The Pleasure's All Mine (43 page)

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Authors: Naleighna Kai

BOOK: The Pleasure's All Mine
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Steve gave him a lopsided grin. “I’ll get right on it. What’s going to happen with the movie deal?”

“Ava’s going to work it as much as she can. Raven’s still in for points, and Ava let me know that when it comes down to numbers and loyalty, she’s working for Raven. I’ll have to get my own lawyer if she gets to a place where she can’t be fair to both of us.”

“At least she’s honest.”

“Which is more than I can say for some folks around here.”

“Hey, I told the truth. I was looking out for my best interests—and yours, too.”

“Get the hell out of my office and do some

“See, you’re
at me again.”

Pierce shooed him toward the door. “You’ve been hanging out with Eric too long!”

❤ ❤ ❤

Raven had writer’s block, big time. For the first time in her career, she might miss a deadline. And she was still trying to finish the story she had started the night of the MEG party. She would put pen to paper—but no ideas, no words came to mind. She tossed the tablet aside, almost in tears. Thinking about food nauseated her—definitely not normal for a woman who had a love affair with all types of cuisine. She felt so off balance, she didn’t know what to do.

The phone rang. Hoping it was Pierce, she answered.

“I need to talk to you ‘bout my man, Pierce,” Simeon said smoothly.

Something in his tone set her nerves on edge. Why did Simeon Cahill need to talk with her about anything, let alone someone so dear to her heart?

“And it’s something that involves you, too.”

“Either you tell me what this is about right now or I hang up. “

His laugh was ugly and bitter. “Do that and your son will regret it.”

Raven couldn’t respond. What the hell did Eric have to do with this?

“I sent my jet for you.”

“That won’t be necessary. I can find my own way on my own time.
I decide to come.”

“Time is a luxury you can’t afford. It’s waiting for you at O’Hare. See you soon.”

He left her listening to a dial tone. A wave of nausea overcame her, but instinctively she knew staying away wasn’t an option.

Raven tried unsuccessfully to reach Ava. Finally she remembered she was in California negotiating the movie deal for Pierce. For all her griping about being out of her element, Ava was enjoying winging it—and the number of referrals that Pierce was bringing in. She’d had to hire new staff to deal with the load.

For a split second, she thought of contacting Pierce, then brushed it aside. She was a big girl; she could handle her own problems. She had before she met him, and certainly would continue to do so now that a relationship was not on the horizon. She felt the bitter regret every waking moment of every day.

Raven dressed in a basic traveling suit, having every intention of visiting Lorrie and Anita this time. They hadn’t let her hear the end of not seeing them the last time she was in the Big Apple.

❤ ❤ ❤

When the plane touched down at LaGuardia, Raven glanced through the window at the airplanes taxiing on the runway. A storm brewed deep in her soul.
Call Pierce. Call Pierce.
She ignored her inner voice.

As she stepped off the plane, a man greeted her and escorted her to a limo, which pulled away as though the devil were on its heels. Thirty minutes later, she walked into the MEG offices, past the nearly empty security station, and noticed disturbing changes. Gone was the air of excitement and expectancy. The few employees left moved slowly and spoke quietly. The décor was now depressing and dull instead of sleek and sharp as it had been when Pierce was around. It was as if Simeon had tried to wipe out all signs of his old partner.

She was asked to wait outside Simeon’s office. Five minutes later she told the secretary, “My next move is a cab, then the airport.”

“I’ll make sure Simeon knows.”

“Thank you.”

Simeon blasted his reply over the intercom, “She’ll wait until I say her fat ass can come in!”

The receptionist, a plus-sized sister herself, gave Raven an apologetic look.

Slinging her purse over her right shoulder, Raven headed toward the elevator.

Simeon’s voice made her freeze just as she reached the doors. “Walk out if you want to, but this little clip will hit the Internet faster than Vanessa del Rio flicks her clit.”

Raven whirled to face him, watching as he tapped a little round disc that must have something to do with his reference to the porn star. “And why would I be interested in that?” Raven asked, trying to keep her anger and fear in check.

His lips spread into something that wasn’t quite a sneer, but was nowhere near a smile. A chill ran through her.

“Because, my dear, you’re the star of this show. And you have such a nice ass. No matter how wide that motherfucker is.”

She resisted the urge to walk over and smack the smirk off his face.
Stay cool, Raven. Stay very, very cool

He turned to his anxious secretary. “You can go home.”

She looked at Raven, then back at Simeon. “But, I—”

An icy glare ended her protest. The woman gathered her things and scampered away with one last look at Raven.

Raven crossed the distance and followed Simeon through the smoke-tinted doors. “What the hell are you up to?”

He sat behind his desk and smugly waved a hand. “Have a seat.”

“No, thanks. I don’t plan to be here long.”

“We’ll see.” Simeon slipped the disc into a machine behind him, turned back to her, and grinned lasciviously as he studied her.

“I didn’t come here to be leered at.”

“I’m just picturing you with your clothes off,” he said as he pointed the remote. “But now I shouldn’t have to.”

The huge monitor near the office door sprang to life.

The vise gripping her heart squeezed even tighter as Raven stared helplessly at the scene unfolding on the widescreen television: the intimate caresses, the sensual kisses, the feverish working of her lover’s hips to bring her to an explosive climax. To her horror, one of the most private and pleasurable experiences of her life had been secretly filmed—by Simeon Cahill. She shuddered.

Both furious and frightened as she stood in the plush Manhattan office, Raven counted to ten as her hands curled into tight fists. Making it past three was impossible. She imagined her hands wrapped around his neck. “What do you want?” she said through clenched teeth, unable to tear her gaze from the screen.

Dressed in a navy suit from his own clothing line, Simon propped his feet on the edge of his desk as a smirk played about the corners of his full mouth. “I guess a blow job’s out of the question?”

“I’d rather give you a swift kick in the nuts.”

Simeon slapped his desk, causing her to jump. “Mmmmmmm. Fire! I like that.” His hungry, predatory gaze flicked over her body. “I’d tap that ass, but you’re a little too thick for my taste.”

“Thank God for that minor detail.” She stood strong in the middle of his office, trying not to show her fear. “Besides, the fact that Pierce has more than thirteen solid inches on you might not make it worth your time anyway.”

“I want Pierce back at MEG—now! And I want whatever shit he’s holding against me. He’s threatened me for the last time.”

“Can’t help you there, brother.” She gave him a dismissive shrug. “He’s beyond that. And he’s beyond my reach. I guess you haven’t heard the latest. We’re not together anymore.”

“Oh, you have more influence than you think,” Simeon taunted, nodding at the screen. “That motherfucker laid into that ass, baby. He ain’t giving

Raven trembled with anger. She felt more than violated. “There’s no way in hell he’d come back here,” she responded. “Not after everything you’ve done.”

Simeon tipped back in his chair. “It’s all about business, baby.”

“Bullshit! It’s all in the name of your pocketbook and your over-inflated ego.”

Simeon shivered in mock fear. “Ouch. The girl has bite.”

“I’ve enjoyed this little show,” she said, gesturing to one of the large monitors. “Don’t see how you got it, but hey—maybe you aren’t getting any and this is the best you could do. Sad. So sad.” She shook her head and froze. “You put cameras in his house?”

Simeon beamed. “Had to see what my boy’s been up to. That shit he got away with right under my nose…it was some deep shit. He caught me sleeping…but it seems,” he winked, then looked at the screen again, “I caught him, too.”

Raven flinched. Had Pierce and Ava held any strategy meetings in Pierce’s home? If so, no wonder Simeon was always one step ahead.

“Get him here for a little sit-down. I want a piece of his deal with Paramount, and I want all of my artists back, all of my employees. Had to give that motherfucker every damn thing, and now he thinks it’s over—just ‘cause some lawyer bitch is pulling shit?”

Raven crossed the room. “You got what you wanted. MEG’s all yours now. This has all been nothing but a big pissing contest for you. Everything you do is about trying to prove that you can swing your
harder and stronger than Pierce can,” she said bitterly. “You haven’t done a damn thing but sit on your ass and reap the benefits of his hard work. All you do is drink, travel, and get laid—or at least you want the world to think you’re getting some.” She laughed bitterly. “I’m surprised that puny pecker doesn’t have an odometer counting in reverse.”

The vein in his temple throbbed.

“Never mind that Pierce was there in the beginning. Somewhere in that black heart of yours, you know that without him, you wouldn’t have the clothing line, the restaurants, a rapping career—none of that! Without him, your cred in the industry’s gone. Without him, you’re

In an instant, he was around the desk, yanked her head back by tendrils of hair. “I’ve had enough of your mouth.”

Anger dulled the spider webs of pain shooting across her scalp. “If you don’t release me right now,” she said through her teeth, “I’m gonna beat the cow-walking bullshit out of you.”

He held on for one second longer before shoving her away. “Get him here, Raven. I’m tired of all this lawyer talk. I need to talk with him, man to man.”

She stumbled before righting herself. “Then you should’ve been a man and called him in the first place! Don’t get me involved.”

“He’s not taking my calls, thanks to you and your nerdy-ass son. Now he’s too busy with movie deals, soundtracks, and stealing my acts.”

“Sounds like
got a problem.”

“No, Raven,” he replied evenly, bearing down on her. “
got a problem! I could put this—just this clip—on the Internet, and it’d be more popular than Pamela and Tommy Lee, or that Paris Hilton chick.” He raised his fist in a mock salute. “Up with big-woman power!”

Raven tried to swallow her fear and keep her expression neutral. “What, it’ll prove is that sisters like me can hold their own in the bedroom. Nothing more.”

Simeon grimaced at her bravado and nodded before he said, “So how will your son like seeing his mama putting it out.”

Raven bit the inside of her jaw.

“Freshman year can be rough on a young man when his mama’s all over cyberspace,” Simeon dipped his hips down a little and grinned, “dropping it like it’s hooooooot.” His smile disappeared. “You have until tonight.”

“You know he can’t be here then, he’s—”

“Finishing up your little movie deal. Like I give a fuck.” He flexed his thin fingers. “When he gets here, I’ll give you the original and the copies.”

“Like I should trust you.”

“Like you have a choice!”

Raven was too stunned to move.

Simeon clicked a few keys and turned the computer monitor to face her. “I’m already sending the file to MEG’s back-door website.” The gray progress bar popped up on the screen. “All it’ll take is a few emails, and soon everyone will be able to get a glimpse of the
Raven Armand. A little caption saying: ‘A man with strong equipment, but weak ass sperm,’ should be a nice touch.”

Oh, God! That would crush Pierce.
Raven’s gaze fell to the glass award at the edge of his desk. The perfect weapon.

Could Ava get her off on a murder charge with an insanity plea?

“No,” Raven finally said. “I’m not letting you bully me into anything. You’re not going to use my son, or Pierce, against me. When people find out how that clip got around and what you did, you’ll lose whatever little respect you have from your few fans.”

He stared at her, blinking in rapid succession as though he had not heard correctly.

“Pierce believed in the dream the
of you had,” she continued. “All you’ve done is run it into the ground. No one’s to blame for that but you. You screwed your life up, and now you want everyone else to pay. He’ll always have more class than you, more morals, and certainly more balls.” She gestured to the screen. “And he’s also pretty well hung. Hell, if I were you, I’d be jealous, too.”

His fist sliced through the air, connecting with the side of her head. Blinding pain shot from just behind her eyes to every nerve in her brain. With one angry swipe, he sent almost everything on his desk crashing to the floor. Thick, almost hammer-like hands, grabbed her, threw her down on the desk, then pounded into her face.

She gasped, stunned. Raven swung, landing a solid right to his eye. Another to his nose. Staggering at first, he regained his balance, then lunged forward, pinning her to the desk.

Raven grabbed a handful of genitals and squeezed with all the power in her. He doubled over. Then he slammed her head backward onto the desk, dislodging her grip. He ripped away her blouse, taking the bra with it, then yanked up her skirt and tore away stockings and panties in one motion. The sound of his zipper cut through the air like a knife, just before he positioned himself between her thighs.

Waves of nausea coursed through her as Raven struggled to keep him from making contact. She reached out, found a smooth object teetering on the edge of the desk. She hammered the paperweight into the side of his head. He stumbled backward. She lunged forward at him, clawed at his face, her fingers pressing toward his eyes.

Fists smashed into her face, neck, and chest. She struggled to breathe as she rained down a few answering blows.

Pure rage lit his face. Rape would be the minor thing; he planned to kill her. She would die right there in his office, and just like before, he’d get away with it.

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