The Plume: The Second Anthology (19 page)

Read The Plume: The Second Anthology Online

Authors: Ella Ardent

Tags: #inter racial, #sharing, #submission, #bondage, #Menage, #spanking, #private sex club, #domination, #linked series, #Erotic Romance, #BDSM, #continuing characters, #Erotica

BOOK: The Plume: The Second Anthology
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He slid his nose over her, as if he couldn’t
get enough of her body’s perfume, then blew on her gently. Louise
shivered from head to toe. “You’re messing with me.”

“You’re getting what you deserve,” he
whispered against her heat. “Just because I’m bound doesn’t mean
you’re totally in control.”

“I told you - I’ll use you to make myself
come six times.”

Rex laughed. “I’ll keep you from coming until
I decide it’s time.”

Louise straightened so she could look at his
eyes again. “So, what is this? A bet?”

Rex smiled. “You’d better believe it. You’ll
come when I want you to and not one moment before.”

“I’ll come when I want, slave.” She watched
him shiver at that word. She reached down and tapped the silicon
cup over his genitals. He jumped, just as she’d expected, because
he was so hard that his cock strained against it. “And if there’s
any jizz in this silicon when I move it away, I might not ever cut
you free.”

Rex’s nostrils flared and his smile widened.
“Come closer, naughty puss,” he growled. “Let’s find who’s really
in charge here.”

Louise was only too happy to take Rex’s dare.
She dropped herself onto his face again, pressing herself against
his mouth. When his tongue touched her, so gentle that she knew he
meant to tease her, she rocked herself against him.

Inviting him.

She knew he loved to eat puss, and there was
a feast here for the taking. “Don’t think you can just mess with
me,” she said in a threatening voice. She knew he heard her because
he caught his breath, his sudden move making her sex tingle. She
rubbed herself over his nose. “I can smear my juice all over you,
so you smell me all day long.” She felt Rex shiver. “There’s
nothing you can do about it. I’ll use you for my pleasure and leave
you burning for me.”

He exhaled then, blowing heat against her
engorged sex and Louise shivered. Then his tongue moved with
purpose against her, as if he couldn’t resist what was right in
front of him. Louise rolled her hips a little, ensuring the plaster
wasn’t disturbed.

The camera clicked at regular intervals.

“Imagine, a photographic record of the great
Rex being used,” she whispered and Rex nearly jumped beneath her.
“Maybe we’ll add it to the show. I’ll run the shots together into a
video,” she whispered. “Come see the greatest show on earth, the
great master Rex captive and bound, the great leader of the Plume
used for the artist’s pleasure.” Rex loved that idea, she could
tell by the way he moaned and drove his tongue into her for that.
He was quivering inside his plaster shell, his skin emanating a
heat that rivaled that of the drying plaster.

“Maybe I’ll tell everyone that you really
like to be captive,” Louise threatened. “Maybe they’ll all gang up
on you one night at the Plume, tie you down and use you, one after
the other after the other. How many members are there now? I’m sure
they all want you for themselves.”

Rex roared. His tongue moved with greater
speed, his insistence making Louise dizzy. She felt his lips
against her, his teeth sliding over her clitoris, his tongue
flicking and tormenting her. Desire rose fast within her, faster
than ever, and she squeezed his head between her thighs. Rex, the
man who had used her as his possession was hers to take or to

There was no question of Louise leaving him.
She rode him, not caring about the stupid plaster - although the
heat of it told her that it was setting hard. Rex devoured her,
licking and slurping and nibbling, driving her completely crazy.
Her pulse raced and her breathing quickened. She was flushed from
head to toe, so hot that she was sure sparks were flying from her

But just when she was on the verge of
exploding, Rex stopped. He shut his mouth and clenched his teeth,
denying her release.

Louise could have screamed in frustration,
but she knew that was what he wanted. Instead, she straightened so
that she was standing over him.

“Point to me,” Rex muttered.

Louise smiled. “Not yet.” She could see the
green gleam of his eyes as she deliberately slid her fingers
through her own pubic hair to touch herself.

“Cheat,” Rex said, his anger clear.

“Problem solver,” Louise retorted. “I’ll
finish what you started.” She smiled at his infuriated expression
as she stood over him, just out of reach of his tongue, and
caressed herself. She ran her fingers over her labia, noting how
hungrily he watched her, then smeared some of her juice across his
mouth. He licked it from his own lips, seemingly unable to stop

Louise laughed. She masturbated with greater
and greater speed, aware that Rex was almost as excited as she was.
The sight of his frustration was as exciting as the heat that raced
through her body. She held on for as long as she could, wanting to
prolong the sweet agony. When Rex groaned from the bottom of his
soul, she couldn’t stand it any more. Louise pinched her own
clitoris hard, then tipped back her head and screamed as she came
in a torrent.

“One for me,” she said when she caught her
breath. She lowered herself and rubbed her dripping puss all over
his face. When she straightened again, he was still annoyed but his
face was slick with her juices. “Something to tempt you with what
you can’t have,” she said as she stepped away from him. She rapped
on the silicon cup. “Still dry in there.” She swore that Rex tried
to fidget, but the plaster was set and he couldn’t.

“Louise...” Rex whispered with an anguish
Louise recognized.

“No mercy,” she replied. “We have a deal.”
She moved to stand beside his outstretched hand, then cast him a
wicked smile. “Number two.”

Rex moaned again.

She’d wrapped the plaster so that his index
finger pointed upward and the plaster had set hard. She mounted his
hand, gave him a look, and began to rub her trembling sex over the
plaster-encased digit. Rex was simmering, his eyes snapping and his
face flushed, and Louise knew he’d get even when she cut him

She couldn’t wait.

“Thirty minutes left,” she taunted him, then
leaned her head back and moaned with pleasure. The canvas was both
rough and smooth, an ideal combination to summon the tumult

The ultimate aphrodisiac was knowing that Rex
could only watch as she used him for her pleasure and the camera
clicked away.


* * *


Louise was going to kill him.

Rex was sure of it.

This had to be the longest hour of his life.
Louise pleased herself on first of his motionless hands and then
the other, his cock thumping against that silicon cup. He couldn’t
turn his head and he was posed to look at the ceiling, but he could
catch glimpsed of her from the periphery of his vision.

He could smell her.

He could hear her.

It was both too much and not nearly

Rex had barely been able to watch her come on
one of his big toes, her sex displayed to him in all its glory. The
plaster was set now, though, so he could move a little bit inside
the shell. She’d turned her back on him to play with his other big
toe and he was enchanted by the glimpse he had of her surprisingly
curvy butt.

Rex wanted and he was denied - and worse,
there was no way he could deny her. His only chance had been when
she’d sat on his face, but she’d solved that herself.

And the sight of her first release had nearly
destroyed him. Her nipples had gone taut and her back had arched,
an enchanting flush had risen to suffuse her face. She arched her
feet when she came and cast her head back, and afterward, her eyes
shone with a thousand stars.

He didn’t want to watch. He wanted to

And he realized that that had been Louise’s
point. She’d wanted to draw him into the experience and make him a
part of it - and now that he was, Rex knew there would be no going
back. He couldn’t remember ever being so hot or so hard, or wanting
a woman as much as he wanted Louise in this moment. He also
couldn’t remember being so powerless to do anything about achieving
his desires.

It was an intoxicating combination, and one
that made him want to test his own boundaries some more.

He knew exactly how he’d do it.

Her hair was damp with perspiration after she
came the fifth time, as he saw when she climbed onto the table to
look down at him. Her expression was triumphant and her eyes were
shining. “Looks like I win.”

“Maybe you could be gracious in victory,” he
said with a smile.

Louise laughed. “How are you going to
persuade me?” she mused. She leaned down and carefully removed the
cup from over his genitals. Rex felt as if his cock pushed it off
and certainly it felt good to have more room. “Well, you have been
a good slave,” she acknowledged. “Dry as a bone inside.”

She ran her fingertips over his erection and
Rex shuddered.

“It would be a shame to waste such a

She jumped off the table again and left him,
giving Rex another minute to panic. The camera clicked away at
steady intervals, reminding Rex that this interval was being
recorded for all time.

Louise returned with a utility knife in one
hand. “So, here’s your choice. The casting is set. I can cut you
free now or we can continue our game.”

“You will be the sixth wife,” Rex said with

Louise smiled. “If you want. I can take you
or you can persuade me.” She regarded him with that impish
expression. “It’s one choice I’ll give you. I like this casting and
don’t want to see it wrecked.”

“Maybe I think it’s worth taking the risk,”
Rex said, hearing the low thrum of desire in his own voice. “Even
if we have to do it again.”

Louise lowered the knife. “Just want to make
sure you’re not being pushed too far.”

“Let’s push it.”

He caught a glimpse of her smile, then she
was gone again. Next he felt her small hands on him, and he groaned
as she caressed him. She was too gentle, her fingers like
butterflies dancing over his throbbing cock, and he was afraid
she’d finish him off before they started.

“Looks like time is of the essence,” she

“Don’t even imagine that you can control when
I come,” Rex said through clenched teeth.

Louise chuckled. “Can you?” She caressed him,
sliding her hands up and down the length of him, and Rex shuddered.
“You’re not allowed to come before I command it, slave,” she
whispered to him.


“Oh yes. Otherwise, I’ll have to keep you
here all day.” Louise jumped up on the table again before Rex could
articulate a protest. “And let’s keep the bubbles in the champagne,
shall we?” She had a roll of tape and tore a piece off before Rex’s
horrified gaze, ripping it with her teeth. She stretched it tight
and before he could protest, she’d put it over his mouth.

No! Rex moaned. Rex tried to shout. Rex tried
to open his mouth, but all to no avail. Now he was completely
helpless and it only made his dick harder and bigger.

“Oh, you like that.” Louise knelt over him,
and ran her tongue over him.

Rex bellowed behind the tape.

“I know, not in the picture, but I like to
improvise.” Louise’s tone was unapologetic and her tongue was
wicked. She licked him and took him in her mouth, her lips closing
around him with such surety that Rex thought he’d explode. She
teased him, though, tormenting him with light flicks of her tongue,
then sucking on him so that he was sure she’d wring him dry.

Each time he got to the cusp of release, she
changed her tactic and the impetus was lost. All the same, Rex felt
the tension building, building higher than he’d experienced in a
long time. She locked her small hands around the root of his
erection, then slid them up and down, even as she moved him inside
her mouth. Rex was in agony - and in ecstasy. He closed his eyes
and surrendered fully to the moment.

And there it was. That sensation of futility
and release, but a thousand times more potent than before. Rex was
floating, lost, engulfed in pleasure. There was nowhere else he
wanted to be. He felt himself stretched large with her merciless
caress, then groaned as Louise moved away and denied him again.

Her fingers slid over him as she put a condom
on him and Rex’s heart skipped a beat. He hardly dared to imagine
having her take him inside her, and he remembered all too well how
she could lock on and not let go.

Louise straddled him and sat on him, taking
him inside her with one deep stroke. Rex thought he would faint
from the sensation. He was buried inside her tight snatch, her body
locked around him with sweet soft heat. Her fingertips were on his
face as she moved over him, pumping him to the cusp of release
again. His heart pounded. He felt his body heat. He heart his
breath quicken. If she denied him this time, Rex didn’t know what
he’d do.

He’d obey. That’s what he would do. Relief
washed over him at the realization and he shook inside his plaster
casing. The tension rose in his body as Louise worked him,
conjuring his pleasure as surely as if it was his own. He felt her
fingers between them and knew she would pleasure herself on top of
him, denying him.

He’d die. He knew it.

“Let it go, Rex,” she whispered. “Let’s come

He groaned assent, knowing he’d have been
hard-pressed to have done otherwise. Louise moved faster, sensing
his need, rubbing herself all over him. He could smell her puss. He
could feel her tight around him. He felt the tremble of her orgasm
building. He was hers and he was being used.

And when she came with a shout, Rex couldn’t
stop his own release. He roared into the tape, surging into her,
his hips pumping despite himself. It was over all too soon, leaving
him trembling inside the plaster cast.

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