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Authors: Daniel Allen Butler

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The Other Side of the Night (41 page)

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Trish Eachus came through once again in her stalwart role as proofreader and advance editor—and as determined as ever to cure me of my run-on sentences, however hopeless a task that may be. Leonard Crabtree was tireless as a researcher, always ready, willing and available to help. Chris Dickerson, a playwright, director, and author in his own right, deserves a nod and a tip of the hat for his service as one of my First Readers; also deserving mention is his help with creating the concept for the cover.

For so much assistance from so many people and institutions, “gratitude” seems to be a somewhat inadequate word; however, mine is deep and abiding, and very genuine. If this book has become greater than the sum of its parts—and I fervently hope it has—it is because of the selflessness with which so many of those parts were provided by the people mentioned here. Whatever information, support, or encouragement they offered me, they did so without any qualification whatsoever. So while it is my name only which appears on the cover, I can never hope to claim sole credit for this work. All to which I will selfishly lay claim is that if there have been any errors, the blame is mine and mine alone. As always, I wouldn’t have it any other way.


—Daniel Allen Butler

Los Angeles, California

January 2009




Great Britain,
Parliamentary Debates
(Commons), 5th series, 37–42, April 15–October 25, 1912.

Great Britain,
Proceedings on a Formal Investigation ordered by the Board of Trade into the loss of the S. S. “Titanic.”
HMSO, 1912.

Great Britain,
Report on the Loss of the “Titanic (S.S.)
,” HMSO, 1912.

U.S. Congress, Senate,
Hearings of a Subcommittee of the Senate Commerce Committee pursuant to S. Res. 283, to Investigate the Causes leading to the Wreck of the White Star liner “Titanic.”
62nd Congress, 2nd session, 1912, S. Doc. 726 (#6167).

U.S. Congress, Senate, International Conference on Safety of Life at Sea, 63rd Congress, 2nd session 1914, S. Doc. 463 (#6594)

U.S. Congress, Senate,
Report of the Senate Commerce Committee pursuant to S. Res. 283, to Investigate the Causes leading to the Wreck of the White Star liner “Titanic,” with speeches by William Alden Smith and Isidor Rayner
, 62nd Congress, 2nd session, May 28, 1912, S. Rept. 806 (#6127)

U.S. Navy Department, “Report of the Hydrographer.”
Annual Reports of the Navy Department
, Appendix 3, 193–208. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1913.



United Kingdom

Harland and Wolff Shipyards, Belfast, Northern Ireland. Historical Section,
Collection (now in the possession of the Ulster Folk and Transport Museum).

National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London, England.

Public Records Office, London, England. Documents #BT100/259 (Cargo Manifests); #BT100/260 (Ship’s Articles0; #M12266/12 (Order for Formal Investigation); #MT9/920/4 M23780 (Sailing Clearances); #MT9/920/5 M23448 (Request for Hearing by Captain Stanley Lord); #MT15/142 M13505 (Crew Muster). Southampton Maritime Museum (Wool House),

Southampton, Surrey, England. William Burroughs Hill Collection, Stuart Collection, Titanic Archive.

Ulster Folk and Transport Museum, Belfast, Northern Ireland. Department of Archival Collections. R.C.W. Courtney Collection.

United States

Grand Rapids Public Museum, Grand Rapids, Michigan. William Alden Smith Collection.

Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. Manuscript Division. The Presidential Papers of William Howard Taft: Case File # 3175 (

Mariners Museum, Newport News, Virginia.
Collection. Port Authority of New York, New York City. Collector of Customs Office, Immigration Records, April 1912.


Public Archives of Nova Scotia, Halifax, Nova Scotia.



Baarslag, Karl.
SOS to the Rescue
. New York: Oxford University Press, 1935.

Beesley, Lawrence.
The Loss of the SS Titanic
. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1912.

Behe, George.
Titanic: Speed, Safety and Sacrifice
. Polo: Transportation Trails, 1997.

Bisset, Sir James.
Ladies and Tramps
. Glasgow: Brown and Ferguson, 1955.

Brinnin, John Malcolm.
The Sway of the Grand Saloon
. New York: Delacorte, 1971.

Bullock, Shan.
Thomas Andrews, Shipbuilder
. Baltimore: Norman, Remington, 1913.

Butler, Daniel Allen.
The Age of Cunard.
Culver City, Lighthouse Press, 2004

________.“Unsinkable”–the Full Story of RMS Titanic
, Mechanicsburg, Stackpole Books, 1998.

Davie, Michael.
Titanic: the Death and Life of a Legend
. London: Bodley Head, 1986.

Eaton, John P. and Charles Haas.
Titanic: Triumph and Tragedy
. New York: W. W. Norton, 1988.

Hyslop, Donald, Alistair Forsyth, and Sheila Jemima.
Titanic Voices: Memories of the Fatal Voyage
. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1997.

Jolly, W.P.
. New York: Stein & Day, 1972.

Lightoller, C.H.
Titanic and Other Ships
. London: Ivor Nicholson and Watson, 1935.

Lord, Walter.
A Night to Remember.
New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1955.

The Good Years
. New York: Harper, 1960.

The Night Lives On
. New York: William Morrow, 1986.

Marcus, Geoffrey.
The Maiden Voyage
. New York: Viking Press, 1969.

Merideth, Lee.
1912 Facts About the Titanic
(rev. ed.). Sunnyvale, CA: Historical Indexes, 2003.

Padfield, Peter.
The Titanic and the Californian
. New York: John Day, 1965.

Reade, Leslie.
The Ship the Stood Still
. New York: Ingraham Book Company, 1994.

Rostron, Sir Arthur.
Home from the Sea
. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1937.

Shaw, David W.
The Sea Shall Embrace Them: the Tragic Story of the Steamship Arctic.
New York, The Free Press, 2002.

Wade, Wynn Craig.
Titanic–The End of a Dream
. New York: Penguin books, 1986.



Boston American

Boston Globe

Boston Post

Detroit Free Press

Detroit News

Glasgow Herald

Grand Rapids Evening Press

Grand Rapids Herald

Grand Rapids News

Illustrated London News

London Daily Express

London Daily Mail

London Daily Telegraph

London Globe

London Morning Post

London Standard

London Times

New York American

New York Evening Mail

New York Herald

New York Sun

New York Times

New York World

Philadelphia North American

Philadelphia Press

Providence Evening Bulletin

Wall Street Journal

Washington Evening Star

Washington Post

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