The Plutonium Files (93 page)

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Authors: Eileen Welsome

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Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments.
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Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1995.

Andrews, G. A., F. V. Comas, C. L. Edwards, R. M. Kniseley, C. C. Lushbaugh, and Helen Vodopick. “Hematologic and Therapeutic Effects of Total-Body Irradiation (50r–100r) in Patients with Malignant Lymphoma, Chronic Lymphocitic and Granulocytic Leukemias, and Polycythemia Vera.” Oak Ridge: U.S. AEC Division of Technical Information, December 1970 (ORAU-112).

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Byrnes, Victor A.
Operation Snapper, Project 4.5, Flash Blindness.
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Operation Teapot, 1955.
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