The Owned Girl (16 page)

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Authors: Dominic Ridler

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General

BOOK: The Owned Girl
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    By this time several other people had crowded round to watch, which I was sure could only serve to increase Beth's humiliation. I glanced at Pilar and could see that she, like me, was concerned lest things go too far. Fortunately, Matthew decided that enough was enough; he let go of Beth's wrists, got her to her feet and gave her a hug. The five of us moved away into another room; the fat man drifted away, presumably to look for another defenceless victim.
    In one corner was a naked man in a cage. There was no one nearby and I was curious who had put him there and why, so I engaged him in conversation.
    'Mistress has put me here for the evening,' he said. 'I expect she's somewhere around getting fucked.'
    'She leaves you here while she goes off with other men?'
    'I'm a cuckold,' the man said. 'I have no choice.'
    'You poor man,' I said. He didn't seem very happy about things; but perhaps he wasn't meant to be.
    'Do you get your reward later?' I asked him.
    'No,' he said. 'I'll probably get a whipping when we get home, then she'll leave me tied up all night.'
    I shivered at the thought. 'Oh dear,' I said.
    'I'm supposed to ask people who see me to hurt me in some way. Pinch me or slap me or squeeze my balls.'
    'Oh, I don't think I could do that,' I said. 'I'm sorry.'
    The man looked disappointed. We went into another room, where a woman was tied to a wooden cross, being flogged by a man in a black leather mask. She was making a lot of noise, gasps and grunts, but I think she was enjoying it. In a corner of the room there were several large hooks hanging from the ceiling, on pulleys. Nearby were some leather cuffs for wrists and ankles. Matthew decided to put the cuffs on Beth and then hook her up to the ceiling. When she was secured he and Aidan pulled on the chains that supported the hooks and Beth was raised up above head height, face down. Before he buckled up the cuffs, Matthew had slipped off her thong, so that now she was suspended from the ceiling completely naked. Several people gathered round, attracted by this spectacle. Some of them started asking Matthew questions about Beth. He explained our arrangement with her, how she was an owned girl, cared for by him and his wife, how she was used sexually by each of us but was not allowed relations with others except with our consent. People wanted to know how long this had lasted, if she was our first owned girl, if Beth had ever done this with other couples, and one girl, her face earnest and concerned, questioned Beth carefully, wanting to know how she felt about the whole thing, whether she was happy and fulfilled, was this something she would recommend to other girls? Beth gave positive responses.
    After a while Matthew took Beth down. We wandered around, Beth still naked, the rest of us clothed. In yet another room there were several alcoves, each with a red curtain across the opening. I peeped round one of them. On a couch a large, powerfully-built woman was being serviced from behind by one man, while she sucked the cock of a man who knelt in front of her. It occurred to me that this might be the mistress who had shut the man up in the cage.
    We came back to the room we had been in initially. Matthew told Beth to get back on the bench. This time he did up the straps for wrists and ankles, so that she was securely fastened down.
    'We are going to take turns spanking you now, Beth,' he said. 'You shall experience four different styles of spanking. It will be interesting for you.'
    I could see that Beth's bottom was still pink from her earlier experience. I hoped the others weren't going to be too hard on her. Matthew asked Pilar to go first. The paddle the fat man had used was still to hand. Pilar picked it up and swung it at Beth's bottom. It landed with a loud crack. Beth squirmed against her bonds. I could see that though Pilar had no desire to do any real damage, yet she took her task seriously. She was, after all, a submissive herself; she knew what submissive girls needed. Spanking wasn't meant to be a jokey sort of thing, done for a laugh. It was a test of a girl's willingness to obey, to submit to the one who had power over her. Pilar was enough of a switch to enter into the spirit of things.
    She took aim again at Beth's bottom and delivered a second blow. Beth gasped. I could see her trying to look round, wanting to know what sort of expression was on Pilar's face. Was this girl determined to impose her own authority on Beth, or was she merely spanking Beth because a male dom had asked her to do so? Pilar submitted to her husband, but perhaps that was as far as it went. Perhaps she regarded herself as a kind of alpha sub, desirous of lording it over other subs. As it happened, Beth was eventually to find the answer to this question, although not on this particular evening.
    Pilar relinquished the paddle to her husband. I knew from what Beth had said about him, and from what I had learned in my brief acquaintance with Pilar, that Aidan was a resolute and persuasive dom. Submissive girls responded readily to his personality. Beth was no exception. She had, you will remember, already been spanked and fucked by him on a previous occasion. Now he wielded the paddle with purpose and precision, striking the centre of Beth's bottom with firm, decisive strokes. She turned to look back at him, as if pleading for a little mercy. I could see that by now her bottom was bright pink, the earlier spanking from the fat man having left its mark and now being augmented by a fresh assault.
    After a couple of dozen strokes, Aidan passed the paddle to Matthew. Beth looked round again. Matthew said something to her I couldn't hear, then commenced spanking her bottom. By now it had gone a deeper hue, a deep rosy pink, with patches that were almost purple. I couldn't help admiring Beth's fortitude. I liked a spanking myself now and again, but I couldn't take anything like as much as Beth could.
    Matthew must have given her thirty or forty whacks with the paddle, and he wasn't playing games. Beth made a few noises, 'ouch' and 'oh' and some inarticulate sounds. At last Matthew was finished.
    'Your turn,' he said to me, passing me the paddle.
    I thought poor Beth had just about had enough. I put the paddle to one side. I stroked her bottom, feeling how hot it was, then slipped my hand between her legs. She was soaking wet. However much the spanking had hurt her, it had excited her even more. I gave her a few swats with my hand, enough to get her attention, but not causing her real pain, as the previous spankers had done.
    Beth was unstrapped from the table. Aidan then ordered Pilar to take her place. She too was strapped down, her leather skirt pulled right up to expose her bottom, though she was allowed to keep her knickers on. Aidan used the paddle on her, several good solid strokes, turning her behind a delicate shade of pink. Then he passed the paddle to Matthew. I'm not sure whether offering Pilar to be spanked was simply a reciprocal gesture by Aidan to Matthew, in gratitude for being offered Beth, or whether it was Aidan's desire to assert his domination over Pilar, and perhaps demonstrate to the company what her status was; that she might be allowed to dominate Beth somewhat, but was herself subordinate to the two men. Maybe it was a bit of both. Quite what my status was in all this was less clear, and I made no effort to get it spelled out, preferring to observe for the most part rather than actively participate. That's in my nature, I suppose. It's true that after Matthew had finished giving Pilar several very firm swats with the paddle, he passed it to me. But as with Beth, I preferred to use my hand. I suspect that even though I scarcely hurt her, Pilar must have found being spanked by me even more humiliating than being publicly spanked by the two men.
    That was about it, really. There seemed to be a consensus that the evening was concluded. Aidan undid Pilar's straps. I gave Beth back her skirt and sweater, but not her underwear. We left the club and got in the car, once again the two men up front, Beth sitting between Pilar and me.
    I took Beth's hand in mine and smiled at her. Pilar took her other hand, but also put a hand up under her skirt, caressing her thighs. I looked down and watched Pilar's hand working under Beth's skirt. I glanced up to observe Bath's expression. Her eyes were closed. She was concentrating on what was being done to her. Pilar seemed to know exactly what was needed. After only about five minutes Beth called out to Matthew in the front.
    'She's giving me an orgasm. Is it all right if I come, my owner?'
    Matthew looked round, a little surprised. Pilar continued to work her hand between Beth's legs.
    'Come now,' Matthew said suddenly.
    Beth gave a low moan and I saw her thighs grip Pilar's hand and she shuddered.
    When we got back to our apartment, Matthew said Beth should stay the night with us. Aidan and Pilar went off to their hotel. Matthew took Beth straight into the bedroom and quickly pulled off her sweater and skirt. He almost threw her down on the bed. I sat in a corner and watched as he fucked her, roughly, almost violently. I could see how much the events of the evening had excited him.
    The next day Beth lingered in our apartment. Matthew had to go out. Beth and I sat drinking coffee. I asked her about the previous night. Hadn't she been rather repelled by the grossly fat and sweaty man who had abused her?
    She laughed. 'Not my choice of partner,' she said. 'But I knew what it was all about. Matthew likes to humiliate me. He likes to remind me that he has all the power and can get me to do anything he wants. And making me submit to that horrible man was one way of doing it.'
    'So you let that fat guy spank you because you knew Matthew wanted it?'
    'Of course. I was terrified Matthew would insist on going further, that he might make me suck the guy's cock. I think I would have thrown up at that point. Literally.'
    'I'm glad I didn't have to see that,' I said.
    Beth looked thoughtful. 'Has he ever made you do anything like that? Something disgusting, that repels you?'
    'Not that I can recall,' I said.
    'I wonder what it is about me. I seem to have some sort of hold on him. I make him want to do things he doesn't do with other people. I bring out something in his nature.'
    Looking back, it is clear to me that Beth was proud of this. She thought she had something with Matthew that I didn't have, and that pleased her. At the time I just thought it was an innocent observation, a mere statement of fact. But I can see now that by this time Beth thought she had really got her hooks into Matthew. As a submissive girl, she was supposed to be responsive to his needs, to his wishes. But increasingly, I now think, she was working to make sure that she was, at base, the one in charge. She wanted to make Matthew want her; she enjoyed feeling her power to arouse him by more and more demonstrations of what he could do with her.
    Many d/s couples, I am sure, are only too aware of this dynamic, that what on the surface seems one-way traffic, the dom controlling the sub, is anything but. On the contrary, it is often a strongly interactive affair, in which power ebbs and flows, now this way, now that. Matthew may have thought that he was the one holding the reins, but more and more Beth seemed to be the one leading him on. I think that was shown by her constantly returning to the issue of dating. After the most recent debacle with Robert, Beth was quiet on the subject for a week or two. But then she returned to the topic.
    'I really feel I am so much more mature now,' she said to Matthew one evening in our kitchen. As often at this time, she was naked, while the two of us were fully clothed. Matthew thought that this rendered her more aware of her submissive position, and undoubtedly it did, in some ways. On the other hand, Beth was always well aware of the seductive charms of her body. I often observed her watching Matthew as he took sly glances, his eyes flicking down to her ass, or getting a quick fill of her tits before looking away. I could see that she knew how much Matthew wanted her.
    'You see,' she continued, putting on one of her winning smiles, 'you have taught me so much about myself. I am so much more self-aware now. I don't think I'd make the same mistakes as before, falling for unsuitable men.'
    I could see that this blatant attempt at flattery was designed to soften us up for another demand that she be allowed to date again. But I knew Matthew well. He may have been under her influence, but he wasn't stupid. He could see through her wiles.
    'I think it is for us, not for you, to decide how mature you are, Beth,' Matthew said. 'By definition, you are not the one best placed to judge. It's because you are such a little girl that you are owned. Little girls ought not to be allowed to decide their own fate.'
    Beth gave a little pout, something she did prettily, although she was not supposed to. Matthew thought that pouting showed 'bad attitude'. 'I'm not claiming any right to make my own decisions,' she said. 'I'm just trying to show you why you can safely make a decision to let me date again. Surely you accept that I need to develop. I can't stay a little girl for ever.'
    'I'll think about it,' Matthew said dismissively. It always irritated him when she persisted in an argument.
    Beth gave a loud sigh.
    'Come here,' Matthew said.
    Beth looked sulky but she walked over to where he stood by the window.
    'Bend over with your hands on the window sill,' he said. 'I'm going to punish you right here. If anyone looks up at the window they can see a naked girl being disciplined.'

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