The Plume: The Second Anthology (15 page)

Read The Plume: The Second Anthology Online

Authors: Ella Ardent

Tags: #inter racial, #sharing, #submission, #bondage, #Menage, #spanking, #private sex club, #domination, #linked series, #Erotic Romance, #BDSM, #continuing characters, #Erotica

BOOK: The Plume: The Second Anthology
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And he was an artist, too. They should have
an intuitive understanding, not his animosity. Louise had wanted to
change the tone of their relationship, but she knew that if she
went to him, he’d just turn his back.

She’d had to wait. Louise sucked at

So, she’d felt triumphant and thrilled when
she’d seen Rex’s dark figure at the door to the studio. He was
curious, which was a start. She watched his attention be captured,
first by the sculptures, then by the maquette. She felt a sense of
common ground with him, a kind of union, as they discussed the

When she told him about the live models, she
knew she had him. His eyes glittered like glass, and he inhaled so
sharply that his nostrils pinched shut for a second. She could
almost hear his heartbeat and she was more excited than she’d been
for a while.

She knew then that she had to have him - or
persuade him to take her - before he left.

The moment he’d realized that Anna was inside
the cast had been electric. He stalked around Anna like a predator
and Louise wanted only to draw his attention to herself.

She hadn’t been completely surprised that
he’d declined the treat of Anna, and Anna would have been furious
with her anyway. But she did her best to make an appealing
composition herself. Rex loved eye candy and Louise understood

When she pushed her butt into the air and
arched her feet, she heard him inhale again. When she parted her
knees so he’d be able to see her wet puss, the air vibrated with
tension. She smiled into Anna’s sticky puss.

Because she had him.

A heartbeat later, Rex crossed the floor with
quick steps. Louise heard him kick off his boots, unzip his jeans
and fling them aside. She closed her eyes, remembering how huge and
hard he was, fully expecting to get banged fast from behind.

But Rex surprised her. The leather of his
belt cracked across her ass, the sound and the sensation startling
her. It stung so hard that she nearly inhaled a walnut.

Then she realized what was happening: Rex was
going to punish her. Well, she wouldn’t be intimidated by the
master that easily. Louise purred as she moved her butt in the air,
practically inviting another blow.

She got it, fast. Louise gulped, then spread
her knees wider, tempting him to do whatever he wanted. The leather
smacked across her butt, harder and faster, and she knew that Rex
was losing his control.

That was the best aphrodisiac ever. No one
was in charge. They were each driving the other one wild and there
was no telling where it would lead.

Louise was ready for the adventure.

She ate Anna with gusto, only half aware of
what she was doing. She barely heard Anna moan, she was so fixed on
waiting for the next blow to land. Rex spanked her hard, making her
butt sore and her skin hum. She groaned for him, inviting more,
feeling his annoyance.

“You know exactly what you’re doing,” he
said, his voice underscored with an anger that thrilled Louise.
What would Rex do if he let loose? What would happen if he
exploded? She bet it would be like the eruption of a volcano and
she wanted to do more than just watch. “I’ll teach you to tease me.
I’ll teach you to push me!” To her surprise, this time, he slapped
her hard with the flat of his hand. Then he slid his hand down her
crack, pushed his fingers through her labia and pinched her


Surprise made Louise jump. She inadvertently
jammed a walnut against Anna’s clit and Anna groaned in protest.
Rex chuckled. His hand was warm, his fingers curving around her. He
gripped her labia for a moment, his fingers between the folds, and
she was sure she’d never been held so securely.

Louise wiggled her butt at him, loving that
he inhaled sharply.

“Take me,” she whispered against Anna’s hot
snatch. “You know you want to bang me hard. You know you want to
teach me a lesson by drilling me.”

Rex pinched her again and Louise bit down,
eating a walnut from Anna’s puss. Anna mewled and struggled, but
Louise only wanted more. Her puss was throbbing and she wanted Rex
inside her. She didn’t care what he did before that.

“Your punishment feels good,” she whispered,
her breath making Anna shiver. She spread her knees as wide as she
could, displaying herself to him. “Just what I needed. Look at how
wet I am for you.”

“Looks like you need more than a lesson,” he
growled, and spanked her over and over again. Louise was sure her
ass was bright pink, and it was certainly tingling. She might not
be able to sit down for days, but she didn’t care. She stretched
out a foot, landing it on the front of his jeans by guess. She
flexed her foot, trying to grip his erection with her toes despite
the denim barrier. Rex swore and slapped her foot away. “You are
bad,” he said and she laughed.

“Oh, as bad as they come,” she taunted, aware
of Anna’s horror. “I thought you were the great master at the
Plume, Rex. Can’t you even discipline me? Can’t you teach this
naughty little submissive a lesson?” She looked up at him,
laughing, and saw his eyes flash with fury.

“You’re not a submissive, but I’ll make you
one,” he snarled. He scooped her up into his arms. She was on her
back in a heartbeat on an adjacent table, Anna abandoned. Rex had
grabbed his belt and before she could blink, he’d bound her wrists
together at the end of the table. He buckled the belt around the
table leg below. Louise squirmed instinctively, but he’d ensured
that she couldn’t get free.

While she struggled, he bent and grabbed a
handful of the canvas strips she used for making the casts, tossing
them on the table beside her. They were made of heavy cotton, torn
into strips two inches wide. There was a bucket of them under the
table, which Rex had obviously spotted.

“Don’t waste those,” she said. “I need

“I think they’ll be put to good use,” he
said, aligning a couple of them and tying a big knot in the middle.
He jammed the knot into her mouth, wrapped the strips around her
head and knotted them beside one ear. Louise tried to scream, but
couldn’t make much noise. She fought the gag, trying to spit it out
but couldn’t. Her heart raced with the knowledge that he was
putting himself in control. Even though it was what she wanted, it
felt dangerous.

And exciting.

Rex smiled. “Quieter is a step closer to
being tamed.” His voice was low and dark, a threat that she knew
he’d fulfill.

Louise couldn’t wait. She kicked and writhed
on the table, oblivious to the chunks of dried plaster beneath her.
She was determined to make him work for it, and to find out how
much he’d do when provoked.

Rex worked fast. He seized another strip of
canvas, then knotted it tightly around her waist. Louise kicked but
Rex grabbed her feet, his large hands locking around each ankle,
and spread her wide to his view. Louise was pulled taut and
helpless, unable to make more than a futile sound.

He admired her, then tucked her left foot
beneath his arm. The right was bound with a canvas strip, the
fabric wound over her arch and knotted, then around her ankle and
knotted again. He did the same to the other foot, switching his
position. The canvas was both softened from being washed and sturdy
enough to rub.

Rex leaned over Louise, bending her knees up
as he hauled her toward himself. Her arms were stretched out
straight when he stopped, her knees bent up so that her feet were
beside her hips. She had less ability to writhe, but she tried
anyway. He took the ends of the strip from her left ankle and
knotted it to the canvas belted around her waist. He did the same
with the bond on the other foot and Louise was captive. He easily
pushed her knees wide open and considered her as he reached for the
jar of jam.

“Maybe I haven’t given strawberry jam enough
of a chance.” He smiled down at her, then one hand pressed down on
her waist. Her one knee was trapped beneath his elbow. He worked
with deliberation, rubbing jam with walnuts all over her genitals
and pushing the nuts into her labia, even driving them inside her.
He held her gaze, his own eyes that vibrant green, as he watched
her and gauged her reaction. He slowly worked the walnuts against
her, making her crazy with his touch even as he held her down.

She stole a glance at his huge erection,
desperate to communicate her desire.

Rex’s smile broadened. “That’s what you want,
isn’t it?” he muttered, his fingers tormenting her. “That’s what
you’re trying to convince me to give you.” She moaned in
supplication. “You want me to bang you hard, probably from behind.
You want me to fill you and stretch you and claim you. But I
remember how tight you are. I remember how you can milk me dry. You
want to have that power over me.”

Louise tried to yell, without much

“You want me to make you come, bigger and
better than ever before.”

Louise cried her agreement, even as he
tormented her. She was on the verge of orgasm and he had to know

Rex leaned down, his eyes glittering. “But I
won’t give it to you.” He stepped back, lifting his hands away from
her. “I’m going to use you to show you who’s in charge.”

Louise roared with frustration. She lifted
her hips and groaned, wanting what he denied her. Rex smiled, then
he turned his attention upon Anna. He picked up his jeans and
removed a condom, smoothing it over his hard cock.

The sight infuriated Louise. That he could be
sufficiently composed to remember to use a condom wasn’t what she
wanted. Rex always followed the Plume rules. He was always so
deliberate, so controlled. Someone, sometime had to make this guy
lose his hold and break his discipline.

In that moment, Louise appointed herself to
the job. She was livid with him, especially that she now realized
he intended to tempt her with what she couldn’t have.

What he wouldn’t give.

He was the one who would learn a lesson. She
would get even. She would destroy his self control and give him the
biggest climax of his life, maybe of all time.

Then he’d come back to her for more.


* * *






Louise watched in mingled anger and
excitement as Rex steadily devoured the jam and nuts in Anna’s
snatch. She couldn’t look away. She didn’t even want to blink. He
flicked his tongue over the other woman, then he licked her slowly.
Louise could imagine every caress. She knew how Anna’s heart was
leaping, how that shiver was spreading through her body, how she
felt both hot and tingly - both because of the plaster and because
of Rex. Rex was teasing and tormenting Anna, taking her to the cusp
of orgasm with total ease.

And making Louise burn simultaneously.

Louise watched hungrily, wanting to feel
every touch herself. She struggled against her bonds as Anna
moaned. She shivered when Anna shivered. She groaned when Anna
gasped and she wanted as she had never wanted before.

Rex was really eating Anna. He was licking
away the jam and eating all the walnuts, one at a time. He chased
them around Anna’s cunt with his tongue, making Anna shudder and
moan, even as he prolonged the game. He bit them out carefully,
grazing Anna with his teeth as he did it. He put some of them back
so he could retrieve them again. Anna looked like she was going to
explode. Her face was red and there were beads of perspiration on
her temples. The smell of her wetness was overwhelming.

Because Anna was locked into the plaster,
unwilling to move and ruin the casting. She was compelled to keep
the same position, even as Rex tormented her. Louise knew how hot
and contained she must be feeling, how powerless and yet complicit
she would feel, and couldn’t stand it.

The exercise seemed to go on forever.

Because Rex wanted it to be that way.

Louise half-thought she’d come just watching,
though she’d never believed herself a voyeur. The air dripped with
desire and tension and need.

When Rex had eaten every last walnut and
sucked up every morsel of jam, he straightened with deliberation.
Anna’s glistening puss quivered, inviting his strength. It was
redder than Louise had ever seen it, engorged and waiting.

Louise struggled against her bounds, arching
her back and grinding her hips, hoping against hope that Rex
intended to deny Anna as well. If he came to her now, she’d suck
him dry. She’d lock herself around him and draw him deeper, making
him come until he couldn’t come any more. She’d finish him off and
hold him captive.

But Rex didn’t deny Anna. He drove himself
into her with one smooth stroke, making Anna’s eyes close with the
size of him.

Louise was consumed with jealousy.

When he was buried to the hilt, Anna moaned

In that moment, Louise hated her lover

“So, Anna the guard likes to be claimed,” Rex
whispered. Anna’s eyes widened. He smiled. “I’ll have to update
your fantasy list in my mental file.” He moved with a slowness that
Louise knew had to be excruciating and exciting. “Maybe take
advantage of that information myself.”

Anna groaned. Louise moaned and quivered,
trying to get his attention.

She did.

“Bad girls get to watch,” Rex informed her.
“Maybe I’ll spank you some more when I’m done. Maybe I’ll give you
to the guards in the dungeon again.” He snapped his fingers. “Oh
right, that’s not possible. You aren’t a member of the Plume. You
didn’t sign the contract.” He shrugged. “I guess you’ll have to do

Louise didn’t want to do without. She just
wanted to be taken. She bounced her hips and struggled, trying to
entice him.

Rex laughed. Then he leaned over Anna,
sobering as he moved with steady thrusts. He watched Anna’s
reaction carefully, pacing himself, and when she flushed and
shivered, he plunged one hand between them. Louise watched his
fingers moving as he drove Anna right over the edge.

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