Read The Other Other Woman Online

Authors: Mallory Lockhart

The Other Other Woman (50 page)

BOOK: The Other Other Woman
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I mainly talked to Chad and Jeff Russo again. I wasn’t very good about meeting people this year, I was just so distracted. Plus, it seemed like a lot of people left early or missed it altogether because of the weather. Jeff and I walked over to the restaurant where Matt was already sitting on one side of the L-shaped bar with some other broker. We grabbed the other side, which left me facing him to his right. Jeff and I were fast friends that night already, so we mostly sat there not even involving Matt in our conversation. Parker joined us and eventually Brooke did too. We squeezed them in on our side, leaving Matt basically by himself once the other guy left. Jeff was cracking me up with stories of where babies come from, because his third child was a big surprise to him. We sat there with our drinks and laughed like hyenas together for most of the night. I felt like it had to bother Matt a little. He didn’t look very happy, but I couldn’t be sure. It should have been him that I was laughing with. I wanted it to be him. Our eyes met only occasionally and I would just smile at him like I would any other stranger. Brooke told he was definitely staring at me when I was talking to Jeff, but it was probably just because my tits were staring back at him.

One of our Maryland brokers that I had never met before came up behind me to greet Jeff. He was polite enough and introduced himself to me as well, but I could literally feel his eyes looking down my dress the entire time. He was practically breathing all over them. He had his face completely turned toward me while his mouth was moving in conversation with Jeff. Once he walked away, I leaned over to Jeff.

“Dude, he was trying to look down my dress, wasn’t he?”

“Oh hell yeah he was! The entire time! I don’t think he even knew what was coming out of his mouth! Although, I can’t blame the guy! Even I’m over here like, “BrendaBrendaBrenda…”

That had me in stitches. As I leaned over to Jeff to tell him a secret, I definitely saw Matt watching me. “Jeff… Jeff… come here, I want to tell you something,” and he eagerly leaned his ear up to my mouth.

” I whispered.

“OH MY LORD!” This was one of his favorite expressions.

“Wait… Jeff… I want to tell you something else…”


“She taped them!” and I pointed at Brooke.


“You can call her TTT. Terrific Titty Taper!”


With that we both fell on the bar laughing hysterically. Brooke knew exactly what I had said. She started laughing too and whispered to Parker, filling him in, leaving Matt the only over there on the other side of the bar not in on the joke. Served him right. You could tell it was past our bedtime. We were all getting a little out of control and obnoxious, so it was probably good that the bar was getting ready to close down at midnight.

I hadn’t paid attention to how late it had gotten, and I was suddenly panicked when I realized that I may have missed my chance to be with Matt one more time. I had barely spoken to him all night. I looked at Brooke nervously like, “What now?” she mouthed back, “Text him!” As we all exited the bar together, I took the opportunity to send one right as he was walking in front of me toward the elevator.

No good night kiss?

I had no time for small talk. I needed to get right to the point. We all rode up in the same elevator, and Matt got out on the first floor, where the suites were. Brooke and I continued on to the second floor and as soon as I got in the door I had a reply.

Oh, just got msg! What room # are you?

219, but Brooke is here.

Ok. 186

2 minutes.


I wondered if he could hear me squealing and jumping up and down on the floor above him. I was so excited, I ran into the bathroom to check my face and hair and was waving at Brooke, “See you in the morning!” on my way out the door when she suddenly yelled, “WAIT! YOU’RE STILL TAPED!!”

“OH SHIT! Now that would have been funny!”

I unzipped the top part of my dress, and she grabbed one end of the tape and ripped it off like the biggest, stickiest, most painful Band-Aid ever. I was sure when I got done screaming I was going to have a huge red welt across my chest. This plan was clearly not well thought out. I was pleasantly surprised to find that I had no lingering signs of it at all, however, other than my now very low-hanging deflated boobs. We both looked at each other and laughed. “Oh God, I’ll be lucky if he lets me in the room now!”

“He will definitely wonder what the hell happened to the boobs he saw in the elevator!”

I quickly ran out to grab an elevator. I should have figured out the room location first and taken the other set, because I must have been let off at the furthest possible point away from Room 186. I ended up breaking into a sprint down the twisty halls in those sparkly heels, so worried I was going to run into someone and have them ask me just what did I think I was doing on that floor. He had left the door cracked for me.
Just like old times
, I thought. This time, I did barge right in, practically out of breath, because no way was I spending one extra second out in there in the hall risking exposure.

He must have been sitting on the bed because he came running around the corner up to the door in his bare feet to greet me. It was hard to believe it had only been six days since I had last kissed those lips. It felt like another lifetime. He moved in quickly, placing his arms around me and scooping me up tightly against his chest. He stared into my eyes as if he was trying to read my mind before brushing across my lips tenderly, almost delicately; perhaps afraid I actually WAS going to bite him this time. But I welcomed them by kissing him back sweetly. He grabbed my face and gently teased my mouth open with his tongue and I accepted him, gasping on the inhale of his delicious breath once again. As our tongues circled slowly against each other, I wondered why it all had to be so hard when kissing him just seemed so simple and right. He released my mouth and still cupping my face, his eyes searched mine as he spoke.

“What are you doing here? God, I figured you hated me now!”

Well, that was sort of true. It’s a thin line. “Come on, Matt, you know I could never hate you.”

He kissed me again and then got that playful, boyish look in his eye. “Come here,” he exclaimed, grabbing me by the hand. “You gotta see this room! The bathroom is incredible!”

He whisked me around the corner to what was a pretty impressive bathroom, particularly for a hotel where the rooms were not known for being huge. He was in the middle of pointing out the double shower heads in the giant shower stall, but my eyes were fixated on the large sprawling counter. Oh yeah. That will do just fine. I propped myself right up on it, in fact, and declared, “This is ridiculous! Our bathroom counter is half this size and there are two of us up there. With makeup! Why would you possibly need a counter this big?”

“I know, right?” he chuckled.

I’m not sure he knew what I was getting at, but since he was standing right in front of me, I reached out my hand and pulled him directly between my legs as they dangled off the side of the vanity, kissing him very passionately again. As he kissed me back I began to undo his top button. As I was rounding the next one, he pulled back a bit surprised, and whispered, “Babe, I thought you just wanted a good night kiss…”

“Nope,” I said, pressing my face up against his chest and taking a big, hearty whiff. His delicious scent swirled all around me, feeding my already uncontrollable desire for him as I moved on to the next button. I noticed he wasn’t stopping me.

“I don’t understand…”

I couldn’t concentrate on anything but those buttons. “Matt, realistically, this is the last time we’re ever going to see each other, I just want to go out on a good note, you know?”

“Why would you even think that? We’ll still see each other…”

“No… we won’t. We can’t.”

“That’s not true, don’t say that,” his voice cracked and he seemed visibly shaken about that as he touched my face. This was baffling to me after “the incident.” What did he expect? I wanted to ask, but I just kept my eye on the prize. At the last button, I pushed his shirt off, and rubbed my hands over his T-shirt as I kissed him again.

“We’ve planned on being together here for months… I still want that. I just want you one last time…”

“Are you sure about this?” he asked, very apprehensively. He probably expected a bullet to the head before an offer of sex from me.

“Oh God…” I sighed as I ran my hands underneath his shirt, a hot rush sweeping over my entire body. “More than anything,” I murmured, reaching down to undo his belt.

He closed his eyes and kissed me hard. “Well, in that case,” he announced as he stepped back, pulling off his T-shirt and pushing his pants and boxers down to the floor, “I think we should make love.” To my delight, his cautionary demeanor changed almost instantly as he returned to me, buck naked, his arousal now very apparent. He kissed me intently, and as I pulled him deeply into my mouth, he ran both of his hands up under my dress. He moved swiftly and deliberately up my thighs, pushing my panties to the side and caressing me between my legs with his fingers, feeling my undeniable response. I bucked against him and fell into his chest. Oh God, it was really going to happen. I moaned into his neck as he continued to touch me, but then he took my hand and nudged his head in the direction of the bed. “Come on, let’s go over here…”

“No baby…” I growled, clutching his arm. “I want you right here.”

Still fully clothed, I reached down and grabbed him hard by the cock. It had been so long since I had seen him naked; I hardly remembered how gorgeously thick he was. I stroked him several times but was completely overcome by my lust for him, and I plunged him right inside me before he could argue. The look of utter surprise on his face was priceless. I grasped both of his asscheeks in my hands and pulled him into me even more deeply, calling out his name as I wrapped my legs tightly around him, essentially trapping him. He paused so I could quickly adjust my position on the counter, placing my hands behind me for balance as he took the lead, grinding powerfully into me, making me want to scream with every forward drive, but I knew I had to keep it down.

But after just a few minutes he withdrew, and said, “Let’s get over on the bed, babe… get you out of that dress.”

I had completely forgotten that I still had it on, but I couldn’t argue with that logic. He helped me down off the counter and unzipped me and my silk dress slipped to the floor. I unhooked my strapless bra, praying there would be no remnants of tape there and flung it, pushing my undies down to the floor as well. He grabbed my hand and pulled me onto the bed with him, instantly covering my body with his. He was right, this was so much better. My heart was nearly about to burst with joy, lust, and forgiveness for him, all wrapped up together with a pretty red bow. Having him lying right on top of me again, skin to skin, his hands on my head, kissing me slowly, deliciously, while brushing my face with his fingers… pure heaven. He was happy there, too, I know he was. He had to be.

Until I saw the warm smile disappear from his lips and he suddenly tensed up over top of me. He began kissing me rather forcefully, and groping me, grabbing at my breasts, plumping them, and sucking them hard, almost painfully. I was okay with that, because at first I thought he was just really turned on, but as I moved my hands down his body as well, I realized the problem. He’d lost it.

In all the excitement of wanting him so badly, I had forgotten that spontaneity was no friend of his. Naturally, I assumed if he needed something, he would have taken it right when I texted him. But I guess he really hadn’t been expecting anything other than a kiss. I don’t know why. I could never kiss him before without wanting to strip him out of his clothes within seconds, but maybe it wasn’t the sort of thing he carried around with him all the time.

Either way, I moved quickly to try to remedy the situation. I tried everything I possibly could to resuscitate the patient, but he was dead on arrival. I was disappointed, yet still so happy just to be with him again. I kissed him and played it off like it was no big deal. “You’ve had a lot to drink tonight, huh, baby?”

“Yeah, probably so.”

It might have been nice if he had offered up a little
something something
, but he didn’t. He just wrapped his strong arms around me and hooked his legs in mine and once again all was right in my world. We just continued to kiss and hold each other. I still had so many questions for him. Why did you do this to me? Did you ever love me and, if so, what made you stop? How can you be here with me if you love her? But it was pointless to ask, especially completely naked. I would never get a straight answer from him. I just wanted to feel like we were on good terms again so I could try to move on, and I mostly got that.

I knew I couldn’t stay there in his room. I wanted to, but sleeping next to him would have just confused me more. And I definitely didn’t want to risk running into anyone in the hallway once people were up and moving about in the morning. I’m sure he wanted me to go anyway. He seemed flustered. Whatever this was, it was too complicated for him to deal with. We sat up on the edge of the bed together and he helped me collect my clothing again.

“You look beautiful tonight, you know.”

“Thanks babe,” I replied as I hooked my bra back together.

“Here, let me help you.” He was staring at me now, running his fingers through my hair. “I mean it, the dress, the necklace, even your eye shadow… really gorgeous.”

I kissed him softly on the lips, where was this guy earlier? I finished getting my clothes on and he got up to pull his boxer briefs on as well. As he stood in front of me, I realized how much I already missed him. I knew we would probably still talk, but I would never smell that sweet spot at the bottom of his neck again or run my hands over his soft chest hair or down the sides of his trunk where his hips met his boxers just so. I made sure I did all of those things one more time before giving him one long last luxurious kiss on my way out the door.

BOOK: The Other Other Woman
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