing me, so I can wipe the tears away from her face. She rests her cheek in my hand again, gives me a small smile, and then kisses my wrist. “I feel so much for you that it’s overwhelming.” She says, before resting her head back down on my chest.

I kiss her gently on the top of her head and stroke her back softly
with my fingers. Not for the first time, I wonder if she’ll be going back to her apartment once we’ve taken JT back to Camden.

I’d be lying if I
was to say that I wouldn’t be disappointed to see her go. We’d still spend all of our spare time together, I know we would, but it wouldn’t be the same. I know we need to talk about this, but as I glance over at the clock beside the bed, it’s already reading three seventeen. In fact, I think maybe she already has fallen asleep. I lean down to kiss her softly on the head again, feeling myself beginning to drift, when all of a sudden, she begins singing ‘Etta James’’ ‘Girl of My Dreams’ into my chest as I hug her closer to me. “Goodnight, Lover,” she whispers groggily.

, Baby. Sweet dreams,” I say quietly with a smile, before falling asleep with my whole heart within my arms.






“Aunt Sophie? … I can see your hiney,” I hear JT say in my ear.

Oh dear God, no. This isn’t really happening. Please tell me this isn’t happening.

I can feel Chase’s chest beneath mine where we’d fallen asleep a few hours ago. Judging from the fact that he isn’t laughing uncontrollably, he can’t be awake yet.

Maybe if I just lay very still, then I’ll disappear.

“Aunt Sophie,” he repeats.

still see me.


I very slowly open one eye to find JT standing at the edge of the bed
, staring curiously at me.

“Whatcha doing?” he asks. I feel Chase
beginning to stir beneath me, groaning as his hands instinctively grip my ass.

Shit! I have to think fast.

“Aunt Sophie!” JT says in an exasperated tone. Thankfully, Chase hears him and stops his hands fast. I look up and watch his expression quickly turn from one of confusion, to panic but then thankfully and finally settling on content.

Why isn’t he freaking out more?

“Hey little man,” he says groggily, his hands still planted firmly on my ass. He leans down and kisses me on the head while smiling down at me, “Good morning, Baby.” He takes in my stunned expression and laughs lightly for a brief moment. “You should see the look on your face right now.” He carefully moves me off of him, making sure our bodies are covered before he sits up to faces JT. “Hey buddy! Did you sleep well?” JT nods as Chase places one of his hands on top of his little head, mussing his hair. “Awesome! Do you want to help me with a surprise for Aunt Sophie?” JT grins and nods again as Chase leans down to whisper something in his ear. I can’t hear what he’s saying to him, but what it was, has JT laughing hard before running out of the room. “Don’t forget to close the door so she can’t see the surprise, Buddy!”

“Okay!” JT yells excitedly
, pulling the door closed as Chase looks down to me, still laughing.

“You’re cute
, Baby,” he leans over and kisses my stunned face. “Come on, let’s go get some breakfast.” And with that, he slaps me on my bare ass and walks over to the closet, where he pulls a pair of jeans and a t-shirt on before walking back out, finding me still sitting on the bed in shock.

“What the hell just happened?” I blurt

“I just saved your sweet little naked ass
, that’s what happened,” he leans down, kissing me on the head again, before pulling the sheet off of my body and yanking me up to his chest. “You’re welcome … by the way,” he whispers, sliding his hand in-between my thighs before I smack him away.

“Are you fucking crazy?” I whisper loudly. “He’s going to catch us again!”

“Baby,” he laughs. “He didn’t catch us. I already took care of it so calm down and give me some loving.” He slips his hand back between us. Inserting two fingers inside me. As he tries to kiss me, I pull away quickly, gently removing his hand.

“No, we have to go out there with him! You’ve taken care of nothing!” I say, rushing to get dressed.

“Not for lack of trying,” he teases as he licks his fingers clean, letting out a hum of satisfaction which ultimately makes me blush. “Okay Baby, get a shower and get dressed, I’m taking you and JT to breakfast. I’ll call and see if Drake and Ana want to come too.” He says, before following JT through into the living room.

I shower quickly
, throw on a destroyed denim skirt and Chase’s Johnny Cash t-shirt, before braiding my hair, applying some light makeup and walking into the living room to join them. I find Chase and JT sitting on the couch and watching cartoons, seemingly in a deep discussion about each of the characters on the screen. They both look up at me and smile at the same time when they see me approaching them.

, Baby,” Chase says, appraising my outfit appreciatively and taking in the way his oversized shirt hangs loosely off of one shoulder. “You look hot in my shirt.”

“Thank you,” I smile a
s I walk over to JT and kiss him on the head lightly. “Good morning, Sweet Pea.”

“Morning,” he
answers me. “I made you a prize! Do you want it?”

“You made me a prize?” I ask, feigning shock and
making him laugh. “Of course I want it, Buddy. What is it?” I ask and watch his smile beaming wider.

“I made you coffee,” he admits a
s I lift him into my arms.

! Thank you so much! It’s just what I wanted,” I say, carrying him over to the kitchen with me before taking a sip. “Hmm, it’s delicious!”

“I hope it makes you feel better,” he says
, planting a kiss on my cheek. Before I can ask what he means by this, the front door swings open, with Drake and Ana walking inside, causing for JT to jump down quickly and greet them. As Ana comes closer to give me a hug JT looks between her and Drake, his eyes filling with deep concern. “Aunt Sophie got hurt!”

“Are you hurt?” Ana freezes mid-hug,
evidentially not wanting to hurt me anymore. Shaking my head in confusion, she wraps her arms around me again.

“Yeah she is,” JT continues. “Uncle Chase said she fell and hurt her hiney
, so that’s how come she didn’t have her pants on.”

Drake and Ana
begin laughing while I stand blushing furiously, glaring over at Chase who’s blue eyes are twinkling in amusement by my side now.

“Aunt Sophie is feeling better now,” Chase tells him. “I got her all fixed up,” he
explains to him, winking in my direction and causing for everyone to laugh at my horrified expression.

“She doesn’t look better,” JT says
, obviously seeing the expression that’s over my face as I bend down to face him. “She looks mad. I think she needs more coffee.”

“I’m okay, Baby. Let’s go eat
, okay?”

“Could I ride with Ana?” he asks
, causing the amusement to leave Chase’s face when he sees my expression turning upwards.

, Baby,” I say, smiling smugly. “I want to talk to Uncle Chase anyway.”

we get him settled in the car and after having climbed into the truck, I stare at Chase with my disbelief before smacking him playfully.

“God, Chase! That was so embarrassing! You said you took care of it!”
he begins to laugh, his eyes sparkling brightly.

“What? Yes, I took care of it! I understand you’re
a little embarrassed, but at least you didn’t have to tell a toddler about the birds and the bees already.”

I guess I hadn’t thought of anything better
, so I can’t really get mad, although I am still feeling a little humiliated.

“I just wish you’d warned me!” I say as he pulls me across the seat to his side
, kissing me on the side of my head.

“I would have but I didn’t have a chance,” he explained. “I’m sorry I embarrassed you, Baby. I couldn’t think of anything else,” I exhale and nod slightly
when I notice he’s being sincere. “You have to admit though … it is pretty funny,” he laughs as he backs out of the driveway.

“Yep,” I agree. “It’ll be a fun way to tell people about how I came to own this shirt,” I laugh sarcastically back at him.

“Keep it Baby,” he laughs, pulling me closer to his side while nuzzling the side of my neck. “It looks better on you anyway.”


Once we had breakfast with Ana and Drake, we took JT to see a movie and over to the park before we headed home. While JT played outside, we finished unpacking our things from the weekend and cleaned up some before we made supper and relaxed together before his bedtime. The day was very domestic and laidback. Honestly, it’s exactly what we needed after our weekend out of town.

Chase call
ed his sister, Emily, about her wedding as I got JT ready for bed. While he was talking to her, I wondered silently if he’ll be asking me to go to Florida with him when he visits.

He’s watching TV on the couch
and drinking a beer as I walk into the living room. I grab one for myself before sitting down beside him. He pulls me onto his lap and I rest my head against the crook of his arm, in its usual spot. He looks down at me and smiles before placing a quick kiss on my neck, his stubble causes for me to laugh.

“I love you,” he
tells me.

I love that he tells me he loves me often and for no reason.

“I love you too, Baby,” I say, planting a kiss on his jaw. He looks as though he’s thinking about something, and after a few minutes, I feel his eyes landing back on me. I glance at him and when he knows I’ve caught him, he smiles again while gently tugging on my braid.

“You’re gorgeous,” he whispers
, resting his nose into my neck and hugging me even closer to him.

, Lover,” I smile as I lean up and kiss the side of his head. “You are too.” He raises his head and smiles back at me.

“Do you think you can get some time off in November?”

“Yeah,” I say. “I think I probably can. Why do you ask?”

“Would you come with me to Florida? Emily is getting married
, and I’m going to be there for a couple weeks while attending both Thanksgiving and her wedding,” he answers. “I’d love for you to come with me.”

“Of course I’ll go with you,” I smile and kiss him
, before I realize the gravity of what he’s saying. My lips go still against his. “Wait, your whole family is going to be there?”

“Yes,” he
answers calmly.

“You want me to meet your whole family?”

“Of course, Baby. The only reason you haven’t yet is because Drake’s the only one out here,” he admits. “They’ve known about you for months and they’re all really looking forward to meeting you.”

I stare at him in disbelief
for a moment, trying to find the words, struggling to find any words to say to him. “They’ve known about me for months?” I ask with surprise.

“Yep, I told Em about you the day after we met actually.”

“No, you didn’t!” I accuse.

“I promise. She called me and asked me how I was doing. She wanted to know if I was dating anyone and I told her about meeting you at the bar. I told her you were beautiful and I was going to ask you out.”

“Liar, you didn’t tell her that!” I say laughing, watching as he grins back at me.

“Yes I did. Matter of fact, you can ask her yourself,” he says
, pressing a button on his phone as though he’s challenging me. I gape at him while he laughs a little harder. “I have to call and tell her whether you said yes or not so she can add you to the guest list. She’ll be really happy you’re coming. She can’t wait to meet you.”

He gives me a soft kiss on the neck and I blush
some more.

“Want another beer?” I ask and he nods as I
stand up.

, Em,” he says into the phone. “What do you mean ‘what took so long’? It’s been like twenty minutes, freak!” he pauses for her answer before chuckling into the phone. “Yeah, she’s coming,” he says, pulling the phone away from his ear and laughing at her overly loud reaction. He takes the beer I hand to him and winks at me. “Thanks, Baby. I told you she’d be excited,” he whispers with a smile. “Yeah, she’s right here,” he answers her again. “Emily, why would you think that everyone wants to talk to you?” She yells something into the receiver, making him laugh louder. “Fine, I’ll ask her,” he says as he looks up at me. “She wants to talk to you, Baby. Do you mind?”

I can hear her in the phone
, reacting to his words and it makes me grin.

! He called her Baby!” Chase rolls his eyes at the phone while mouthing ‘you don’t have to.’ I laugh at him before taking the phone from him and placing it against my ear.


“Hi Sophie!” Emily says excitedly into the phone. “It’s so good to finally talk to you! Chase has told us so much about you. We can’t wait to meet you at the wedding!”

“That’s very sweet, thank you for inviting me. I’m looking forward to meeting you as well,” I say, surprised when
I mean the words I’ve just spoken so wholeheartedly.

“Well of course we wanted to invite you
! Anyone who keeps my brother in line is a friend of mine,” she says, causing for us both to laugh together. “Seriously, though. He’s obviously very taken with you and we can’t wait to meet you. Do you mind if I get your information from Chase? I want to make sure you’re invited to all of the preliminaries. Also if you want the truth, I’d love to do some Facebook stalking,” she laughs. “Chase never updates his so there aren’t any cute pictures on there of the two of you yet.”

I laugh and admit that I’m just as bad at keeping mine updated
, but encourage her to get my information from Chase. We say our goodbyes and once he has given me a pretty spectacular kiss, Chase finishes talking to his sister while I accept her already pending friend request, as promised from my phone.

I also upload one of our recent pictures from the aquarium and post it for her since I haven’t been on in weeks. I log
out of my profile at the same time that he ends his call and he takes my phone from me.

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