The One Adored (The One Trilogy Book 3) (20 page)

BOOK: The One Adored (The One Trilogy Book 3)
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Amazing how both mothers were immediately fine with my demanding man’s plans from thereon out. I agreed with them though, it was far too soon to arrange the details - we had so much to plan and I could feel myself beginning to panic at the immensity of it all. If I could squeeze in a few more weeks I will - I’d work on him.

Arriving at SilCon early Monday morning, after a weekend of packing in preparation for our move to Seb’s house the weekend after next, I feel like I’m having withdrawal from him. I drop Finn at Creche and slip through the reception, heading straight for Seb’s office. I find him discussing business on the phone and happy to peruse him at my leisure, slide into a leather recliner opposite his desk. I’d missed him last night - we’d spent the Sunday night apart so I could catch up with Finn, in the event that all the packing boxes may make him feel insecure, but the house didn’t feel right without Sebastian in it anymore - our family unit now included him. We’d decided that Finn and I would move into his house before the wedding; again with the impossible dates, but I’d rather have Finn settled sooner, so on this we agree and if I was entirely honest with myself I couldn’t wait - I hated being apart from Seb now.

I consider my handsome fiancée, who is dressed in a pale blue shirt with white cuffs and collar, grey striped tie and grey suit trousers that pull tightly across his firm muscular behind, one hand casually in his pocket the other stroking his head in thought. I could smell him from across the desk, all musk and lemony vanilla. Pure clean Godly male. His eyes find mine, mid conversation and lock on me and I lick my lips. Chocolate orbs with gold flecks, expand to dark black pools as he approves of my appearance, assessing me openly from my cream chiffon blouse and pearl necklace to my black leather pencil skirt, stockings and stilettos. I uncross and cross my legs Sharon Stone style, slowly and deliberately bating him.

“Er, Jerry, I’ll have to call you back, something has just arisen - something needing urgent attention.”

I snigger behind a hand muffling it gently as he makes his excuses to his client.

“Yep, be in touch later. Bye.” He replaces the phone in its cradle before taking two steps and lifting me from my chair into his arms, holding my head in both his palms and kissing me, hard.

“Wow! Morning to you too - I’ll have to come in first thing more often.”

“I’d love to have come in first thing, baby - God, leather, Lu, seriously?”

“You like?”

“I love.”

“Hmmm, now you know what your bike leathers do to me.”

“Yeah, but I don’t wear them with push-ups and pearls - I mean for fucks sake, Lu - you’re not playing fair.” His evident erection presses into my stomach and I smile.

“Now that, I would pay to see.” I wink, earning myself a smack on my leather-clad bottom and the slight sting sends shivers of pleasure over my body. “I’m sorry I have disappointed you, I missed you last night and couldn’t wait eight more hours until I see you.” My fingers run a path down the buttons on his chest, his scent filling my nostrils.

“Oh, baby you haven’t disappointed me, I’m just trying to refrain from slamming you down on this desk and appeasing my morning glory.”

I lick my lips again. I loved it when he got all demanding.

“And stop licking your lips, you naughty girl. You’re not helping matters. That mouth…”

“Ok, I apologise. Well I do have some news.”


“Yes, I spoke to James Marcell - he said we can get married at The Ashton.”

“Of course he did. Are there any dates in mind?” His arrogant brow arches.

I smile at his confidence. “Not yet but we are in negotiations - there is just so much to consider.” My shoulders slump under his large hands in defeat. “We should have begun this the second we returned from Paris, I just wanted to enjoy the bubble for a moment.”
“Do not stress, baby. We’ll get the best of the best for our special day and do your research, as you always do…” His eyes twinkle, as he refers to my endless lists.

“I’m bombed out at work, Seb and with the move and Finn…”

“Hey, hey, sweetheart…why not take on a wedding coordinator? They’ll help you whilst you are busy with work…” his lips find my brow, “And Finn…” then move to my cheek, his fingers rubbing my shoulders rhythmically, “and of course seeing to all my desires.” His lips plant firmly over mine in a kiss that takes my breath away and I forget all my worries in those seconds. His whispers against my skin causing delicious vibrations. “I won’t have the stress of the wedding take you away from me, now that I have you; not now that you are finally mine.”

“Hmmm. You’re good, Silver.”

“I just want to make you happy, Lu.”

“Now that you’ve brought the wedding forward you mean?” I prod him in the chest. “
are the reason I’m going to be stressing, baby -
, and your impossible timescales.”

“I told you I can’t wait longer than that to call you my wife; won’t wait longer.’

My belly warms at his words despite my annoyance at his stubbornness.

“If I had my way we’d have been in Gretna Green by now.”

“Gretna Green? You fancy yourself a kilt man do you?” I tease him, loving that concept.

“Nope, but its a couple of hours away by car, 40 mins max by private jet. Basic but necessary. Besides if we’d gone to Vegas you’d have bankrupted me in a day.”

I wrinkle my nose at his negative but valid point. I was a terrible gambler, didn’t do it often but when I did I found it hard to stop. “I hate it when you’re right.”

“You must


He ducks before I whack him. “You cocky swine. You’ll get your day, but not a day before, Mr. Silver.”

“Of course, I gave you my word didn’t I? My word is my bondage.” He winks back at me.

“Impossible, controlling man.”

“That you adore with all your heart.”

“I do.”

“Getting some practice in guys?” Nathan jovially shouts out from across the room, slamming the door behind him and rushing up to pinch the remaining slice of cold toast from Seb’s desk. He kisses me on the cheek and congratulates us both once again.

I take a step back from Seb’s arms and smile at my future brother-in-law, he was dressed casually in jeans, converse and a leather jacket, cheeky grin in place but he looked tired as he flops down onto the sofa behind us.

“We don’t need practice, Na. What can we do for you? And don’t you knock?” Seb doesn’t take his eyes from my face. I can tell he is irritated by his brother’s interruption of our discussion.

“It’s what I can do for you, mate. And, yeah sorry about not knocking, didn’t know you were here Lu, forgot you were driving the R8 at the mo.” He winces and I shake my head.

“It’s fine, Nathan, honestly, I was just on my way out.”

“Ok? Don’t let me chase you off - I seem to be doing that a lot with you women these days. Obviously haven’t inherited my brother’s charm with the ladies.”

I choose to ignore his sulky words, I know he means Abby but now was not the time to discuss matters, so I return my gaze to Seb’s imploring chocolate orbs.

“Don’t go yet, Lu, please I have something to show you. What can you do for me, Na, out with it and quick?”

“Two words -
!” Na winks in my direction rubbing his hands together, a smile back on his cheeky face and I shake my head again at him. Men and their nights out.

“Right, I’ll take that as my cue to leave. Boy talk.”

“Na, wait there! Lu, I have something for you, round the back.”

“Is that code for something else, guys? I’ll leave and come back…” Na grins, holding his hands up in defeat.

“Nathan, seriously - shut the fuck up.” Seb admonishes.

Giggling I follow my man, through the back of the building out into the garage area, where he keeps the vehicles for staff, and trucks for jobs. “Before you go ballistic I didn’t do this lightly but I wanted you to be safe. I couldn’t take the risk that you would end up in the same position as last time and not be as protected as possible. I ordered it weeks ago and its only just landed this morning - bloody lead times on these new models is far too long.”

Confused I take his outstretched hand and then halt. In the centre of the spacious grey warehouse sits the most beautiful shiny new 4x4 all wrapped up with an enormous scarlet red bow.


“Don’t panic… I chose white - white for my bride to be, but we can swap it for any colour you wish…”

I can hear him rambling in the background, something about getting me a private plate in the future but for now he didn’t want to draw attention to me - seriously the car screamed attention, it was majestic! I can’t really compute his words, all I can focus on is the thought that has gone into this, and running a finger over the glossy paintwork, the stunning alloys, I have to close my gawping mouth. Finn would adore it!

“Its a G63 Mercedes Benz SUV, with….

“I know.”

“You do?”

“All the celebs have these. They are amazing but, Seb, I can’t keep this? It’s too much.”

“It bloody isn’t. Its safe, has all the mod-cons, state of the art video installed so we can trace any perpetrator if you are followed… again.”

I look at the beautiful shiny new car, click open the door and inhale the one in a million scent of a pristine new leather car seats, my mind wrestling with wanting to jump in the driver’s seat and press every button like a kid in a sweetshop and the flip side, that I’m independent and can buy my own car. Then I glance across to look at Seb, his jawline proud, brow furrowed in worry and I get it, get that he has not done this to control me but to ensure that I am safe. This was his way of trying to make up for the fact that he couldn’t stop the crash. That he couldn’t save our baby but he can try and protect me in the future.

My hand cups his face, stroking the fine stubble erupting there. “It wasn’t your fault, baby.”

“I know. But let me keep you safe. Let me do everything I can to protect you from here on out.”

I hold my hand out for the keys and nod, locking eyes with him and when he places them in my palm with a kiss I thank him wholeheartedly. There were times when you had to allow yourself to be cared for and this was one of them and my tummy bubbled with excitement at the thought of getting behind the wheel.

“What about all my things from the R8? I just need to get those.”

“I’ve already had them transferred.”

“Of course you have.” I smile. He always arranged everything, down to the last detail.

“Ralph will still be following you, Lu. No arguments.”

“I know.”

“Just for a while and when I think its necessary.”

“I know.”

“You’re Ok, with that?”

I am. I get it.

“Thank you.”

“What for?”
I should be the one thanking him, in more ways than one.

“For letting me care for you. I love you, baby.”

“I love you too.” I lean on tiptoes to kiss him again, earning us a wolf whistle from some of the lads in the warehouse.

Seb waves at them on a grin. “Right, let’s snip this bow off for you and get you to work before I ignore all the staff, my annoying brother and clients and I lay you down in your new car and christen the back seats.”


My journey to the office is tentative as I get to grips with the size and width of the Mercedes but by the time I swing in to park up at work, I have to concede that I feel 100% safer in a car of this magnitude. Everything about it felt robust. I wave out the window to Ralph as I head into the building and decide to forgo the lift for the stairs thinking about the assistance to my fitness levels it will bring each day.

Jackie is away from her desk when I enter, and Colin is on the phone but I wave in his direction before heading to flick the kettle on. I’m busy mulling over my morning emails when I see one that catches my eye. It’s from Chris and I frown.

Lucia Myers

Long time no see, Re: Gilded Fox

Chris Booth

Hi Lucia

We need to meet up you to discuss the final snagging list for The Gilded Fox before the launch party this Friday. We could meet on site and have lunch? If you could advise me what time suits you best on Thursday morning preferably.

Look forward to it,



Chris Booth

Project Manager

Silver Construction

Hmmm that didn’t seem so bad actually, very professional, friendly tone. I’m not sure why he was in charge again on site but friendly I could do and surely he knew about our engagement now? I reel off a quick response, saying I’ll meet him at 11am that day and then message the client to advise as to the progress.

Next thing on the never-ending list was operation Silver wedding and priority number one, ‘find-a-wedding-planner’. I do my research and find a few names, one keeps popping up. I’m about to make a call when my phone begins to ring. “What the hell?”
I grit my teeth in Colin’s direction and he smiles at me with an array of white teeth that would make Wallace and Grommet proud. “Don’t be mad.” He ducks awaiting my wraith. “Mendelssohn’s Wedding March is a classic! It’ll get you in the mood.”

“Leave my phone alone - its just put me in
mood. All I want to do is go away now.” All I want to do is go back to The Maldives and have an intimate ceremony for two on a beach and I haven’t even started with all the nonsense that goes with planning a big wedding.

I flick my hand at him in annoyance and he looks dutifully reprimanded, blowing me a kiss that can’t help but make me smile. I then pick up my phone and call Suzie, my sister would know who to get on the job, besides our parents. I needed an expert.

Twenty minutes later and Suzie has confirmed that ‘Divine Intervention’ is the best Wedding Consultation Agency in the area and after a quick call to the owner Ms. Divine, I am confident that I’ve made the right decision. The ‘Silver’ name certainly held prestige which helped when demanding such a quick turnaround and we arrange to meet at the Westbury Manor wedding Fair on Saturday. Finally I feel I can breathe a sigh of relief.

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