The Oxford History of the Biblical World (107 page)

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Augustine (bishop of Hippo), 432

attitude toward Jews, 437

City of God,

Augustus Caesar (Octavian), 356, 361, 389–94, 398–99

archaeology and, 392

pater patriae, 393

pontifex maximus, 393

Res gestae divi Augusti, 391

Tell ed-Dab‘a

Avigad, Nahman, 274

Azariah/Uzziah, 233

Aziru, 50

Baal, 50–51

and Mot, 51

names and, 212, 235

as rival of Yahweh, 51

temple of, in Jerusalem, 230

temple of, at Ugarit, 50

Ugaritic epics and, 50–51

and Yamm, 51

Baalath, 189

Baal of Peor, 108

Baasha, 215

Babata, archive of, 442

Babel, Tower of, 17

Babylon, 9, 37, 224, 263, 280, 325, 400

fall of, 282

Babylonia, 8, 37, 176, 224, 258, 262, 263, 280, 400

archaeology and, 265–66

life of Israel under, 268

Babylonian Chronicle, 258, 264, 265, 273

Babylonian empire, end of, 282

Babylonian exile, 269–72

Aramaic language in, 270

religion and, 271–72, 281

return from, 284, 286

Bacchides, 333–34

Bagoas, 309, 313

Baines, John, 88


oracles of, 158

stories, 154

bandits, 380

Bar Kokhba, 358, 385, 386, 421–22, 426

War of, 422

Bar Koziba.
Bar Kokhba

Baruch, Second (2 Baruch), 384

Bar-Yosef, Ofer, 23

Sextus Lucius Bassus


Actium, 356, 390, 452

Carchemish, 44, 262

Ebenezer, 127

Issus, 279, 314, 451

Jezreel Valley, 44

Kishon, 92, 135

Marathon, 304

Megiddo, 81

Milvian Bridge, 423

Philippi, 355

Qadesh, 45, 46, 84

Qarqar, 211, 219, 220, 225, 449

Bay (Asiatic in Egypt), 75, 85, 117

beatitudes, 372

Beer-sheba, 29, 137, 146, 167, 184, 208, 263

archaeology and, 15–16

Bel and the Dragon, 341

Bel-shar-usur (Belshazzar), 273, 284

Ben-hadad of Damascus, 215, 224–25, 231

in 1 Kings 211

Beni Hasan, 68


territory of, 100, 101, 134, 167, 208

tribe of, 183

Berenice (daughter of Agrippa I), 377–78, 381

běrît (covenant), 158

Berossus, 258

Babyloniaca, 97

Beruta (Beirut), 43

Bethel, 27, 29, 37, 208, 287

and Aaronite priestly family, 213

and conquest of Canaan, 96–97, 98

destruction of, 305

sanctuary at, 213

Beth-horon, 189, 354

Beth-shan, 37, 81, 84, 114, 120, 127, 208

Bickerman, Elias J., 350

Bietak, Manfred, 129

Biqa’ Valley, 5

Biran, Avraham, 125, 213–14

bishops, 434

Black Obelisk, 229

Jehu and, 229

“Blessing of Moses,” 107

Bliss, Frederick, 13

Bloch, Marc, 104

Bloch-Smith, Elizabeth, 163

bloodwater, plague of, 59

Boaz, as name of Temple pillar, 199

Boethusians, 365

boils, plague of, 59

Boling, Robert G., 163, 240

Book of the Acts of Solomon, 197

Book of the Annals of the Kings of Israel, 209, 261

Book of the Annals of the Kings of Judah, 209, 261

Book of the Covenant, 60

book of the law, and reform of Josiah, 260

Booths, festival of (Sukkot), 358

Bowersock, Glen W., 444

Boyce, Mary, 315

Briant, Pierre, 315

brickmaking, in Egypt, 66

Bright, John, 240

Bronze Age, 14

Brooten, Bernadette, 442, 444

Brown, Peter, 427, 444

seals and seal impressions


customs and archaeology, 12, 14, 16, 156

Egyptian, 120

in Iron Age Israel, 186–87

burning bush, 59, 64, 106

Byblos, 9, 37, 41, 43, 138, 154–55, 224

Byzantine period, 432–33, 452

Byzantium, 400, 432

Julius Caesar

Caesar Augustus.
Augustus Caesar

Caesarea, 357

and First Jewish Revolt, 380

Caesarea Philippi, 362

Caiaphas, 361


and Abel, 21

Kenites and, 110

calendar, 368

Jewish, 438

Caligula (Gaius Julius Caesar), 396–98

Callaway, Joseph A., 163

Cambyses, 292, 295, 451

camels, 109

Cameron, Averil, 432, 444

Campbell, Edward F., Jr., 163, 206–41

Campenhausen, Hans von, 418

Canaan, 37, 68

and ancestral narratives in Genesis, 26–27

emergence of Israel in, 90

in Late Bronze Age, 47

in Middle Bronze Age, 41–42

term, 30


culture, 27

language, 47, 153

term, 30


Daniel and, 340

formation of, 260, 276, 302, 418, 433–34

canonical criticism, and Exodus narrative, 61–62

Caphtor (Crete), as home of Philistines, 114

Caracalla (emperor), 423

Carchemish, 37, 43, 263

battle of, 44, 262

Carites, 230

Carmel, Mount, 4, 208, 222, 287, 354

Carniero, Robert L., 203

Cave of the Treasure, 15–16


attempted by David, 198

list, in 2 Samuel 24, 185

Roman, 361


Chagar Bazar, 34, 37

Chalcolithic Age, 14–16, 447

Chaney, M., 204

chariots, 66, 126

of Yahweh, 157

charismatic teachers, 369–74

Chavalas, Mark W., 56

Chemosh (Moabite god), 154, 156

cherubim, 157, 198

chiefdom, 151, 177–78

chief priest.
high priest

Chosroes II (king), 443

Chrestus, 399, 401


title, 388
See also


designation, 402–03

diversity, 428–29

orthodoxy, 428

Christianity, early, 374–75

organization of, 374–75

persecution of, 379, 423–24

religious practices of, 374, 414

triumph of, 423–26

Christos, 399

Chronicler, 93, 209

Chronicles, books of, 281, 290, 302, 307

history of composition of, 281

Jerusalem bias of, 217

Judean monarchy and, 243

monarchy and, 173–74, 213

sources of, 210–12


and Jews, 436–38

in Late Antiquity, 433–35

church fathers, anti-Jewish sentiments of, 436–37

Church of the Holy Sepulcher, Byzantine, 425

Chuvin, Pierre, 444

Cicero, 393

circumcision, 336, 376

significance of, during exile, 271


architecture of, in Iron Age Israel, 189

government of, 17

Levitical, 60

Philistine, 123–24

rise of, 16–18

royal, 189

cities of refuge, 216

city gate

architecture of, 188

city-states, 447, 448

in Canaan, 47–49

in Syria-Palestine, 80–83, 447108–13, 597

Claessen, Henri J. M., 203

Claudius (emperor), 363, 377–78, 398–401, 452

expelled Jews from Rome, 379

letter to Alexandrians, 398

clay tablets, as writing materials, 19

Cleopatra III, 338

Cleopatra VII, 356–57, 390

Clifford, Richard J., 23

coastal plain, of Palestine, 4, 5

codex, as manuscript form, 434


anthropoid, 119–20

Cogan, Mordechai, 242–75

Cohen, Ronald, 203

Cohen, Shaye J. D., 350, 386, 441

coins, 315

archaeology and, 12

commemorating death of Augustus, 389

Herodian, 357

inscribed with “Year 1,” 382

minted by Agrippa I, 377

minted by Agrippa II, 378

minted by Bar Kokhba, 358, 385

of Nero, 401

from Ptolemaic period, 319

Roman, 392

from Second Jewish Revolt, 422

silver, inscribed

Colosseum, 406–07

conquest of Canaan, 61, 77, 79

archaeology and, 94–97

conquest hypothesis, 94–97

narratives of, 93–94

pastoral-nomad hypothesis, 102–03

peasants’ revolt hypothesis, 103–04

ruralization hypothesis, 104–05

Constantine, 69, 424–26, 432, 435, 439, 452

Constantine II, 435

Constantinople, 432, 452

Constantius, 416, 426, 435–36, 439

Constitutio Antoniniana, 423

Coogan, Michael D., 3–24, 56, 88

Cook, J. M., 315

Coote, Robert B., 204, 218, 240

Coponius, 362

copper artifacts, 15–16

Council of Nicea, 391, 425

councils of the church, 434

covenant, 60, 106

ideology of, 209

Covenant Code.
Book of the Covenant

creation, and ancient Near East, 3, 19–20

Crete, Phoenicians and, 155

Crim, Keith, 130

Croesus, 283

Cross, Frank Moore, 56, 105, 129–30, 163, 213, 240, 275, 313

crucifixion, by Alexander Janneus, 337

Cumanus (Ventidius Cumanus), 378

cuneiform writing, 19

Cushan, 108

Cuspius Fadus, 377–78

Cyprus, 9, 224, 263, 280, 325, 400

Persian empire, 292

Philistines and, 117–18, 153

Cyrus Cylinder, 282, 283–84

Cyrus the Great, 273, 279, 451

and book of Ezra, 284

restoration and, 282–86, 299

and Second Isaiah, 273–74


date of composition of, 61

as pentateuchal source, 61

Dagan, 32, 50

Dalley, Stephanie, 8, 20, 22, 23

Damascus, 37, 43, 138, 152, 167, 208, 224, 263, 280, 325, 332, 354, 400

Damasus (pope), 434


territory of, 138, 167

tribe of, 91, 115, 125, 139

Dan (Tel Dan), 208

ancient sanctuary at, 213

See also
Tel Dan

Daniel, book of, 311, 340–42

Greek version of, 341

Dan, tribe of

Darius I, 278, 292–93, 294, 295, 302, 304, 451

archaeological record of, 293

death of, 304

statue of, at Susa, 285–86

Darius II, 314

Darius III Codomanus, 279, 314

darkness, plague of, 59

David, 449

anointing of, 197

and ark of the covenant, 156

and building of Temple, 198

as chief, 178

in Chronicles, 174–75

chronology of, 169

Court History of, 172

Deuteronomic History and, 171–75

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