The Pleasure Room (13 page)

Read The Pleasure Room Online

Authors: D.N. Simmons

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #suspense, #Thriller, #BDSM

BOOK: The Pleasure Room
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“She's going to be feeling that shit in the morning,” Allison said as she watched the two women leave.

“Or later on tonight,” Felicity joked. “So, I'm ready to dance.”

“Me too.” Allison beamed as they began to dance and drink the night away.




Felicity's head was banging loud drums as she forced her eyes to open. She knew she shouldn't have drunk as much as she did last night, but she was having too much fun. It was almost as if she was enjoying her last night of freedom for the next three months. At least that's what she'd told herself as she ordered her third Long Island. Now she wished she had quit when she was just tipsy. She turned, looking at the alarm clock on her nightstand. 1:27PM.
Shit, I wonder how pissed he is?
She thought. After a few moments of laying there, in pain, she managed to drag herself out of bed and into the bathroom to wash up. She showered quickly, got dressed in a pair of jeans and an “I love Darian Alexander” T-shirt of her favorite Knights of the Darkness TV character and left the apartment.

When she arrived at the location of the address, her mouth dropped open. He lived in a sprawling three-story red brick mansion in the suburbs of Chicago. She would drive through neighborhoods like this and wonder what each amazing house looked like on the inside. She'd also end her fantasy with a “Rich bastards” comment as she drove away. But now she was going to go inside one of those houses, to make merry with her very own
rich bastard
. She pulled into the long, winding driveway and turned off her engine. She made her way to the front door, waiting a few seconds after ringing the doorbell. A man answered the door who wasn't Alistair. She really wasn't surprised to see that he had servants. No doubt a man of his means would want to be served at all times.  

“May I help you?” the butler inquired.

“My name is Felicity...Davenport, Alistair is expecting me,” Felicity said, almost forgetting her  alias.

“Ah yes, Ms. Davenport. Please come in,” the butler said as he opened the door for her to enter.

Felicity stepped inside the home and tried very hard not to stare like a kid in a toy store. But she had to admit, it was a beautiful home. Elegant with a bit of old world flair in the furnishings and artwork. She was willing to bet even the lamps cost more than her rent. A grand, mahogany staircase was front and center in the middle of the parlor. To her right, was the living room decorated with lavish cream, suede furniture, oak wood tables, white carpeting and a lovely ornate fireplace with its marble molding. To her left was the elegant dining room with a beautiful polished redwood dining set and crystal chandelier.

“This is a beautiful home,” she said. She couldn't wait to explore the rest of his home. What she did see left her enchanted.

“Yes it is,” said the butler. “Please follow me.” He walked off. Felicity followed him through the house, taking in everything. She was led to a large room with a huge seventy-inch LCD television mounted on the wall. There was a bar on one side of the room that looked to be fully stocked. Just one look at it, though, turned her stomach. On the large sectional black, leather sofa, sat Alistair, cross-legged with a drink in hand. He was dressed in a light gray cashmere v-neck pullover with dark blue jeans that hugged every curve of his impressively long legs.  

“That will be all, Bernard, thank you,” Alistair said, dismissing the butler. His gaze never left Felicity and he frowned. “You're exceptionally late.”

“I had a long night and I'm not feeling very well right now, so can we just get this over with?” Felicity shot back.

He stared at her for a few seconds then rose from the sofa. He walked to the bar and gestured for her to come over and she did. “Read it all over and then sign.” He slid the contract over to her along with a pen.

Felicity read every line as he stood near, watching her intently.

“Is it to your liking?” Alistair asked.

“It looks like what we discussed before.” Felicity said and then she signed the paper. Afterward, she slid it back to Alistair so that he could sign and he did.

“So, now what?” she asked.

“Now, it's official. Which mean that spunky little attitude you walked into my home with is unacceptable,” Alistair said.

“It's part of my personality,” Felicity counted.

“Not within these walls, it's not.” Alistair folded the contract up sliding it into his back pocket.

“Fine. I just don't feel good, like I told you.”


“Yes. My stomach and head are still spinning.”

“I do have a remedy, if you're interested,” Alistair said, taking a sip of his own drink, ginger ale.

“Sure, I'm willing to try anything because my pain meds aren't working,” Felicity said. Everything was too bright and her head was still throbbing. It took a lot for her to get out of the bed and drive to his home. As far as she was concerned, he ought to be grateful.

Alistair walked behind the bar, opening the little fridge. He pulled out a blue bottle then removed a glass from the rack, placed it on the bar and pour the contents of the bottle into the glass. The liquid looked thick and its green color left little to be desired. Felicity swallowed hard, fighting the bile that was threatening to rise.

“Here, drink this.” Alistair handed her the glass.

Felicity looked at the glass suspiciously, then at him, then the glass again.

“Take it and drink it all,” Alistair ordered. “Remember our contract. It's is now in effect.”

Felicity rolled her eyes and took the glass.

“That's one infraction,” Alistair warned.


“For every action you make, there is a consequence. Depending on what you've done, your consequence can be a great reward or an inventive punishment. You have earned yourself the latter,” Alistair informed.

“What did I do besides show up late?” Felicity asked.

Alistair held up his right hand extending one finger. “From the moment you signed the contract, you gave me unwarranted attitude.” He extended another finger. “Two, you hesitated on taking the beverage I’m offering.” He extended another finger. “Three, you've rolled your eyes when I reminded you of our agreement.” Another finger extended.”Four, you failed to respond appropriately.” He lowered his hand. “Keep in mind, I'm excusing your extreme tardiness based solely on the fact that you hadn't signed the contract yet. However, my leniency does have its limits. Now drink.”

Felicity stood before him, shocked.
Was she really going to go through with this?
She asked herself again. The stirring in her nether region indicated that she would. Just his commanding tone alone was getting her aroused. Still, she was kind of pissed that he spoke to her as if he owned her.

But he does, doesn't he?
That annoying voice in the back of her mind pointed out.

She reached up, taking the glass from him. He stood watching her, his gaze stern. She tilted the glass up to her lips and immediately made a face. “Ugh! This tastes horrible!”

“Drink up. Soon you'll feel better. I want you of sound mind before we truly begin your training.” Alistair tapped the bottom of the glass and nodded at her.

She took deep swallows of the liquid hoping to get it down as fast as she could. Alistair walked behind the bar and when he came back around, he was carrying a stainless steel, plastic lined garbage can. Felicity looked at it, confused, but just then her stomach constricted and a huge wave of nausea rolled through her. Alistair placed the garbage can in front of her just in time to catch the purge. He rubbed her back as she gagged and heaved.

“There, there... it's almost over and when it is, you'll feel amazing,” Alistair said.

Felicity was far too embarrassed and weak to feel anything close to amazing. She spit that last of it all into the basket and he sat it down beside the bar.

“How do you feel?” he asked her, genuinely concerned.

“I can't believe I just did that and why didn't you tell me I'd do that?” Felicity asked. How could she puke her guts out in front of this gorgeous man?

“Because you wouldn't have taken it had you've known,” Alistair said. “Come with me.” He walked off, expecting her to follow. She did and he led her up the private staircase into the sleeping quarters. They entered a large bathroom adjacent to one of the guest bedroom.

“So does that staircase lead to your bedroom, too?” Felicity asked him as she looked around the bathroom. It was beautiful. Modern, average size with green and black marble and porcelain designs.

Alistair nodded. “I like the convenience and the privacy.”

“Is this going to be my room?” Felicity asked.

“No.” Alistair reached into the medicine cabinet and produced a brand new toothbrush. “I take it you want to use this right now?”

“Yes, very much so.” She took the toothbrush and opened it. She could still taste the foulness in her mouth and wanted it gone. Alistair handed her a tube to toothpaste and she went to work. He stood there while she spit the last of the foam into the sink. When she finished, she turned off the water and faced him.

“Now what?”

Alistair turned the shower on, adjusting the temperature.

“I've already taken a shower today.” Felicity said.

“And you'll take another. I like to watch,” Alistair said, then he followed up with another infraction warning.

“Why am I getting a second one?”

Alistair turned to her. “First off, when speaking to me, I prefer 'sir' or 'Alistair', as in: 'Why am I taking a second shower, sir?'. Although, I'd prefer you present your question this way: 'May I ask why am I taking a second shower,  sir or Alistair?'.”

“I'm sorry,” Felicity said.

“I'm sorry,
,” he corrected, then he stood with eyebrows cocked waiting for her to respond.

“I'm sorry, Alistair,” Felicity said.

“Much better. Secondly, if I tell you to do something, I don't want to hear about how you don't want to do it, or if you've 'done it already'. I do not care. This experience is about pleasure and I'll not have you denying me mine in any case. Be grateful for the two infractions and take heed to my lessons to avoid more in the future.”

“Yes, Alistair,” Felicity said, giving him the reply he wanted.

“Good. Now, remove your clothes.”

“Right now, with you standing here?”

“Three infractions, want to try for a fourth?”



“No, sir.”

“Very good. Strip.”

Felicity did as she was told, slowly removing her t-shirt, bra, shoes, jeans, panties and socks.

Alistair smiled as his jade green eyes roamed over her body. “Perfection.” he said.

Felicity blushed and turned away. Alistair reached up, taking her chin in his hand, bringing her face back to him.

“Never turn away from me, especially when I am praising you,” Alistair said.

Felicity couldn't tell if it was what he said, or how he said it, but his British accent brushed over her like silk ribbons making her tingle.

He let his fingers trail down her neck, to her shoulder then lower to her pale, plump breast. He caressed her nipple, pinching it slightly, just enough to make her jump. He ran his thumb in circles over the little nub, teasing it as his hand massaged the full plumpness of her breast. He watched her intently, eyes never leaving her face.

“Do you like what I'm doing to you, Felicity?” Alistair asked, knowing what her answer was going to be.

“Yes,” she purred, her eyes closing as she gave herself over to the sensation.


Her eyes shot open and she groaned.


“Yes, Alistair,” she answered, hoping to avoid more infractions.

“Very good.” He smiled his half crooked smile that made her heart melt and pussy constrict.

His hand traveled lower, over the flatness of her stomach to the thin patch of brunette hair surrounding her most treasured spot. Stepping closer, his slid his hand between her legs, brushing his fingers over the sensitive folds of skin. Felicity gasped, her back arching slightly.

“Ahhhh, yes. You're so ready for what I have to offer. You're yearning for it,” Alistair whispered against her ear. He was careful not to slip his finger deeper. That would be for later, much later. He pulled his hand away and took several steps backward taking a seat on the toilet lid. “Step into the shower.”

Felicity stared at him for just a second as her body registered its disappointment. Feeling him so close to her, his hand between her legs was driving her to new heights, then all of a sudden, he was gone. But she did as she was told, stepping into the shower under the warm current. The water felt great against her skin, almost therapeutic in its pressure.

Alistair smiled as she climbed into the shower, pleased by her reaction to his lessons. He watched as the warm water cascaded down the curvacious length of her body. She was exquisite, her beautiful creamy skin glistened under the current, enticing him with every movement she made as his mind soared with all of the sensual things he would be doing to her.

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