The O'Malley Brides (22 page)

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Authors: Stevie MacFarlane

BOOK: The O'Malley Brides
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Tess fell asleep smiling, she
stirred while he was gently washing the sweat from her face.  After removing her pacifier
he cleaned her pussy, bottom and thighs before washing the toys in the bathroom.  Back in bed he pulled her close to his chest
spooning her.  Although hard again, Rory ignored his desires knowing she needed rest.  There would be endless nights to indulge in the things he wanted to show Tess, teach Tess.  She had surrendered to him beautifully. 

Most of the problems they would encounter would be in her mind, not
the r
esponse of her body.  She
had been a participant in her own ravishing, a good sign, and he intended to ravish her frequently.  Over time he would stretch out her little ass to accommodate
him, but he was in no hurry, content to enjoy each step in her submission. 

Rory had no desire for a slave,
a totally compliant woman who would simply bow to his instructions.  It meant much more to him to win her with pleasure, push her limits and enjoy the trip.  It occurred to him that most of the women in his life, women he loved
were independent and feisty.   Tess occasionally stood up for herself but most of the time she seemed somewhat frightened of offending others.  Although he was clearly demanding in the bedroom, he fully expected her to be an equal partner in all other ways.  As long as her safety and security wasn’t at stake,
she would be free to make her own decisions.  If it was something that affected them both, he would listen to her opinions and hopefully they c
ould compromise, if not, the final
decision would be his as head of his household. 

Rory pulled Tess’s bottom snuggly back against his hard on.  In theory he had it all worked out, whether things would go as smoothly in reality he had no clue.  Closing his eyes, Rory drifted off to sleep.  Tomorrow he would settle things with Tess, permanently.




Chapter 12




Tess woke slowly, the smell of coffee enticing her to open her eyes.  Stretching
she was amazed that her muscles were
t protesting.  Gingerly getting out of bed
she made her way to the bathroom
glad to have a few minutes of privacy to take care of things.  Brushing her teeth
she avoided looking at herself in the mirror.  Embarrassment flooded through her as she remembered all they had done last night. 

At first she tried to convince herself that she had not exactly been a willing participant.  Rory had certainly taken firm control, but her own sense of fairness forced her to admit that she had she come willingly to his bed.  Tess figured she had come more times last night than she had
with her little toy
in the last year
, maybe longer

owerful and dominant
he had driven her to ma
dness.  T
hat was the only explanation she w
as willing to entertain for her uncharacteristic behavior.  When she thought of the places his lips had touched, the things his long fingers had done…and Dios, that pacifier, it was all she could do not to try to sneak from the house.  Surely
he would not want her now that she had become a wanton slut.  In her mind, there was no other name, no other way for her to describe herself.  No normal woman would allow a man to do such things to her.  Even now, just thinking about it, Tess could feel heat spreading through her tummy as moisture welled from her lower lips. 

And the spanking, Tess thought, reaching back
cautiously and
lightly clutching her bottom.  Turning
she looked over her shoulder into the mirror, her barely pink cheeks surprising her.  She expected to see a much redder bottom and
intended to call him out on it.  This blushing bottom showed no signs of abuse.  No bruises marred her skin and the warmth that remained seemed comforting somehow.  How could a woman complain that she had been wronged when she had screamed her desire and
pleasure in hoarse throaty howls
?  Where was the evidence that he had mistreated her?  Certainly n
ot in the condition of her body—a
little whisker burn on her shoulder and between her thighs?  Slightly swollen nipples? 
Washing quickly
Tess put on
an over-sized tee from her bag along with a clean pair of panties and ran to the bed.  Pulling the covers over her breasts she waited

Rory was
whistling when he entered the bedroom moments later.  Sitting beside her on the bed he leaned over and kissed Tess before handing her a coffee.

“Morning Babe, be careful it’s hot,” he told her, not missing the fact that she was now dressed and huddled under the covers.

, thank
you,” Tess murmured,
taking a sip.  Grateful to have something to do with her hands that did not include f
idgeting with the covers,
she held the cup in both hands.

“I hope you’re not wearing panties in my bed
Tess.  It would not be a good way to start the day

Rory stated calmly, fixing her with his cool blue eyes.

Tess tried to stare him down, her chocolate brown eyes flashing in annoyance.  Her lips were pressed firmly together and she was holding her own until the corner of his mouth twitched and his eyebrow rose in challenge.  She got the distinct impression that he would heartily enjoy
enforcing his edict
in the most basic of ways,
her bottom over his knees.  Huffing
she put her coffee cup into his outstretched hand.  Under the covers
she wiggled out of her panties.  Rory handed her back her cup and smiled.

“Good girl,” he said approvingly.

Taking the cup in one hand, Tess whipped her panties at his head.  Snagging them out of midair, Rory brought them to his face and sniffed deeply. 

“Sweet,” he declared, laughing when Tess blushed fiercely and dropped her chin to her chest, refusing to make eye contact. 
Rory allowed her several minutes to pout before his finger lifted her chin.  “Babe,” he gently chided.  “Talk to me.  What’s going on in that beautiful head of yours?”  When Tess didn’t respond, Rory took the cup from her hand and set both drinks on the nightstand.  Pulling back the covers he slipped in beside her, moving her toward the middle of the bed. 

ess, trying to remain stiff and cold was turned on her side, her head was pulled down onto his chest and her leg arranged over his pelvis, inches from his rapidly hardening cock. 
arm around her slid down and cupped her bottom, forcing her
bare pussy snuggly against his h

“Now, let’s get to the bottom of this, shall we?” he asked, patting her behind firmly.  “Obviously there is something on your mind and I’d just as soon get it out in the open. 
Why don’t you tell Daddy all about it
hum?” he asked chuckling.

Tess snorted.  “You are about as far from acting like a ‘Daddy’ as you can get,” she huffed.

Now, now, don’t be so quick to make up your mind.  I can rock you to sleep anytime you want and I did buy you a pacifier,” he reminded her
kissing the top of her head.  “Maybe you need a Daddy to keep you in line.”

stop teasing me,” Tess insisted, giving him a jab with her elbow.   “I already feel bad enough about the way I behaved last night without you putting any more naughty ideas into my mind.”

“What do you mean you feel bad about the way you behaved?  What exactly do you think you did that was so wrong?” Rory asked mystified.

“I let you do things that were
…, Rory
normal people do not engage in the things we did last night and I am sure normal women do not enjoy that sort of thing.  There must be something wrong with me,” she said sadly.  “I think in my heart, I must be a slut and just did not know it.”

Rory covered his laugh the best he
could with a cough.  “Tess, Babe
, first of all you did not let me do anything to you.  I took what I wanted, did what I wanted, it’s as simple as that.  Secondly, don’t ever let me hear you refer to yourself in such a derogatory manner.  You are a beautiful, warm and loving woman.  There is not one thing I would change about you. 
Do you understand me?”

“Yes, but Rory, I am so ashamed,” Tess confessed with a whimper.

“What could you possibly be ashamed of?  You were wonderful.”

“I enjoyed it,” she whispered so softly he had to bend his head to hear her

The fear that Rory had refused to acknowledge
melted and piercing joy flow
d through him.  She enjoyed it!
It couldn’t get any better than this.  He wanted to shout in triumph.  All along he’d known last night was a risk.  Despite having Tess in his bed, claiming her
lovely body, challenging her preconceived ideas of making love
and watching her explode over and over again in his arms, there was always the chance that she would wake up this morning and walk out of his life. 
He realized he might not have been able to let her go.  Rory knew from
experience that sometimes the protector evolved into the predator given the right set of circumstances.  It was hard to imagine himself as a criminal, but not impossible.  Would he have kept her by force?  At least for a time
trying to convince her that he was her man?  Sweet relief
warmed his heart.  Turning to face her, Rory kissed her tears away.

, there is absolutely nothing for you to be ashamed of.  Last night was the best night of my life.  You have no idea what it means to me to have you say you enjoyed it.  There is nothing I want more than to bring you pleasure.  Trust me
if you’re truly afraid or in pain, I’ll know it.  I will never take you farther than you can go and above all I will treasure you always.  Nothing that two people in love do to pleas
e each other is dirty or wrong
and certainly nothing to be ashamed of. 
And if you ever refer to yourself as a slut again, I will paddle your behind.  Do you understand?”

.  H
er heart
beating like a captured bird.  Everything Rory said made sense.  Logic told her that she was acting like a repressed schoolgirl.  It was not that she had not heard of strange bedroom behavior, she just assumed it was only porn stars that really indulged in this type of sex. 

Now she knew differently
.  S
he had experienced it for herself.  Frightening, exciting, thrilling
Rory was all of these things, but best of all he was hers.

“Yes, I understand,” Tess answered breathlessly as her arms slid around his neck.  “I will let you lead me Rory, and try to be good.”

“Don’t be too good,” Rory groaned into her mouth.  “I sure do like spanking you pretty ass.”



Bridget stood in front of the law office shivering.  Checking her wat
ch she saw that it was exactly nine
.  Where the fuck was Winston?  He was never late.  Wishing she had worn pants ins
tead of a mini skirt
she huddled
farther into the little alcove.  Yesterday it had been sixty-eight degrees, today forty.  Ne
ver trust an upstate weatherman.
November in New York you could be skiing or enjoying the sun.  You guess which one.  Jesus, where was Winston?

Speaking of the devil, Winston
walked up the alley from the parking lot behind the office.  Bridget watched as he walked to the sidewalk and
across to the walk l
ading to the building.  God forbid he should cut across the lawn.

ay up the walk Dell
spotted Bridget and stopped.
Good grief, the day was just starting and already this
he thought.  It was bad enough to get pul
led over and given a ticket, now
he would have to deal with Ms. O’Malley.

“Hurry up Winston, I’m freezing,” Bridget called out
hands stuffed into the pockets of her jacket.

“I’m coming,” Dell called back.  Serves her right, he thought.  “If you wo
uldn’t insist on wearing skirts
that barely cover

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