The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone (72 page)

BOOK: The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone
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Finding my phone on the hallway table I shoved it in my pocket and ran from the house before he decided to come in search of me.

I ran for a long time, not sure or caring what direction I was going in or where I ended up.

Leaning on a pub bench, my lungs bursting and screaming at me to stop, I took huge gulps and phoned Courtney. After trying three times and getting her voicemail I realised I was in deep shit. No bag meant no purse which meant no money for a taxi. “Shit!”

I sat on the bench racking my brain for a solution when my phone rang; “Hey Ava, its Kerrie.”

A drunken group exited the pub, laughing and joking loudly. “Hey Gorgeous, you waiting for me?” A teenage drunken dickhead asked, perusing me up and down. I smiled sweetly but shook my head at him.

“Ava, where are you?” Kerrie asked.

“I’m not sure. Outside a pub called the blue bull somewhere.”

The leery dude was walking towards me now; his toothy grin gave me the creeps. “Back off pal,” I warned. He hesitated, debating whether I was worth it or not.

“Me and Mason had a row . . . again!” I told Kerrie still glaring at the bloke.

“Ava, you can’t be on your own after the stuff that’s gone down today. I‘11send Kade to fetch you.”


“No Kerrie, I’m fine, honest” I urged. “Try it” I snapped at the lad who was now getting closer. I gave him my evil glare but he didn’t see it as his gaze was locked onto my chest.

“Ava, Kade’s on his way for you, he said he’ll be 5 minutes.”


“Kerrie, I said I was okay.” I stood up and swapped my phone into my left hand, ready to floor the guy if he got any closer. I raised my eyebrows at him, challenging him but his mates came forward.

“Craig, come on, leave her,” a blonde haired guy advised from behind. However, dickhead either didn’t hear him or didn’t care as he carried on stalking towards me.

I smiled to myself.
Just what I need!

My fist was preparing itself and the adrenalin was starting to flow through my veins, excitement filling me at the prospect of getting out some of the anger still coursing through me, motivating me to take a step closer to him.

“Ava, what’s happening?” I could hear Kerrie’s’ anxiousness, “Kade should be there soon Ava, keep calm.”

I laughed. “Kerrie it’s not me who needs to keep calm, it’s you that’s worried,” I chuckled.

“What you got for me honey?” the leery dickhead smirked.

I gave him my sweetest smile. “Come and find out
I mocked.

“Ava?” Kerrie asked nervously.

“Hey, Kerrie I’m good. I’m just gonna pop you in my pocket for a minute, hun,” I informed her and slid my phone onto lock as I heard her shout me.

I stood and cocked my head, crooking my finger at him. He grinned, a huge Cheshire cat grin and stalked towards me . . . I let him. He approached me, stood directly in front of me and swept a nicotine stained finger down my cheek.

I smiled at him and placed my hand over his. “You wanna go round the back, gorgeous?” he slurred.

Wrapping my fingers around his, I smiled sweetly, and then bent his finger backwards, nearly snapping it in two. “Ouch, you bitch. Let me go,” he yelled.

I sighed broadly. “Don’t fucking touch me again. Last warning pal, go home!” I growled but he laughed cockily, raising his eyebrows at me.

Kerrie was still screaming at me from my pocket.

“Oh yeah, and what you gonna do little girl?” he laughed.

I sighed again, shaking my head at his stupidity. “Now, I did give you a warning didn’t I? I’m sure I did.”

His left hand shot out towards my neck. I caught it, wrapping my fingers around his wrist and dug my nails into his flesh. “Fuck me!” he growled and I tutted at him.

“Now, now,” I chastised and leant into him, whispering in his ear. “If you don’t want your mates to see you get whipped by a girl then I suggest you fuck off and leave me alone.”

He curled his lip at me. “Fine, just let me go bitch,” he surrendered. I smiled and let go of his wrist and tapped him on the cheek.

“Good boy,” I winked.

He turned round, took a step forward and then flew round aiming a fist at my face. I caught his forearm, pulled his arm around his back and slammed him face first into the wall with my knee pressed firmly into the top of his skinny thigh.

“Now you’re pissing me off!” I yelled. “Don’t fucking piss me off anymore . . . not tonight!”

“I’d take her advice mate if I were you,” a voice rumbled from behind us. I turned to see Kade stood watching us. In each hand he had a mate of Craig’s grasped by the back of their shirts, holding them back. “Hello sweetheart,” he grinned at me, a knicker dropping grin I might add.

“Good evening, sir.” I grinned back and pulled dickhead off the wall. “Now, if you want your bollocks to stay attached to your dick I would walk away now,” I advised and flung him away with ease. I hated skinny little dicks.

“Fuck you,” he snarled. Kade pushed his two mates toward him and they all walked off, still shouting abuse until they disappeared.

Kade shook his head at me and sighed. “I can’t leave you alone for two minutes without you attacking someone,” he scolded teasingly and I beamed at him.

“Thank you for the help,” I said honestly and he nodded.

“Don’t think you would have needed it though.” He winked and took a step towards me.

I held up a finger to halt him and fished Kerrie back out of my pocket, “Hey, you still there?” I asked. She gave me her wrath; how stupid I was, how I should have waited inside until Kade got there, how I shouldn’t pick fights with guys.

I stood smiling as she raged. “Okay, I’m sorry,” I lied, smiling at Kade as he laughed. “I promise I won’t do it again,” I reassured her.

“Right, that’s okay then. Listen Kade’s bringing you back here,” she notified.

My eyes widened. “No Kerrie, he can drop me at home,” I replied, walking towards Kade’s car and sitting in the passenger seat.

“Oh no you don’t Ava, Kade knows I’ll kill him if he doesn’t bring you back here. You are not gonna be alone tonight.”

“Kerrie please, I’ll be fine at home,” I urged and Kade narrowed his eyes on me.

“You are coming back to ours,” he snapped as he climbed in the driver’s seat beside me. I shook my head rapidly, glaring at him but he just glared back and pulled off.

“Right, sorted,” Kerrie said. “I’ll see you in five. Coffee or alcohol?”

I smiled. “Definitely alcohol and lots of it,” I sighed.

“Okay, see you soon.” she ended the call. I slid it back into my pocket where it alerted me to a text. Removing it again I glanced at it.


Ava please, we need to talk. Where are you?

I love you so much, please baby xxxxx

I sighed and shut it off; I didn’t want to deal with it all. Tonight I just wanted to get raging drunk and forget every damn thing.

Kade glanced at me then my phone. “You okay?” he asked softly. I nodded and turned to the window, watching the world go by. I felt Kade’s hand slip over mine on my lap and grasp it as he softly ran his thumb across my palm. “Who was he?” he asked softly.

I turned to look at him. “Someone from my past. He . . . he torched my best friend,” I told him, only giving him half the story.

He hissed through his teeth at my confession. “You can talk to me, Ava.” I glanced at him again and he held a serious expression. “I mean it, I’m here if you need it. That’s all, just to listen.” He smiled softly. I nodded and looked away.

We stayed silent for the rest of the journey and eventually pulled into a driveway on a tree lined street.

On exiting the car the front door of a simple yet stunning detached house opened and Kerrie stood smiling at me. I approached her and she remained still, regarding me intently but then seemed to clear her head and moved away, signalling for me to follow.

We entered into a huge open plan room decorated in soft warm colours. A large kitchen area was situated at the back of the room with an open staircase leading to an upper level. “Wow, this is stunning,” I admired.

She smiled softly. “All Kade’s work,” she grinned and I turned to him.

“Nice,” I smiled and he shrugged.

“Thanks.” He seemed nervous to have me there and I frowned.

“Vodka, Ava?” Kerrie asked from behind me. I gave her a ‘God yes’ smile.

“Of course,” I scoffed and she giggled, such a tiny sweet sound. Something stabbed at my heart when I thought of how I had betrayed her by making out with her husband. I bit my lip and stood still until the tightness in my chest eased.

“Ava?” Kerrie probed. I shook myself and walked over to her in the kitchen. She opened the freezer and removed a bottle of vodka then reached to get me a glass from the cupboard. “Enjoy,” she smiled sadly as she passed them to me and gestured to the sofa.

I followed and sat, placing my glass on the table and proceeded to pour myself a large measure. A glass slammed down at the side of mine and I looked up to see Kade signalling to his glass. I poured a measure into it. Kerrie frowned and looked up at him but didn’t comment as I drained the glass and poured myself another. Kade’s glass appeared at the side of mine, empty and I filled it for him again.

“Kade?” Kerrie frowned at him but he just shrugged.

“Figured she needed a drinking partner after all the shit she’s handled today,” he stated sternly. I saw her bite her lip and sigh. I could sense some tension between the pair and swallowed heavily, taking another long swig of the alcohol. I leaned back into the sofa and closed my eyes.

“I’ve made up the spare bed for you Ava,” Kerrie told me softly and I shook my head.

“I’m good Kerrie, I’ll get off home soon.” I took another large drink and realised my glass was empty again but Kade reached across with the bottle and filled both of us up.

“No Ava, You’re staying here tonight. I mean it,” she scowled. I relented, not having the energy to do much else.

“Fine, but I don’t wanna talk,” I warned gently, advising her I wasn’t in the mood for company.

“That’s fine, I didn’t expect it. Just thought maybe you’d need alcohol and a bed.” She shrugged but smiled knowingly at me.

I nodded and gave her a grateful smile. “Thank you. Can I use your bathroom?” She told me where my room was and that it had en-suite. I trudged heavily up the stairs found my room and emptied my bladder.

As I opened my door to go back down I heard raised voices and pulled back but left the door ajar. “For fucks sake Kerrie, just fucking lie for once in your life. He doesn’t deserve her and I’m sure Ava doesn’t need all his fucking shit!” Kade snapped.

“No Kade, she doesn’t but he needs to know where she is. He’s my brother and I love him. I worry about him,” she sighed and her voice broke. “He’s a mess, Kade.”

I heard something smash. “And who’s to blame for that, eh? Him! That’s fucking who. He’s a fucking selfish cokehead,” he shouted.

I heard a slap of flesh and then a gasp. “Don’t you dare talk about him like that!” Kerrie cried before heavy footsteps sounded on the stairs and a door slammed on the landing.

I waited a few minutes before I went back down and found Kerrie busying about in the kitchen with her back to me.

“Hey,” I said softly.

She grabbed the edges of the worktop. “Sorry Ava.” She sighed. I leant against the edge watching her.

“No problem. Hell, Mason and I are always fighting but you know, I love him so . . .”

Her shoulders tensed and she laughed bitterly. “Yeah, that’s the problem,” she scoffed and I frowned.


She spun round and regarded me for a while. “Kade and I aren’t together, Ava. We lead mostly separate lives.”

“What?” Confusion coursed through me.

“I . . . , well, I had an affair. We were on the verge of separating when I found out about the cancer. He’s just . . . just staying until . . . until well, I get the all clear . . . or die!” she said bluntly.

I winced. “Don’t say that, Kerrie.”

She raised her eyebrows, “Why Ava? It’s the truth. That’s the trouble with everybody; none of you are willing to admit that I might actually not get through this.”

I looked at her hard but saw the acceptance in her eyes, the fight was still there but she had prepared herself that she could die. “It’s just how it is,” she stated and turned to rinse out her cup. “I hope you don’t mind if I go up Ava, I’m still exhausted from my chemo and it’s been a long day. Help yourself to anything you need.” She smiled softly and walked over to me, placing a gentle kiss on my cheek but I grabbed her hand.

“You’ll get through this, Kerrie,” I told her seriously. She nodded but didn’t say anything.

“Goodnight,” she finally said and left.

I sighed heavily and walked back over to the couch, pouring myself another drink, swilling it back and then dispensing another. “You’re a fucking lush, Ava,” I chuckled, well on my way to oblivion.

Reaching over I turned off the lamps, kicked my shoes off and settled back into the comfort of the sofa contemplating the horror and emotional rollercoaster of the day.

My heart ached for what I had said to Mason but at the moment I was seriously reflecting on our relationship; it was intense, passionate but mostly so fucking volatile that I felt crushed and suffocated. Did I need a relationship like that? I loved him with all my heart but was that enough? I wasn’t sure.

Restless, I stood and walked over to the kitchen to look for a snack. The fridge provided cheese and meats and popping some on a plate, I took my vodka and went to sit on the back deck.

It was a hot summer’s night and I settled into a lounger and demolished the food.

Switching my phone on I dialled George. After a few rings he answered. “Hey Princess,” he chirped happily.

I smiled. “George.” God; I loved to hear his voice.

“You okay, Ava?” he asked and I sighed, closing my eyes in preparation for what I was about to tell him.

“I found him George,” I announced simply.

I heard him pull in a large unsteady breath. “Ava?” he choked out, the enormity of what I had just told him sinking in.

“I finished him,” I whispered.

He hissed and I could hear his heavy rasping breaths “How?”

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