The Power of the Heart: Finding Your True Purpose in Life (24 page)

BOOK: The Power of the Heart: Finding Your True Purpose in Life
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It is coming from somewhere deep inside: the human spirit. And it’s saying, “Go that way and your heart will guide you.”

You will find out what you are doing it all for by listening to your heart. When you are accomplishing your mission, you will know it by the infinite pleasure it gives you.


Your Calling

To better understand your mission, ask yourself the following questions:

• Who am I?

• What is it I want?

• What is my true element?

• What does my heart guide me to want and to do?

• What is my life’s purpose?

• Who are my heroes/heroines in history, in fiction and legend, or in religion? What is it that I admire most about them?

• What are my unique skills and talents?

• How can I use these unique skills and talents for a greater purpose?

Be brave enough to follow the route that your heart and soul map out for you, even when it seems unusual or meets with opposition from others. Bear in mind that when you follow what you were born to do, your destiny will reveal itself—even if it takes time.

To help you, you can repeat this Change Me prayer created by Tosha Silver:

Change me, Divine Beloved, into one who wakes up and remembers completely who I actually
Everything I encounter . . . Let me invite your Divine plan for me and use this life for the highest good. Let me live in Divine service . . . Change me, Divine Beloved, into one who knows how the heck to do this!

12. The Heart of Health

The heart is the thousand-stringed instrument that can only be tuned with love.


Connecting to your heart is important for your physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Your heartbeat and emotional state are linked. When you experience negative emotions like fear, anger, or frustration, your heartbeat is agitated and irregular. When you experience positive emotions like love, happiness, or appreciation, your heartbeat is calmer and gentler.


In other words, your heart is structurally different in different states of consciousness. If you’re living in fear, the heart structure is very different than if you’re living in love, or compassion, or kindness, or equanimity.

Scientific research has shown that, when the rhythm of your heart is calm and coherent, your body is in better balance, which in turn improves your health and well-being.


It’s obvious that the emotions associated with the heart are the ones that are healthy for us. They’re the ones that regenerate. There have been a lot of studies on the effect of negative emotions like, for example, anger and things like that. They are not good for us. Studies we’ve done on things like care show that there’s a regenerative effect created by having more of those emotions that are heart-related emotions. Care, appreciation, love, those emotions regenerate us. They are good for our health. They create hormonal changes in our body that last for a long time. The heart is having a lot of influence on the body beyond the fact that it’s just pumping blood. It’s influencing brain function, hormonal releases, and immune system response. All the major body systems are being influenced by the heart.

Not only is your health of crucial importance to your heart, but your heart is of crucial importance to your health. As soon as you connect with your heart and experience all the positive emotions it facilitates, you improve your health.


Feeling loved and cared for, feeling heard and understood is actually the key to health.


There are some wonderful fringe benefits of experiencing a greater state of love. When you’re feeling more love, you have better health, you live longer. On average people who are happier or who are experiencing more love live nine years longer. You are more creative, with greater brain capacity. You are more successful. You have better relationships. You’re a better parent and you magnetize more love to you. So, all areas of your life are affected by your experience of living in a greater state of love.

When you are not entirely happy in your own skin, however, your health inevitably suffers the consequences. In fact, the continued stress from irritation, anger, or frustration increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Negative emotions seriously undermine your health, weaken your immune system, and make you more susceptible to illness.


An interesting little experiment was done here at the Institute of HeartMath one day between a boy and a dog. The dog’s name was Mabel, a wonderful old sweet labrador retriever who had a relationship with Josh, the son of Rollin McCraty, director of research at HeartMath. McCraty put heart monitors on both Josh and Mabel to measure changes in their heart rhythms and to see if heart rhythms were coherent or incoherent. When he brought them together, their heart rhythms became coherent at
the same time and synchronized together. The love exchanged by living systems, by living beings, creates changes in our heart rhythms that influence how we function.

Two different hearts can actually beat as one. A coherent heartbeat is a healthy heart rhythm.

Generating positive emotions is the best method of getting rid of stress. Your heart plays a prominent role in this, because it is an inexhaustible source of positive emotions.


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