The Possibility of Trey (32 page)

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Authors: J.A. Hornbuckle

BOOK: The Possibility of Trey
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He must've seen Bambi's glare after all.

Carmi nodded again.

"Now getcha ass out. I don't care where you go or how you get there but get gone. Right the fuck
!" This was the Trey I'd seen in his office. When I'd met with him to beg for a salary advance and I hadn't seen that man since. Which I counted as a good thing.

Carmi ran out, her tall heels click-clacking loudly as she made haste. I heard shuffling and sniffling before two sets of heels exited the building from the other room.

I glanced at my brother who stood with arms crossed, legs braced and a small self-satisfied smile working the corners of his mouth. Trey slapped Drake on the shoulder as he passed, giving a, "you did good, kid" before pushing through the swinging doors.

Drake gave me a chin lift before draping a big-ass white apron over his neck and stepped to the sink.

"You like to cook, Dallas?" Reese asked as if nothing had just gone down.

"Sometimes," I answered, my mind on and still shook by the earlier drama.

"She does an awesome meatloaf and her loaded mashed potatoes are the bomb. But her real claim to fame is Apple Brown Betty," I heard my brother yell over the water he was spraying as he rearranged all the large pots in the sink.

"Well then, tonight's menu is chicken fajitas but I'd like to try your meatloaf. Mine always comes out dry," Reese said in her sultry voice, her beautiful smile directed at me. "How are you with a knife?"

And my entrance into the world of the Hell's Honeys began.

Chapter Twenty Eight

Although he and Dallas had talked things through, Trey still felt as if he was walking on fucking eggshells. Perhaps because in talking it out, there was none of the screaming and yelling, much less the hitting he'd been warned to expect. Maybe it had been the look on her face when told him she wouldn't have ever gotten with him if she'd known his dick had been a free agent up until she came into his life. Or when she told him she was working to forgive him but how she wasn't gonna be able to forget. Whatever it was, he was moving quietly, cautiously, as he got ready for bed at his house.

Dallas though had no problem powering her way through as evidenced by her petite form propped against the doorjamb of the bathroom clad in one of his t-shirts as she rubbed her lotion (which smelled like soap and water) into her arms. He'd unwound her dressings earlier and she said she'd wanted to keep them off.

"Trey?" she called and he stopped messing with the pillows and covers to look at her. "I think the reason it hurt so bad was because I'm falling in love with you."

Everything within him turned to statue as their eyes locked. She walked towards him as her mouth continued to move. "I mean, a girl doesn't find a guy to love every day, much less a bad-ass, motherfucking biker dude. So when said woman discovers she does, indeed, love said man, it kills something inside when she thinks he's not on the same page."

"You think I'm not with you in this?" Why did talking with her so often have his heart beating out of his chest and he felt like he couldn't fucking breathe?

"Dunno, " she said with a shrug, stopping halfway towards him. "We're not the 'talk a relationship to death' kind of couple."

"That who you want us to be, Dallas?"

"Oh, hell no. The best part about us, Trey, is that I can be me and you can be you and it's all good." She was smiling as she watched him fiddle with the covers. She turned and went to her side of the bed, gracefully sliding in between the sheets.

"Agreed," he rumbled and copied her move of getting into bed.

"So why were you so upset that I left, Trey?"

He sighed and fluffed a pillow before glancing her way. "You really want to know?"

"Yeah, sweetie, I do."

Eyes turned away from her sharp gaze, he sighed. Then swallowed. "Because you're fucking
, Dallas."

"So you have said," she murmured and turned out her light while remaining turned away from him..

"And because I'm falling in love with you, too," he said into the dark although his voice was tight and deep and almost a bear's whispered growl.

She immediately rolled to him, to cuddle against him. After a quick squeeze and then settling back against his side, Trey felt the mood in the room change. Soon his Dallas climbed up on him in order to press both her mouth and her sweet rocking body against him, much like she had that one afternoon when she'd silently begged him to take her in the kitchen. The night when she'd initiated the pleasure between them.

He'd always known his girl had a uncontrolled side but it was only when
started their fun that Trey really got to see it.

Flipping on the light, he reached into the drawer and pulled out a condom.

As soon as they took a break for air, he brought up the thought that had been on his mind since they'd gotten back together. "Would you consider going on the pill?"

"Absolutely," she breathed, slipping out of her shirt and leaning back down to wiggle her hot tongue on the skin of his neck. "The plastic feel is getting old. A bareback Trey would be better."

She pulled the foiled packet from his hand and smiled into his eyes. "I've seen you do this often enough. I want to try putting it on this time. Not that watching you stroke yourself isn't flipping hot as hell." The last was said on what sounded like a heart-felt sigh.

"Be careful, honey, or I'll think you like how we fuck."

"Can't have that now, can we?" she teased as she stroked the condom down his long thick length in such a way his hips lifted and almost made him dizzy.

She held on to his cock as she poised herself over him.

"You're already wet enough?"

"Just seeing you waiting on the back porch did it for me, sweetie." Her voice was breathy, almost panting as she began to slide down with a deep moan.

Fuck, she was on fire!

Trey didn't know if he would ever grow tired of their sex play because being with her was like having her for the first time, every time. Though he tried to be careful, to give her time to adjust to how full he loaded her, she was having none of it and began to ride him hard and deep just as soon as he was seated inside.

She hit it, sitting straight up and screaming his name in less than a minute.

"Think somebody had been considering doing things long before she saw her man on his porch, pretty girl," he said as he turned them still connected until he was above her.

She released the hold her teeth had on her bottom lip to moan at his first deep thrust. "Maybe."

He grabbed her behind both knees and opened her wide. Glancing down at their joining, Trey breathed deep loving that she was invading every one of his senses. "Every fucking inch, Dallas," he growled as he moved.

"Faster and deeper, Trey," she urged breathlessly her hands pulling on his hips.

He increased his speed as requested, slewing so he crowned deep inside her with every stroke. "So good. So goddamn
, Dallas."

She was close but he was closer and he used a thumb against her pearl to bring them in sync. "Trey! Yes!" she cried, her belly undulating as she thrust upward even faster.

He heard and felt her hit it seconds before he joined her, spiraling down into his pleasure. And was only partially aware of his bellowed, "mine!" as he shivered through his orgasm's pulses. Dropping down to his forearms Trey buried his face in her neck feeling her stroking his back as their breath came back to them.

"You're so good at that I'm guessing you've had a lot of practice," she murmured. He pulled up to look at her and determined both by the question she'd asked and the look in her eyes that his history was bothering her. But he was the one that had alluded to it in order to explain the Bambi episode.

"Not going there, honey. I don't want to know about you and won't tell you about me in the mattress arena other than what I said before." A flash of hurt went through her eyes. "Because it doesn't have anything to do with us. But believe me, Tex, what we've got is more than I've ever had before."

It must've been the right thing to say because she raised her head off the pillow in order to meet his mouth which in turn, set them up for round two.

Christ, but he loved his girl.


I was on a high that I'd never experienced before.

My brother was getting his shit together, my parents were over the damn moon in their new place, and I was in love and loved by a big badass motherfucking biker dude.

While I'd never had a chance to argue against living with him, I wasn't complaining. Over the last couple weeks I'd been there, Trey's place was becoming my own and it felt like home. But I suspected that anywhere we lived would feel the same way. Because it was
that gave me the feeling of safety and protection, of being secure and cared for much more than the address of where we stayed.

I was now a part of the Honeys and could count Carly, Reese and Dee as my friends. Women that seemed to accept me based on my personality and not on how I dressed. We'd spent more than a few hours in the kitchen at the compound as well as a couple at Trey's place as they included me in plans of meals and assistance to the other Hellion families. A fact that had shocked me in the beginning. Who knew biker babes could be concerned about a family who's man was doing time—whether their bills were being paid, they had enough to eat or if last year's coats would see them through the upcoming winter?

"I know it's hard to accept and kinda surprising but the club really does look after their own," Reese had explained when I'd stumbled out my doubts. "Dee's the real dynamo in it and rallies all us Honeys to do whatever we can to make it easier on the others who are hurting."

While I didn't have much time to give, I still got involved. Something that Trey, I knew, was proud of.

Carmi and Bambi were still gone and I counted that as a blessing. Almost as much as I did Jilly trying to get over whatever had been in her the first time we met. She was actually very sweet and was making the effort. Which made me try too.

I'd even called Tomatoes and Sugar had given me her cell number. I knew we didn't have a whole lot in common and sometimes talking with her was like talking to soup we were still becoming friends. Although Trey kept putting his foot down about me going to watch her dance.

All in all, things were sweet in my life and at a level I was almost giddy over.

Chapter Twenty Nine

"You have a Mr. Brechot here to see you," Rita announced.

Trey's couldn't help the sharp rise of his eyebrows at the news and thought quickly on how to play the unexpected visit.

"Does he have an appointment?"

"No, Mr. Jackson," Rita said, her voice tinny over the speaker.

"Can you confirm the meeting with Mr. Gentry and the IT manager before sending Brechot in?" Trey wanted his brothers around or nearby if his number one enemy was going to be in his office.

The Ghosts hadn't been either seen or heard from since the Hellion smack down they'd received. Although Trey knew they hadn't seen the last of them and their slimy mechanizations. Not if they kept Rodriguez at the helm.

Even Fat Jack and his sister were laying low, his men getting almost preferential treatment when they visited the titty bar.

Brechot, however, had remained a loose end in the whole scheme of things.

Trey saw Dare and Bishop down the hall just as Brechot rounded the doorway. Trey stood and held out a hand. It had been more than a couple of years since they'd met at some businessman's luncheon the city had put on. But in that time Brechot had aged.

Shorter than Trey and now sporting a rounded belly, the sparsely-haired man took the outstretched hand and Trey couldn't help but notice its softness as they shook.

So he shakes hands like a goddamn girl
, Trey told himself.
He's still dangerous

"To what do I owe this pleasure?" Trey offered in his beginning salvo as he sat back down.

"You and your company are becoming a damn thorn in my side," the other man groused, lowering himself into a visitor's chair. While his voice was as deep as Trey's, the body didn't have the power to support it.

Bet he does most of his business on the phone
, Trey thought, cognizant Dare and Bish were two steps off the doorway. A fact he'd be fucking willing to bet Brechot was unaware of.

"How so? As far as I'm concerned, we're competitors here in Montana and Idaho. May the best company win when it comes to those lucrative bids."

Brechot glared at him.

"I've got one brother-in-law in jail and a cousin who's reputation within his town is ruined as you well know." The pasty-faced man's skin took on a rosier hue as his voice got louder.

"And how is that either mine or Hellion Construction's problem?"

"I've been digging and while I can't prove it, I know you're behind this," the other man's voice took on the edge of a threat. "Heard what you done to Tomatoes. That shit don't fly with me."

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