The Owned Girl (17 page)

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Authors: Dominic Ridler

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General

BOOK: The Owned Girl
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    'Why?' Beth wailed. 'I haven't done anything! I was just trying to make a point.'
    'Yes, and now I'm going to make a point,' Matthew said, taking off his belt. 'And I'm going to make it very firmly.'
    Beth bent over. Despite her outrage, she'd had enough training to obey Matthew's orders almost without thinking, a kind of pavlovian reaction. Matthew whipped her with the belt, vigorously, even cruelly, I thought. After all, from her point of view she wasn't making unreasonable demands, but Matthew was determined to keep her in her place. He had doubled his belt, so that its strokes were heavier and more effective. Beth gasped and squealed and jumped around, Matthew insisting that after each stroke she return to exactly the same position. Whether any passers-by glanced up, and whether they could have seen much if they did, I have no idea. But the beating went on for some time, until Beth was shedding tears. I suspect these tears were compounded of a response to physical pain, and of frustration and rage at not getting her own way. By the time he had finished, her behind was criss-crossed with livid red welts. It was a real thrashing.
    Matthew had been angry. As a submissive myself, I don't believe it's ever good for a dom to beat a girl in anger. Punishments should be delivered calmly and deliberately, in full control of oneself. Later, when Beth had gone, I spoke to him. I told him I thought that we could not keep Beth from dating other men for ever, and that we should let her try again, but this time do more to ensure she made a wise choice. Matthew was still reluctant; he argued that she was not ready, but I could see he had a lot at stake in this. He simply did not want Beth to get involved with another man. I have to confess that this made me all the more determined to push my case, for if Matthew was becoming obsessed with Beth, wanting to keep her all to himself for ever, this did not bode well for the future of our marriage. I had always seen our venture with Beth as a short-term experiment, not a long-term relationship.
    Eventually I prevailed. Grudgingly Matthew agreed that Beth should be allowed to try dating again. We set about helping her find a suitable candidate.

Chapter Nine

    As before, Beth did an initial trawl through a couple of dating sites. Once more she was up-front about the nature of her relationship with Matthew and me, hoping to weed out any prospective suitors who would be shocked by the notion of a girl owned by others. Eventually Beth found a candidate she was willing to present to us. His name was Gavin. He was about five years older than Beth, and tall – an essential requirement as far as Beth was concerned; she is a tall girl and she didn't want a man shorter than herself. He was quite good-looking in a clean-cut sort of way; short hair, well dressed, though casually, clean-shaven. Beth introduced him to us in a café. He was polite; he seemed, rather than discomforted by the nature of Beth's sexual arrangement with us, slightly amused by it, as if he couldn't quite believe it but was intrigued.
    'Can I get this straight?' he said. 'You both have sex with Beth?'
    'We have done,' Matthew said.
    'I don't have sex with her very often,' I said. 'But I do control her; put her through her paces from time to time.'
    'What would that involve?' Gavin asked.
    'Well, if I was alone with her in the apartment, I might want her to take off all her clothes and kneel on the floor at my feet while I worked.'
    'So she knows her place?' Gavin said.
    'And you want to make sure I am a suitable person for her to go out with? This is a sort of interview?'
    I smiled. 'If you like.'
    'What would you like to know about me?' Gavin said.
    'Would Beth be your first submissive girl?'
    'Not sure. My last girlfriend liked to be spanked. But I don't know if you'd call her a submissive exactly. She was a bit conflicted about it.'
    'Beth isn't conflicted,' Matthew said firmly. 'She needs to be controlled. Don't you, Beth?'
    'Yes, my owner,' Beth said. She gave a little coquettish smile, for Gavin's benefit. I could see how attracted he was; doubtless he couldn't wait to put her across his knee.
    'Suppose,' Gavin said, 'that Beth and I hit it off, wanted to have a long-term relationship, how would that affect her arrangement with you?'
    I got in first, before Matthew could say something that might give Gavin second thoughts. 'I think that's something that would have to be worked out. We'd be in unexplored territory there.'
    After Gavin had gone, we agreed that Beth might go on a dinner date.
    'I want a full report,' Matthew said.
    'Of course,' Beth replied. 'But are the rules the same as before? About kissing and such?'
    I had already talked to Matthew about this; with reluctance he agreed that this time we would cut her a little slack. 'You aren't allowed to fuck him unless and until we give permission,' Matthew said. Anything up to the act of intercourse was deliberately left vague. Beth was happy; she kissed both Matthew and me. A dinnerdate duly followed, and Beth behaved herself. I got the feeling she was a good deal more serious about Gavin than the others, and didn't want to screw up. But before things could develop further, Beth got an invitation from Aidan and Pilar.
    Pilar was aware that Beth had been going through some difficulties. Firstly, she had lost her job. She was very hopeful of finding another soon, but in the meantime she was a bit low. In addition, she was having some difficulties with her family. Her mother was making what Beth thought to be unreasonable demands on her time. Pilar has a kind and thoughtful nature, and decided to do something to cheer up our pet. She invited Beth to come to stay with her and her husband in their luxurious home in New Orleans. Beth had never been down south before, and she was excited.
    'Please, please, let me go,' she pleaded with Matthew. He agreed but set strict conditions. She might play both with Pilar and with Aidan, and her hosts were to be given a free hand in terms of using her and controlling her, except there was to be no penetration. Though Matthew liked to show her off, he was increasingly anxious that she might get too keen on other men. It was bad enough having to let her go out with Gavin, but now Aidan was another possible threat. I don't think Aidan had any designs on her over and above wishing to have fun with an available submissive girl. And if Pilar had any worries about this she would surely not have invited Beth in the first place. But Matthew needed to assert his authority; there was to be no fucking.
    Beth accepted this. 'But,' she said, 'does that cover oral sex?'
    'Blow-jobs are permissible, but he mustn't come in your mouth.'
    It was an arbitrary restriction, but Matthew seemed to attach some sort of symbolic significance to what happened to the product of any orgasm Aidan might have with her.
    'On you but not in you,' Matthew said.
    'Agreed,' said Beth. 'What about his fingers?'
    'They may go where he pleases,' Matthew said.
    She was to go for a long weekend, three nights in all. Matthew made her promise to call him regularly to update him on what was going on. In fact, several times he called her, so anxious was he about proceedings down in New Orleans. That's how I have such a detailed knowledge of what transpired.
    I know it was a memorable experience for Beth. Pilar picked her up at the airport and took her to her house. I think Beth was greatly impressed. It was one of those oldstyle southern mansions, with a verandah all the way round. It stood in its own grounds, surrounded by trees. Pilar and Beth had drinks while they waited for Aidan to get in from work. When he arrived, Pilar suggested they all take a swim. The pool was sheltered by a fence, and Pilar made it clear they would all swim nude. Beth is quite at ease naked, and by now she knew Pilar and Aidan quite well, so she needed no second invitation to step out of her clothes. After swimming a couple of lengths, Aidan sat on the side, sipping his drink and watching the two girls frolic like a couple of water nymphs. Pilar took Beth out of the pool into the hot tub, where Aidan joined them. He and Pilar both kissed Beth and fondled her, each sucking on one of her nipples for a while, before Aidan went under water and nuzzled between Beth's legs.
    Pilar had evidently taken a decision that, whereas in New York she had been very much an auxiliary submissive, now she was going to domme Beth as much as she pleased. It's my opinion (and subsequent events have served to prove me correct) that Beth definitely has a bi side, that she likes women sexually. She hadn't at that time done much to develop it, but she was always responsive to me, and had I been more of a domme myself, more might have happened between us.
    Pilar wanted to domme Beth, but at the same time she wanted her husband to enjoy her to the fullest. That was her gift to him. Pilar told Beth to sit up on the edge of the hot tub because Aidan wished to kiss 'her pretty little cunt', as she put it. Pilar held Beth, sitting behind her with her hands around Beth's breasts, while she encouraged Aidan to lick and kiss Beth's cunt and to play with it using his hands. I would be confident that it didn't take too much of this for Beth to come, especially with Pilar's encouragement.
    Pilar took Beth upstairs before dinner. She found her a little pink silk chemise for her to wear. It barely covered her breasts at the top, and stopped just below hip-height (she wore nothing underneath), so she might as well have been naked, except no doubt she looked very pretty in her dishabille. Pilar told Beth she was to take a shower, then put on full make-up (Pilar offered her own make-up case), including eye-liner, eye-shadow, blusher and lipstick. Shan't I look a bit slutty? Beth asked anxiously. So? Pilar replied. She was, it seems determined to make Beth conform to what she wanted of her, a toy for her and her husband to play with, a cute little sex object for their pleasure. She also told Beth to use her expensive perfume, though my knowledge does not extend to being able to name the brand.
    Pilar also found her some elegant sandals to wear, and told her to put a ribbon in her hair. When Beth came down the stairs, Pilar and Aidan both applauded. I have no doubt Beth was highly gratified by her reception. Pilar's domestic help had been given the weekend off, for obvious reasons, and so Pilar herself cooked dinner while Beth and Aidan sat and had more drinks.
    After dinner they all went up to the master bedroom. Pilar could see that Beth was a little tired from her journey and she didn't want to over-tax her, She had plenty of plans for the rest of the stay, so this first night, Beth was allowed simply to watch. Aidan made Pilar bend over the end of the bed and then he spanked her with a tawse, which made Pilar hop about rather energetically. Doubtless Beth enjoyed the thought that someone else was getting the treatment for a change. Aidan then had Pilar kneel and suck his cock. As she did so, he gave her a series of instructions: take it all down, right to the back of the throat, lick the tip, just bite very gently, suck on the head, and so forth. Aidan told Beth to watch closely, because she would be required to do likewise the next day.
    Pilar suggested that this first night Beth sleep on her own. Pilar took her across the landing into a room fitted out as a nursery. The walls were pink, as was the carpet. There was a little bed, just about big enough for a grown-up, with a teddy bear sitting on top. Pilar took off Beth's chemise and put her in a pair of pyjamas with a pattern of little blue kittens on them. She spent some times plaiting Beth's hair into pigtails. Then Aidan and Pilar tucked Beth up in bed, though not before Pilar found her a pacifier to suck on.
    'Good night, little girl,' Pilar said.
    'Sleep well,' said Aidan.
    The next morning Aidan had to work. After breakfast (Beth was allowed to wear her own clothes, jeans and a shirt), Pilar took her shopping. Pilar is, as I know firsthand, a very generous woman, and Beth was a lucky girl to have her for a friend. First she bought Beth some underwear. Beth modelled it for me when she got back; it was Calvin Klein, in a rather sporty style, boy-shorts and a skimpy bra, in black, but semitransparent. It suited Beth well, with her lithe, youthful figure. Pilar also bought Beth a pair of shoes. As I've said, Beth is a tall girl, and ordinarily she doesn't wear heels because she is afraid they will make her taller than other people, in particular taller than men, which she feels would count against her (though some men like really tall girls, I believe). However, Pilar persuaded Beth that she would look sensational in these shoes, in a bright pink colour that went well with her blonde hair.
    Pilar then took Beth to lunch. They had a drink or two and a very intimate conversation, in which Beth confided her feelings about Matthew and me, how she had benefitted greatly from being owned by us, but was beginning to think it might be time to move on, if only she could find a man. I didn't know at the time that she felt quite this way; I only discovered it later, in a conversation I had with Pilar. However, it was easy enough to see that increasingly Beth was chaffing at the bit, that she found Matthew's authority more difficult to bow down to, and that she was determined to find a boy of her own.
    Back at Pilar's house both ladies had a rest, and then later there was a swim, as before in the nude. When Aidan returned from work, there were drinks, all of them seated naked by the pool. After a while, they went upstairs to shower before dinner. Pilar invited Beth into the shower with her, and Aidan joined them. Beth was made to wash first Pilar and then Aidan, and Pilar returned the compliment by soaping Beth all over, making a point of getting her really clean between her legs. Then Pilar pushed Beth down to her knees and told her to suck Aidan's cock. Beth always enjoyed giving head, and thanks to Matthew's training she was pretty good. She spent a long time on it; I remember Pilar later telling me that Beth was 'voracious'. While she was sucking, Pilar made a point of giving her instructions, just as Aidan had instructed her the night before.

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