The Promise (45 page)

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Authors: Kate Benson

BOOK: The Promise
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Needless to say, I d
idn’t want to leave his side. I hadn’t realized how much we’d both been holding back, but ever since I opened up to him and we both confessed our love for one another, things have only gotten better between us.

Chase is hands down the sweetest, most affectionate man I’ve ever met in my life. I crave his attention more than I thought I
ever could from anyone, naturally gravitating towards his touch anytime we’re together.

On the weekends, Chase always ha
d something fun planned for us to do with JT. Our first weekend at his place, we took him fishing and would have a cookout the following day. During the second weekend, we went to the zoo and then back to the beach with Ana and Drake. Chase is really great with him and JT loves doing ‘man stuff’ as they’ve started calling it, which never ceases to make me laugh.

I smile
as I remember them walking out of the garage yesterday. Chase had carried his toolbox, while JT had a tool belt that holds a screwdriver, a pencil and a toy car, as they both headed towards the back yard.

“What are y’all doing?” I
had asked with amusement.

“Man stuff,” they both
had answered with all seriousness, slowing their strides only to stop to each grace me with a quick kiss on their way past me.

I got a call from Lucy halfway into the second week
, asking me to keep him for another week. Since we’ve been staying at Chase’s house, she admitted to me that she’d fallen off the wagon again and has started to seek outpatient treatment for her alcoholism.

I want to do what
ever I can to support her sobriety. I know better than most what it’s like to grow up as the child of an alcoholic, and I don’t want that life for JT.

One night after JT
was in bed, I explained everything to Chase. He was supportive as always and when I told him about my mother’s drinking addiction, he understood my concern even more.

“Matt mentioned something about that while we were in Camden,” he admit
ted, stretching his arm across the back of the couch behind me, as he pulled me closer to his side.

“What do you mean?” I ask
ed, confused. Matt knew that this was something I would never talk about, and even though I didn’t care that Chase already knew about it, I was still irritated that Matt had brought it up without my knowledge.

“He thought I knew already,” he explain
ed. “He said that’s why you don’t drink around JT. Try not to be mad, I didn’t pry and he didn’t really say too much.”

“No, of course I don’t care if you know about it. The only reason I didn’t tell you is because I try not to think about it
. It just never came up,” I said to him. “I was just surprised that he mentioned it.”

“Is that the reason you don’t talk to your mom now?”

“Yes. She got a lot worse when my dad died, which I can understand that she would want to escape that,” I began. “But I could never put my wants before the needs of my child. I needed my mother to help take care of me while I got over the death of my father.” I released a deep breath before I continued. “Instead, I got an alcoholic who I had to take care of until she sent me to live with an aunt who I barely knew.” I shook my head in frustration and looked up at him as he kissed me on the top of the head. “Like I said, I understand the need to escape reality when you’re hurting, but it should never come at the cost of your child’s wellbeing. I asked her to get help and she refused. She sent me to live with my aunt. Since then, she rarely contacts me and when she does, it’s usually just to ask for money or to cause trouble with the people I care about, so I don’t usually speak to her unless I really have to.”

“I can definitely understand that,” he
answered me, while resting his chin on top of my head.

“Mind if we talk about something else?”

“Nope,” he said, before pulling me up to his lap and nuzzling my neck. “Matter of fact, I think you talk too much,” he added, which made me laugh as he pulled me closer for a kiss. “Shut up and give me some loving.”




Although I had agreed to keep him as long as needed, I know that JT is getting homesick, so Chase and I decide to drive him to Camden this weekend to see Lucy while she’s off work.

Since it
’s a long drive, Chase and I rent a place while JT spends some time with Lucy, instead of returning straight back to Rockport.

It’s the first time we’ve been completely alone in over three weeks. I’d be lying if I
was to say that it’s slowed us down much, but we’ve taken to getting pretty creative lately. Needless to say, the alone time is something I’m
looking forward to.

Judging from Chase’s impatience at the hotel’s front desk, I’d say I’m not the only one who’s eager. As soon as we’re given a key, Chase grips me by the hand and rushes into the elevator
as he leads me to our room.

Immediately, he pushes me against the wall and invades my mouth with his tongue.
As soon as we hear the ding of the elevator signaling we’ve reached our floor, he takes me by the hand again and pulls me behind him to our room.

I know this has been a big adjustment for him
. I know I’ve taken it for granted because I’ve been so caught up in making sure JT is properly cared for. He’s been amazing ever since I mentioned about JT coming to stay with me. As I realize I haven’t told him as much, I begin to feel awful.

“Chase,” I start as he releases my hand to open the door. “I know everything that’s happened has been a lot for you to take in
, but you’ve been so patient and sweet with me. Thank you, Baby.”

“Sophie,” he smiles, placing the key card into the door and waiting for the green light to grant our entry. “Seeing how happy you’ve been is enough for me
, so you don’t have to thank me.” He looks down at me, grinning wickedly as the door clicks open. “And there’s nothing patient or sweet about what I’m about to do to you.”

Before I can come up with any kind of response, he pushes the door open, throws our bags carelessly into the room and lifts me over his shoulder, smacking me hard on the ass
, which causes me to shriek out loudly. “That’s right, Baby,” he says, kicking the door shut behind us as he drops me roughly onto the bed, pulling his shirt off as a lascivious grin spreads across his face. “You can scream all you want.”

And I do.










Chapter Twenty Four




The drive back to Rockport is quiet, although I had expected it to be considering we left pretty late on a Sunday night.

JT has been asleep for the past hour and a half
, and Sophie wasn’t too far behind him. She’s lying across the front seat with her head in my lap. Although I know how badly she had tried to stay awake, I knew she was beat.

I meant what I
had said to Sophie, about being happy to have JT in Rockport with us, but the alone time we had together over the weekend was exactly what we both needed.

Although we’d
spent the majority of our time hidden away in our hotel room, we went out for dinner and drinks the night before, and had a blast dancing at one of the local spots.

As I slowly drive us closer to home, I stroke Sophie’s hair and think about our time together. Not just this weekend
, but the past four months that we’ve known each other.

I knew she’d been holding back early on in our relationship, but I don’t think
that I could have ever prepared for the amazing change in the both of us. Over the past few weeks, Sophie and I have become inseparable. She’s transformed into an even more amazing version of the girl I’d fallen in love with. She’s giving me everything she has and it’s as though Sophie in love, is Sophie amplified. I really can’t get enough of this girl.

we’re getting close to pulling into town, it’s really started to pour.

From the corner of my eye, I see
Sophie sitting up slowly in her seat, cuddling up next to me after checking on JT in the back seat and finding that he’s still fast asleep.

When we pick
ed him up from Lucy’s earlier, she referred to me as ‘Uncle Chase’ while talking to JT. Since then, he’s called me that twice and it’s adorable. Sophie doesn’t say anything for a while after settling back into the seat, she just leans her head against me and holds my free hand in both of hers. For a moment there I thought she’d fallen back to sleep, but feeling her biting down on my bicep gently as she lets out a giggle tells me otherwise, “Hey, Sexy Pants,” she whispers.

, Baby,” I laugh quietly, tucking her under my arm while kissing her on the top of her head. “How was your nap?”

“Good,” she yawns. “What time is it?”

“Almost one,” I say through my own yawn as she stretches her arms out above her head. She glances around the truck before setting her gaze out of the window.

“How long until we get home?” she asks
, her question making me smile as I keep my eyes fully focused on the road ahead. She’s called my place home a few times now and I never tire of it.

“Maybe ten more minutes,” I answer
, looking down just in time to see the panic stretching across her features.

“Oh shit
, Baby! How are you going to work in the morning?” she asks, sounding horrified.

“It’ll be okay,” I
begin to say but her groan cuts me off from saying anything else.

“Chase, you cannot be serious right now! You can’t work a ten hour shift
on top of having to drive for two hours, on only four hours of sleep! That’s crazy! You know that’s crazy, right? Can you go in late or take a sick day or something?” she’s becoming frantic and while her concern for me warms my heart, it’s completely unnecessary. I can’t help the light chuckle that leaves my lips when I imagine her reaction to what I’m about to say.

“Baby, calm down
—” she cuts me off again.

“I can’t calm down, Chase! I feel horrible! If we’d just left earlier
…” she rests her head back against the seat as she glances over at me. “Why are you laughing at me?”

“Because you’re adorable,” I tell her. “I’ve been trying to tell you that Drake called me while you were asleep
. He told me to go over to the site late since it’s been raining, but when he found out we wouldn’t be getting home until very late, he just told me to take the whole day off.” I smile down at her, kiss the top of her head, and squeeze her thigh gently. “So I’ll be fine, but thank you for being so worried about me, Sweetheart.”

Her facial expression is just as amusing as I thought it would be
. She’s showing a mix between relief, embarrassment, and stifled laughter from her own reaction to the subject in hand.

“You’re welcome,” she says, pulling her knees up in front of her. “Sorry I freaked out a little, I just don’t want anything to happen to you
,” she adds while resting her head against my shoulder.

She wraps my hand in hers
and kisses it before setting it gently back into her lap, where I resume stroking her thigh. She kisses my bicep as she rests her head back against me again. She begins to sing the chorus of ‘True Blue’ by ‘Madonna’ quietly to me, making my heart swell.

Ever s
ince she’s opened up to me, when she sang for me that day in Camden, she’s been singing to me all the time at my request. Every once in a while, she sings me a cute or sweet lyric from a song, and I couldn’t love it more. I love Sophie in every way imaginable, but this Sophie, my sweet, uninhibited, affectionate, loving Sophie, is my favorite.

“I love you too
, Baby,” I answer her with a dopey smile as I pull into the garage.

Once we
’re parked, I lean down and give her the slow, passionate kiss I’ve been craving the whole way home, groaning as I feel her hands gripping the spot she loves at the back of my neck. I slip my arms around her waist and pull her body closer to mine, gently reclining us onto the seat. As I begin to run my hand up and under her sundress, she grabs it and pushes me away breathlessly.

“We have to wait,” she
begins. I look down at her with confusion, seeing her smile turning into small laughter. “JT’s in the backseat, Baby.” I pull away quickly and help her up, giving her a chaste kiss on the lips.

, Baby. He’s been asleep for so long that I’d forgotten he was in back,” I laugh quietly and glance in the rearview mirror, seeing that he’s still sleeping soundly. I look back down to her and whisper, “I’ve been spoiled all weekend … having you whenever I wanted.” I press my lips against her neck as I inhale her scent, allowing my mouth to travel slowly over her skin. Looking back to her beautiful face, I find her to be biting down on her lower lip. I gently pull on her chin, forcing her to release it before I suck it into my mouth, which causes for her to gasp.

“Chase, we can’t
—” she tries to speak, but and I cut her off because I understand and acknowledge what she’s about to say.

“I know
, Baby. I’m sorry. I just want you so bad.” I lean my forehead against hers, my gaze meeting with her hooded eyes.

“Soon,” she mouth
s and kisses me softly, before jumping out of the truck and walking around to get JT.

I grab our bags
from the back of the truck as I watch her walking quickly inside the house with him in her arms. She looks as though she’s in as much of a hurry as I am, which makes me both smile and harden simultaneously.

As Sophie
gets JT settled into bed, I put our things away and grab a beer from the fridge, before hearing her pull the door to JT’s room closed. I’m just about to round the back of the couch, when I look up to meet her eyes.

She begins stalking across the room towards me. She reaches up behind
her, pulling her ponytail out, and I watch as her hair fans out across her back.

hold the bottle of beer up to my mouth, and take a long draw from it as she yanks her little white sundress over her head, without slowing her pace or breaking our eye contact.

the beer down on the table beside the couch, I pull my shirt over my head while watching her closing the gap between us. Her eyes travel over my chest hungrily and when she bites down on her lip, I release a groan and pull her the rest of the way towards me.

Her hands fly
straight to the button on my jeans as I grip her neck, twisting my fingers into the hair at the nape roughly, eliciting a gasp of pleasure from her lips. She pushes the waist of my jeans and boxer briefs down, far enough so she can grip my cock firmly into her hands.

As soon as
she feels how hard I am for her, her eyes immediately light up. She begins stroking me with her hand and pushes me until I hit the backside of the couch. She removes her hand from me, and in one quick movement, she’s on her knees in front of me. Her eyes hold mine as she slowly runs her tongue up the side of my shaft. Once she reaches the tip, she wraps her lips around it, lapping and sucking greedily.

I let out a deep, animalistic groan after catching the small smirk cross
ing over her features. She then knocks the breath out of me as she takes as much of my length into her mouth as she can possibly manage.

“Fuck!” I hiss as I close my eyes
, gripping the back of her head in my hand tightly. She begins working me over with her swollen lips and wet tongue as my hips grind slightly against her mouth. She grips my ass in one hand while the other cups my balls, gently massaging them. Within just a few short minutes, she has me ready to explode into her mouth. “Baby,” I manage, but she ignores me. “Sophie, I’m about to come,” I whisper desperately and she hums against me before nodding slightly, giving me permission. I grip her by the elbow and pull her up to me.

“I want
to come inside you,” I whisper, wrapping her legs around my waist as I walk her into my bedroom, kissing her all over. “Take your bra off,” I order as I make my way to the door and push it open. She complies immediately, dropping it to the floor as she continues kissing me hungrily. I kick the door shut with my foot, before tossing her onto my bed and leaning over her, taking one of her nipples into my mouth and reveling her squirming caused by my touch.

I bite down gently as she moans and arches her back
, “Panties off,” I whisper, moving back slightly so I can watch her pulling them from her legs, while I remove my jeans and boxer briefs. Both completely naked now, she sits up on her knees and pulls me towards her, immediately pushing her tongue into my mouth and yanking me down until I’m on top of her.

Seeing her want
ing me like this, I’m not sure if I’ve ever been this turned on in my whole life, “Open,” I command. Her legs separate immediately as she thrusts her hips up to meet mine. I slip into her quickly, and she gasps loudly as I begin driving into her without mercy. “Baby, your hot little pussy’s dripping for me,” I groan and her breath hitches as I speak the words.

I love talking to her like this as much as she loves hearing it. Knowing how much I turn her on ma
kes me push into her with a little more force. She lets out a low moan and bites down on my shoulder as I grip her hips firmly.

“More,” she whispers a
s I meet her eyes. “Fuck me harder, Chase!” I grip her hair in my fist again and command her lips before releasing her.

, Baby, you’re so fucking hot,” I grind out, moving my hands up to grip the headboard as she wraps her legs tightly around my waist. “Tell me if it’s too much,” I say and see her nodding quickly, taking her lower lip into her teeth, which only makes me growl down at her even louder this time.

I use the headboard as leverage
, so I can drive into her ruthlessly. She hooks her ankles around my hips, pulling me in further. As I drive myself all the way in, she screams out with sounds like pure ecstasy.

Worried she’ll wake JT, I clamp my hand down on her mouth quickly
, “Be quiet, Sophie,” I grind out, watching with surprised pleasure as her eyes twinkle in satisfaction and feeling as she becomes wetter around me. “Hmm, you like that, Baby?” I ask as I watch her eyes flutter closed. She releases a low moan while biting into the flesh of my hand. I didn’t think I could be more turned on, but seeing her writhe against me like this as I dominate her, staking claim on her hot little body seems to have done it.

Fuck!” I hiss out through my now clenched teeth. She’s driving me wild. I can’t hold back anymore if I wanted to. “Sophie, open your eyes and hang on tight,” I order, growling when I see her lids snapping open and the twinkle of excitement within her eyes. “I’m about to tear you up, Sweetheart,” I promise with a sinister chuckle, and as she lets out a low moan of approval. I move my hand back up to the headboard and slam into her without restraint. “Is this what you wanted?” I ask and she screams out again, louder this time.

“Yes!” she cries. I clamp my hand back down over her mouth, rougher this time and ke
ep fucking her into oblivion as I watch her eyes beginning to roll back in pure delight. This is the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.

“Quiet,” I order
, driving into her with a renewed force. With that, she lets out a primal moan of pleasure and within seconds, she’s pulsing around my cock and ready to explode. “Go, Baby.” I order and she reaches her hands up against the headboard, pushing her entire body down onto my length as she takes me in even further. I begin to come undone inside her as she moans loudly in pleasure. “Who’s is it, Sophie?” I demand between thrusts as I move my hand through her hair, roughly gripping her there while holding her gaze. “Say it, Baby.”

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