The O'Malley Brides (23 page)

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Authors: Stevie MacFarlane

BOOK: The O'Malley Brides
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Winston, you bad boy
are you checking out my ass?” Bridget replied, delighted.

“I most certainly am not,” Dell
informed her scowling as he unlocked
the door. 
“I’m just stating the obvious
Ms. O’Malley.  If you would dress appropriately for the weather conditions, maybe you wouldn’t be freezing your …a
derrière off.
  What are you doing here at this hou
r?  Where is Ms. Martinez?” he
asked as he methodically put his umbrella in the holder and hung up his coat in the closet.

“I’m not sure.  Nick called me this morning and asked me to cover for Tess this week.  I think she spen
t the night with Rory
, so she very well might need the rest of the week to recover,” Bridget giggled as she tossed her coat onto a chair.

Dell raised a disapproving eyebrow
as he picked up her coat and hung it neatly in the closet.  “Why aren’t you in school,
Ms. O’Malley?  Skipping class
again?” he inquired
, determined to see her in the very worst light.  Turning away from the closet
his eyes located Bridget bent over, unzipping her ridiculously high boots, her bottom displayed for anyone in the vicinity.

“I’m on break for Thanksgiving,” she informed him
puffing her golden hair out of her eyes as she struggled with the other boot.  Straightening up
she opened her back-pack and pulled out a pair of equally high red stilettos and slipped into them.   The black stockings, red and black plaid mini skirt and her red sweater all combined to make her look incredibly naughty. 

Winston noticed the red lipstick as she fluffed her
around her shoulders.  The
shoes boosted her height about six
, but she
was still far shorter than him.  As she approached him, he could feel himself start to perspire.

“I don’t always cut class
Winston.  Only when I get a better offer,” she told him with a wink. 

Watching her walk away was just as mesmerizing.  Her hips swayed and Dell wondered how he would survive the week.  Picking up his briefcase
he positioned it in front of him, hiding his reaction. 

“Why were you late today anyway, Winston?  I have it on good authority that y
ou are always on time.  Have a late
date last night?”  Bridget teased.  It really was too easy to get him flustered.

“I did not have a late date,” he emphatically informed her.  “I had the misfortune to be ticket
on my way to work.”

“Why Winston, I do declare,” Tess drawled in her best southern accent.  “The very idea that you would disparage the law in such a way, why it just shocks me to my very core,” Bridget continued talking over her shoulder as she strolled to the break room to put on the coffee.

“I’d like to shock you to your very core,” Winston mumbled. 

“Excuse me?” Bridget asked, leaning back to peek out of the doorway.  Her eyebrows wiggling suggestively, her smile brilliant.

Ms. O’Malley
I’ll be in my office,” Dell replied.  Inside his office he shut the door firmly and leaned against it.  A whole week with Bridget O’
was in deep shit.





Chapter 13




morning went by
smoothly.  Nick stopped in to pick up some files.  He would be in court most of the day then picking up his kids after sch
ool.  He spoke briefly with Bridget
, inquiring if she knew anyone trustworthy that would be interested in taking over Tess’s second job.  Rory hadn’t definitely said that Tess would be giving up the nanny position, but Nick knew him well enough to see the writing on the wall.  Rory would want to spend every available minute with Tess and her working two jobs would not cut it.

borrowed Dell’s car, against his better judgment and went out to pick up lunch.  Sitting in the break room, they had what Dell considered their first normal conversation.  Bridget talked about her huge family and how
loud and difficult
all those personalities could be
when they all got together
.  She loved them all, bu
t at times
longed for a little peace and quiet. 

This surprised Dell. 
Bridget seeme
d the quintessential party girl, f
ull of laughter, vitality and just plain
.  She was
beautiful, of that there was no doubt.  Her green eyes danced when she was happy.  Her compact little body appealed to Dell in a protective kind of way which was ridiculous.  He’d never met a girl less in need of protecting.  More likely
everyone in a five mile radius of Bridget O’Malley should be wrapped in bubbles
She was a whirlwind of determination, apparently incredibly spoiled and sorely in
need of guidance.  Her brother
s must be blind or immune to her shenanigans.  He imagined under her yearbook picture t
he words: Least Likely to Conform

Bridget listened closely as Dell described his childhood.  An only child of older parents, Dell was expected to be perfect. 
It sounded like a lonely existence to her. 
A long line of wealthy influential people dotted his family
history.  He had friends and
a girlfriend or two along the
but no one specia
l.  Right now a relationship was low on his list of priorities.  Passing the bar and getting established in practice was foremost in his plans.  Inadvertently
Dell mentioned that his parents were traveling in Europe and Bridget immediately invited him to Thanksgiving dinner at her parents.
Trying to backtrack, Dell fabricated an invitation to a friend’s home, but Bridget wasn’t having it.  Taking a scrap of paper
she wrote down her parents address and slapped it in front of him with the words “Be there” and went off to answer the phone. 

Yes, little Miss Bossy-Pants was used to getting her own way.  It might be fun to see her in her natural habitat
Dell conceded with a smile.  Maybe seeing how her family dealt with her would give him some pointers for future reference.  Not that he intended to have much to do with Bridget if he could help it.  She may be beautiful, but that kind of trouble he didn’t need.

The afternoon was busy and Dell spent most of it on the phone.  Finally getting a break
he leaned back
in his chair and contemplated how
he could fight this morning’s ticket.  His office door was open and he could hear the phone on Tess’s desk ringing insistently.

“Ms. O’Malley, are you going to answer the phone?” he called out
.  Bridget didn’t answer, but the ringing stopped and Dell sighed.  Maybe he should just send the damn ticket in and pay the fine. 

The phone began ringing again and Dell checke
d to see if both lines were lit
up.  No
only one line so where in the hell was she.

Bridget appeared in his doorway.  “Could you grab that?” she asked wiggling her fingers.  “My nails are wet,” she stated unapologetically with a grin.

Dell scowled and snatched up the phone eying Bridget’s bright red nails
with disapproval.  Bridget pou
ted for a moment
, blew
him a kiss and walked away as he dealt with the client on the phone.  After hanging up
he leaned back in his chair debating whether to bother scolding her about her inappropriate behavior
when she reappeared in his doorway.  Slipping her shoes off
Bridget centered her back to the door frame and began to wiggle.

What in the hell are you doing now, Ms. O’Malley?” he demanded, trying not to notice her gyrations. 

“I have an itch and I can’t scratch it,” Bridget replied.  “Can you get it for me?” she pleaded prettily.

“I most certainly will not,” Dell answered, beginning to sweat.  No way did he have any intention of touching her body, even in the most innocent way.

“Please Winston?  It’s driving me crazy and my nails are still wet,” she begged walking over to his desk.  Moving next to him behind the desk she leaned over, her hands splayed out of the flat surface, her bottom wiggling

Dell groaned inwardly and stood, gingerly using his fingers to lightly move her sweater around.

“No Winston, under the sweater, it’s not helping that way
,” she ordered softly.

Sliding his hand under her sweater, he brushed her bottom moving upward until warm skin met his fingertips.  Lightly he began to scratch her as she continued to issue orders,

“No hard
er, a little to the left;
no, back to the right.  Oh, that’s good,” she moaned.
  “Now a little lower please. Mmm,
yes, right there.  That feels wonderful
Winston,” she sighed, her hips swaying side to side.  “You have great hands.”

As hard as Dell tried
he could not make himself remove his hand from under her sweater.  Bridget
skin was so warm a
nd silky,
her perfume so sweet he never wanted to breathe anything else again.  Stepping behind her
he slid his other hand under her sweater and began to caress her shoulders
.  Gently he covered her entire back, stroking the smooth skin while Bridget moaned appreciatively, her bottom pressed firmly against him.  His hands slid down her sides, brushing her breasts before he encircled her waist pulling her upright and back against him.

Bridget’s head fell back as he worked his way up to her breasts, cupping them firmly, testing their weight in his hands.  H
is thumbs repeatedly brushed the
poking through her lace bra
and she arched her back giving him better access.  Winston lowered his head, kissing her neck.  Hell, this man was no virgin, Bridget thought.  This was too damn good.  Oh well, she smiled as her knee
went wea
k and she sagged in his arms.

Dell turned her around and picked her up by her waist, setting her on his desk.  Stepping between her knees, he splayed a large hand over her ass and pulled her tightly to him
papers flying everywhere.  His other hand tipped her head back and held it as his lips settled over hers.  Fire raced through his veins as his cock pressed against her heated core.  Little breathy sighs and moans escaped from her lips, the sound driving him crazy.  Dell wanted nothing more than to tear off her stockings, lower his zipper and bury himself inside her. 

Then everything went to hell.  The phone started ringing, Dell heard Nick’s voice calling out for Bridget to look for a file he had misplaced.  The other line began ringing in harmony with the first
and Caitlin demanded to know where Aunt Bridget was. 

Bridget was sitting on his desk, refusing to let go of him and crying out in frustration. 

Dell picked her up and pulled down her sweater so fast it made her dizzy.  Plopping into his chair he tried to straighten his desk at the same time he pushed her away with a swat to her butt hissing, “Put your shoes on and pull yourself together.”

Stumbling to her shoes, she slipped them on and tried to make sense of her hair.  Signaling frantically to Winston she pointed to his face, miming lipstick around his lips. 

Dell pulled the handkerchief out of his pocket and wiped his mouth, an eyebrow shooting up in question at Bridget. 

you got it all
she nodded.  For some reason it was
difficult for her to focus.  Had
slapped her ass?  Could she have made a giant error in judgment and set her sights on a man simila
r to her brother’s?  Impossible!
Winston was…well a nerd, bless his heart. Far hotter and more experienced than she hoped for, but a nerd just the same.  Today must have been a fluke obviously inspired by her extraordinary hotness, she grinned, at peace with her world once again.

Winking at his disgruntled expression, Bridget waked out of his office calling for Caitie.


Dell stayed in his office for the rest of the afternoon with the door firmly closed.  He definitely owed Ms. O’Malley an apology as well as an explanation for his appalling lack of judgment.  Granted
she was a sexy little thing, but far from what he w
as looking for
a mate… if
looking, which he wasn’t
Thanking his lucky stars for the interruption, he did some of his own filing to keep occupied.  He’d like to think that had they not been disturbed, he would have, at some point, been able to control his baser instincts.  He’d like to think that very much. 

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