The Principle Of Chance (3 page)

BOOK: The Principle Of Chance
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‘I have been informed that the
‘‘revisit’’ report is ready.’ Frank told Jack.

‘Don has already asked me for dinner
next week.’ Jack said.

you cooking

will bring my housekeeper with me. She will cook up a storm for you.’ Jack said

‘You crafty old man! What would
housekeeper say to that?’ Frank laughed. ‘The two of them would have a good
catch up on the gossip.’

‘Fancy coming round tonight to the
beach house? Drinks of course, and delicious food, as always.’

Frank thought for a moment. ‘I’ll
think about it Jack. Don’t count on me.’ He knew he will have a meeting or two
later on.

‘How is filming going?’ Jack

‘Going all right, they tell me.
Monica is great!’

‘Monica, hey? She’s full of
surprises. I like a woman in power.’ Jack said, thinking about the pretty

Frank was very upbeat about Orban
Studios’ latest movie. Monica Blakes, a fresh director, was just what he
The Blue Velvet
was a gangster movie set in early 1950s America.
The film wasn’t based on a real story, it was pure fiction, but Monica made it
seem very real.

‘Call me later Frank, but I should
be in Nonna’s as usual.’ Jack said making up his mind about what to do.

‘I’m going there now.’ Frank said.
‘Why do we always go there?’

‘We want to be seen Frank!’

‘Come on Jack, you want to check out
the talent!’ Frank said teasingly.

‘What’s wrong with that?’ Jack

Frank couldn’t help smiling. ‘I’ll
probably see you at your house!’

Frank clicked his phone off, he
considered opening the envelope the private detective had given him. 
Somehow, he felt apprehensive - what an old fool he was. All he needed to do
was open and read it. He already knew a lot about this ‘case’. It wasn’t the
first time he’d asked for some facts. There will only be additional information
inside the packet.






After a refreshing shower, Amy dried
her hair and applied a delicate evening makeup, put on a simple, flowing, white
dress with a generous cleavage. She slipped on her high heels, and she was
ready to go. While she waited for Ed, she sat down on the cool, sheltered patio
to look through some work.

Just as Amy was getting into a case
she needed to finish, she heard a car arrive. She ran down the steps at the
side of the house that led to a small gate. Ed was there in a fancy car -
revving the engine.

Does he want the whole neighbourhood
to know he is here?
Amy, covering her disappointment, flashed him an amazing smile and got into his

‘I knew you would look great babe!’
Ed said with satisfaction.

‘Did you?’

‘Hey, what do you think of my new
Aston? It’s a beast!’ He said proudly.

‘I’m not into cars.’ Amy said,

‘It’s a muscle car! The power you
need and then some!’ Ed placed his hand on Amy’s thigh. She promptly removed

Touchy girl, Ed thought. Nothing he
couldn’t handle. ‘I’m taking you to Nonna’s!’ He announced and waited anxiously
for a massive WOW. There was no reaction. He tried again. ‘Nonna’s ?’

‘Ah, yes, great place – good food.’
Amy said, finally realising Ed wanted her to appreciate the date. Big deal! Amy
didn’t need to be impressed. She looked out of the window and admired the ocean
as the car whizzed by.

‘Have you been there?’ Amy heard Ed

‘Yeah, a few times.’

Ed was temporarily lost for words;
this date wasn’t going the way he was accustomed to. This girl will need some
extra work, - no problem. 






Amy Ronay was born in New York to an
American mother and an Eastern European father. Unfortunately she didn’t know
much about her parents, as they weren’t the type of people to have an open
relationship with their daughter. They loved her and they cared about her but
her mother wasn’t Amy’s best friend and her father worked long hours. Amy had a
typical childhood and adolescence; after high school she attended university.
She didn’t have many friends, but she was happy with her best friend Kari.
Being an only child herself, Kari loved spending time with Amy. They enjoyed
their sleepovers, vacations and later, boyfriends. Amy was always the quiet
one, while Kari loved to chat to boys. At university Kari met a boy from
Australia. She fell in love and her friendship with Amy suffered. After
university, Kari moved to Australia, married her man and lost touch with Amy.

Amy’s parents didn’t socialise much.
Her father was content being around his family and her mother was a divorce
lawyer who spent much of her time in her office which was located in the house.
Her parents loved each other very much and she never heard them argue about
anything. Whatever Amy wanted, she got. The family spent time together at least
once a week, usually on Sundays. The years passed and Amy grew up, found a job,
and bought her first apartment.

Shortly after, her parents died
suddenly in a car crash. Amy was devastated and found she couldn’t stay in the
city where so many things reminded her of her parents.  She decided that
California will be her new home. She would have preferred to live in San
Francisco but she was offered a job in Los Angeles. Now, she was here in the
sunny city, trying to make something of her life.






Frank changed his plans and headed
to the film set before going to Nonna’s to meet Selina. He didn’t usually need
to get involved with problems on set - he had people to deal with them. With
Selina though, he had a hunch he should be involved. The filming was nearly
finished and the girl was due to attend various TV shows to promote the movie.
So far there had been difficulties with her appearances. Arriving late was one
thing, but making diva-style demands on TV shows didn’t go down well. The girl
wasn’t doing her career any favours!

He placed a call to his secretary.
Edna will need to inform the restaurant of his delay. The restaurant never had
a problem with Frank arriving late. People had to book weeks in advance to get
a table at Nonna’s but there was always a table for Frank.

Joe parked up on the set in Rosetta
Bay and Frank surveyed the scene from the car. There she was; Selina the diva,
who looked like she was having one of her fits. Frank could see her throwing
something at Ross and storming off into her trailer. He let out a heavy sigh
and stepped out of the car to speak to Ross.

‘Good to see you here Frank.’ Ross,
a tall man with sun-bleached curls hidden under a baseball cap, greeted him.

‘Looking busy man.’

‘We’re nearly finished, all we have
left is a scene with Selina!’ Ross said.

‘Wrap party tonight?’ Frank asked.

‘It all depends, Frank.’ Ross said
slowly. ‘Today is not the day to roll, I’ve been told!’ Ross said, feeling
uncomfortable talking about Selina in front of Frank.

‘I understand.’ Frank said.

An assistant rushed up to Frank with
a tray of drinks. Frank chose coffee, thanked her and watched the filming for a
while. When he thought the time was right, he walked up to Selina’s trailer. He
knocked on the door and without waiting for a reply, he entered.

Selina sat in front of a mirror,
wearing only her underwear, eating grapes. Her assistant glared at her

‘Oh Frank!’ Selina stared at him
wide-eyed. ‘What a surprise!’ She said, full of charm.

 ‘How’s it going girl?’ Frank’s
voice was giving nothing away. The assistant quickly disappeared. Frank was
sure he had interrupted an argument.

‘It’s good, Frank! What a movie!’
Selina said, wondering why Frank Orban was in her trailer, although she
the shit had hit the fan because Frank’s visits usually meant trouble.

‘Glad to hear that! Are you
satisfied with your part darling?’ Frank surveyed her with an expressive look.

‘It’s the best!’ Selina answered,
adopting a sexy voice.

‘People are telling me things girl.
Things I don’t want to hear.’ Frank looked into her blue eyes. ‘The filming is
nearly finished. You’re smart Selina, you
what I mean?’

‘Yes Frank, of course.’ Was Frank
here to fire her? She wouldn’t even get compensation Frank had the best
lawyers. She wanted this movie so bad and needed it big time. Where was that
agent of hers when she needed him? Maybe she should sleep with the old man. Was
that what he was implying? Well, no harm in trying!

Selina had been a member of a girl
band some years ago. When the group split up, she lost everything. After being
in the most famous girl band in the world, she went to being a nobody for
years. Years! She had loved the lifestyle she had as a singer. Girls copied the
clothes and makeup she wore and even her hair style; they wanted to be like
her! She had money, fast cars and most importantly, fame. It had taken her
years to get where she was today. She had spent months finding the people who
could ‘make it happen’ for her and had suffered months of sleeping with that
old, wrinkled agent of hers to get this part. Not to mention the hard work and
money she put into her appearance. She employed an extremely expensive personal
trainer, hairdresser and stylists and had had a facelift and liposuction. She
couldn’t lose all this now!

‘Good! I like to see happy people!’
Frank said knowing Selina had got the message.

‘It’s the best here on set Frank, I
can tell you.’ She prattled on.

‘Is it?’

‘Yeah, we’re finishing today. Wrap!
As you Americans call it!’

‘I’m pleased that you’re having
fun!’ Frank said.

‘I’m appearing on The Lucas Show
tonight, to promote the film. Maybe you and I can get together later?’ She
unclipped her bra and sat down in Frank’s lap. ‘We could have a good time

‘Wrong move girl, it doesn’t work
for me.’ Frank brushed her aside and headed for the door, his job was done

‘I know you
do a good
job Selina!’ Frank opened the door and left.

Selina was shocked. She wasn’t
sacked, - or was she? Maybe she’d got very lucky. This movie had better be a
blockbuster. In her next film, she
get what she deserved. And why
couldn’t she change her lines when she wanted to? At the end of the day, she
the actress!

Frank informed Ross that there will
be no more trouble from Selina, but added that the PR Manager needed to keep a
tab on her appearances.

‘Actresses!’ Frank said to Joe in
the car. ‘The more you give them the more they want.’

Joe looked into his mirror. ‘Yes
boss.’ He knew how and when to answer.

There was a knock on the car window,
Frank let it slide down.

‘Thanks.’ Ross said, looking into
the car.

Ross was one of Frank’s favourite
directors. He wasn’t into the
power game
; instead he worked hard, but on
movies he chose. Rumour had it he was divorced, but Frank never listened to
gossip. If he needed to investigate, he did it himself.

‘Don’t mention it. What’s next?’
Frank enquired.

‘We are full on. Not long before we
finish here and move on to a new movie set in Europe.’

‘You ever take a break?’

‘No I don’t.’ Ross frowned. ‘Are you
saying I need to?’

‘No, I am saying nothing man! Where
about in Europe?’

‘We are filming in Budapest. It’s in
Hungary. Only a day’s work on the
Silver Road Journey
.’ Ross said. He
was always excited about starting a new movie – a new challenge and a new

‘Hungary?’ A sudden rush of memories
flooded Frank’s mind.

‘We should’ve started filming ages ago,
but the set we want to use was already taken by another film company.’ Ross
explained. ‘Frees up next week but only for a limited time, so we need to be

‘Hungary seems to be very popular
lately.’ Frank said, deep in thought.

‘Yeah, they built some great film
sets and we can hire them for a very reasonable budget.’

‘I agree; it’s a striking country.’

‘Have you been there Frank?’ Ross
asked interested.

‘Yeah, many years ago.’


Story Of Frank Orban




Frank was born in Hungary to a poor
landowner and his frail wife who lived in a small village. Frank’s parents had
six children. In 1937 Frank turned seventeen and rumour of a war was
everywhere. Frank wasn’t going to stick around. The stories that circulated
amongst the village people about the last war were horrendous. Frank wanted to
stay alive and make something of his life. He had lost his parents, brothers
and sisters in an outbreak of tuberculosis some years ago. His only surviving
sister Eva, was making it hard for him to leave.

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