The Pleasures of Spring (40 page)

BOOK: The Pleasures of Spring
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Caroline and Eileen wish to thank:

The management of Charleville Castle who allowed us to take all sorts of liberties with it, with special thanks to Dudley and Damien.

Our beta readers, Mary, Silje, Frances. Aoibhinn and Jack, for their encouragement and for pointing out the obvious.

Patricia O’Reilly, who continues to inspire and mentor us.

Our editors Patricia Deevy and Davina Russell, and Michael, Cliona and all the staff at Penguin Ireland, with special thanks to Catherine Ryan Howard, our publicist.

Our wonderful agent, Madeleine Milburn.

Website designer Seoirse Mac Gabhann, for the IT support and endless pots of coffee.

Stella for allowing us to use her flat and Dave for his weapons expertise.

Our unshockable friends on FetLife for their kinky suggestions.

And all those too numerous to mention, who answered our questions – no matter how strange – during the writing of
The Pleasures of Spring


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First published 2014

Copyright © Eileen Gormley and Caroline McCall, 2014

The moral right of the authors has been asserted

Cover photograph: © Luck Luckyfarm/Shutterstock

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Typeset by Jouve (UK), Milton Keynes

ISBN: 978-0-241-97004-1

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