The Power of the Heart: Finding Your True Purpose in Life (41 page)

BOOK: The Power of the Heart: Finding Your True Purpose in Life
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Simon Greiner is a designer and illustrator from Sydney who lives in Brooklyn, New York. His work has been featured in
and on the front cover of the
New Yorker.
Greiner has illustrated and authored several books.


Text by Baptist de Pape and Arnoud Fioole • Contributions by Isabel Allende; Maya Angelou; Michael Beckwith; Deepak Chopra; Paulo Coelho; Joe Dispenza; Linda Francis; Jane Goodall; John Gray; Rollin McCraty; Howard Martin; Ruediger Schache; Marci Shimoff; Dean Shrock; Eckhart Tolle; Neale Donald Walsch; Marianne Williamson; and Gary Zukav • Illustrations and design by Simon Greiner, Inc. • Interior paging by Dana Sloan • Art director Jeanne Lee • President and publisher Judith Curr • Editor Leslie Meredith • Production editor Jessica Chin • Film producers Baptist de Pape, Arnoud Fioole, and Mattijs van Moorsel • Film director Drew Heriot


Page ii
: Photo copyright Balazs Kovacs Images / Shutterstock;
Page viii
: Portrait of Baptist de Pape by Gerry Hurkmans;
Page 8
: Getty Images by Betsie Van Der Meer;
Page 14
: Photo copyright melis / Shutterstock;
Page 22
: Photo copyright MJTH / Shutterstock;
Page 24
: Portrait of Neale Donald Walsch by Christopher Briscoe;
Page 27
: Portrait of Marci Shimoff by Kate sZatmari;
Page 32
: Brand New Images / Getty Images;
Page 35
: Portrait of Paulo Coelho by Paul Macleod;
Page 44
: Photo copyright XiXinXing / Shutterstock;
Page 49
: Portrait of Jane Goodall by Stuart Clarke;
Page 53
: Portrait of Michael Beckwith by Rawtographer;
Page 58
: Tim Robberts / Getty Images;
Page 66
: Photo copyright Subbotina Anna / Shutterstock;
Page 69
: Portrait of Eckhart Tolle by David Ellingsen;
Page 78
: Photo copyright MJTH / Shutterstock;
Page 83
: Portrait of Linda Francis by Christopher Briscoe;
Page 86
: Portrait of Gary Zukav by Christopher Briscoe;
Page 92
: Photo copyright Kichigin / Shutterstock;
Page 95
: Portrait of Maya Angelou by Perry Hagopian / Contour by Getty Images;
Page 105
: Portrait of Isabel Allende by Lori Barra;
Page 108
: Photo copyright Eugene Sergeev / Shutterstock;
Page 122
: Portrait of Joe Dispenza by Stacey McRae Photography;
Page 126
: RunPhoto / Getty Images;
Page 133
: Portrait of Deepak Chopra by Todd MacMillan @ gotoddrun;
Page 142
: Photo copyright Surkov Vladimir / Shutterstock;
Page 147
: Portrait of Dean Shrock © Chris Graamans;
Page 154
: Photo copyright Rock and Wasp / Shutterstock;
Page 161
: Portrait of John Gray courtesy of the author;
Page 172
: Portrait of Marianne Williamson by Rich Cooper;
Page 176
: Nicholas Monu / Getty Images;
Page 185
: Portrait of Ruediger Schache by Christoph Vohler;
Page 194
: Photo copyright MJTH / Shutterstock;
Page 199
: Portrait of Howard Martin by Gabriella Boehmer—Heartmath Public Relations;
Page 206
: Photo copyright Balazs Kovacs Images / Shutterstock;
Page 216
: Portrait of Rollin McCraty by Gabriella Boehmer—Heartmath Public Relations.

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First Atria Books hardcover edition October 2014

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Interior design by Simon Greiner

Jacket design by Simon Greiner

Jacket art by Simon Greiner

Jacket photograph by Olga Khoroshunover/Shutterstock

Author photo by Liliane de Voogd

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Pape, Baptist de.

 The power of the heart : finding your true purpose in life / Baptist de Pape.

  pages cm

 Summary: “Eighteen of the world’s greatest spiritual thinkers, writers, and scientists reveal how you can overcome limitations and fulfill your highest potential” — Provided by publisher.

 1. Self-realization. 2. Spiritual life. I. Title.

 BJ1470.P37 2014



ISBN 978-1-4767-7160-1

ISBN 978-1-4767-7162-5(ebook)

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