Read The Pleasure Room Online

Authors: D.N. Simmons

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #suspense, #Thriller, #BDSM

The Pleasure Room (42 page)

BOOK: The Pleasure Room
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“Show me respect!”

Alistair swallowed hard then nodded. “Yes ma'am. What do I deserve tonight, Felicity.”

“For tonight only, you will call me 'my Queen'. Do you understand?”

“Yes, my Queen.”

Felicity had to bite her tongue to keep from squealing in delight and anticipation for the amount of fun they were about to have. She kissed him, hard, passionately for several long moments then she pulled back, standing over him.

“Here are the rules for tonight's game. I'm going to work your sexy body until you cum. There's a catch though; if you can hold off your orgasm for five minutes, I'll let you fuck me in my ass. If you cum before that, I get to fuck
in your ass.”

“So, you think you can make me cum in less than five minutes?” Alistair scoffed. “Someone's feeling overconfident.”

Felicity struck him three times with the crop across his nipples and he yelped and groaned.

“You want to rephrase that last statement?”

“If you can make me cum in less than five minutes, you deserve to fuck me in my ass... my Queen,” he added, challenging her. “I look forward to seeing you try.”

Another hit with the crop across his rippled, rock hard abdomen and he hissed, biting his bottom lip.

“That's just it, you won't be seeing anything. I'm blindfolding you, darling. You'll never know what's coming.” Felicity walked towards her tray, removing the cloth and folding it several times until it was the perfect size for the blindfold. She stepped up behind Alistair and covered his eyes with the cloth, tying a neat bow behind his head. She grabbed the bottle of lubricant as she came back to stand in front of him and squirted the cool gel over his cock and he jerked from the temperature.

“My, aren't we jumpy?” she commented. Then she poured some on her fingers. “I love that this chair already has you in the right position, spread wide for me. I can see that pretty little hole of yours just begging for something to get stuffed in it.”

Alistair chuckled and his cock jumped with his anticipation. She rubbed her slick fingers around his anus, massaging his opening before slipping a finger inside. She marveled at how hot he was, how tight... and when she crooked her finger ever so slightly, she could feel the firmness of his prostate. He moaned, hole clenching around her finger.

“Oh, you like that don't you?”

“Yes, my Queen.”

“Tell me how much you like having my fingers in your ass.” She slipped another finger inside and slowly began pumping her fingers in and out.

Alistair quaked as he relished the sensation. He hoped that she was preparing him for something even more fulfilling. “Mmmmmm, it feels so good, my Queen. I'm especially happy I made you cut your nails because your fingers feel wonderful inside me.”

She pushed on his prostate and at the same time, she hit him with the crop on his thighs.

“Oohhh—ow!” he yelped.

“Don't think I didn't catch the fact that you were sneaking in your dominance.”

“That was just--”

She cut him off with four lashes in quick succession on his thighs and he bit back a scream.

“Oh, I see what you mean by the pretty marks these lovely toys leave behind. This pattern of redness is so sexy,” Felicity said, running the finger along the fresh welts. “I think you're pretty slick now.” She pulled her fingers from his hole and picked up the vibrating, electric shock dildo and lubed it up.

“Are you going to set the timer, my Queen?” Alistair asked.

“Yes. I'm doing that now.” she set the timer on her cell phone. “Remember, try to hold off for five minutes... of course, I'm really hoping you can't.”

“I hope you're prepared to take my cock up your tight hole, my Queen,” Alistair boasted. “This is one bet you're sure to lose. I haven't cum that fast in years.”

“Yeah, keep talking shit. I've got something for you.” She started the timer. “Let's begin, shall we.”

Alistair smiled. “Yes, my Queen, Let's.”

Felicity knew she had to make him eat his words, now more than ever. She pressed the head of the dildo against his hole, slowly sliding it past his sphincter. Alistair moaned as he felt the dildo enter him, he enjoyed the mixed sensation of pain and pleasure as the hardness of the dildo caressed his insides and stroked his prostate. She let him get used to the size before pulling it out and sliding it back in again.

“Though this feels fantastic, my dear... I hope you have something more extreme in your arsenal if you expect me to cu—oh shite!” Alistair's body jerked when she turned the dildo on, sending vibration and light electrical currents into his body. “Oh, oh, ah!” he panted as his body tensed from the onslaught of stimulation. His hips began to thrust upward and it was just what Felicity needed to strap the dildo in place.

“Ha, you don't have anything smart to say now, do you? Look at you, moaning like a little bitch.”

Alistair wanted to say something, he wanted to taunt, but the pleasure coursing through his body restricted his speech to incoherent noises and one-word grunts.

 She knew she had to make every second count. Alistair was a pro at holding off his orgasm and too much was on the line tonight to lose. She stroked his shaft, feeling his cock throb and twitch against her fingers and palm. She knew he was close and time was running out. She lubed up the vibrating sound and very carefully, slid it into his hole. His cock jerked again as the little metal sound slid snugly into his urethra.

“Oh, fuck!” Alistair let loose a shuddering moan. If she could see his eyes, they would be rolling inside his head. He tensed against his restraints, stretching the leather bindings as he writhed in extreme ecstasy.

Then Felicity turned the sound on and Alistair began to quake uncontrollably against the chair and his restraints as vibrations and stimulating shocks pulsed through his erogenous zones. With less than  two minutes left on the clock, Felicity went all out, placing a vibrator underneath the ridge of his cock's head and turning it on high.

Alistair thrashed in his chair, screaming and gasping, his abs growing taut as he strained against the intense pleasure. Finally, his balls tightened and he couldn't hold back, his will giving in to the overwhelming ecstasy. “Fuck, oh fuck! I'm cumming, Oh shit!”

Felicity removed the sound and began stroking his shaft furiously and within second he erupted, his balls releasing streams of creamy, sticky fluid over his chest, stomach, thighs, her hand as she stroked him, the floor and one shot hitting his lips and chin. His body trembled and spasm as he road his climax to he end. Felicity continued to grip his cock, sliding her palm up and down his shaft as her fingers massaged his sensitive flesh through his post-coital state until he cried out in a combination of pleasure and pain.

“Please stop! Red... red...” he panted. “My...ass... take it... out.” He twitched again, still being stimulated by the electric dildo.

Felicity obliged, removing the toy from his rectum. She stood back and smiled at her handy work. “You truly are a piece of art right now, my sweet boy.” she lightly slapped his cheek. “Looks like you couldn't last five minutes, Alistair. I guess we both know what that means.”

He chuckled, the deep rumble rolling through his chest. “I definitely underestimated you, my darling.”

“Yes, you did, baby. But I'll let you make it up to me by taking my cock up your ass,” Felicity said as she removed the blindfold, using it to wipe his lips and chin clean.

Alistair laughed outright. “Yes, my Queen,” he replied once his laughter subsided.

Felicity opened the box that had been sitting on the tray and removed the two-headed strap on.

“Oh my, tell me... does it vibrate also?” Alistair asked, eying the delightful toy.

“For someone so strict about rules, you continue to break mine. I'm going to wear that sexy ass of yours out in a minute,” Felicity warned.

“Yes, my Queen.”

“I'll have you know, I had this custom made.” She turned it around so that he could see the brilliant detail. The twin dildos were ribbed with pleasure nubs for added stimulation. One end was to be inserted into him and the other was to fit flat against Felicity. “The straps are nice and tight, so I plan on riding your g-spot the entire time.”

Alistair studied the new toy he was going to be enjoying soon and smirked.
She really thought this through
, he mused. Just the mental imagery he was getting of the dildo sliding into him was beginning to make his recently spent cock rise to attention.

“You're such a little horny boy,” Felicity said, leaning over, slapping his growing erection.

Alistair jerked from the contact, but smiled. “I can't help it if the women I love knows exactly how  to turn me on, my Queen.”

Felicity grinned as she began to untie his bindings.

Once free, he grabbed by her arms. “Come here,” he growled bringing her closer for a kiss. His hands slid over her latex suit to her tight ass and he gave her a hearty slap. The sound of flesh on latex-covered flesh echoed throughout the room.

Felicity moaned. “Do it again.”

He obliged, slapping her ass several times then grabbing meaty handful on the last slap. “I want you to show me what you can do with that new toy of yours,” he said, giving her another hungry kiss.

She indulged in his talented mouth for several seconds before pulling away. The man had a way of making her lose control. If she were to give into him now, she'd never live it down, no matter how much she wanted him inside her. She grabbed his chin, bringing his face down to hers. “I'm going to make you cum so hard, baby.” She caressed the side of his face, running her latex-covered fingers over his masculine jaw line. Then without warning she grabbed him by his dark, curly locks and pulled him from the chair. Alistair followed her lead, relishing the bit of pain she inflicted over the surface of his scalp. She walked him over to the bondage table. “Get your ass up there.”

Alistair climbed up on the table with ease.

“Stay just like that,” Felicity ordered, stopping him while he was still in a doggy-style position.

She walked back to her tray and picked up her crop and returned to him. “Now, this time, I'm going to whip that fine ass of yours for all of your blatant disobedience tonight. Do you understand, Alistair?”

Alistair chuckled, tickled by her show of dominance. Felicity swung the crop, making contact with his ass.

“Ow! Fuck!” He jerked from the impact.

“I asked you a question!” She was going to make him respect her position on this night. Tomorrow, he could be the Dom. But tonight, was hers.”

“Yes, my Queen.” Alistair said, admiring her budding Domme skills. “Please correct my errors, my Queen.”

“Good. I feel like we're making some progress now,” Felicity said. She began to rub the end of the crop over his firm ass cheeks. “Yeah, this ass needs a good spanking. It's well overdue, don't you agree?”

“Yes, my Queen. It's been so long since I've had a well-spanked ass,” Alistair said. “Please, my Queen, make me scream.”

Oh, he's really challenging me!
Felicity thought.
He's going to learn today!

“I want you to count out each one ending each count with; 'thank you for correcting me, my Queen.' Do you understand?”

Ah, she remembers my lessons well.
Alistair smiled. “Yes, my Queen.”

“Good, the safe words are the same,” Felicity reminded.

“Yes, my Queen.”

“Are you ready?”

“Yes, my Queen.”

Without further ado, Felicity hit her target, slapping the fat end of the crop across both of Alistair's muscular ass cheeks.

Alistair winced, but didn't cry out. “One, thank you for correcting me, my Queen.”

Another hit and another count-off. It wasn't until she struck for the ninth time did she get a yelp from him.

“Oh, did I hit a nerve?” she asked sarcastically.

“The pain feels good, my Queen,” Alistair said.

“I'm happy to hear that. I've got more where that came from.” She struck again.

The spanking and counting continued until he stopped counting and his eyes closed. Felicity knew what was happening and became very excited. She continued to spank him, sending him deeper into his subspace, letting him enjoy it until it was time to bring him back. She put the crop down and slowly caressed his sore ass and thighs as she spoke softly to him.

“Thank you so much, baby for letting me give you that special moment,” Felicity said as she gently kissed Alistair's shoulder, cheek, lips. “You looked so hot, so perfect in that state. You were amazing.”

Gradually, Alistair began to become more coherent to her words and the aftercare she was giving him. He nodded. “That was intense,” he whispered.

“I know, baby. You were so awesome,” she said, gently messaging his back and shoulders. “Do you want to lay down?”

He nodded.

“Go ahead.” She helped him get more comfortable of the table as she continued to caress and kiss him.

“You handled that beautifully,” Alistair praised.

“Thank you, babe... do you still want to go through with everything or do you need to rest?”

BOOK: The Pleasure Room
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