The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone (73 page)

BOOK: The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone
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I paused. “I beat him to a pulp and then shot him in the head” I told him bluntly.

We were quiet for a moment. “How do you feel?” he asked quietly.

I paused to contemplate his question. “Relieved, sad . . . free,” I disclosed honestly and he puffed.

“Oh princess, I wish I was there for you,” he choked.

“It’s over George; after five long fucking years. Katie’s pain has gone now.” I knew this man understood what I was saying and feeling.

“Oh god, sweetheart.” His voice broke with emotion and then his sobs broke free.

I remained silent while he put his own demons to rest, finally letting go of the heartache he had felt for my years of torture. His love for me had made him take on my grief and pain. “I love you George,” I whispered.

He sighed heavily. “Oh, Princess. Do you know how proud I am of you? You have grown into a beautiful, strong woman and now you can start rebuilding everything you put on hold whilst you needed to avenge Katie’s death.”

I smiled, “It’s all down to you George, if you hadn’t . . . if you . . .” I couldn’t answer as my own voice broke.

“Ava, you are the one who brought
back to life, not the other way around. You gave me something to live for, the daughter I never had. You gave me your love graciously and freely and I want to thank you for that, so much Ava. I love you Princess.”

He swallowed heavily and I smiled. “George, you are the most important thing in my life. You supported me, dragged me up and didn’t take any shit from me. And believe me, the girl I was back then, you were exactly what I needed. Now it’s over I want you to start living life over there. Lots of sun, sand and sex George . . . promise me.”

He chuckled. “Oh I can promise you that, Ava. I’m already there sweetheart. At the moment I am laid next to a very beautiful, very naked 26 year old Portuguese girl who is staring at me like I’m crazy, and she may be fucking right.”

I laughed heartily. “God bless you, George. I shall leave you to your loving and I’ll ring you soon.”

He laughed. “Okay. You take care and I love you very much.”

“I love you too, George.”

Disconnecting the call I quickly replied to a text I had received from Brian asking if I was okay as he’d heard what happened today.

Sitting back on the lounger I studied a brick building across the lawn. Through the window I could see a pattern of blue lights dancing and flashing. My curiosity peaked, sending me to investigate. I was stunned when I opened the door to a pool house. It was tranquillity in itself with clean white tiles. The moonlight shone through the window and bounced off the water, presenting blue twirling lights across the starkness of the cold walls.

I walked to the edge of the pool and sat down, rolled my jeans up and dipped my toes in surprised to find the water warm and refreshing. Leaning back on my hands, I sighed and tilted my head back, staring at the pirouetting patterns on the roof as they held my gaze and memorised me.

The water was shouting to me, tickling my feet in a promise of how refreshing and stimulating it would be and I took a glance around. Kerrie and Kade had gone to bed and the pool was secluded and private. The vodka had lowered my inhibitions so I stood and stripped, only to realise I hadn’t dressed with underwear. I chewed my lip, wondering if it would seem rude to skinny dip in my host’s pool but shrugged and dove in before I changed my mind.

As soon as my body hit the water, my muscles sang their appreciation. I surfaced, took a deep breath and dived back under. The tonic of the warm crisp water revitalised me immediately and I stretched my limbs in pleasure as I rose to the edge and kicked back, swimming with ease and fluency.

After doing a couple of lengths I pulled myself over to the side and rested my elbows on the edge as I kicked my legs and body out straight behind me, letting them float on the surface of the water while I regarded a beautiful wall painting on the back wall.

It was of a mermaid swimming gracefully under the sea surrounded by thousands of tiny multi-coloured fish who were adoring her, the beauty of the mermaid was stunning and reminded me of Kerrie. I gasped when I realised that was exactly who the painter of this mural had replicated.

“Beautiful,” I breathed.

“Very,” came a voice from behind me.

I squealed, dropping myself back in the water to cover my nakedness.

Kade was sat on a chair at the far end of the pool watching me with a huge grin and a gleam in his eyes.


“HOW LONG HAVE you been there?” I asked nervously, nibbling furiously on my finger.

He stood and slowly strolled to the edge of the pool towards me. “Long enough to see how fucking beautiful you are, Ava.”

I swallowed heavily as he grabbed the edge of his T-shirt and lifted it over his head to reveal lean, hard muscles that took my breath and made my core clench in admiration. His eyes held mine as he popped each button on his jeans and slid them down his legs.

“W . . . W. .what are you doing, Ka . . . ?” I asked quietly but lost my voice when I saw his thick wide thighs and the man trail that tracked down under his shorts. I swear to god I tried to swallow the groan that threatened to roll from me but the damn thing just escaped. As soon as it left my lips Kade’s eyes darkened and his tongue sneaked out, sweeping over his bottom lip.

I closed my eyes and pushed myself against the pool wall. “K. .K.ade,” I rasped.
Damn it!
“Kade,” I tried again. “You shouldn’t come in here . . . I need . . .” Swallow again. “ . . . I n . . . n. .eed a towel.”

A curl lifted one side of his lips as he reached down and slipped his shorts off. “Oh no, no, no.” I gulped trying to keep my gaze on his face but my damned eyes seemed to have a mind of their own.

His grin grew even stronger as if he sensed my eyes mutiny. I groaned again as they won and dropped to his groin. His thick hard erection was standing up firmly, pulsing and swollen against his belly.

“Fuck, Kade,” I breathed and closed my eyes.

I heard a splash and whipped them open as he surfaced in front of me. He swept his wet hair over his forehead and placed both hands on the rim of the pool either side of me. “Oh God Kade, no . . . we can’t,” I begged and turned to pull myself out but his hands gripped my waist and spun me back round.

His eyes pierced mine as he shook his head slowly. “We both want this, Ava. Don’t deny it,” he rasped as his lips grazed my jaw.

I whimpered as he ground his erection into my mound, sliding it between my thighs as it stroked along my groove, rubbing at my clit and sending fire through my womb.

I clenched my teeth, hissing air in desperately. My whole body was screaming for release, I was so turned on; one touch would detonate me violently.

“Kade, please,” I choked.

He palmed the side of my head as his mouth crashed down on mine. He demanded submission in a hungry, needy kiss. I whimpered again as I felt my restraint drown in the pool water.

His hand cupped my breast, kneading it roughly and tweaking my nipple hard. “Shit,” I hissed under his mouth.

A groan rumbled in the back of his throat. “You like it rough, Ava? Is pain what turns you on?”

I moaned again as he bit down on my shoulder while his cock rubbed backward and forwards across my sex. “Fuck, you’re gonna make me come before I’m even inside you.”

My hands slid down behind him cupping his toned arse, pulling him further into me as I submitted to him and kissed him back fiercely. “Oh fuck, yes,” he snarled as his other hand slid behind me, cupping my backside harshly. His fingers dug in to my flesh, making me suck in his tongue and work it with my own.

His fingers continued their rough worship on my stiff nipples, rolling and pinching them severely. My head dropped back as his mouth trailed down my neck, his tongue and teeth joining in the fun until he reached my ready nipples and took one in his mouth, sucking it greedily as his fingers slid under the water and down my stomach, tracing butterfly touches on their way to my pussy.

He didn’t mess about, plunging two fingers into me immediately. I cried out at the sensation, the desperate need in me had me grinding onto his hand, pumping myself wantonly and unabashedly up and down as his teeth grazed my nipple and I felt the pressure build.

I whimpered as his fingers left me and both hands settled on my waist, lifting me and perching me on the edge of the pool. His eyes were dark and hooded.

“Open up, Ava. I need to see your cunt.” He gripped my thighs and pulled them wide open. “Fuck! So beautiful,” he groaned. “Let’s see if you taste as good as you look.”

I moaned loudly and placed my hands behind me as he propped my feet on the rim of the pool, opening me wider for him. His head came down and his tongue swept the length of me causing me to jerk my hips.

“Keep still,” he growled and god damn it, his demand made my pussy flood with my arousal. “You taste fucking sweet Ava, like honey but oh so much you, husky and heady. I want your cum in my mouth.”

I bit my lip as he sucked at my clit and his fingers slid back into me. “
” I panted, grinding myself on his mouth.

“Ask me, Ava,” he snarled and I moaned loudly. “Ask me!” he ordered.

“Make me come Kade, please,” I begged. He curled his fingers into my front wall and bit tenderly on my clit.

“Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!” I cried, lifting my hips higher into him and flooded his mouth with my orgasm, exploding around his fingers as every single muscle in my body clenched tight and screamed with pleasure.

He slowed his movements and worked me through it then braced the edge of the pool and lifted himself up, resting a knee each side of mine so his cock was in my face.

“I wanna fuck your mouth, Ava,” he growled through clenched teeth. “Suck me,” he demanded. I responded immediately grasping his length as I flicked his slit with my tongue, making him hiss. “Take me in.” He gripped my hair and pulled me gently nearer to him. I obliged, opening wide and taking his huge shaft between my lips. He groaned loudly and his knees buckled slightly as he gripped my hair, twisting it round his fingers.

I worked him savagely, grating my teeth along him as one hand embraced his cock and the other slipped round to grip his backside. “Fuck yeah, blow me Ava.”

I moaned as his words worked me into a fever and as it vibrated through him he yanked my hair and thrust into my mouth so far I had to quickly loosen my throat to take him without gagging but he groaned and pulled back.

Sitting back on his heels he wrapped an arm around my waist and lifted me. “Wrap your legs around me, Ava.”

I did as he asked, clamping them firmly around his waist, locking them behind him whilst my arms settled around his neck.

He placed a hand between us and positioned himself at my entrance and in one swift, forceful thrust of his hips impaled me, stretching me wide and full. “
he rasped and I grunted loudly.

He remained motionless for a few seconds before he placed his hands under my bottom and lifted me up to the very tip of him then slammed me back down. “
Oh my God!”
I cried.

“You feel fucking crazy, Ava. I knew you’d grip me tight,” he growled and repeated his last action, the process made him hit the entrance to my womb and I cried out each time. “Do you like it hard, Ava?” he grated through clenched teeth and I nodded.

“Yes! Fuck me hard, Kade. God! I need it brutal.”

He gripped my hair roughly, yanking my face to his. He sped up and lifted his hips to thrust into me harder on each plunge down. “Like. That. Ava?” he snarled between each powerful thrust.

His mouth settled on my nipple and bit down. I gripped his hair, yanking at it in my intense arousal.

We were both moaning and groaning loudly, our noises bounced off the walls echoing every erotic sound and I could imagine that this is what an orgy would sound like.

I opened my eyes as he bit the flesh beside my nipple and then softly suckled the area, tenderly nursing the sore spot. My eyes focused out of the window and I frowned at a silhouette stood in the light from the kitchen window. I squinted to get a better view and to my horror the figure turned towards us and started walking towards the pool house.

“SHIT!! MASON’S COMING” I shouted and shot off him. “Fuck, what have we done?” I cried in horror as I slid round the edge of the pool and skidded to a halt beside my clothes, cursing as I struggled to pull my jeans over my dripping legs.

Scrambling to pull my T-shirt over my head I scowled at Kade, who was sat leisurely at the edge of the pool swirling his toes in the water.

“Kade!” I hissed but he didn’t look at me. I spotted a back door behind him and ran round the pool in a frantic effort to escape.

He caught my wrist as I hurried past him, pulling me to a stop. His eyes penetrated me. I gasped at the hurt, longing and something else I couldn’t recognise displayed on his face. “Kade?”

He swallowed heavily. “Ava I . . . I . . .” he choked and I shook my head feverishly, not wanting to admit to what was exposed on his face.

“Kade,” I cupped his face tenderly. “I have to go, if he finds us here he will kill you.”

He sucked in his lips. “Can I see you again?”

I quickly stole a glance through the window and saw Mason getting closer. “I can’t Kade, I . . .” He looked away. My heart was screaming at me. “Okay, I’ll ring you,” I conceded. His eyes snapped to mine, a huge grin broke out on his face which produced my own.

“I’ve got to go,” I croaked. He let go of me and I rushed to the door, slipping through it. I just managed to pull it shut behind me as I heard Mason enter the pool house.

I stood listening for a while. “Oh, hey Kade,” Mason said and then laughed. “Are you naked in there?” he laughed again as Kade spoke.

“Don’t tell Kerrie, she’ll kill me.”

I looked around me and realised I was in a changing area.

“Have you seen Ava? I can’t find her?” Mason asked.

“I take it Kerrie rang you then?” He sighed loudly, “I think she went for a walk.”

Kade coughed slightly and there was a silent pause. “Oh yeah, sorry mate. I’ll leave you to it.”

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