The Pleasure Room (19 page)

Read The Pleasure Room Online

Authors: D.N. Simmons

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #suspense, #Thriller, #BDSM

BOOK: The Pleasure Room
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She walked past him, stepping inside under the stream.

“Take the enema bag and fill it with the solution,” he instructed, calmly.

Felicity's face was beet red as she removed the object from the wall. She poured the solution from the bottle that was on the shelf into the bag.

“Good, hand it to me and kneel, knees to chest.”

Felicity did as instructed.

“Try to relax. You may feel some discomfort, but it is only the pressure of the tube and the liquid,” Alistair said. He lubed the tube and with extreme care, he began to insert the device inside Felicity.

“Ow!” she yelped.

“I know... relax,” he reminded her.

She knelt in the shower, feeling the sensation of liquid filling her. As Alistair had mentioned, there was discomfort, nothing she was used to. The whole experience was kind of stimulating in a way she couldn't understand. After a little while, her insides began to cramp and she moaned.

“Very good. That's all of it. Now, when I remove the tube, I want you to clinch, do you understand?” he asked.

Felicity nodded.

“Do you?”

“Yes, sir,” she said.

“Very good.” He slid the tube out slowly as not to hurt her. “All right, come with me.” He helped her out of the shower to the toilet. “Now, let go.”

“I don't want to do that with you standing here,” she protested.


“Isn't this punishment enough?!”

“Five. Now do as I say. I'm going to stand here until you do.”

“Why?” Felicity continued to fight.

“Six. Because this is part of your training. I'll explain further once you prove that you're ready to take this next step.”

Felicity looked at him, should she use one of her safe words? She hadn't used any at this point, but he did say the game was changing and if this was any kind of indicator... did she still want to play? As promised, Alistair sat down in a chair facing her, crossing one leg over the other, hands resting comfortably in  his lap. She looked at him, his face was a perfect mask of dominant alpha male, but it was also unreadable. She couldn't tell if he was angry, disappointed or bored.

“I'm waiting, Felicity,” he said in that calm, honey-crisp, British-accented voice.

She thought about what she'd lose if she called it quits. She'd never get to feel him inside her, his hands over her body again, bringing her to the edge and then pushing her over it. She closed her eyes.

“No. Open your eyes and look at me,” Alistair said.

“This is too weird.”

“Seven. You're causing yourself undo irritation by refusing to follow my commands. Is this going to be our deal breaker, Felicity?”


“Eight. Then you know what I want from you.”


“Yes, what?”

“Yes, Alistair.”

“Release,” was his one word command and Felicity found herself unable to hold it in any longer. It was beginning to become excruciating. She relaxed her muscles and let the flow go. The entire time, she looked at Alistair. His face was still in that unreadable mask, but she didn't have time to care at the moment. Feeling the relief of her evacuation was almost orgasmic. She moaned as she endured the process. Finally it was over and she did away with all the remains.

“Very good.”

“May I ask why you wanted to watch that, sir?” Felicity asked.

“Step into the shower.”

Guess not
, she thought. Felicity did as she was told. She began to bathe, slowly, the way he'd taught her. He watched every movement from his chair. Alistair could feel his erection begging to be freed and touched. He dared not touch himself for fear that he'd lose control. There was something about Felicity that drew him to her. He been with his fair share of both men and women, beautiful and unique in their own way, but none had captivated him so. He was caught in an unbearable state of arousal as he watched her bathe. The slow sensuous movements of her hands as they roamed over her flesh, sliding into crevices he couldn't wait to slip his tongue into. He gasped and quaked from the mental image and he knew he needed to stop before he exploded.

“That's enough,” Alistair said, clipping each word.  

Felicity stopped midway as she was bathing her legs. She wasn't done, but if he wanted her to stop, she did. She rinsed off the way he taught her, running her hands over her skin as the water cascaded over her.

“I said that's enough.” Alistair rose, opening the door.

She yelped, having been taken by surprise. He turned off the water and handed her a towel.

“Be quick,” he said, then he left the bathroom.

She arched her eyebrow, confused, but began to dry off.




Alistair stood with his back towards the bathroom door. He forced himself to calm down and stay in control of his emotions. When Felicity exited the bathroom, he turned, gesturing for her to come closer.

“Put this on,” he said once she was standing beside him. He handed her the leather harness.

“As you wish, sir,” Felicity said. She was beginning to enjoy the name play. She took the outfit—if one could call it that—from him and examined it. “Ummm, how do I put it on, sir?”

Alistair gave her directions and she managed to wrap herself in it.

“Exquisite.” Alistair's gaze was all consuming as he stared at her.

Felicity somehow felt more exposed with the harness than she had when she was completely naked. Leather straps lay in crisscross patterns over her torso leaving her breasts propped up and bare. Even the leather covering between her legs was crotchless.

“How do you feel?” he asked her.

“Like I'm more naked than when I
naked, sir,” Felicity replied.

“Certainly you have other emotions stirring inside you.”

Felicity took the time to reflect on her state of mind. Yes, she was feeling a bit overexposed, but she was also feeling extremely sexy. The way Alistair looked at her as if he was relishing the very sight of her made her feel like she had power over him. She felt powerful.

“Sexy,” she offered.

“And what else?”

“Powerful,” she said with complete honesty.

Alistair nodded approvingly.

“Alistair, about my earlier question. I really need to know why, sir.” Felicity needed to understand everything that she was going through or forced to go through.

“During the duration of our contract, I will ask you to do all sorts of things. Many of  which will most likely be your first time. I need you to feel that connection with me. I need you to trust me and to feel comfortable being around me. It's the only way you're going to let go,” Alistair said.

Now, it all made sense. Ever since leaving the bathroom, she felt closer to Alistair. Even when she'd been bathing, she felt free. She figured if she could do
in front of him and he not judge her... everything else was easy.

“Now, unfortunately, you've managed to earn yourself eight infractions. Albeit, it's an improvement from day one and even day two... we still have a ways to go,” Alistair said as he began to walk towards the St. Andrews cross. “Felicity, I'm sure you can imagine what I want you to do next.”

“I hope it's breathe, because this contraption I'm wearing is tight as hell,” Felicity complained.

Alistair fought the laugh that threatened to erupt from him at her comment. There was a slight lift at the corners of his lips but he kept it together. He had to for her benefit.

“That's going to cost you an infraction,” He said after he gathered himself. “Come here.”

Felicity walked to him and he began to adjust the straps in certain places, alleviating the pressure on her rib cage.

“Is that better?” he asked.

“Yes, sir.”

“Good. Now, press your back against the cross.”

Oh my God, it's actually going to happen
, Felicity thought. A bit timidly, she stood with her back pressed against the cool leather.

Alistair stepped close, tying her wrists to each corner. Then he knelt, doing the same to her ankles. Rising, he strapped her in by the waist.

“As you know, Felicity, I have to punish you for your blatant disobedience. Do you know why I must do this?” Alistair asked her.

“Because you get off on it.”

“Ten and yes, that is true, but what is the real reason.”

“Because you told me I need it, sir.”

“You do. You need discipline. Now, do you think you deserve this?”

That's a fucking trick question,
Felicity thought.  


She thought about the answer she wanted to give, then she thought about the one he wanted to hear. The one that would keep her free of another infraction.

“Yes, sir.”

Alistair wasn't going to make it easy for her. He had watched her mental struggle and he was going to need her to dig deeper for the truth.

“Why did you say 'yes'?” he asked.

Now she had to think of why she gave him that answer. Was there any truth to it?

“Felicity, I want your honest answer.” Alistair stood in front of her, hands gripping her hips.

“I don't know, sir.”

“I did ask for honesty, didn't I?” he sighed. “I'm teaching you how to be strong and that takes discipline. Becoming submissive isn't something anyone can just do. It takes a great deal of fortitude to accept the will of another and still be in control of yourself.”

“I don't feel in control, Alistair,” Felicity said.

“You don't know you are, I'm teaching you to recognize the power within you. The power to submit and enjoy submitting.” He reached up, running his fingers gently over the tender flesh of her cheek. “Tonight, you will understand.” He walked away towards a table with all kinds of sexual paraphernalia spread out on top of it. “These are the items I purchased especially for you.” He turned and in his hand was a thin cane with a feathered tip.

Felicity's eyes bulged as he approached her, menacing-looking cane in hand. “I don't want you to use that, sir,” she said in panic.

“You have your safe words. If you feel like you need to use them, do so. However, remember the rules about using them,” Alistair said, then he ran the feather tip over her body, lightly brushing her nipples and she moaned. “Are you ready for your punishment?'

“Not really, sir.”

“How many strikes have you earned, are you keeping track?”

“Ten, sir.” Her voice trembled with the fear and anticipation she felt.

“Very good. While I'm dealing out your punishment, I want you to count each lick.”

“Yes, sir,” Felicity said, growing more and more nervous as he stood there.

Alistair's hand roamed over her stomach, feeling the flatness under the leather straps. He could see the goosebumps and feel the heat rising on her flesh where he touched her and he smiled. A pleasant reaction if ever there was one. Then he went into action, lightly hitting her with the thin cane and she cried out.

“Felicity, stay focused and count.” Alistair said.

She gasped but called out the first number.

“Excellent.” He rubbed the stinging spot with the feathered tip then struck again.

Felicity yelped and counted.

Again he struck and she yelled, then counted. He did it repeatedly over exposed ass cheeks and thighs until she gave the final count of “ten” and then he ran his fingers over the red welts that had risen on her pale skin.

“So lovely,” he said, smiling at his handiwork.

“How is that lovely?” Felicity remarked and he struck her again for speaking out of term and she yelped.

“It's a lovely pattern on your skin. A testament of your devotion to me. Of the trust we're building.” He ran his fingers over the patterns feeling the heat coming from them and he knew Felicity could still feel the sting. “Let me ask you something, Felicity... do you want me to stop?” He watched her face carefully as he awaited her reply.

So many emotions ran through Felicity's mind. She could still feel the stinging sensation on her skin where the cane had left its mark. She could also feel the wetness between her legs grow slicker.
Did she really want him to stop? Was she really enjoying being spanked? Is this what Alistair meant by giving her 'what she needed'?

“Felicity, you know I don't like waiting for an answer to my questions,” Alistair warned.

“No...I—I...” her voice trailed off.

“Yes, Felicity? Tell me what you need.”

“Don't...don't stop,” she said in a voice barely audible.

“Speak up. Don't be ashamed of this, embrace it. Tell me what you want.”

“I don't want you to stop... I... I trust you,” she said. Tears fell down her cheeks and he leaned forward, tongue darting out to catch them. Then he kissed her cheeks.

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