The Oxford History of the Biblical World (112 page)

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Phasael, 355–56

Philip of Macedon, 318

Philippi, battle of, 355

Philip the Tetrarch (son of Herod the Great), 360

building projects of, 362

Philistine pentapolis, 114, 127, 152, 153

in early Iron Age, 152–54

Philistines, 28, 46, 90–91, 113–29, 448

archaeology of, 115–17

culture of, 115

economy of, 122–23

and formation of the state of ancient Israel, 178–79

pottery of, 116–17, 122–23, 153

religion of, 153

ships of, 119
See also
Sea Peoples

Philo of Alexandria, 277, 321, 365, 367, 376, 397

Legatio ad Gaium,

Phinehas, 108

name, 65

Phoebe, 429–30

Phoenicia, 154–55, 208, 280, 287

cities of, 152

Phoenician alphabet, 42

phylacteries, 368

pictographs, writing and, 18, 19

pilgrimages, 425

feasts and festivals and, 358

route of Exodus, 69

pillared buildings, 188

pillars of cloud and fire, 64

Pi-Ramesse, 84–85

Pitard, Wayne T., 25–57, 240

Pithom, 65

place-names, meaning of, 101–02

plagues, of Egypt, 59

Pliny the Elder, 365, 367

Pliny the Younger, 403, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414

poetry, biblical Hebrew

early, 158–61

as genre, 3

Pompeii, 408

Pompey, 339–40, 452

death of, 355

and Judea, 353–54

pontifex maximus, 393, 427

Pontius Pilate, 363, 369, 395–96, 403, 452

pope, 434

Porcius Festus, 378–79

Porten, Bezalel, 275

Postgate, J. N., 23


at Ain Ghazal, 11

archaeology and, 14, 18

Greek and Attic, 278

from Iron Age Israel, 186–87, 189–90

at Kuntillet Ajrud, 233

of Midian, 108, 110

“Negebite,” 233

from Negeb sites, 184

Philistine, 115–17, 122–23, 153

“Solomonic ware,” 186

Potts, D. T., 23

Praetorian Guard, 398, 405

prayer houses.

“Preaching of Peter, The,” 409

Price, Barbara J., 203

Price, Simon, 411, 419

priesthood, in Roman period, 358

Priestly document, 28, 29

Prisca (Priscilla) and Aquila, 379, 430

Priscilla (second century), 429

Pritchard, James B., 7, 17, 117

promise, to Abraham, 26

Promised Land, 5, 58, 60, 93

Moses and, 5, 106–07


and apocalyptic thought, 301

as genre, 3

postexilic, 300–02


in Chronicles, 222

in Deuteronomic History, 222

literary, 234, 247

(place of prayer), 360

“proto-Deuteronomy,” 217

“protosynagogue,” 271

and Babylonian exile, 271

proverbs, as genre, 3

Psalms, 302

Psalms of Solomon, 355

Psammetichus I, 255, 259, 261, 450

Psamrnetichus II, 265

Psamrnetichus III, 292

Pseudo-Cyprian, 437

Ptolemaic empire, 325

Ptolemaic period, 319–22, 323–26

archaeology and, 319

Ptolemy (son-in-law of Simon Maccabee), 336

Ptolemy I, 319–21, 451

Ptolemy II Philadelphus, 320

Ptolemy IV, 600

Ptolemy VI, 335

publicans, 364

Tiglath-pileser III

Pummay (Tyrian king), 155

purity ritual, 359

pyramid, 7

Pythagoreans, 365

Q, 372

Qadesh, 37, 43, 45, 84

battle of, 45, 46, 85

fighting against Egypt, 44, 81, 84–85

Qantir, 65, 85

Qarqar, battle of, 21, 219, 220, 224, 225, 263, 449

Qatna, 31, 36, 37, 40, 41, 43

Qaus (Edomite god), 156

Qoheleth, 349–50

Quadratus, 417

Quietus (Lusius Quietus), 421

Quirinius, P. Sulpicius, 361, 395

Qumran, 332, 354

archaeology and, 367, 368

Essene settlement at, 345
See also
Dead Sea Scrolls; Essenes

Qumran community, 277, 345–46, 364, 369

and First Jewish Revolt, 382

organization of, 368

as “sons of Zadok,” 345
See also
Dead Sea Scrolls; Essenes

Qumran literature, 368

Hymn Scroll, 368

Pesharim, 368

War Scroll, 368
See also
Dead Sea Scrolls

Quran, 443

Qurayyah, 106, 110

rabbi, role of,

emergence of, 420, 439–40

in late antiquity, 438

rabbinic Judaism, Pharisees and, 344

rabbinic teaching, authority of, 440

rabbinic tradition, 307

rabbinic writings, 338, 365, 372, 386

Midrashim, 440

Mishnah, 440

Talmuds, 440

women in, 442

rabbis, 386, 420, 439–40

and interpretation of scripture, 386

and Sadducees, 365

Rachel, 27

radiocarbon dating, 10, 12

Rameses (city), 65

starting point of Exodus, 67

Rameses I, 66, 84

Rameses II, 45–46, 65, 84–85, 106, 146, 448

Rameses III, 85–86, 90, 92, 97, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119–20, 121, 122, 152, 153, 448

Ramesside period, 65

Rashap, 32

Ras Ibn Hani, 118, 153

Ras Shamra.

redaction criticism, Exodus narratives and, 62

rededication of Temple, 332.
See also

Redford, Donald B., 89

Redmount, Carol A., 58–89

Red Sea, 5

Exodus and, 60, 67

Rehoboam, 210, 212, 214–15, 449

resurrection of Jesus, 374, 396

resurrection of the dead

Pharisees and, 366

Sadducees and, 365

Revelation, book of, 403, 412

apocalyptic imagery of, 410

Rezin, 236–37

Rib-Addi (king of Byblos), 49

Amarna letters and, 49

Rift Valley, 5, 6, 90–91, 97

Rim-Sin (ruler), 35

Ringe, Sharon, 163

Roetzel, Calvin J., 419

Rolfe, J. C., 419

Rollefson, Gary O., 23

Roman Empire

governors in, 361–64

Jesus movement in, 388–89

Jewish women in, 441–42

Jews and Christians in, 420–52

organization of, 389–90

Roman-Jewish War, 420

Roman legion, tenth, 382, 385, 396, 405

Roman period, 352–87

First Triumvirate, 354

social movements in, 364–74

Romans, Seleucids and, 324

Romans, letter to the, 429

Rome, 400

conflict with Egypt, 356

fall of, 432–33, 452

Jewish community in, 353

Root, Margaret Cool, 285, 316

Ruth, book of, 137

and premonarchic period, 137

Sabbath, 281, 333–34

and Babylonian exile, 271

and Nehemiah, 309, 310

sacrifice, animal, 281, 312

Sadducees, 342–46, 365, 386

Alexandra and, 339

beliefs of, 343–44, 365

Dead Sea Scrolls and, 367

Josephus and, 365

name of, 365

social makeup of, 365

Temple and, 359

view of the law, 344–45

Zadok and, 343–44, 365

Safrai, S., 387, 419

Saggs, H. W. F., 23

Saldarini, A. J., 387

Salome Alexandra.

Samaria, 208, 224, 236–40, 263, 280, 287, 325, 332, 354

archaeology and, 219, 288

as Assyrian province, 256–58

as capital of northern kingdom, 206, 449

capture of, by Hasmoneans, 336

fall of, 449

Herod and, 357

ivories from, 219, 234–35

Omri and, 218–19

in Persian period, 290–91, 313

reform of Josiah and, 259–60

religion in, 257–58

as Sebaste, 357

Samarians, and Greek culture, 277–78

Samaria ostraca, 112, 212, 234

Baal names in, 235

and social history, 212

Samaria papyri, 282, 314

Samerina, 288.
See also

Samaritan Pentateuch, 347

Samaritans, 277, 346–49

conflicts with Judaism, 300, 362

Torah and, 346

Samson saga, 115, 125, 139


as judge, 172

and origins of monarchy, 172

and Philistines, 127

Samuel, books of, 136–37

and monarchy, 170–75

and priesthood, 137

Sanballat I, 291, 309, 310, 313

family, 288

Sanballat II, 313

Sanballat III, 313

sanctuaries, central, 145

Sandars, N. K., 89, 118, 130

Sanders, E. P., 387

Sanhedrin, 360

disbanded, 385

in First Jewish Revolt, 380

under Roman governors, 361

Sadducees and, 365

Sardinia, Phoenicians and, 155

Sargon (ruler of Akkad), 31, 447

Sargon II (ruler of Assyria), 239, 244, 248–50, 256, 450

Sasson, Jack, 56

Satraps’ Revolt, 314

satrap system, 292–93

Sauer, J. A., 129

Saul, 151, 183, 449

anointing of, by Samuel, 197

as chief, 178

chronology of, 169

Deuteronomic History and, 172–75

kingdom of, 167

and kingship of Israel, 169

as military leader, 183

military operations of, 193

Saul of Tarsus.

Schaeffer, Claude, 50

Schiffman, Lawrence H., 351

Schloen, J. David, 109, 130

Schmandt-Besserat, Denise, 23

Schowalter, Daniel N., 388–419

Schürer, Emil, 387

Schilssler Fiorenza, Elisabeth, 419, 430, 446

Schweitzer, Albert, 370

seals and seal impressions, 303–04

Sea Peoples, 46, 85–86, 90–92, 99, 113–29, 152–55, 448


Second Baruch, 384

Second Isaiah, 273–74, 282

Cyrus and, 283

Second Jewish Revolt, 358, 421, 452

Second Maccabees, 340–42

Second Peter, 418

Second Temple, 357, 358–60, 451

and half-shekel tax, 358

Second Temple period, 277, 281, 356–87

sectarianism in, 300

synagogue in, 312

Second Timothy, 415

Second Zechariah, 290

Secret Gospel of Mark, 371

sectarianism, Jewish, 277, 300, 364–74

Segal, Alan A. F., 387

segmentary society, 147–51, 166

Seir, 107

Seleucid empire, 323–26

Seleucus I, 451

Seleucus IV, 324, 326, 328

seminomadism, 10, 103

Seneca, 401, 404

De Clementia,

Sennacherib, 250–53, 450

Seow, Choon-Leong, 164

Septuagint, 210, 320, 321, 354

Letter of Aristeas and, 320

Seraiah, 293

Serapeum, 427

Service, Elman R., 203

Servius Sulpicius Galba, 439

Seti I, 45, 84, 105, 448

Setnakht, 85

settlement of Israel, 145–46, 147

Sextus Caesar, 355

Sextus Lucius Bassus, 384

Shallum, 310

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