The Pleasures of Spring (24 page)

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The last time he had tied her had been amazing, but she wasn’t sure how often she wanted to do that. It required a huge amount of trust to allow any man to have so much power over her body, never mind her emotions. ‘You enjoy that far too much.’

He laughed. ‘True, you’re a dream rope bunny. I can’t wait to suspend you some time. But for now, hold onto the bars at the top of the divan.’

She hadn’t noticed them before, but she obediently gripped them. This she could handle: she could let go at any time she needed to. She’d always had a slight phobia about being tied up and not being able to scratch an itchy nose. Silly, but there it was.

‘Good girl.’ His approving rumble warmed her. This was Andy, she reminded herself. He wasn’t a dick. He wouldn’t torture her because she had said he could do whatever he liked. She ached to know what he liked.

Lying this way, Roz was vulnerable, open to him, even though she could lift her hands from the bars at any moment. Maybe it was the way he settled himself between her thighs and looked at her with that hot, possessive expression.

‘So pretty. So soft.’

He traced a finger down between her breasts to her belly button. She flinched at the touch, startled by the intimacy of that single finger. His finger continued down, over her trembling stomach to the small puff of hair that proclaimed her a natural redhead. She wished she’d had the forethought to shave until he said, ‘So sexy and exciting.’

That questing finger dipped lower, investigating, and he smiled. ‘Oh, you are wet. You were as turned on as I was, weren’t you?’

She shrugged, still gripping the bars. ‘Hey, it was fun seeing you writhe.’

‘Now it’s my turn to see you wiggle. And wet as you are, more lube is always a good idea.’

The uncapping of the bottle was shockingly loud in the quiet room, before the cool wetness startled her again. ‘That’s cold,’ she protested.

‘You’re hot enough for ten women.’ He picked up the chain from where she had dropped it on the divan, and slid one link inside her hot pussy.

She gasped. ‘That’s perverted.’

He laughed. ‘I know. Fun, isn’t it?’

Andy picked up the length of muslin. ‘I’ve noticed that you’re quieter if I blindfold you, so here goes.’ He was careful but thorough as he tied the light cloth around her eyes.

Andy had noticed something that she’d only just realized. If he had tried to gag her, she would have fought and chewed her way out, but for some reason, when she couldn’t see, she became quiet and receptive.

His voice sounded far away. ‘If anything hurts, tell me at once.’

She nodded, not bothering to reply in words.

The next link slid in, smooth and cool. The sensation was odd, but not uncomfortable. She would relax and let him play. She needed a rest anyway; Domming him had been hard work and taken all her concentration. ‘Proceed,’ she said, and even that took more energy than she wanted to waste.

‘Oh, I will.’ She heard his smile, as the next link slid in. And the next.

He continued, link by slow link. One after the other.

‘Time for more lube,’ he said, and she braced herself for the cool wetness. More links.

Her insides felt full, stretched in ways she had never experienced before. One finger pressed inside and she gasped. It hit a nerve and pleasure zinged through her body, tightening all her muscles in a spasm.

‘Enjoying that?’

‘Mmmm,’ was the best she could manage. He couldn’t seriously expect her to talk, could he?

He laughed. ‘I am. You’re such a good little sub.’

Annoyed, she opened her eyes behind the blindfold and glared in his direction. ‘In your dreams, Irish.’

‘You have no idea how much I’ve dreamed about this. Now be quiet and let me play.’

Oh well, if he was having fun, who was she to stop him? She relaxed back into the pleasurable darkness.

Another link. They were graduated in size, with the larger, heavier links in the middle. That one was definitely bigger. ‘How much is in?’ she asked.

‘About twenty percent.’

Wow. He had to be joking. She felt stuffed already.

More links slid in, slowly, so slowly. She realized her internal clock had switched off and she had no idea how long they had been there. ‘Aren’t you bored?’

He chuckled. ‘Are you kidding? I’m having a great time watching you.’

What did he see, she wondered, then forgot about it. If he was enjoying himself, she could relax and zone out. She allowed him to continue, feeling the weight of the chain increase gradually. He stopped to blow on her clit, then licked and sucked, making her shiver in pleasure. The movement caused the chain inside her to shift, echoing and intensifying the feelings.

‘So sexy,’ he murmured as he eased one long finger inside her. He hooked it, pressing against her G spot, and she nearly came off the bed. An electric current of pleasure shot through her erogenous zones, going straight to her brain. Her toes curled and her legs flexed involuntarily.

‘So responsive,’ he murmured.

She was out of control, and it didn’t matter. Andy had
her, he was in charge and she could allow him to look after her. The thought provoked another orgasm.

Now that he had her fully aroused, he kept her there, playing her body like a guitar. His hands were everywhere, pushing her to come over and over, sometimes holding back, bringing her to the edge and back before she toppled over.

She lost her ability to think. Andy’s lips were hot and sweet, easing hers apart slowly and allowing his tongue to sink into her depths. His knowing hands pinched her nipples, teased her bellybutton, flicked her clit, tickled the back of her knees. She reached for him, but he gently put her hands back. ‘This is my time. I get to do what I want to you. Just enjoy.’

She did.

Her entire world consisted of the sound of skin on skin, the smell of Andy’s unique musk and her own arousal, and the pleasure that washed through her in wave after wave, too many to count.

Andy. Andy. Andy. He was her world.

When her body was worn out, and she thought she would never be able to move again, he whispered into her ear. ‘And now for the big finale.’

That was all the warning she had. He pulled the chain out in a smooth movement that jerked all her nerve endings back to shocked life. As he pulled he pressed on her clit and she screamed as she tipped into one last, magnificent orgasm.

Then Andy’s arms were around her and his mouth was on hers and she let go of the bars to hold onto him as if she would never let him go.



He lifted his head from the book he was pretending to read while he savoured the memories of the night before. He had never met a woman who matched him so well in the bedroom. Roz was unique, sexy, beautiful and kinky as hell. How could he even think of letting her go?

Right now, she was quiet. Maybe she had a touch of sub drop? Tonight, there would be no play, only cuddles. He would take such good care of her.

‘Andrew,’ his mother called again. ‘Have you seen my diamond necklace?’

Poppy was always losing things. His mother had her own unique sense of fashion and was liable to wear the necklace with a pair of wellies if the mood took her.

‘Have you been wearing it in the garden again?’ Dougal asked.

Poppy glared at him over her reading glasses. ‘No, dear. And I do wish you wouldn’t keep harping on about that. We did find it in the end.’

‘With a metal detector,’ Dougal said, with a chuckle.

She looked to Roz for support.

‘I’ll help you search for it.’

Roz put her book down and Andy caught a glimpse of the title on the spine. Why would Roz be interested in horse breeding? He couldn’t put his finger on it, but she
had been a little distant since the day they went shopping together. She was spending a lot more time with his parents, especially his father, who adored taking her around the farm, but there was a tension about her that hadn’t been there before.

Roz stood up. ‘Where did you last have it?’

‘The conservatory, I think. Or maybe it was the dining room.’

As they passed his chair, Andy reached for Roz’s hand. ‘You didn’t “borrow” it, did you?’ He winked at her.

He meant it jokingly, but the look she gave him cut him dead. She pulled her hand from his grasp and followed Poppy from the library. He had put his size elevens right into it. He stood up quickly and hurried after them.

‘Andrew,’ his father roared after him. ‘That blasted phone of yours is ringing.’

He patted his pocket. The bloody thing had slipped out again and the Tardis ring tone was blaring from the wing-backed library chair where he’d been sitting.

‘McTavish,’ he said.

‘I need you. Pack a bag,’ Niall Moore said without preamble.

‘What’s up?’

‘Jack Winter. He’s in Dublin and he wants someone to look after Abbie.’

Winter was a high-profile client and whatever Jack wanted, Jack got.

‘What’s wrong with Abbie?’

‘Not a thing, but since the shooting incident in Tullamore, Jack won’t let her out of his sight. She got a note and
he thinks it had something to do with some South American crazies she was involved with three years ago.’

‘But the shooting had –’

‘I told him that. But he wants protection ASAP and you’re the nearest operative. Be there for dinner. It’s only for a couple of days. They’re staying at the Shelbourne.’

‘But I’m looking after Roz and Hall is still loose,’ Andy protested.

‘Does anyone know where she is? Will she run? Is she in danger?’

Damn it, Andy wanted to say yes, but … ‘No, she’s safe here.’

‘Then get to Dublin and protect Abbie until I can relieve you.’

Niall disconnected the call.

Damn and blast. He knew that Roz was safe at Lough Darra. There hadn’t been a sighting of Hall since Tullamore and there was nothing to draw him here. But he didn’t want to leave her right now.

‘Work?’ his father asked, frowning.

Andy sighed. ‘Looks like it. I have an assignment in Dublin but I’ll try to get back soon.’

‘Well, if you must,’ Dougal said, but Andy could see that he was annoyed that he was leaving again so soon.

‘Look, Dad. I can’t really talk about it, but there was an incident on a movie set in Tullamore a few days ago. Roz was involved.’

‘What happened?’ The old man sat up, alert and looking five years younger.

‘A stalker. I want you to look after her while I’m gone.’

‘Of course.’ Dougal straightened his shoulders. ‘I can still battle with the best of them. You only had to ask.’

Maybe he should have kept quiet. God help him if his dad became involved in another fight. ‘Promise me, no guns.’

Dougal looked almost disappointed.

Back in his room, Andy packed quickly, choosing clothes that would help him blend in. Fitting in with the client’s lifestyle was part of the job. The perfect bodyguard was invisible, and every job was different. He stowed his bag in the back of the car and went in search of his mother and Roz.

The search for the necklace had moved to the conservatory where Poppy had been working the previous day, but his mother had been distracted by her latest painting. She was doing a series of botanical studies of orchids. Roz listened as his mother explained about the fluctuation in temperature necessary for an orchid to bloom.

From her rapt expression he could tell Roz wasn’t being polite or dutiful, she was genuinely interested. Despite her background, she was a perfect fit for Lough Darra and Poppy obviously adored her. Pride welled in his chest. If things had been different, if their engagement was real, Roz could have been happy here.

He cleared his throat, interrupting the lecture. ‘Sorry, but I have to go to Dublin. Something’s come up.’

Roz was immediately on the alert. ‘Do I need to –’

‘No. Stay here. I’ll be back in a few days.’

A flicker of hurt crossed her face and Andy wanted to kick himself. He hadn’t meant to be abrupt with her, but this was what his life was like when he was working. He
could get a call at any moment and he couldn’t discuss his assignments with anyone.

He glanced at his watch. With rush hour traffic, he would barely make it to Dublin in time for dinner and he didn’t want to piss off a client who was already anxious. Andy bent his head to kiss her, but Roz evaded his mouth and offered him her cheek instead. She was annoyed with him and wouldn’t play nice.

He didn’t have time for this now. He would put the little madam over his knee and spank her for that later. His cock stirred at the prospect. Damn, just what he needed on a long drive. Roz Spring would be the death of him.

Roz glared after his departing figure. He actually thought she had stolen Poppy’s necklace? He believed she was a thief?

Well, she was, of course, but she stole from people who deserved it and who could afford it. And it was nothing to do with the rich people being the ones who had the most money – it was scarily easy to steal from poor people. Rich people dealt in credit, poor people carried cash.

No, there was something magical about getting one over on someone who deserved it. Who had got rich by their own scams, or by profiting from other people’s hard work.

She wouldn’t steal from someone like Poppy, who had been so good to her. Poppy might be rich and live in a ridiculously large home, even if it had a plumbing system that was at least fifty years old and didn’t even have proper
heating. It was clear that she worked hard, didn’t indulge herself with senseless luxury and valued her family more than her bank balance. That necklace had belonged to Poppy’s great-grandmother, and that meant more to her than the insurance value.

And Andy fucking McTavish thought she would steal it?

The pain that welled up as she absorbed that thought was more than she could bear. The house, cold as it was, was stifling to her. She had to get away. She sprinted for the stables where she could hide from everyone.

The yard was full of stable hands when she arrived, but Minty stuck her head out over her stable door and whickered a greeting to Roz. Her big brown eyes were friendly and didn’t accuse her of anything.

Roz slipped into the stable, bolting the half door behind her. Now she was out of sight.

Minty butted her head against Roz, looking for a treat. Roz patted her pockets but the only thing she had on her was a packet of Tic Tacs. She shook one out on her hand and looked at it dubiously. It seemed far too small, but she offered it on her palm.

Minty lipped it up with enthusiasm and Roz swore the horse was smiling at her. At least someone liked her. The horse shoved her nose against Roz for a caress.

Roz patted her gingerly, then with more assurance when the horse stayed still. Finally she leaned against her neck, absorbing the warmth and strength of the animal.

‘He thinks I’m a thief,’ she murmured to Minty. ‘In spite of everything we’ve done together, he thinks I stole Poppy’s necklace. He didn’t even ask me, he assumed.’
Her hand stilled as she was struck by a horrible possibility. ‘I wonder if Poppy and Dougal think the same?’

She had no way of knowing what Andy had told his parents about her background. Surely he wouldn’t have told them she was the daughter of a convict? They wouldn’t have her in the house if they knew. Or would they? She could almost see them taking her in as some sort of charity case.

She hugged Minty tightly. She couldn’t bear to be someone’s charity case. Life had been hard over the years, but she had always got by on her own. She had never gone begging to anyone and she wasn’t about to start now.

Well, that solved one dilemma. When she had realized how rich Andy was, she had toyed with the idea of asking him for the money to get her father out of hock. She had been reluctant because she could see that even with an estate of this size, there wasn’t half a million in cash floating around to throw away on a small-time conman.

Now there was no way she would consider it. She had to find the money on her own, and she knew how to do it.

She pulled away from Minty with reluctance. Who’d have guessed that horses were cuddly? In the back of the stable, she pulled out her phone and called Frankie.

Cheyenne answered immediately, panting slightly as if she had been running before she picked up. ‘Hi, Roz, want to talk to Frankie?’

She had barely finished before Frankie spoke, sounding equally breathless. ‘Yo, what’s up?’

‘You sound better.’

‘Yep, getting back into the saddle, so to speak.’ There was a smile in Frankie’s voice. ‘How are things with you?’

She wasn’t going to dump all her problems on him. ‘Good. I’m at Andy’s home, and I want to get moving on the Shergar sting. What do we need?’

His voice muffled as he said, ‘Sweetie, could you get me a coffee?’ A door slammed, and his voice returned to its usual crisp tone. ‘Okay, first up, you need to buy Nagsy and make sure the paperwork is tight. Then we need to convince O’Sullivan that he is worth half a mill. That will take DNA testing, but I’ll leave that to you. And some sort of race, where he looks good. That will be harder to rig.’

‘Leave that to me.’ Roz had no idea yet how to do it, but she trusted her fertile imagination would come up with something. ‘I’ll have to find somewhere to put him, until I’m ready to spring the trap.’

Her thoughts raced. This was going to be a long con. But she had to do it.

‘I’ll get working on it. Anything else you think of, text me about it. When are you back at work?’

There was a pause, small but she caught it. ‘Soon enough. It won’t be long before the docs will sign me fit again.’

Yeah right, and pigs would fly. Roz knew Frankie well enough to know when he was lying. He was injured, even if he was fit enough to keep Cheyenne happy for now. She added Frankie to the list of things she had to do. But first, she needed a crash course in horses and she knew the man to teach her.

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