The Player's Girl (The Girls) (2 page)

BOOK: The Player's Girl (The Girls)
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The waiter slipped the bill onto the table, breaking up their little conversation. Mark saw the maître d in the corner, looking over at him. Mark gave a curt nod, knowing he was pushing his luck. Glancing round the restaurant, Amy could see that all the tables were full now. People had come and gone. The talk had been good and she decided Mark was a seriously charming man. Handsome and downright erotic didn’t usually come as a package. A few years ago, she’d gone to an S&M club with a friend, a little desperate to try some new avenue. Although the club and been rocking full of semi clad beautiful women, the men for the most part, happened to be much older and dirtier than she liked.

“Gosh,” she said looking at her wristwatch, “I didn’t realise that was the time!”

“Gosh,” he repeated, trivialising the word.  “No one says that anymore.” His dark eyes were piercing and once again, she felt a sharp pang of embarrassment... She pushed her blonde hair behind her ears, not liking the tone.

“No one wears silk ties anymore either but you don’t hear me making a point of it,” she responded, looking at the tie he was wearing.

He looked down as though seeing it for the first time. “They don’t ...  gosh!” He smiled.

“Come on,” he said as he threw several £50 notes onto the middle of the table, nodding at the waiter, “let’s blow this place. I’ll take you to my local!” He took her hand in a firm grip and she followed, doing her best to replace the wrap round her top half on the way out. They stepped out into the chilly night air and were immediately met by a cacophony of traffic noise, sirens and people. It didn’t matter what the time was; London was always awake. Amy loved his hand holding hers, it gave her a warm feeling in her loins, and it was like being a couple of kids again. They were silent as they made their way to the Ridgeway Club, Mark leading the way. The building was an ornate 19
century converted house at the opposite end of the park. A woman took his coat as they entered and addressed Mark by his first name. He tipped her well as they entered the main room. It was a large room with scattered mahogany tables and a large bar running the length of the south wall.

Groups of mostly men were sat huddled together at these tables, either deep in conversation or playing cards. A few women, all of them extremely attractive, sat amongst them. At first sight, the place seemed odd but Amy couldn’t quite put her finger on it. It was definitely an older man’s club so her experience of these places was limited. She saw Mark nod at a small group of men sitting in the corner. All wearing suits and polished leather shoes, she could smell their money from here.

Mark led her to the bar where she sat on a stool. “The bourdon is to die for, can I convince you to try one?” he asked. She said yes and Mark nodded at the barmen who approached them. “Good evening Mr. Wells and how are you this evening?” he asked. Amy could hear his strong Spanish accent.

Mark looked over at her. “I think things could improve a little,” he replied, “And what about you. Busy?”

The barman shook his head, “Not much tonight sir, what can I get for you and your lady?”

“Two of your most famous bourbons,” he replied, throwing another £50 onto the bar top. They waited in silence as he went off to sort out their drinks. She noticed Mark’s eyes were darting all over the room, seemingly very interested in who was present.

The barman plonked the drinks on the bar top, picked up the money and went off to serve another customer. Mark stood next to her as he handed her the tumbler. She felt his hand touch her skin as she took a sip. It felt electric, like sparks were shooting between them. And she remembered the taxi trip earlier.

He stroked her bare back, suitably impressed with the way her body looked under the light fabric, leaving nothing to the imagination. She had done as he told her; black pull up stockings and six-inch heels was all she wore underneath.  He leaned forward and lightly kissing the side of her face sending electric shivers down her spine. She flinched like she had in the taxi. He recognised the men the barman was serving; both of them loaded bankers from the city. He has seen Simon and a couple of his friends at the far end of the room when they had first arrived.

“You want another,” he asked.  She took a large sip, finishing her drink and placing the empty glass on the bar. “Mike,” Mark called.

Mike, the barman looked over at him and removed the empty glasses before collecting fresh ones from under the bar. Amy had picked up that they knew each other. In fact, it appeared to her as though he knew most of the people in the room.

Mike poured in a double measure of the club’s premium vodka before piling ice into it. He was past retirement and his hands shook as he put the glass down on the marble bar in front of her. She was feeling very drunk as she picked it up.

Mark looked down at her, an uninterrupted view of her huge cleavage, squeezed into her tiny halter neck dress. “I do rather like your tits,” he said, clearly not caring who heard. His hand rubbed the small of her back and she giggled.

“I think they like you too!” she said, looking down at them before taking another large swig of her drink, much more comfortable with him. He liked woman who drank.

“Another” he said, nodding at Mike, who knew what to do. Mark moved her hair to the side and kissed the back of her neck. She didn’t stop him. He could smell Versace and liked her choice. He untied the halter neck, pulling the top down and letting her firm breasts out. For a moment she didn’t understand what he had done, her head too light and her belly too excited.

He could see her face reflected in the mirrors behind the barman. Her eyes were closed and he could see Simon’s reflection in it, watching.  He bent down and lifted a breast into his mouth, sucking on the hard nipple. She moaned and he took her other nipple, twisting it hard between his thumb and index. She cried out in a mixture of pain and shock. He did it again, pulling harder.

Mike slung his tea towel over his shoulder and leaned back on the bar, crossing his arms and tucking his hands under his armpits. In this job, some nights were better than other. Tonight was going to be a good one. She yelped. Mark shoved two fingers into her mouth. She pushed his hand away but he continued, ignoring her. “Don’t,” she said but his probing fingers muffled it.

She used her other arm to wrap around her chest but Mark grabbed her wrist and pushed her hand towards his crotch. “Can you feel that?” he asked. She could. She nodded.

“Are you going to play nicely now?” he asked pushing her hand down his trousers. She nodded again. He looked at her tits, admiring them for a moment. Nice, round and firm, just how they liked them.

His felt his dick stiffen as her long fingernails gently rubbed up and down his shaft. For a moment, he actually wanted to flip her over and shove his cock up her ting but... He wanted to bend her over and slap that pretty tight ass of her before he made her cry out like a whore on a seventies porno film. That’s how he wanted to take her, with everyone watching him do it to her. While everyone admired what he could pick up, just like that.  More importantly, look at what he could get them to do. Willingly. He pulled his fingers out her mouth and unbuckled his belt, pulling it out. Pushing her hand further down, he slid the belt round her neck and tugged, her hair trapped underneath it. She moaned.

“Get up,” he said and she did. He pulled her dress down, letting it fall to the floor in a tiny heap. She was wearing black pull up stockings. Putting his hands on her waist he spun her round, wanting to see her ass. The two solitary drinkers at the bar were watching her closely, ogling her breasts.

Opening her eyes for the first time, she noticed the other men’s attention focused on her naked chest and hesitated for the first time. She used her hands to cup her breasts again trying to hide from their uncomfortable gaze.

Mark pulled her head up and kissed her. She managed to resist his urgent kissing for about two seconds before succumbing to him. He pulled her hands off her breasts and replaced them with his own, squeezing and tugging at her nipples. He pulled a nipple and slapped her breasts, which led to her crying out in shock.  One of the men wearing a grey dinner suit put his hand on her ass, rubbing her bare skin in a circular motion. Mark moved his hands down, stroking her tiny waist and moving down onto her thighs. She moaned as he carried on thrusting his tong deep into her mouth, leaving her no choice but to kiss him back. He could see the man who had his hand on her ass and stopped. “Do you like?” he asked.

“I like a lot of things,” the grey suited man said, tiny spectacles dangling at the tip of his nose. “How much?”

Mark was still pulling a nipple hard as she stared up at him, his dark eyes twinkling. “Ten,” Mark said.

“Done”, the grey suited man replied. “Solo?” the other man who was stood with the grey suited man asked. He wore a fat gold wedding ring with a belly that hung over his belt like a spare pillow. Mark slapped her tit again and she flinched back.

“We can share can’t we?” Mark replied. He grabbed a handful of her hair and spun her round to face the two men. “You don’t mind do you?” he said quietly in her ear. She was breathing heavily. The grey suited man looked her up and down and nodded approval.

He pushed her towards the grey suit and he embraced her naked body like a lover would. Stroking her hair he kissed her neck. She could feel Mark standing right behind her, his breath on her neck. The man smelled of cigarettes and women’s perfume. He only stood an inch taller than her but she was wearing six-inch heels.

Grey suit put his hand round the back of her head and gently pushed her forward over an empty barstool. She bent over it, her breasts squashed against the seat. He rubbed her arse again, in slow erotic, circular motions. The wedding ring man stood in front of her and pulled his trouser down, letting his dick fall out from underneath his belly. He stroked it several times before using a handful of her hair to pull her head up and insert it inside her mouth. Amy took it. She hadn’t seen his face yet and from what she could see, she didn’t want to. His cock would be enough. Behind her, the grey suit stopped rubbing. She thought she could hear him taking off a belt but the sound of cock going in and out of her mouth muffled sounds. The grey suit holding his belt stepped back and used it to smack her bum. She yelped in surprise although she suspected it would be coming, the sting being both pleasant and painful. She could see a few more men, all of them in smart suits, standing around her, looking at her. Admiring her.

Mark was smiling at the attention too although she couldn’t see that. Even Simon had joined them, slinking out from his usual dark corner. “Owwh,” she yelled every time the grey suit whacked her, slightly harder each time. The wedding ring man was pushing himself deeper into her mouth and she was gagging.

“How much?” Simon asked. The grey suit laughed as he whacked her again and again.

“I’ve already paid,” he said, “You can have her when I’m finished the bitch.”

Mike placed a dozen brandy glasses across the bar and topped them all up with a good Spanish brandy. He picked up a glass and raising it in the air said, “To Mark,” before he necking the shot back. ”Who always know how to look after his friends right!” he added. Simon picked up one of the glasses and slowly sipped on it, watching grey suit slap the girl’s red arse.

“You fucking her or what?” Simon asked him. He could feel his cock hardening.

Mark looked over at him and winked. “I wouldn’t worry!” he said.

”Fuck,” she screamed, spitting out the wedding ring man’s dick from her mouth as the grey suit whacked her arse again. She pushed herself back up. Grey dropped the belt and wrapped his hands round her waist, bending her back over the chair. Her red arse quivered underneath him and using one hand, he pushed his boxers down and gripped his shaft. It was ready for fucking. He slid it between her wet slit, seeking her warm hole. When his cock felt it give slightly, he pushed his hips forwards and shoved himself up her. She yelped again and the wedding ring man replaced his dick back in her mouth. Another man kneeled down in front of her, holding her hair away from her face as cock pumped her mouth. They wanted to see it.

“You like dick?” he asked her in a cockney accent.

She nodded and moaned. The cock in her cunt was burning inside and her arse was stinging. She loved this, all these men round her. Using her as they pleased.

Grey suit grunted and in one final push, spent his load quickly up her as he gripped onto her hips, forcing her down. Mark laughed at him as though he had known it wouldn’t take him more than a minute to cum.

Simon picked up another brandy and waiting patiently. He could pay more than all of these dirty bustards put together but he wouldn’t. He’d be fair and wait in line.

The wedding ring man appeared to be far from cumming. If anything, as Mark noticed, his cock was going a little floppy with all the attention. About ten man stood round them now, most of them just ogling the public fucking of the travel agent whore while others stood there, hands down their trousers, like a bunch of teenagers not long hit puberty.

Grey suit stepped back and put his member away, smoothing down his hair. He was out of breath and upon noticing the small crowd turned bright red. Amy’s red arse could be seen again. Another man gripped a handful of her butt and squeezed. Another pushed his hand underneath her chest and pulled one of her tits out. The wedding ring man was still trying but he was floppy as he paid more attention to the spectators than the girl. He stepped back and let his shirt cover himself. He went back to the bar and helped himself to one of the remaining glasses, wishing he were somewhere else. He didn’t like being observed.

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