The Pleasure Palace (5 page)

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Authors: Jiani Yu,Golden Dragon Production

BOOK: The Pleasure Palace
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"Hakaru, I'm...I'm OK, right now."

"What do you mean OK right now!"

He wasn't sure if he should tell Hakaru everything or saying nothing at all. Akira combed back the hair on his head with his fingers. "I said I was OK. Sorry that I left the way I did, but I needed to get away. I needed to think some things over. How Deanna and things at the lounge?"

"The lounge is fine, everyone just think you took time off until today.

Deanna, how do you think she is? You need to call her. She's been freaking out. Oh yeah, Coco is back in town. She came looking for you yesterday. She wanted to know if you are OK." There was a long pause.

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" still there? You know me, whatever is going on you can talk to me." A long sigh. Akira tells Hakaru about his meeting with Coco and that Tony's committed suicide because he had HIV. Hakaru lets out a long sigh. He was lost for words. Finally, he just asked the question. He had to know.

" Is Coco positive too?"


In the back ground, Akira could hear things being thrown around and Hakaru swearing.

"Hakaru, I haven't gone to be tested yet."

"Then what the fuck are you waiting for, a damn invitation!" he shouted,

"you're like a brother to me. I don't want to lose you. Tell me where you are. I'll come get you, we'll go through this together."

"Thanks for the support. I'm going to make an appointment first thing in the morning. I'm fine where I'm staying at. I can think things out." there was a pause, "I don't know how to tell Deanna. How's she going to take it."

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"You just do what you have to do. I'll take care of Deanna. I'll just tell her that you're going through some stuff, and you need some time to yourself."

"That's cool, just don't mention..."

"I know. I wouldn't say anything. That's going to be your call." Hakaru let out a small laugh hoping to ease the tension, "Look, I gotta go and make sure these bitches are working and no goofing off."

Akira let out a loud laugh, it felt good. Considering what may lay in his future. "Tell I said no slacking off, big daddy wants all his money. Look, I'll call you and let you know what's going on."

Akira hung up the phone after feeling a little better about his self. He wasn't willing to talk to Deanna and felt guilty about leaving it to Hakaru.

He wanted to have all the answers before speaking to her. And then too, he didn't want her to walk away from him either.

The next morning Akira called for an appointment with the doctor. And the doctor was expecting his call and left the afternoon free. Local which was accomplished. He didn't have to travel in to Tokyo. And run the risk of running into someone. His appointment was for later that day.

Akira walked into the empty, waiting room and sat down. He was just 58 | P a g e

about to pick up a magazine when the inter office door opened. The doctor stood about 5'4'' with graying hair and was about the same age as Ken.

He shook Akira's hand, holding the door for him. "Come in, I'm Doctor Nagasaki, and you must be Ken's friend. Come in let's get started."

Akira exchanged greeting and sat down on the examining table.

Being anxious about things, he began to panic, and his heart was beating faster.

" Mr. Yamamoto, there is no need to stress yourself like this." the doctor said as he brought back a cup of water for Akira.

Akira nervously thanked the doctor and took a couple of sips.

“I’ve never had to do anything like this before.” Akira said trying to calm himself.

Doctor Nagasaki smiled, "Take a couple of deep breaths and try to relax for me."

Doing as the doctor asked, Akira took in a deep breath and let it out slowly a couple of times until he was more at easy . Doctor Nagasaki asked Akira questions about his sex life. Some of the questions made 59 | P a g e

Akira blush from embarrassment. But if he wanted a clean bill of health, he needed to be extremely honest .

He had his pulse and blood pressure checked. Then Doctor Nagasaki, drew several tubes of blood and packed it to be sent to the lab.

"Well that's it, some of the blood will be used to test for STD’s and HIV.

So now we wait. I should hear something in a couple of weeks. If it comes back positive, then there are medications that can help. If it comes back negative, you should come back in three months to be rechecked.

Also, I would advise you to sustain from vaginal, oral or anal sex.”

Akira’s expression was more of surprise than embarrassment.

The doctor laughed, “You need to use protection to keep yourself and your partner safe. But to be safe I would not engage, put your emotions under control.”

‘Easy for him to say.’ Akira thought, 'He hasn’t seen Deanna.’

“May I ask what lead you to be tested.”

Akira told the doctor about Coco’s situation, which led to him coming to get tested.

"Even though you have not been with anyone since this woman it is good 60 | P a g e

to be tested anyway."

"I wasn't serious about anyone until about a month ago. We haven't been real intimate, because I want to make sure that it wasn’t like the last relationship. I want this to be the real thing. The most we’ve done is kissing."

Suddenly, panic came over Akira, “please tell me that you can’t pass it by French kissing!”

"Well, there have been cases where it has been passed on. But that was only because both partners have had bleeding gums.”

The doctor stopped and looked had Akira open his mouth, “Have you had any mouth sores or bleeding gums?”

“No, in my work, I have to maintain my good looks.”

“I see. It’s not easy being a model it is?” the doctor asked.

Akira was about to correct him, but decided against it. He was sure if the doctor knew what he actually did for a living, it would not be received well.

“How does this young lady feel about all this?"

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"She doesn't know. I wanted to be sure before I tell her."

Doctor Nagasaki put the stethoscope away and hung up his lab coat.

"I can't tell you want you should do. But if I were you, I wouldn't wait too long. If she truly is the one for you, she will understand and be there for you."

On the way back to Ken’s house, Akira had time to think about all that the doctor had said. How was he going to tell this woman that he wanted so badly in his life that there is a chance he might be HIV.

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Chapter 6

Deanna sat at her desk, she found it difficult to concentrate. David stuck his head in the door.

'Just checking to see how you're doing."

Deanna shook her head.

"David I had no intention of fall in love when you gave me this assignment over a month ago."

David could hear Deanna's voice starting to crack. He walked into the office and closed the door.

"I know you didn't, but you did."

The tears fell, "Oh David I haven't felt like this since..."

David handed her a tissue and let out a sigh.

"I know. He'll call. He just needs to sort out something’s." as he walks out the door, "just don't give up hope." Hope, she had hoped that Akira would call her, it had been almost two weeks. It was eating up inside not being able to see or hear his voice.

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She was lost in thought that when the phone ranged, it startled her. It took her a moment to collect herself before answering it.



“Hello...who is this?


“Look if you don’t answer, I’m hanging up.”

“Deanna, it’s me, Akira.” he whispered not sure if she would even talk to him.

“Akira, where are you?” she cried.

He didn’t respond immediately, there was a pause. How could he tell her that she was crying.

“Akira, please tell me what’s wrong. Whatever you’re going through, I’ll be there for you.” She sobbed, “Please, say something.”

With each sob, it broke his heart. He felt the tears roll down his cheek.

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“Please…. don’t cry. “

He let out a deep sigh.

“Deanna, I…I want to see you. I need to talk to you.”

“I want to see you too.”

“Come to me. I’m in Gotemba.”

“Gotemba, what are you doing there?”

“It’s a long story. That’s why I want to see you. Please come to Gotemba.

Call me when you’re coming and I’ll be at the station when you arrive.”

He gave her the number, then said bye. He certainly wasn’t a religionist man, but he prayed that she would come to him, be understanding and that the test is negative.

The next morning Akira met Deanna at the station. His heart hadn't stop racing since she had called earlier to say that she was coming.

The place was crowded with tourist, so Deanna didn't see him when he walked up to her. He drew in a deep breath hoping to slow down his racing heart. Just as, he was about to tap her on the shoulder, she turned 65 | P a g e


They both stood there which felt like an eternity. Their eyes filled with tears, both wanting to speak, but unsure what to say. Embracing, unaware of their surroundings.

Akira kissed the tears from Deanna's face,

"I've missed you so much." She said.

"I've missed you too. I thought the worst had happened to you."

He hugged her once more. Picked up her bag and lead her to a waiting cab.

It wasn't a long drive from the station. They go out in front of the house and went inside.

Akira was about to show Deanna where things were when he was suddenly pinned against the wall. Deanna had wrapped one arm around his waist and whispered into his ear while unbuttoning his shirt.

"I've waited long enough. You say that you want to make sure that it's love not lust. Well, if you haven't realized that we love each other, then let's find out how lust feels."

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He could feel himself getting aroused quickly, as her tongue flicker at his nipples. His hand found its way between her thighs. ‘Shit! She wasn't wearing panties. Shit!!!!’ Before he realized he slid his fingers inside her.

She let out a low moan. He couldn't stop now, to do so wouldn't be a gentleman.

Akira switched position by rolling her against the wall. Putting one arm around the waist to hold her steady. Deanna wrapped one leg around Akira's waist to allow him to go deeper.

He looked into her eyes and knew that she was enjoying it and was about to come. Her vagina tighten around his fingers as he worked them faster.

He could tell just by the surprised look in her eyes and the way she moans his name, she was ready. She climaxed. His fingers and hand was soaked with her warm juices.

She grind franticly against his hand, seeking to come again. Suddenly she let out a loud long moan and crying out his name, Akira! She climaxed again until her knees buckled. He stopped.

"Don't stop. I want you inside of me." she begged, “please.”

He pulled his fingers out slowly, making her body quiver.

He kissed her, “Did I please you?”he whispered.

She smiled. While trying to catch her breath, “Very much so.”

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Akira held her steady until she was able to stand on her own.

"Let me show you were you can clean yourself up. Then we have to talk."


Deanna wondered what he had to talk about that couldn't wait. She found Akira outside in the garden feeding the Koi.

"You OK?" she asked.

He turned and nodded his head with a smile. She had changed into a pair of jeans and a pink tee.

"I'm alright. What about you?"

She stood behind him, wrapped her arms around his waist. And snuggled her face into his thick, long black hair.

"I feel so much better. If you can do that with your hand, I wonder what you can do with your...."

Akira lets out a chuckle.

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Deanna turned him around and saw a smile.

"Look at you, smiling. Are you blushing?" she teased.

Akira turned his head, no one had made him blush since he was a child.

He took her by the hand. Lead her to the bench by the pond and sat Deanna down. Akira started to pacing back and forth.

"I have something to tell you. And it's not easy for me to do."

At first she thought he was trying to work up the courage to propose. But after seeing the concern on his face, she saw that it was something much deeper. Was he trying to break up with her? Deanna reaches for his hand hoping that it will make it easier to speak.

Akira sits down with a deep sigh. His eyes were glazed.

He told Deanna about his life with Coco, why she has come back and the distressing news she brought with her.

"If you want to walk away, I'll understand. I'm sorry."

Deanna put her hands to her mouth as if to quiet the sobs that came out.

Shaking her head, she began to cry. Akira took her in his arms to comfort her and let out a heavy sigh.

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Deanna realized that she had to be strong for Akira. And now he was comforting her. For the first time since her arrival, she noticed that he looked tired. His eyes were red from crying. He even looked as though he had lost some weight.

"I should be the one comforting you. You must be going out of your mind with worry and no one to talk to."

"It hasn't been easy. I find it is hard to concentrate during the day and hard to fall asleep at night. I have to force myself to eat."

He was standing now, pacing again and sounding as if he were on the verged of having a panic attack.

"You know what the hardest part is? It's waiting. The not knowing whether you have it or not. It's the fuc...king... waiting!" he shouted as he dropped to his knees.

Crumbed before her was a man that hadn't a care in the world. A man that loved life and all that it had to offer. Now here he was broken, and she wasn't sure how to go beyond comforting him.

"It's going to be alright. Baby, I'm not going anywhere. We're going to go through this together." Was the only words that she could say and to hold him in her arms.

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