The Prisoners of Time (8 page)

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Authors: Joe Dever

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy, #Lone Wolf, #Magnamund

BOOK: The Prisoners of Time
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You are in combat with two Agtah scouts, who are determined to fight you to the death.

Agtah Scouts:

These creatures are immune to Mindblast (but not Psi-surge). Unless you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Huntmastery, reduce your
by 3 points for the first two rounds of combat, owing to the speed and surprise of their attack.

If you win the combat,
turn to 101


Your senses scream a warning that the trees harbour hidden enemies. They are lurking, ready to ambush anyone who attempts to cross the bridge. You tell T'uk T'ron and immediately he orders his guards to dismount and take cover behind their chariots while he and his driver go forward to examine the damaged bridge.

If you wish to go with T'uk T'ron,
turn to 282

If you decide to stay with his guards defending the chariots,
turn to 158


The stairs lead to a passageway, which gives access to a street via hinged stone portals in the ceiling. You climb through one of the portals to emerge on a gloomy street corner.

Few walk the shadowy avenues of Haagadar: the atmosphere is so thick with the smell of salt and sulphur that those whom you do pass are unrecognizable behind the damp pads they press to their faces to ward off the cloying stench. The dimly lit street ends at a central square, where you witness two encouraging sights. Roped to a stone monolith at the centre of the square is a huge, black bird — the scarlet warrior's winged steed. Behind it, rising in flat-topped tiers is the Temple of the Sandai. Two armour-clad creatures stand guard at the entrance, their rusty helmets crudely adapted to hold their face pads in position. You sense that the Lorestone is here, within the temple, and you scan every inch of it in the hope of finding an unguarded entrance. There are no other doors, but a circular, chimney-like vent protrudes from the middle of the highest tier.

If you decide to climb to the top of the temple and attempt to enter through the vent,
turn to 217

If you wish to cover your face and attempt to bluff your way past the guards,
turn to 38


Aching with battle fatigue you step back from your dead foes and wipe their foul black blood from your eyes. You have won the first clash of arms but it is a hollow victory, for the whole area swarms with hundreds of their kind. Their feral eyes glint maliciously in the pale blue mist as slowly they advance once more. To stay here would be suicidal — there are so many that you would eventually be overwhelmed by their sheer weight of numbers. Reluctantly you are forced back to the Grand Sepulchre and the three tentacled horrors that command its entrance.

Turn to 34


In the blink of an eye you load and fire your Bow, sending an Arrow spinning towards the giant's muscular chest. The tip bores into his golden flesh but it strikes a rib and is deflected. Maddened by the sudden pain the giant bellows a rumbling war-cry and lurches forward, intent on rending you limb from limb.

Wounded Yoacor:

This being is immune to Mindblast (but not Psi-surge).

If you win the combat,
turn to 56


You rejoin the track and sprint into the forest, thankful that the canopy of branches prevents an attack from the air. You stop to catch your breath and check your equipment, and discover to your dismay that the creature's attack ripped open your Backpack. Several items have fallen out during your escape.

Erase from your
Action Chart
half the Meals you possessed, together with those items that appear second and fourth on your list of Backpack Items.

To continue,
turn to 138


You recognize the flower to be a Haina. Its red petals are especially effective in the treatment of battle-wounds. Should you lose
points during a future combat, you will be able to restore 5
points immediately afterwards. They can only be used after combat. If you wish to keep the Haina, mark it on your
Action Chart
as a Backpack Item.

You have not eaten today and must now eat a Meal or lose 3
points. If you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Huntmastery you are unable, on this occasion, to use this skill in lieu of eating a Meal from your Backpack.

Turn to 117


You hide beneath the leafy canopy of a flowering bush and wait in silence for the creatures to pass. Through a chink in the leaves you watch as two of them approach, sniffing the air with their ape-like noses as if they were trying to detect your scent.

If you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Invisibility,
turn to 167

If you do not possess this skill, pick a number from the
Random Number Table

If the number you have picked is 0–4,
turn to 142

If it is 5–9,
turn to 240


You take aim at his right eye and release your shaft, but his reactions are lightning fast. He ducks and tries to deflect your Arrow on the reinforced crown of his helmet.

Pick a number from the
Random Number Table
and add to it any missile bonuses you may have.

If your total is now 0–4,
turn to 249

If it is 5–8,
turn to 171

If it is 9 or more,
turn to 113


You take aim at a yellow-fanged horror with black gums and huge, owl-like eyes, and send your shaft spinning into its chest. It continues to advance several paces, seemingly unaffected by the Arrow buried deep in its heart, until finally death conquers its will and it drops, rigid and lifeless, like a huge slab of stone. A shout causes you to glance over your shoulder and you see T'uk T'ron and the driver racing across the bridge. Another shout, harsh and bestial, draws your attention to the creature that is now leaping towards your head.


This creature is immune to Mindblast (but not Psi-surge). Unless you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Huntmastery, reduce your
by 3 points for the first two rounds of combat, owing to the surprise of its attack.

If you win the combat,
turn to 201


Your Kai sense tells you that the food is untainted. You cannot identify any of the meats, vegetables, or fruits but you sense that they are especially nutritious.

If you wish to eat some of the Yoacor food,
turn to 119

If you prefer to eat a Meal from your Backpack,
turn to 231


You use your improved psychic skill to repair your thought-shield by catching and controlling part of the hostile energy being directed against you. The shadow creatures sense your psychic mastery and a whisper passes between them. They split up and the hooves of their steeds churn the cloud to a roiling ferment as they move at a gallop to surround you.

If you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Psi-surge,
turn to 270

If you do not possess this skill,
turn to 41


From a gold-capped leather tube Lorkon produces a map of the Nahgoth which details the location of his encampment, the burial grounds of Tolakos, and the last known position of the Chaos-master's horde. The scale is measured in leagues but you are able to calculate that Tolakos lies only ten miles from Lorkon's camp. A curvy red line has been drawn diagonally across the map to show where scouts last sighted the Chaos-master's troops, and this line passes dangerously close to the burial grounds.

‘You must leave as soon as possible if you are to be sure of reaching Tolakos before it is claimed by the enemy,’ says Lorkon, pointing to the bold red line. ‘This was drawn three hours ago. If the Chaos-master decides to advance, he is within eight hours' march of the burial grounds. This means that in only the next five hours can you be sure to find Tolakos unoccupied. I intend to march my army forward and hold Tolakos but I await reinforcements and I dare not move until they arrive. Therefore I will provide you with a scout who knows the area well. He will guide you to your destination — the rest is up to you.’

Lorkon sends for the scout, a Meledorian called Odel. When he arrives he suggests that you visit the equipment tent before setting off through the forest.

If you wish to take this opportunity to select some new equipment before venturing to Tolakos,
turn to 267

If you wish to start your journey without delay,
turn to 121


A freezing blast of psychic force lances through your mind, filling your head with intolerable pain: lose 5
points. You reel from this unexpected assault and fight to regain control over your shaking limbs.

If you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Psi-surge and wish to retaliate against these shadow creatures,
turn to 270

If you do not possess this skill or do not wish to use it,
turn to 41


Odel sits beside you with his back to the trunk, while he sets the metal crossbow that is strapped to his forearm. As soon as he is ready he turns, rises, and fires into the canopy of trees, sending a bronze-tipped bolt deep into the scaly belly of an Agtah sniper — your would-be assassin. The creature utters a piercing shriek and tumbles to the ground with a dull, sickening thud.

You compliment Odel on his bow-skill and follow him as he moves forward to search the Chaos-creature's body.

Turn to 178


Drawing upon your psychic ability you commit yourself to a state of deep trance in which you are able to separate your spirit from your living body and step beyond your physical form. As if in a dream you move by the power of your will alone. Your astral body is naked and, although it seems no different in shape, it feels eerily light, translucent and impalpable. With total fascination you stare at your mortal form, seeing yourself for the first time as others see you.

Your surroundings are the same but all sense of limitation is gone. You approach the door and thrust your hand against it but you encounter no obstruction. Your hand passes effortlessly through the platinum and into the corridor beyond. Intoxicated by your newfound power you venture further and explore the watchtower, its corridors, stairs, and chambers, but discover little that can aid your physical escape. There is only one exit from the tower and it is watched by more than a dozen heavily armed Yoacor guards. You are about to pass through them and continue out into the city itself when you feel your strength weakening: the time has come to rejoin your physical body. Quickly you return to the tower room, while you have power enough to spirit walk, and re-enter your mortal self.

Your two bodies reunited, you are able to wake from your trance. You feel strangely cold and tired (lose 2
points) but you remember vividly every detail of your psychic experience.

If you wish to investigate the adjoining room,
turn to 170

If you choose to remain in this room,
turn to 219


A sudden sound makes you spin on your heel and instinctively you crouch down ready for combat. A small group of people, dressed in costumes that look vaguely familiar, are marching along the corridor towards the balcony. To avoid them, you hurry down a narrow stair that leads to the hall below and take cover behind the overladen table. From your hiding place you observe the group make their entrance. There are six of them: four men, one woman, and one other who walks with a stoop at the centre of the group and whom you cannot see clearly. You concentrate on their clothing, for there is something about its cut and style that is definitely familiar, yet you cannot pinpoint what it is. Then suddenly you recognize it, and the shock makes you draw breath: they are wearing Sommlending costumes. The five visible faces are now all too familiar to you: Luvias Kort, the Poisoner of Tyso; Falco, highwayman and cut-throat; Aieta Nematah, the Wytch of the Kirlundin Isles; Porgron, murderer; and Gardor Vezh, Chief Druid of Malis Mound, necromancer and cannibal. These are five of Sommerlund's most notorious criminals, all of whom were sentenced to be thrown into the Shadow Gate of Toran for their crimes.

Five pairs of startled eyes glare at the table, alerted by your gasp, and the slick sound of blades leaving oiled scabbards soon follows. The four men and the woman, Aieta, raise their swords and step forward to challenge you. As they move apart you see the sixth member of their group clearly and an icy chill runs down your spine. Slowly you shake your head in disbelief as your stare is returned by the cold, malicious eyes of Vonotar the Traitor.

Illustration V
—The five notorious criminals raise their swords and step forward to challenge you, exposing the sixth member of their group.

‘Long have I waited for the chance to enact my revenge on you, Lone Wolf,’ he hisses, his loathsome voice filling the hall with sibilant echoes, ‘and now my time has come. Kill him!’ he screams, maniacally, and the five spring forward, eager to obey his command.

Villains of Sommerlund:

You cannot evade this combat and must fight all five enemies to the death.

If you win the combat,
turn to 120

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