The Possibility of Trey (35 page)

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Authors: J.A. Hornbuckle

BOOK: The Possibility of Trey
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"Do we have enough damn time for nibbles?"

"We officially received her two week resignation yesterday. I think I can get the position filled and have a new girl starting the Monday after she leaves. Which will only have you without someone for two days. Can you live with that?"

Trey couldn't help but smile at Bishop's teasing tone.

"Yeah, amigo. I think I can hang for two days."

Bishop stood. "Dig it. Now let's take the other meet across the 'court. I need a drink."

"Sounds good to me. Especially since my girl is my driver until the cast comes off," Trey chuckled as he leveraged himself to standing. The pull in his belly was better but still there only announcing itself when he made certain moves.

Halfway through their first round and before the rest of his council showed, Bambi came to join them.

"Heard you're looking for a new receptionist, Bishop," she purred sexily, draping herself over the tall, inked biker and running her hand over his long braid. "I'd like the chance to…apply."

"No." Trey's immediate response left no doubt about his feelings about having her on the business side of the compound.

"I'm good at playing a sexy secretary," she cooed and Trey felt Bishop lean away from whatever physical act she was performing on his brother.

"You heard the man, Bambi. And, I think you'd be wise to remember he is
on Hellion property. Now why don't you take yourself someplace else so us men can have our man-time, hmm?"

As she backed away to join another group of brothers, Trey wondered if allowing her back on Hellion property had been the smart thing to do.

"Might be trouble coming from that one," Bishop murmured. Hearing his own concern voiced helped to settle Trey.

"One more strike and she's gone. Even Dee won't be able to save her ass. On that note, what's doing with Carmi?"

"She's been a pouty little bitch since Rinse has refused to see her now that she's back. Think she got off on teasing the kid if calling a girl a 'CT' means the same as it did when we were his age." Bishop's droll recap had Trey choking on his bourbon.

"Who set up the visits with his folks?" Dallas had told him her brother had made two visits to their parents when Trey was down for the count.

"That'd be old big-hearted Si. Said it wasn't fair Rinse couldn't see his family just because they can't come to him."

"Big old what?" Silo's bellowed from behind causing the two on the barstools to jump.

Soon all of Trey's core group were around him and brought him up to speed on the happenings of the club. Unlike their business recaps, the updates for HMC included a lot of laughter and more than a few refills in their individual choice of alcohol.

Trey glanced at the clock over the bar and saw Dallas would be logging out at any time. They'd exchanged text messages throughout the day but he was getting antsy to see her.

It was unfortunate that Bambi, who by that time was thoroughly and completely shit-faced, chose that moment to plead her case to the Prez in full view of his council.

"Ah wanna be your lil' sexy-tary, Trey," she whined, wiggling between him and Bishop. Trey felt one of her hands slide across his shoulders as her other reached between his legs. "Lemme be the one. I's can make you so happy, baby."

"If you don't want to lose the hand you're groping my man with, I suggest you fucking remove it." Every man at the bar held an expression of 'ball-shrivel' at the ice in Dallas's tone. For once, Trey was glad he couldn't see the look on his girl's face and he wasn't willing to turn around to catch a glimpse.

"Go 'way, cunt. Ah'm conductin' biz with the Prez."

"No. You are messing with my man who doesn't seem to be enjoying your attention. And you obviously know shit-all about business if you think you do it with your hand on the boss's dick."

"Think you need a slap-down, lil' bitch."

Before Trey could blink, he heard a sharp smack and turned to see blood pouring from Bambi's mouth. Which got the other woman's hands off him fast.

"You mean like that? You may have six inches on me, Bambi, but I work in a man's world. Doing a man's full share of work all damn day. I can fuck you up so bad you won't be able to think much less walk straight for a year. You want to try me?"

Trey looked around at his men and saw all of them were answering for the young Honey with their negatory head shakes.

"Now. I want you to getcha ass to anyplace other than where my Trey is and keep it there, you get me?" Dallas's strong don't-fuck-with-me voice was very loud and very firm. She turned to him and his boys after the other girl teetered away with hunched shoulders and downturned face.

"Hey, guys. Hi, sweetie."

"Fuuuck, I bet he doesn't win very many fights at
place," Dare muttered.

"No shit," Huff replied, blinking hard.

Trey snaked his arm around his girl and pulled her to him. "I think I kinda like you as a hard-ass."

"My inner bitch is so damn bad, I can only allow her out to play a few times a year." Thank God she was smiling because that side of Dallas was some scary shit as far as Trey was concerned. "You about ready to leave, Trey?"

He pulled his cane off the bar and made it to his feet although his mind was still on Dallas's doings with Bambi. He turned to Bishop. "That was the last strike, amigo."

"I'll take care of it," Bishop said with a nod.

"Don't forget the party tomorrow," Dare called and Trey caught his girl's flinch.

Giving a chin lift in reply, Trey used a hand to guide Dallas out the door and to the truck.


"Christ, honey, you're fucking
!" Trey said, his hand on my back as I cuddled to his side when we were finally home and in bed. "Let me give you a massage. Would you like that?"

I knew Trey was figuring the tension was because I'd had a hard day at work. But he was wrong. Dare's parting reminder about the Hellion party the next night had been like a splinter in my mind all evening long. And just like an untreated splinter, my thoughts had become infected. If there had been any way for me to have gotten out of going, I would've.

I'd spent a lot of time thinking about what Trey had told me in his explanation of him and Bambi. He'd given me just enough info to make me curious and then wouldn't discuss it further, letting my mind to fill in the blanks. And as I tried on my own to find completion of the open spaces each one of my imaginings were more tawdry and debauched than the one before it.

I probably could have come right out and asked Carly, Reese or Dee but from some of their quips and jokes I got the impression that things between the Honeys and the Hellions regarding sex were pretty loosely defined. Plus I would've been downright embarrassed to admit my ignorance since everyone seemed to assume Trey had told me a lot more than he actually had. There was a definite divide between the 'civilians' and the Hellions which I gleaned was to keep the civilians in the dark when it came to the club's activities.

"Roll over on your stomach, Tex."

So the thought of actually being in the midst of and getting an eyeful of what
went on at a Hellion party was pretty flipping scary no matter how I looked at it. Was I gonna have to go 'hard-ass' on any other Honey's sassy butt? God, I hoped not. I'd been scared shitless during my confrontation with Bambi.

"Shift closer to the edge of the bed," Trey instructed as he straddled my hips, keeping his casted leg in a straight line with his foot on the floor.

My plan or the only one I could come up with was to stick by Trey all night and keep my eyes on the ground or on him. Not only would that prevent me from seeing anything I didn't want to but would help me not judge the women that I was starting to count as friends. By and large, they were a good group with only a few rough edges here and there. But seeing them doing things in public that I considered to be private, would, I knew, have me changing my mind.

"You gotta relax into my hands, Dallas or this won't work." I loved the sound of Trey's voice but I couldn't corral my thoughts enough to unwind either with his sexy tone or his ministrations. Shit! The only thing that was going to help was to talk it out.

"I'm scared about tomorrow night," I said into the folded arms my head rested on.

His hands stopped and I heard him sigh before he shifted until he was laying against my back, his forearms taking most of his weight.

"Thought it might be something like that," he whispered into the skin beneath my ear.

"Do I really have to go?"

"Yeah, Dallas. You do."

It became my turn to sigh.

"Then let's break it down, honey, so I can make you not so scared."

I swallowed thick and deep. "The whole sex in public thing? I don't think I can handle that."

"We won't be doing
thing in public, pretty girl, if that's what you're worried about."

Fuck! I hadn't even considered that aspect!

"No, ah, I don't want see it either." My stomach was filled with all kinds of jumping things at thoughts he'd put in my head.

"It doesn't always happen and then it's usually pretty late. Later than I'd planned on us staying."

"And it's just some kind of sexual free-for-all? Everybody just kind of doing it?"

"I really didn't explain myself very well when I told you about this shit, did I, Dallas?"

"Not really, no," I answered and found it cool that he'd figured it out for himself.

Trey rolled off me and to the side. I turned towards him and watched as he propped his head in his hand as he brushed the hair off my face. He had a faraway look as if he was trying to choose his words carefully for what he was going to say next.

"When we talked about this the last time, you brought up loyalty. That's what the Honeys are. Loyal to the club and the brothers. That loyalty means they only fuck Hellions whether it's one brother or many."

"One?" I interrupted.

"Yeah, Dallas. It's okay if a couple hooks up and only wants to be with each other. We have married couples though not as many as we used to. Some of 'em refuse to share, like Brand and Reese. But there are no judgments on anyone for either doing or not doing. Or on a couple wanting a 'plus one' for a three person scene if the urge hits."

"Kind of a live and let live thing?"

"In a sense. Although I'd call it more of a freedom thing."

"Freedom?" That sounded weird to me. The kind of sexual freedom I'd heard about didn't seem to be in the same vein he was describing.

"Let's say you and I decided to shave our heads and get matching tribal tattoos on our foreheads…"

"Let's not and say we did," I laughed.

He smiled back. "We'd take some wicked razzing from the club for a time but it would be nothing like how we'd be treated by civilians. We'd be judged and ridiculed, ostracized and denounced. Labeled as freaks or worse."

"The club doesn't do that?" I asked quietly.

"No, we don't."

"So the freedom part is that you can be exactly
you want to be, with
you want
you want?" I was starting to see a glimmer of what I thought he meant.

"Yeah, pretty girl. It's hard as hell to get in to the Hellions but a fucking lot harder to get out. And one thing that will see a man turning in his cut on demand is pulling civilian shit judgments on his brother. That has never been nor will it ever be the Hellion way."

"Is it that way for the Honeys too?" I hadn't had to go through any initiation but I knew I was considered a part of the hive.

"Not as much. Usually they leave because of the death of their man or a divorce." Trey's fingers were still in my hair playing with the different layers. "Or when they fuck up and their sweet asses are tossed off property."

I was quiet as I thought about what he said.

"What about us, Trey? Do you want us to, ah…"

"I thought about it for about thirty seconds. But the idea of a dude just touching you makes me too fucking pissed. Don't even want to
about you on another brother's cock." He dropped his head down to lay next to mine. "Just for the record other chicks touching me is a no-no."

"I don't like it either," I whispered, remembering the fury I'd felt knowing Bambi had her hand on my man's crotch.

"That was pretty goddamn clear from the way you fucking handled yourself in the clubhouse today." He cupped my face like he wanted to ensure I was looking directly at him. "She's gone, Dallas, and won't ever be allowed back on Hellion property."

I admitted to myself I was thrilled by the news.

"So how do I handle tomorrow night?" I asked, taking us back to the start of our conversation.

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