Read The Pleasure Room Online

Authors: D.N. Simmons

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #suspense, #Thriller, #BDSM

The Pleasure Room (35 page)

BOOK: The Pleasure Room
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Alistair stood, hand on his hips, dressed in a pair of leather chaps with a leather thong that had a zipper over the crotch for easy access. The leather harness he wore caressed his muscular chest, accentuating his impressive build. Leather boots added to his height and arm and wrist bands wrapped around his hard, rippling biceps completed his appearance to Felicity's utter visual delight.

“Holy shit!” she gasped, unable to contain herself.

“You do not get to speak without permission tonight,” Alistair said. “Do you know why you must be punished?”

“Yes, sir,” Felicity replied.


“Because I broke my promise to you, sir. I was supposed to come home early enough to tend to your dick and I didn't, sir.”

“That is correct. Broken promises will not be tolerated.” Alistair walked over to her, his crotch only an inch from her lips as she looked up at him. The scent of his leather mixed with his own natural aroma created a heady froth in her senses.  She wanted so badly to take his thick cock into her mouth and suck him to the root. Alistair reached down, tangling his fingers in her locks as his fingertips grazed her sensitive scalp making her shiver.

“You will learn your lesson well by the end of this night, Felicity, of that, I promise you.” Alistair lightly gripped a handful of her hair. “Get up.”

Felicity did as she was told, rising to her feet. Alistair led her by her hair into the Pleasure Room and over to the upright stocks. Felicity's breathing quickened as her sexual excitement skyrocketed. His rough treatment alone was sending her senses into orbit. He lightly shoved her toward the contraption and she reach out, grabbing onto it to catch her balance.

“Stand on it and place your wrists and head here.” He pointed to the appropriate slots.

Felicity stood on top of the device and assumed the bent over position. Alistair put the bar over her head, locking her in place, then he stood back.

“Can you imagine what I’m going to do to you, Felicity?” he asked her as he lovingly stroked her cheek with the back of his fingers.

“No, sir. I know that you're an experienced Dom with endless creative ideas for how to deal with a disobedient sub, sir,” Felicity answered.

“This night will be intense, you may feel the need to use your safe words, what are they?”

“Yellow if I need a break. Red if I need you to stop, sir.”

“Very good. However, I want you to endure everything because it's what you need and what you deserve, do you understand me?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Good. We will begin now.” Alistair walked around Felicity, drinking in her beauty as he ran his fingers over her exposed backside. He stood behind her after doing a full circle, his hand sliding down her back over her ass, gently massaging before moving between her legs. He caressed her swollen center before slipping two fingers inside of her. Felicity moaned as he worked his fingers in and out. “You're very horny, I see. Your pussy is so wet, even your thighs are slick with your juices. You're such a little slut right now. I like it. I like you being hungry for my cock. I bet you wished you had come home last night, now, don't you?”

When Felicity didn't answer, he slapped her ass cheek hard with his other hand and she cried out.

“Answer me!”

“Yes, sir. I wish I had come home last night to ride your beautiful cock long and hard, Alistair,” Felicity said seductively.

The mental image her words gave him nearly made him explode. He took a deep breathe to regain his composure and continued his lesson.

“Tonight, you're going to take part in my satisfaction, but you will receive none of your own.” Alistair walked back in front of Felicity. “Suck them.” He pushed his two fingers between her lips and she could taste herself on his fingers as she licked them. After his fingers were slick with her spit he stepped back, allowing her a good look at him. Her gray eyes trailed his body from top to bottom and she had to swallow before she drooled.

“Do you like what you see, Felicity?” Alistair slid his hand down his torso, seductively, towards his crotch. He gripped his leather-clad cock, squeezing gently, adding to his own enticement.

“Yes, sir.” She did, she
fucking did. She had been dying to see him dressed in a leather ensemble. The chaps and all of his accessories were blowing her mind. It was killing her that she couldn't touch him or his leather-clad thighs or cock.

“You know, I wore this outfit for you. For your visual pleasure and now torture. You want to touch me, don't you, you little tart,” Alistair taunted.

“Yes, sir. Please let me make it up to you, sir,” Felicity begged.

“Why should I give you anything after what you did yesterday?” Alistair said as he walked away towards his toy shelf.

“I'm so sorry, sir,” Felicity pleaded.

Alistair placed several items on his roller tray then brought it with him when he came back to Felicity. He stepped behind her, and she could feel a dildo slide into her with ease thanks to her own slickness. He strapped it in place and Felicity squirmed against the sensation.

“Feels good, doesn't it?” Alistair asked her.

“Yes, sir. Feels really good inside me,” Felicity said.

“After a while, you're going to be begging to cum, but I won't let you.” Alistair wiggled the dildo and Felicity's legs twitched as she moaned. “Yeah, that pussy is going to be dripping by the end of the night.” He came back around to her front, his hand going to his crotch, massaging himself again. “Do you want my cock, Felicity?”

She nodded as best she could against her restraints. “Oh yes, Alistair. I want your cock inside me. Please fuck me.”

“You don't deserve my cock inside you, but you can lick it.” With that, he unzipped the jock strap and pulled his erection out, slapping her several times on each cheek with it. His tip left a trail of pre-cum along her jawline and he smiled at the sight. “Lick it, Felicity. Worship my cock with your tongue.”

He stood in front of her as she tongued his shaft, laving it with her saliva. She sucked at the tip, hummed on his scrotum which caused him to quake uncontrollably. Her pink tongue licked under the head and even tickled the silver bar piercing the way she knew he liked. He held his head back, moaning, admiring her skill. “Ahhh, yeah,” he said under his breath as he massaged her scalp. “That's it, baby.”

Hearing him call her “baby” sent her into a ecstatic frenzy and she engulfed his cock, taking him to the hilt.

“Oh, shit!” he gasped as her throat tightened around his head. After a few sucks, he pulled out, catching his breath. He was so close to cumming down her throat, he had to regain his composure. “You're so disobedient, lately. I never gave you permission to take me into your mouth. What do you have to say for yourself?”

“I'm sorry, sir. I just wanted to please you. To prove how sorry I am,” Felicity said in a soft sexually-apologetic voice.

“Oh, I have no doubt that you're sorry for misbehaving, but adding to that will only earn you a harsher punishment. Do you understand?” Alistair asked, keeping control of the situation.

“Yes, sir. I won't disobey you again.”

“Know that if you do, I will always be willing to discipline you, like tonight.” He removed another item from the tray, Felicity couldn't see what it was, but she soon felt it. She cried out as his whip met its mark on her ass. “Count it out.”

“One, sir.” She said, panting.

“Good.” He whipped her again.

She yelled and counted. “Two, sir,”

Again the whip found its destination and again she cried out and counted. Alistair paused after the tenth blow to admire his work like an artist appraising his finest painting.

“Ah, so beautiful. These red marks on your creamy skin are a work of art. This pattern here, is particularly magnificent.” Alistair said as his fingertips traced the crisscrossing marks on her lower back and ass.  He rubbed her backside, soothing the sting with the open palm of his hand. “Shall we continue?”

“Please sir, stop,” Felicity begged.

“I'll take that as a yes,” Alistair said, then he swung the whip with expert precision.

Felicity screamed then counted. “Eleven, sir!”

He gave her five more lashes, stopping before her endorphins kicked in. He draped the whip across her back then went back to his tray. “That whip better not hit the floor, do I make myself clear, Felicity?”

She was still trying to catch her breath, but she replied. “Yes... sir.”

He found another toy to torture her with. A tickler. He brushed the feathered tip over her erect nipples, teasing her. He found all of her ticklish areas and delighted in watching her dance around as she begged him to stop.

“No.” Alistair said, running the feathers over her clit. “Better watch that whip. It's dangerously close to falling from all of your movement.”

“Oh please, sir. Have mercy!” Felicity belted out as he hit another major ticklish zone near her rib cage. The laughter that erupted from her nearly brought her to tears as she yelped and giggled at the overwhelming sensation.

Alistair laughed as he watch Felicity attempt to wiggle away from his feather. “A few more minutes, and I'll show you leniency, but you must bear it. Stay still.”

Felicity struggled with an iron will to stay still enough not to drop the whip resting precariously on the small of her back. After what seemed like an eternity, Alistair placed the tickler back on the tray.

“Do not get comfortable, I'm just beginning,” he warned her.

He tortured her with vibrators, hot wax, and other pleasurable devices for an hour leaving her a sweaty, heavily-aroused mess before finally taking a seat in front of her. His cock bobbed in front of him, the tip glistening with clear, sticky fluid. Felicity's legs were so weak, but she couldn't collapse like she wanted to because of the stockade.

“My, my, Felicity. You're pussy is so wet, I love watching your juices run down the length of your curvacious, quivering thighs,” Alistair beamed, smiling. “Tell me, just how much do you want to cum?” He winked.

“Whenever you want me to, sir,” Felicity panted. What she really wanted to say was: “I need to cum so badly, it hurts.”

“I'm fairly certain you want to cum right now, am I correct, Felicity?” Alistair asked.

“Yes, sir.” She whimpered in her desperation.

“I'm afraid, my dear, your beautiful pussy will go unrequited tonight.” Alistair removed a steel rod from the tray and held it between his hands. “Do you remember what this is?”

“Yes, sir.”

“What is it?”

“A sound, sir.”

“Remember how you said she wanted to know my triggers? How wantonly you wanted to be the one who'd slide this little rod into my cock and make me cum?” Alistair said.

“Yes, sir,” Felicity said regretfully, feeling really bad that she was missing out on all the fun.

“Good. I'm pleased to see that you remembered that.” Alistair smiled, flashing his dimple. “I want you to watch every second of this, Do you understand?”

“Yes, sir. I won't take my eyes from you,” Felicity said.
As if she could
, she thought. This was just one of her many dreams come true. This beautiful man in front of her was hot sex incarnate as far as she was concerned. She wanted to watch him work himself over, to see him cum all over the leather chaps he was still wearing.

He squirted a generous amount of lube on the rod, then some on his cock. Slowly, he inserted the rod into his urethra, working it in little by little. His eyes fluttered closed as the pleasure took hold of him. Alistair shuddered from the intense ecstasy of the sound's pressure inside his cock. He stroked his shaft slowly, with the sound still inside. His fingers and thumb rubbing all of his erogenous zones along his shaft, to the ridge of his head. The muscles in his upper body tensed and flexed with each movement as the pleasure coursed from his cock throughout his body.

“Oh, fuck,” he breathed, his eyes closing tight as he fought off another orgasm.

Felicity watched as he came close several times, but held back. After the fifth time, Alistair pulled the sound from his hole, quaking as he did. Getting more comfortable, he unsnapped the sides of his jock strap, tossing it to the side. He poured a nice amount of lube on is fingers, getting them slick before sliding his hand between his legs, fingers massaging his hole. He moaned as he slipped them inside, coating his entry. Felicity couldn't believe a man could look so sexy playing with his ass, but there he was. He pulled his fingers free then removed a vibrating dildo from the tray, his favorite and lubed it up generously. Felicity couldn't look away, even if she wanted to. She was so curious as to what he'd do next. Spreading his legs, he kept his eyes on her from where he sat as he slid the dildo inside of him.

“Oh my God!” Felicity gasped, then she grimaced, remembering the rules. “I'm sorry I spoke out of term, sir.”

“It's... good that... Ahhh...” he voice trailed off as the dildo rubbed against his prostate, the vibrations nearly making him cum on contact. He gripped the base of his cock to stave off another orgasm as he worked the dildo in and out of his ass, milking his prostate and sending waves of pleasure throughout his body. He cried out in ecstasy every time he got close, only to cut it off again as he teased both himself and Felicity. Finally, he couldn't take it any longer, he had to cum. He pulled the dildo out and jumped from the chair heading for Felicity. He stroked himself furiously, mewing and growling as his orgasm rolled through him, snowballing as it reached the surface. He gripped handfuls of her hair, yanking her face upward as he positioned the tip of his cock in front of her.

BOOK: The Pleasure Room
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