The Prince Charming Hoax (27 page)

BOOK: The Prince Charming Hoax
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Who does your hair?

Paco, the owner, usually. But you can

t get a last-minute appointment with him, so I took anyone who was available this afternoon. All I need is a blow dry, and they

re all good at that salon.

Roxie, listen to me,

Felix insisted.

Have your hair set with those foam rollers and then brushed out in soft waves. Then you must have Angela do your make up.


s Angela?


s a dear friend and a fabulous make up artist who works at Trini

s. I

ll call her and tell her she has to fit you in. Don

t worry about anything. I

ll talk to Angela and find out who

s doing your hair. When, you leave Trini

s, Roxie, you will be the glamour queen! Go now, leave everything to me.

Felix, you are the best! You know I love you.

Roxie leaned in and gave him a kiss.

But I have another favor to ask you.

She whispered in his ear. Felix broke into a broad grin and turned to Walter.

Roxie needs a surprise gift for her honey. She wants us to pick out something that will please him.

The two men conferred for a moment. Then Walter reached over and took something off the wall. He handed Roxie a flat, square box.

Roxie examined the box, turning it over several times. Puzzled, she asked,


s a cock ring?

Walter and Felix chuckled.


t worry,

said Walter.


ll know what it is, and you

ll both like it.

She kissed Felix again, then Walter.

You guys are the best. Thanks so much.

Roxie, call me next week and tell me all about your night. And I

ll tell you all about ours,

Felix said, putting his arm around Walter.

OK, Sweetie. Love you.

She blew a kiss and took the dress and the box with D.J.

s new toy to the front counter. The clerk, still on the phone, ignored her.

Roxie deliberately took out her credit card and tapped on the counter. She got the women

s attention, and the clerk begrudgingly got off the phone.

These are final sales,

the woman grumbled as she threw the purchases in a bag.

Roxie grabbed her package and the receipt.

Not a problem. I

m not coming back,

Roxie said over her shoulder as she stepped outside into the bright Florida afternoon.


Roxie could not believe the image she saw reflected in her mirror. The obscene amount of money she had spent at Trini

s that afternoon was definitely worth it. Her black hair, parted at the side, fell in long, soft waves down her shoulders and back. Angela had done her makeup to perfection, precisely as Felix ordered—dramatic. She powdered Roxie

s flawless skin to a heavy matte finish and added rose blush to accent her high cheekbones. She lined Roxie

s eyes heavily in black and layered her lashes with mascara.

No need for fake lashes for you,

Angela said. The makeup artist squeezed Roxie

s long, thick lashes into perfect curves with an eyelash curler and brushed and blended layers of glimmering pink, apricot, and brown on her lids to emphasize Roxie

s widespread hazel eyes. To complete the look, Angela outlined and painted Roxie

s lips a deep ruby red.


s advice had been on the money. Angela was fabulous, and Roxie was drop-dead gorgeous. Even she couldn

t take her eyes off herself. Moving her eyes down to check the rest of her image, Roxie adjusted the straps of her dress absently. There was little to do. Everything was just right. The transparent part of the dress clung to her middle so perfectly that it appeared there was no midsection at all.

The buzzer rang at precisely 8 p.m.

Hello, Beautiful. We

re here. Come on down.

Roxie frowned.


re not coming up to get me?


, the limo is blocking the entrance, and Belle and Nicky are waiting in the car. Just come on down.

Roxie sighed.

All right, if you really can

t—this time only, though.

She let go of the intercom without waiting for a reply. Running one hand lightly over her hair, she picked up the beaded purse that matched her dress perfectly and opened the front door with the other. The phone rang just as the door was about to close, and she paused to find out who was calling.

The answering machine picked up after three rings.

Rox, it

s Leah. I guess you

re out. Listen, I

ve been miserable all day. Call me tomorrow, please. Let

s meet for brunch—anywhere you want—my treat.

Leah paused.

I guess that

s all. Rox, please call and let me know. You can call me late tonight if you want or when you get up, but just call.

Another pause.


Roxie let the door slam behind her.

Later, Leah. I

ve got plans.

When Roxie stepped out of the elevator, D.J. was waiting near the front entrance. His eyes met hers, and then traveled slowly down her body, taking in every inch.
Nodding approval, he strode over, took her hand, and spun her around.

You are a knock-out, woman. Damn, you look great.

I guess that means you like it,

Roxie teased.

Like it? Are you kidding? You

ll be the belle of the ball, but don

t tell Belle I said that. She likes to keep that title for herself.

Roxie smiled with satisfaction and lightly brushed D.J.

s cheek with her own. She would not risk smearing her lipstick this early in the evening.

He grabbed her around her waist and whisked her toward the door.

Come on, lady. Time

s a wastin


Strike two,
thought Roxie. She hated being rushed. She slipped free of his embrace.


t herd me, D.J. I

m not livestock.

D.J. either ignored her comment or didn

t hear. He opened the limo door and motioned for her to get in. Roxie halted. Belle was seated in the rear, facing the driver, and Nicky was sitting opposite her, with his back to the driver. Both patted the seats next to them. Roxie looked questioningly at D.J.

Your choice, Babe.

He shrugged.


s hesitated for a moment. The feeling that the evening was getting off on the wrong foot was growing by the instant. She had expected to sit next to D.J., but she shook off her doubts and slid in next to Belle. The women air kissed and complimented each other. Just as Roxie suspected when she met Belle, all the girl needed was a touch of makeup. Tonight Belle was most decidedly stunning. Her long blonde hair hung straight and heavy to her waist. And her tight, black halter-neck jumpsuit, cut low in front and backless, revealed her exercise-sculpted body and augmented cleavage.

Red wine or white, Roxie?

Nicky inquired, pointing to the two bottles on the bar.

Red, thanks.

Roxie sat back and took a good look at the two men. Nicky, like Belle, looked much better this evening than he had the night they met.
Clothes make the man,
Roxie thought. Nicky

s black lightweight sweater hugged his muscular arms, shoulders, and back. With white pants and his hair slicked back, he looked like a Greek shipping tycoon, à la Onassis.

D.J. exuded cowboy charm in his tight-ribbed dark blue pullover. The V-neck revealed just a hint of the golden chest hair Roxie loved to run her fingertips and lips over. He wore gray slacks and gray snakeskin boots.

Roxie suddenly felt charged with energy. The sexual electricity in the car fairly crackled, and she felt excited, yet edgy and uncertain at the same time.

Nicky poured the wine and Roxie focused on making small talk with Belle, pushing aside the restlessness she felt. Two glasses of Pinot Noir later, Roxie felt comfortable enough with their friendship to reveal her feelings about returning to the club.


she said as she leaned in so the men wouldn

t hear the conversation.


m a little uptight about going back tonight. I know what happened with Rita was a fluke, but what can I expect tonight?

Bell nodded that she understood.

Just stick with me, Roxie.

She reached over and squeezed Roxie

s hand, like they were schoolgirls.


ll be so much fun, you

ll see.

Roxie smiled, determined to ignore her stomach

s cautionary flip-flops. Trying to distract herself, she paid closer attention to where they headed as the limo crossed the causeway to South Beach. The club, Roxie noted as the limo pulled up to the entrance and stopped, was about one block west of Ocean Drive on Tenth Street.

A doorman/bouncer opened the limo door, waited to get the nod from D.J., and then held his hand out to assist Roxie, then Belle. After the men got out, D.J. motioned for Nicky and Belle to go ahead and then pulled Roxie aside.

Are you sure you want to go in, Rox? You

ve been mighty quiet for the last fifteen minutes or so.


m fine, D.J.

Roxie looked up and smiled with more confidence than she felt.

Are you sure? You know, the last time we came, I was only planning on dinner and dancing. But tonight

s different. You understand, right?

She stood back so he could get a good, full-body look at her.


t I look ready for action?

D.J. pulled her to him, running his hands up and down her back as he hugged her.

I wanted to make sure, that

s all.

He winked and grabbed her hand as he started toward the door.

Come on, honey—let

s play.

By the time they reached the top of the stairs and went inside, Nicky and Belle were surrounded by about a half dozen couples. The attention turned to D.J. as he and Roxie approached, and introductions were made all around. Roxie was excited by the attention they were receiving. It was like she and D.J. were the royal couple holding court, and all these people were their subjects. Shortly after the introductions were made, D.J. raised his hand, as if dismissing everyone, and the crowd split, letting him lead Roxie, Nicky, and Belle into the darkened bar.

They sat at a small table and the steady flow of drinks began. She danced with D.J., Nicky, and a host of others. The music was disco and the dance floor was never empty. Every time she returned to the table, her glass was full and another plate of food was served. She ate very little because someone was always coming over to whisk her out on the dance floor again. But she managed to throw down big gulps of Grey Goose martinis between partners. D.J. had predicted correctly. She was the belle of the ball and loved every powerful minute of it.

Dropping down in her chair after the latest set was over, she turned to D.J.

Hey handsome, this has been great fun, but when does the real party start?

Just at that moment, a rotating disco ball dropped down above the dance floor, with swirling bands of colored light illuminating the center area of the darkened room. She could feel the music, as if it were flowing beneath her feet.

From your imagination to reality,

D.J. said as he leaned in to kiss her.

Roxie was letting herself enjoy his embrace when Belle came over and took her hand, pulling her up toward the dance floor.

Follow me, Roxie, and do what I do.

Roxie nodded excitedly. She had been waiting for hours to see how the club operated. Up until now, it had been a typical South Beach party night. The dance floor was aglow with bouncing rays of shimmering light and got-to-dance music swelled through the air. Belle led her to the center of the floor.

Time for the girls to put on a show. Give it everything you

ve got.

Roxie glanced over her shoulder and noticed D.J., Nicky, and the rest of the men were lined up around the dance floor. Only women were dancing.


s going on, Belle?

Just go with the flow, Rox. The fun

s about to begin.

Belle put both her arms out and drew Roxie close to her and the two women began dancing with their hands on each other

s hips. Then Belle dramatically raised her arms, threw back her head and long hair, and reached behind her neck, unfastening the button that held up her halter top. In a split second, Belle

s voluminous breasts were free and she placed her hands under them, as if offering them to Roxie.

Roxie felt intoxicated by the sights and sounds of the room. The music swelled and around her she saw women disrobing, dancing, and touching each other.


s like a grand sisterhood of goddesses preparing for a sex ritual,

she thought. Suddenly nothing seemed more natural or stimulating than the sight and touch of dozens of beautiful women swaying naked to the music. Roxie closed her eyes as she danced and let herself enjoy the moment.

She didn

t open her eyes when she felt gentle hands upon her, unzipping her dress and releasing her bra. She moved with the music and let the hands travel softly over her skin, ever so lightly as they removed her clothes and undergarments. As she inhaled the exotic feminine fragrances swirling around her, she opened her eyes to find herself at the center of a small circle of women. They moved slowly, dancing around her until one by one, they drifted into the shadows and Roxie was alone at the center of the floor.

BOOK: The Prince Charming Hoax
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