The Principle Of Chance (6 page)

BOOK: The Principle Of Chance
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‘You’ve got one!’ Frank pointed at
his glass.

‘Not anymore. Empty!’

Jack hurriedly inspected the
contents of his full bar and settled on his usual, whisky. The atmosphere in
the room was undeniably tense.

‘You lost anything Jack?’ Justin

‘You’re a funny kid!’ Jack sat down
behind his enormous desk. ‘Great job! I tell you, I have enjoyed reading every

Jack selected a folder from a drawer
and handed it to Frank. ‘I couldn’t change a word – it’s done!’

‘Who told you it was me Jack?’

‘The story made it obvious. The story
you have heard many times since you have known me and Frank.’

Jack studied the small monitor on
his desk. There was a car in front of his gate; the security guy was talking to
the driver. The car reversed and disappeared.

‘Paparazzi at the gate!’ He pointed
at the monitor.

‘I thought you lived on a

‘The kid is funny.’ Jack pressed the
intercom. They heard a guard answer.

was at the gate John?’

‘A woman got lost, Mr Harvey, but
she had a lot of equipment on the back seat.’


‘That’s what I thought.’

‘Thanks John.’ Jack thought for a
moment, he wondered what the woman wanted. He was sure he would find out soon

‘Justin, you are the only person who
would know so much about us and in such detail.’ Jack stated.

‘All right, kids – I wanna make this
movie, with your help.’ Frank announced.

He wasn’t after a blockbuster, but
he wanted to create a good movie. He wanted to bring a much-needed upliftment
to everyday people. God knew how much it was needed, if only for a few hours.
Like old times! Back in the day people needed laughter to escape from the dark
days. Now, people need a well-directed, happy movie after all that action,
horror and violence.

‘What sort of title are you thinking
of Frank?’ Justin asked, although he guessed what he might say.

State Of Mind
.’ Jack and
Frank answered together.

‘I never thought of that. What a

The guys didn’t miss the sarcasm in
his voice. However, to them, living
a state of the mind. Surviving
the past, and turning bad experiences, disappointments into success; the mind
had to be carefully controlled.

stood up and started pacing around the room.

‘Looks like you are ready for a
speech!’ Jack knew what was coming.

‘Justin, I want you to be involved
in this movie.’

‘I will be on hand Frank.’

‘I want you to be more than just on
hand.’ Frank focused on Jack.

‘What Frank is saying is he wants
you to be the man.’ Jack explained.

‘The man? What do you mean?’

‘I want you to oversee the filming,
Justin. I want you on the production side and also as co-director.’ Frank
informed him.

‘What makes you think I’m your man?’
Justin was stunned.

‘You are the man!’ Frank declared.

‘Are you on board Justin?’ Jack
asked. ‘We are easy to work with!’

The butler quietly brought in some
refreshments and placed them on a side table.

Justin was thinking fast, yes, he
wrote a screenplay. Big deal, anyone can do that. It’s a bonus that Frank liked

‘I am honoured Frank, but I have to
say no.’

‘You mind working with your sister?’

‘I get it now Frank, you want Monica
to direct it.’

‘Your sister is a film director with
many awards to her name.’ Jack announced.

‘We will keep it under wraps for
now. If you like it, you stay, if you want out - fine!’ Frank was sure Justin
was interested; he will be the right man for the movie. ‘What do you say to the

‘What you are saying Frank is; come
and join the gang of actors and musicians turned filmmakers.’

Frank helped himself to a steak
sandwich. ‘Precisely! You’ve got that right, kid!’

‘What is this?’ Jack questioned.
‘You need convincing?’

‘It isn’t that, Jack.’ Justin wanted
to explain his predicament. ‘I am in music …’

‘Look here; you wrote it! You
produce it!’ Frank wasn’t taking no for an answer, this was what Justin needed.
‘Have some food, these sandwiches are delicious.’

‘All right; but don’t come
complaining to me later.’

‘That’s what I like to hear.' You
wrote the screenplay, you know what you are doing.’ Frank said proudly.
‘However, I need to add a small detail.’

‘Which is?’

‘You can write about ‘that’ girl!’

‘The girl?’ Jack was surprised.

‘Oh come on Jack, you were there,
you know!’

‘It’s a big step towards your
privacy Frank.’

‘Come up with a name Justin, tweak
it a little, but I want her in. You know she was an actress. There were a lot
of them there, all beautiful - choose one.’

‘Let me make this clear Frank. You
want me to write about the woman you are so secretive about. The woman, who you
loved and wanted all your life.’


‘The woman, who married someone


‘Who did she marry Frank?’

‘She married a man in power – that’s
enough information for you.’

‘You are still seeing this woman,

‘We are still friends.’

‘More than friends if you ask me.’
Jack nodded knowingly.

‘Who is she?’

‘I will not tell you Justin. The
reason we are not together, using your words, is because she wouldn’t leave her
husband. She feels he doesn’t deserve a public divorce. That’s all. Make it
your own Justin!’

‘I will Frank!’

‘Now, let’s celebrate!’

Jack opened a bottle of Champagne.
He offered a glass to Frank and Justin.

State Of Mind


Chapter Seven




Jack picked up a call on his phone.
‘Turn on the TV Frank!’ He shouted.

‘What?’ Frank raised his eyebrows.

‘Your Selina is making a cake of
herself on live TV!’

They watched in amazement how Selina
was shouting at everyone on The Lucas Show, not knowing she was in the
waiting room, where appearing celebrities waited for their turn and the
audience could see and hear them.

Selina obviously wasn’t aware of
this. She could have been, but she hadn’t listened to the production assistant
when she arrived late for the show. The assistant tried to tell her, because
she was late and the show was nearing the end, she only had five minutes to get
ready. Selina rushed into the first room she saw, expecting it to be a dressing

‘What do you mean I’m late?’ They
heard her addressing a frightened looking assistant.

‘I am sorry but you are an hour late
and Mr Lucas will have to fit you in at the very end of the programme.’

‘What? Do you know who I am?’ She
screamed at her, out of control. ‘I don’t wait for anybody, do you understand?’
She fumed. ‘Tell your Mr Lucas he can stuff his show up his backside for all I

Selina marched up and down in the
waiting room. Nobody was telling her she was live on TV. The assistant hurried
up to her with a tray of sandwiches, which she promptly knocked out of her

‘What do you call this? I don’t eat
bread, where is the organic fruit I ordered?’ She demanded.

‘Selina, this is Mark John Lucas,
you are live on the show!’ They heard a voice addressing her.

Selina looked around surprised.
‘Hello Mark, where are you?’ She said sweetly.  

‘I am here in the studio and we CAN
all see you and hear you.’ He said, fully aware of the massive viewing figures
he was getting right now. The girl had screwed up big time!

‘You can see me?’ She had just
realised what had happened.     

‘We all love listening to you. How
refreshing….’ Mark was pushing it. He won’t have another show like this again.
Talk about the ratings!

Jack clicked the TV off. ‘I don’t
suppose she knew what she was doing.’ He tried to take the edge off the

‘She is finished in this city,
Jack!’ Frank said with a heavy heart.

‘That’s an understatement Frank.’

‘There are thousands of talented
actresses who would give anything for a life like Selina’s.’

‘Tell me about it.’

Frank dialled Ross. ‘I suppose
you’ve heard the news?’

‘I’m watching it live.’ Ross said.

‘Have you finished filming the
scenes with Selina?’

‘Yeah, all done.’

‘Don’t do anything with it for now;
we’ll have to recast her part. She can’t stay in
movie. How many
scenes are we talking?’

‘Not a lot Frank, but it will mean
extra money.’ The budget Ross had for the film was nearly gone.

‘Money isn’t a problem, Ross; tell
everyone they will get paid.’

‘Great, thanks Frank.’

will have your new actress by tomorrow!’

Frank finished the call. ‘This just
shows how quickly your career can be over in this business!’

‘On the other hand, actors can get
away with murder, if they are represented by a shark of an agent.’ Jack

‘True.’ Frank agreed, fed up with
behaviour. ‘Selina will pull through, but she's finished at my
studio!’ He didn’t care about the money.

‘Let’s move on.’ Frank suggested.
‘Enough of Selina for today.’

Frank started outlining his plans to
Jack as Justin had already left. Frank had already arranged to start filming.
Jack guessed that Frank had used his contacts to get the film rolling. If
people had the opportunity and luck to make a movie, it still would take months
or even more to get it off the ground and actually start rolling, but not for

‘Why didn’t you tell me about this
movie Frank? You gave me a screenplay to read without a word. I was there
beginnings and

‘What do you mean? I did!’

‘There was only one person who knew
what we went through, and that was Justin.’ Jack laughed out loud. ‘It wasn’t
just a screenplay, you forgot that minor detail.’

‘All right, I was going to tell

‘Don’t play it cool old man! You
planned it for months!’

‘Look Jack, the thing is … we
cancelled a movie last month – remember?’

‘You mean, ‘
Dark Woods’

‘Precisely! Everything was set, we
were ready to roll.’ Frank explained. ‘The guys need their jobs, we use the
same crew and budget and nobody is out of pocket.’

‘I see you got your people on it as
usual!’ Jack said, knowing Frank had it all planned already.

‘I do! Eleanor is looking into some
upcoming actors for the roles. It is my priority not to spoil the movie by
using well known faces. They would put their stamp on this movie.’

‘Good point Frank.’ Jack shook his
head. ‘Now, I know I am looking forward to filming.’

‘Glad to hear that!’ Frank said with
a slight sarcasm in his voice, which went undetected by Jack.

Frank had it all in motion, he had
contacted his long-time friend, Eleanor Taylor, an elegant woman of seventy
three. Like Frank and Jack, Eleanor was around when Hollywood began to shine
and she had a good knowledge of actors. She owned Taylor PR Talent Agency, the
best in town, specialising in actors who were just starting out. Eleanor
talent and had never been wrong about an actor. She already had a few lined up
for Frank.

Frank needed was to get Monica on board, which shouldn’t be difficult. Frank
picked up his briefcase, which he’d collected earlier from his driver. He
pulled out the envelope and opened it. Indeed it was just as he’d thought, it
was all there.






The girl in the car found a great
spot under some trees where she couldn’t be seen. The plan hadn’t worked as the
security guys wouldn’t let her into the house. Plan B - she already had a stack
of pictures of the house but without Jack Harvey in sight. Jack had top
security, but to a girl like Jasmine, a top journalist/paparazzo, this wasn’t a

Jasmine used to work as a nude
model. She was a Hollywood blonde with fake breasts and an over tanned, skinny
body. She wasn’t pretty but she was sexy in a suggestive way. She always got
the top stories, especially when it involved men. Her tactics were simple –
sleep with the guy in question! It always worked. Nobody ever suspected she was
one of the paparazzi and this allowed her to get close!

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