The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone (65 page)

BOOK: The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone
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Mason had sent many texts and called me numerously but I had ignored each one . . . sod him!

Courtney was being hit on by a nice looking bloke. I smiled as her natural seduction kicked in and I watched in awe as she worked him. I giggled when she pulled me to one side. “Ava, you gonna be okay if I take off?” she asked with a gleam in her eye.

“Go for it, hun. Text me his reg number,” I warned. This was something I always made her do when she went home with someone; it was either his car reg number or the taxi driver’s badge number.

She winked, kissed my cheek and took off. “Love you, babe” she shouted over her shoulder. I raised a hand in acknowledgement as I continued to party with Kim and Sally.

It was late and the place was starting to clear but we were far from ready to retire for the night. Sally had hit it off with a bloke and they were currently squashed against the wall, eating each other’s faces as Kim and I continued dancing.

The hairs on my neck and arms stood to attention and I whirled round, scanning the room through blurred eyes. The familiar feeling of being watched had me on high alert. I perused the bar, my focus landing on a tall raven haired bloke smiling at me from a stool, he lifted his glass in query.

I smiled politely but shook my head and turned back around to Kim. She leaned into me. “That bloke at the bar hasn’t taken his eyes of you.”

I rolled my eyes at her. “Not interested,” I shouted back as we moved our bodies to the music.

The track ended and I shouted to Kim that I needed a drink, she nodded but carried on dancing with a bloke that had wormed his way into her space.

I approached the bar and as I leant over to tell the barman my order, the man that had been watching me slid into the stool next to me. “Let me get you that” he said and I turned to look at him.

If I wasn’t currently with Mason I would have grabbed him by the hair, stripped him naked and rode him hard. He was lean and brutal with a gleam in his bright blue eyes that said he could take me how I wanted to be taken, hard and fast.

My body’s reaction to him caused me to slam up my defence walls and I shook my head. “Thank you anyway but I’d prefer to get my own,” I told him and turned back to the waiting barman.

“Vodka and cranberry please,” I shouted above the music as I tried to ignore the bloke’s eyes on me.

The barman came back with my drink and before I could retrieve my purse from my bag, the bloke slapped a tenner on the bar and gestured to the barman that he was paying. I scowled at him, “I said no.”

His lips curled. “Calm down hot stuff, it’s just a drink.” He lifted his eyebrows and nodded towards the glass. I sighed but accepted the drink.

“Thank you,” I said quietly.

“See, well done.” He grinned. I couldn’t help but smile back, his grin was contagious as well as stunning and my core sparked.

“Kade,” he introduced as he held out his hand.

“Ava.” I smiled back and returned the handshake but as his hand clasped around mine I noticed how cool they were against the heat radiating through me. It forced a slight gasp from my throat at our connection.

Jesus Ava!

He held my grip and brought my hand to his mouth, placing a soft kiss on my knuckles. “Pleasure to meet you, Ava.”

My eyes shot to his and I pulled my hand back. “I don’t want to give you the wrong impression but I’m in a relationship,” I informed him quickly but forcibly.

He cocked his head. “Happily?” he asked with a raised eyebrow. I nodded, even though at the moment I was far from happy with Mason. “Well more fool him for letting you out of his sight. That says open season to me.” A slow grin crept over his face as he did a swift perusal of me.

I coughed slightly and swallowed, my instincts were slow in my drunken haze but this man did something to me, to my libido. I had to close my eyes momentarily to stop the onslaught of images of me and Kade clung together, sweaty and grunting.

I swallowed harshly and squirmed on the stool to try and get some relief, then put on my best bitch face. “I’m afraid I’m not open for hunting.”

He grinned and leant into my ear. “Is any prey, sweetheart?” he breathed huskily, taking a lock of my hair and twirling it around his finger. “The fun is in the hunt, Ava.”

I struggled to keep the moan in my throat but the damn thing fought against me and released itself in a throaty huff. His warm lips wrapped around my earlobe and I was suddenly struggling to breath. It was just my hormones, I told myself. I hadn’t had sex in a while so my body was just telling me it was ready . . . that’s all!

“I can see the passion in you,” he whispered darkly against my cheek. “I can make you feel so good. I can make you scream in ecstasy, Ava,” he growled huskily.

I was now panting. What the hell was wrong with me?

Mason’s face floated into my head and my stomach clenched at my betrayal, my desperate need for another man snapping me back to reality and I took a deep breath.

“I’m really sorry but I’m really not interested,” I replied stiffly. I downed my drink and slid from the stool, then walked across the room to Kim, the burn of his gaze on my back the whole way.

The last vodka had set me over my limit and I shivered and stumbled on my drunken legs, ending up on my knees in the middle of the dance floor to the amusement of Kim who came crawling across the dance floor to rescue me, but she was so plastered her attempts to help ended up with us both sprawled out on our backs on the floor, giggling hysterically in a drunken stupor.

“Oh dear.” I heard Kim whisper as I lay back and closed my eyes when the room spun.

“What?” I mumbled and opened my eyes to see a very angry Mason looming over me. His face was stony and his jaw was severely clenched but his eyes . . . well they were so fired up that his expression made me giggle even more. I was so sloshed I didn’t care that Mr Cross was out to play.

“Hey, baby,” I lifted my arms up to him. “Your little warrior is a little blotto,” I tittered.

He inhaled sharply. “Get up, Ava” he growled. Even though there was no humour in his voice I thought he was hilarious and laughter erupted.

“Shush, Ava.” Kim giggled beside me and I saw Sam trying to stifle his laughter.

“Sammy!” I garbled. “Did you bring Mr Cross?” I asked and giggled some more.

“I said get up, Ava!” Mason repeated. I honestly tried to stop my laughter.

“Yes, sir.” I mocked in a stern voice and tried to salute him but ended up poking myself in the eye. “I would be fucking useless in the army,” I grumbled.

Kim seemed to find this hilarious, rolling over and grabbing onto my fingers to try and salute for me.

I grinned widely at Mason. “Are you gonna join me on the hard floor, Mason?” I asked and pursed my lips at him. “You know you wanna take me.” I smirked and waggled my finger at him. His lip twitched ever so slightly. I gave him an exaggerated wink and ran my tongue across my lip, going for the sexy look but I was sure to the sober people it looked a bit leery.

“Will you fucking get up,” Mason hissed and I snorted.

“Aren’t you gonna be my armour in knight and . . . no that’s not right . . . my shining knight . . .” I frowned, trying for the life of me what the saying was.

His hands settled at my waist before he hoisted me up in one fluid movement and tossed me over his shoulder with an ease that exposed his power and strength.

“Woohoo!” I cried punching the air, well trying to from my upside down position. I could now make out Sam’s laughter as Mason turned his back on him. I winked at him and he winked back, grinning at me.

“My hero!” I shouted as I saw Sam help Kim up and put his arm round her waist to help her walk. “Sam, you need to get Sally. She’s stuck to that man’s face,” I shouted and kind of pointed in her direction, but there were currently three Sally’s and I couldn’t focus on the correct one.

Sam was such a soft person . . . well, he was until Kim spewed her guts up all over his shoes. I found this utterly hilarious and slapped Mason’s arse as he took extra-large strides out of the club.

“Did you see that, baby? Kim ejaculate . . . no it’s not that, she uhh . . . what did she do Mason?” I fumbled for the word I needed. “Skunked . . . no it’s not that either . . . spanked! That’s it, she spanked all over Sam’s shoes . . . no it’s not that either. Mason . . . Mason . . .” I called, slapping his arse to get his attention.

“Mason, what’s the word I need?” I asked again but he continued to ignore me, stomping ahead towards a waiting car. He opened the door, however, I was amazed at how gently he placed me in the car, totally conflicting his mood.

“Aww baby, you’re so gentle with me,” I cooed as he rolled his eyes and turned to wait for Sam, Sally and Kim.

“Mason,” I whispered but he didn’t hear me. “Mason,” I persisted as I tugged on the back of his jeans. “Mason, psst . . .” He turned round to glower at me. He didn’t speak but raised his eyebrow in query.

I grinned and crooked my finger to him. Being the good boy he was, he leant in. “I fucking . . . wait what was I gonna say?” I grumbled as my head blanked completely. He sighed loudly and spun back round, then I remembered.

“Mason!” I hissed again and I saw his shoulders slump. “Psst, Mason,” I continued.

He spun back round again. “What, Ava?” he asked with another aggravated sigh.

I crooked my finger again. “Mason, come here,” I slurred, signalling with my head that he should lean closer, which he did again. “I . . . love . . . you!” I grinned happily. “Yay, you see I rembermember. . . . ooh I can’t say that word. That’s a hard word Mason, can you say reremememb . . . oh fuck it!” I told him crossly.

His lips twitched and his palm slid over my cheek. “I love you too Ava, even though I am so pissed at you right now.” He glared and I gave him my puppy dog eyes and downturned mouth.

“Aww baby, you can’t be mad at me, I’m really, really, really wanting your cock tonight,” I grumbled and his eyes became sad.

I cocked my head, “Don’t be sad, it’s good that I want your cock. It’s a
nice cock I might add.” I tried to grin but my cheek bones hurt. “Mason psst, come closer, baby” I whispered and he crouched in front of me, his hands resting on the door frame, trapping me in his essence.

I sniffed up rigorously, “Oooh Mason, you smell good, baby.” I smiled.

He raised an eyebrow at me and I gave him one of my best sexy smiles. “I need your huge cock inside me Mason, we need to make a brother or sister for ‘little Mason.’”

Mason’s eyes softened immediately and he cupped my cheek. “Oh, Ava” he breathed with an ache in his voice but I just grinned at him.

“You fancy it, here and now?” I winked, still horny from my encounter with Kade. I started to shuffle up the seat, “Come on, Baby.”

I grabbed his hand and pulled him across the seat to me. “Ava, baby” he said softly. I frowned severely at his expression but I leant over and kissed him, ploughing my fingers through his hair and pulling him into me. My fingers found his shirt buttons and started to undo them but his hand rested over mine. “No Ava, you can’t baby” he whispered and I pouted.

“But I want a baby, Mason” I whinged.

He sighed so heartbreakingly that I looked into his eyes, trying to focus through the blur. “I want a baby,” I told him again as my eyes swelled. “I want
baby” I choked out as a tear slipped out.

We sat, eyes locked, in a silent moment for our baby as Mason drew me into his lap and held me quietly as I sobbed.

“Please, Mason” I begged, although I wasn’t quite sure what I was begging for.

“Shush Ava,” he whispered as he entwined his fingers around my curls. “I promise, we’ll try for another,” he breathed in my ear.

Sam appeared in my vision as he stood patiently waiting for me to finish. “Sam’s here,” I said quietly, pulling away from Mason and turned my gaze through the window. He stroked my hair once more before he climbed out of the car.

Sally and Kim clambered in beside me. “Ava . . . I love you, hun,” Sally cried and leant her head on my shoulder but I didn’t hear her as I focused my eyes on Kade as he stood in the shadowed shop doorway across the road, watching me intently.

As we pulled away his lips curled in the most evocative, wickedest grins I had ever seen and my body shook in a violent shiver. I quickly squirmed in my seat, the need to take him hard and rough coursed through me. What the hell was wrong with me?

“Ava . . . keep still, I need to sleep,” Sally grumbled and I turned to look at her head still laid on my shoulder.

“Shush Sal. Go to sleep hun,” I whispered and stroked her hair all the way back to her place until Kade’s face disappeared from my eyes and in my inebriated state, forgot about him completely.


I WOKE IN the darkness, my head was screaming at me to go back to the tranquillity of sleep. I groaned and rolled over.

“Shush, go back to sleep,” Mason whispered from somewhere in the blackness.

“Mason?” I rasped and opened my eyes slowly.

“I’m here, Ava” he spoke softly. I could just make out the silhouette of him sat in a chair in the corner of the room, his long fingers coiled round a glass tumbler. “Go back to sleep, baby,” he whispered again but I caught the rasp in his voice.

I pushed myself up to sit against the headboard and reached over, flicking the lamp on. My eyes shrieked at me furiously and I quickly shut them tight.

I groaned, slowly peeling open my eyelids. The haze cleared and I spotted Mason, sat in just his jeans, button open. The sight of his powerful chest made my stomach flip . . . it should be illegal to be that damn hot.

He was cradling what looked like a bottle of whisky, a glass full of the harsh liquor fixed firmly in his other hand. I frowned at him, “Mason?”

The room spun as I sat up and my stomach lurched at the movement and I gripped hold of the bed to stop myself from swaying. “What’s wrong?” I asked.

He huffed as though I irritated him. “Nothing Ava, sleep!” he said more sternly.

I rose from the bed on very wobbly legs and carefully strode over to him, lifted his arm and curled up into his lap; his natural scent calmed me immediately. I peered up at him. “Talk to me, Mason.”

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