The Perfect Witness (33 page)

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Authors: Iris Johansen

Tags: #Fiction, #Thrillers, #Suspense, #General

BOOK: The Perfect Witness
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She kept the gun pointed at him as she moved toward the window. “I can’t talk to you any longer. Someone from inside may be able to hear because of that open metalwork on the window. Do as I say, Kobu.”

He hesitated, glaring at her. Then he shrugged and slowly sat down where she’d indicated.

She felt a rush of relief. She didn’t know if he’d actually been planning to betray her or just to remove himself from potential danger. Either way, it was safer to keep him with her until she was back with Mandak.

Damn, she hadn’t needed this, she thought as she insinuated herself closer to the window. She had to concentrate on Praland, not worry about a move from Kobu. She kept her gun propped and ready in her hand as she turned her attention to what was going on in the room.

The first thing she saw was the tiger. Striped, magnificent, and deadly in his scarlet-and-gilt cage.

The next thing she saw was Praland, sitting on the couch in front of the cage.

The third thing she saw was her mother, moving from the bar across the room to hand Praland a drink.


The breath left Allie’s body.

She’d accepted the possibility of her mother’s being here, not the reality.

Accept it now. Clear your head. Do your job.

But her gaze was glued on Gina in her sunburst orange gown. Gina who was staring down at Praland with a smiling intimacy that Allie had seen on her face when she had spoken to her father and Camano. It was all there, willing, alluring temptation incarnate. Along with confidence and power. All her life, Gina had tried to make Allie believe that she was helpless, molded by the men in her life. But there was nothing helpless about the woman standing beside Praland. Allie could hear her low laugh as she lifted her drink to her lips.

Allie tried to focus. Don’t look at Gina. Don’t think about the lies of a lifetime. Concentrate.

Praland was only a scant twenty-five feet away from her. If it was possible that his memory would be open to her, then the distance was right. That was a big if. She tried to probe.


But that might mean his memory was not engaged. He was looking at Gina, and she could hear her mother laugh again and say something in a low voice. Praland was occupied with her mother and what was happening now. She’d have to wait until Mandak made his call.

She gave a quick glance at Kobu. Still glaring at her, tense, frightened, but not moving.

Call, Mandak, she silently urged.

Talk to Praland. I can’t get near him.

*   *   *


He pressed the button on his cell. There would be no ID, but Praland would be both curious and wary about anyone having his private number.

He was right. It rang only twice before Praland picked up. “Hello.”

“Mandak. You’ve called me so many times in the last eight years that I thought that I’d return the favor.”

“But I always had a reason for calling you,” Praland said. “I was always delighted to see you sweat.” He chuckled. “After all, you stole from me. I wasn’t finished with toying with Simon Walberg. You made me look a fool in front of my men. But I’ve paid you back since then. How many of your precious family have I killed?”


“I’m so glad you’ve kept a tally. There will be more. Besides, the taking of the children that seems to bother you so much. I’ve got plans to expand my operations in that direction. They are so very profitable.”

“We’ll shut you down. The reason I’m calling is that you’ve crossed the line when you had Camano kill Lee and Natalie Walberg. I don’t want you to sleep well again. We’re getting close to you. The minute we find the ledger, you’re a dead man.”

“Ah, but you’ve got to find the ledger.”

“Tell me, Praland, how does your vicious little mind work? Do you take out the ledger and go through it and just pick a name? Did you make out a death list?”

“Oh, no. When it’s time, I take out the ledger and savor the moment. There’s no stronger sense of power. It gives me a great deal of pleasure to select just the right victim, who will cause you the most upset. Of course, I try to pick the youngest and strongest. The ones who have the most to lose. It’s the best sensation to…”

*   *   *


It was happening, Allie thought.

Dark tunnel. Dark tunnel. Dark tunnel.

Suddenly she was there.

So much ugliness. The monstrous things Praland had done. Block it. Don’t think of it. Just let his memories ignited by Mandak flow over her.

*   *   *

you want to get me killed? Praland took the ancient leather book in his hands and drew it out of the compartment. Satisfaction surged through him. Time to give Mandak and those other fools another lesson in who was the one in control. He’d added the new children taken from Ukraine in the book last month, but now it was time to play his game with Mandak …

*   *   *

with panic.

to him, Mandak. I almost had it.

*   *   *

you did with those young kids,” Mandak broke into Praland’s dialogue. “I know what kind of monster you are.”

“Well, you did ask a question. I thought you were curious. I’m always willing to elaborate.” Praland added slowly, “Much as I’m enjoying our conversation, I’m wondering why you’re calling me. You issued a few threats, but I don’t believe you would go to the trouble of contacting me only for that.”

Mandak was silent. “The Devanez family resources have been stretched to the max dealing with all your brutalities and the protection we’re having to give our people.”

“Which in most cases proves to be futile.”

“As you say, we’ve been thinking about asking for a compromise.”

Praland burst out laughing. “Compromise? My how the mighty have fallen. Why should I deal with you? I hold all the power.”

“We’d be willing to deposit an extraordinarily large amount in your accounts that would make you richer and more powerful than you could imagine.”

“Really? And what in return?”

“Only the ledger.”

“How single-minded. But I’ve developed a great affection for that ledger.”

“Still, it must be a burden possessing it, caring for it, moving it from place to place to keep us from finding it. You know we’ll never give up trying to take you down while you still have the ledger.”

“And if I gave you the ledger, it would be the signal for you to go after me with all guns blazing. I know you, Mandak. Even with your hands tied these last years, you’ve caused me trouble.”

“You’ll regret it if you refuse me. That ledger is an albatross around your neck. You can’t hide it forever. We’ll locate it eventually.”

Praland chuckled. “You know, sometimes I look forward to your doing that. It would be the most exquisite pleasure that you could…”

*   *   *


Allie’s heart was pounding with excitement.

Her palms damp with perspiration.

Now get out and break the connection. Would Mandak know that she’d gotten what they needed?

She never knew to what extent Mandak could know what she was thinking. That bonding was evidently stronger on his side.

I’m out of here, Mandak. I think I—

The thought vanished as her eyes met Kobu’s. She had made an effort and kept her attention partially on the bastard.

But not enough during this last moment. He was on his feet and coming toward her.

*   *   *

bitch. Kobu!

Mandak felt a bolt of panic

Get off the phone with Praland.

Get to her.

He started running toward the palace.

“If that’s your answer, I’m done talking to you,” he said curtly to Praland. “I just thought I’d give you the chance to be reasonable.”

“I’m being reasonable. I’ve got all the cards, Mandak. Your calling me just confirms that fact. I almost had you a few days ago at Talboa. Next time, you’ll be mine. I’m going to have you to play with as I did Simon. Do you think I don’t know what’s going on? You thought you’d try to bring in one of your freaky kids to help you find the ledger. I doubt if it would work, but I’m blocking it just in case. Do you know who just fixed me a drink? Beautiful Gina, who wants to give me everything I want in the world.” He chuckled. “Including her daughter. She assures me that’s entirely possible. What do you think?”

Mandak had reached the east gate. Allie was not there. He’d known she would not be. He still sensed her alarm and panic. “I’m hanging up, Praland, call me if you change your mind.”

*   *   *

the panic Allie hadn’t been able to hide. He moved toward her, his words soft and venomous. “I decided you were bluffing, bitch. You’re not going to fire that gun. You’re scared shitless of the noise. So am I. So I’m going to take it away from you and get the hell out of here. I’m done with you and Mandak.”

Get him away from that window. She couldn’t risk any noise.

She got to her feet and backed away from him and onto the path.

No sound.

He was right, it had been a bluff. She couldn’t fire that gun.

And she didn’t trust Kobu once she had no weapon. He was a bully and killer, and he didn’t like it that she’d had him at gunpoint for almost a quarter of an hour.

Okay, fake it. Make him believe that she was terrified of what he’d do to her. It wouldn’t take much. She was scared and had to control her shaking.

She backed farther down the path, her hand outstretched pleadingly.

She could see Kobu’s expression change to contemptuous satisfaction as he followed her. He held out his hand for the gun.

Did he think it would be that easy?

Evidently he did.

She stopped and extended the gun butt first to him.

He reached for the gun.

She threw the gun aside, kicked his wrist, then whirled, and her foot jerked his head backward as she kicked him in the throat.

She was diving for the gun as he fell to the ground.

She grabbed the gun and was straddling Kobu the next moment.

She hit him in the head with the butt of the gun. Then hit him again. She raised her gun to hit him again.

“Enough.” It was Mandak standing beside her, jerking her to her feet. He pushed her toward the east gate. “Run. I’ll take care of him. Get the hell out of here. I’ll be right behind you.”

She ran!

She was halfway to the gate when she looked back. Mandak was straightening away from dragging Kobu’s body into the bushes.

Then he was running after her.

He overtook her as she reached the gate. “Stay behind me. I didn’t have time to clear the way to the jeep. We may have to wing it.”

Her heart was beating hard as she flew after him through the forest. “Where’s Sean?”

“Right here.” Sean stepped out of the bushes ahead of them. “Mandak sent me ahead to get rid of the sentries when he decided that you might need a little help.” He looked at Mandak. “Only one, Mandak. I took him out.”

“Good. Move!”

It took them only a few more minutes to reach the jeep. They piled into the vehicle, and Sean jumped into the driver’s seat and started the engine.

Allie was looking back at the palace. No uproar. No pursuit. She couldn’t believe it. “We got away?”

“Not clean,” Mandak said. “They’re going to find those sentries soon. Then they’ll find Kobu. But we have time to get to the helicopter.”

“That’s clean enough,” Sean said. “You always were a perfectionist.”

Allie gave a shaky sigh of relief as she leaned back in her seat. It was over. After all the nervous anticipation and fear, the years of dread culminating in this night, she had managed to get through it.

“Okay?” Mandak’s gaze was on her face.

“Better than okay.” A smile illuminated her face. “I
it, Mandak.”

He went still. “What?”

“You heard me. I got it. At first, I didn’t think it was going to work. I was getting only bits and pieces, but then it all came clear, and it was right there in front of me.”

“The ledger?” He grasped her shoulders. “You know where it is?”

“I saw it. Praland was very proud of finding a foolproof hiding place, almost smirking. Every time you said something that had to do with you finding the ledger, it sent him spiraling back to the time when he ordered it built or when he was taking the ledger out of the compartment.”

“Compartment? Where the hell is it?”

“Inside the tiger’s cage. He had a false roof put inside the cage. Every time he wanted to access the ledger, he’d have the tiger removed, and he’d climb in the cage and open the compartment.”

“Son of a bitch,” Sean murmured. “Talk about a built-in booby trap. No one would be eager to search that cage.”

“Particularly since it had the reputation of being Praland’s private butcher store,” Mandak said grimly. “You’re certain, Allie?”

“I’m certain.” She couldn’t keep from grinning. She felt as if a gigantic burden had been lifted from her shoulders. “I
it. Why are you doubting me? You always told me that I’d be able to do it. That’s what all this has been about.”

“Because it’s too good to be true.” His eyes were glittering with excitement. “We have our chance now.”

She nodded. “The code for opening the compartment is 1485.”

“The year that the Devanez fled the Inquisition,” Mandak said.

She nodded. “He was remembering something about having the Devanez family on the run.”

“The hell he has.”

She looked back at the palace, which was now almost lost to view. Her smile faded. She said haltingly, “My mother was with Praland in that room.”

“I know.” He reached out and grasped her hand. “He told me she was going to be very accommodating. Evidently, she’d promised to help reel you in. He didn’t know whether he believed you could be a danger to him, but he thought he’d play it safe.”

And her mother was going to help keep him safe. It hurt. It was one thing to admit to herself that Gina could betray her. It was another to see it confirmed. “Camano wasn’t there. She and Praland looked … intimate.”

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