The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone (143 page)

BOOK: The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone
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“Dane, please,” I begged as he slipped behind me. I tensed, wondering what torture and punishment he was preparing.

“Hey, Baby,” Mason’s’ voice came from the shadows and I frowned.

“Mason?” I whispered, frantically scanning the darkened corners. “Where are you, baby?” I asked desperately. “Please help me, Mason.”

I gasped as I felt Dane press into my back, his hard penis pushing in between my buttocks. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, willing my brain to shut down and take me away from here into my own peaceful dream world.

“Ava,” Mason whispered. I opened my eyes and jolted, his face was inches from mine.

“Mason, help me,” I rasped when I felt Dane push further into me.

“Easy baby, just relax and I promise you’ll enjoy it.” He smiled and palmed my cheek.

I frowned deeply. “What?” I asked, confusion and uncertainty restricting my lungs.

“You’re gonna love it baby, Dane up your arse and me pounding that delicious cunt of yours.”

My eyes widened as I realised what was happening. Mason took his erection in his hand and started working himself. “Mason? What the hell are you doing?”

He just grinned, “Easy, baby.” He took a step closer and I took a step back, my back pushing further into Dane.

“Please don’t,” I whimpered and Dane cackled behind me.

“But you’re such a filthy little whore Ava, you’ll love it.”

I stepped to the side ready to run but Mason grabbed the tops of my arms and held me firm. “Keep still,” he demanded and I frowned.

The first crack of the whip on my back took my breath away; the second stole the support of my legs and the third tore the scream from my throat. “Fuck baby, you’re so hot when you scream.” Mason laughed and Dane lashed again, the crack of the whip loud in the silence of the room. I screamed again as Mason appeared to be holding the poker and I shook my head hysterically.

“Please don’t,” I pleaded but he flipped his head back and laughed.

“God, we’re gonna have so much fun.”

I was panting now, struggling against the restraints I wasn’t even aware had bound me to the hook. I heard the keening sound from far away as Mason placed the poker against my breast, the sound of my skin crackling and singeing was flooded out by the buzzing in my ears, a loud whining sound that made my head hum.

“Fuck, this is making me hard,” Dane cackled and another scream erupted from my throat as the poker welded to the skin of my neck.

“Noooooooo” . . .

“Baby please,” Mason shook me and my eyes flew open.

I panicked and scuttled up the bed. “No, don’t touch me,” I cried as my heart pounded too quickly against my chest. I shook my head at him and then punched him forcefully in the face.

“Fuck!” he hissed as he shot backwards, unready for the pummelling I was now giving him, “God damn it, Ava.” He gripped my arms and shook me. “What the hell is wrong with you?” he yelled as I panted, my eyes wild and large. “Ava,” he said softly now, “Baby?”

I shook my head in a panic as my lungs finally filled with much needed air. “Mason?” I wheezed as my eyes welled.

He huddled me up, holding me tightly against him. “Shush, baby,” he whispered in my ear as a long drawn out whine came from my throat. “I’m here baby, it was just a dream.” He stroked my hair as his other hand rubbed my back.

“You okay?” he asked when I started to calm. I gulped and nodded faintly, “Was it about Dane?” I tensed and nodded again, not giving him anymore details. He pulled us down onto the bed and pulled the duvet up around us. “Go back to sleep, I’m here,” he whispered and I just nodded again.

I lay awake for a long time after Mason drifted, trying to make sense of my dream. I wasn’t frightened of Mason at all. I know he had hurt me at the weekend but it wasn’t intentional, he had just got more intense because of the drugs but there was still something about the dream that had me regarding Mason sceptically as he slept.

I traced the contours of his face with the tip of my finger, amazed and appreciative of his magnificence. The strong chiselled jaw covered with a layer of stubble that made him look entirely hot bad boy, the boldness of his cheekbones against the straight outer lines of his face. The now slightly crooked nose that seemed just perfect for his stunning looks and the way his long, soft dark eyelashes flickered against his lightly scarred skin; he was pure unadulterated godliness full of sin and delicious wickedness and I loved him more than life itself but there was something that prickled beneath the surface of my skin, an itch in my brain and a shiver in my bones that I couldn’t shake off and I shuddered beside him.

He moaned and his arm enveloped me and pulled my into him, his wonderful spicy muskiness assaulted my nostrils and I breathed in deep lungful’s of him, calming me instantly and I frowned at my reservations.

What the hell was wrong with me? Why was I suddenly having these unwanted doubts? I couldn’t bear to be apart from him; I craved him constantly, my body shutting down without him as my lungs refused to inhale so these thoughts were completely baffling me.

I closed my eyes, trying to drift back to sleep but within another thirty minutes my brain was still in overload and I flung the duvet back, pulled on my shorts and vest and went in search of coffee.


“HEY,” I GREETED quietly to Neo as I entered the kitchen, not wanting to startle him.

He looked up from his iPad and grinned, “Hey, can’t sleep?” I shook my head and held up a mug. He nodded and carried on furiously typing.

I brewed the coffee and pulled out ingredients for a chocolate cake, the need to bake and obliterate my thoughts. As I weighed and whisked and stirred I felt Neo appear behind me. “You okay?” I just nodded but didn’t speak. “You sure?” he persisted and I nodded again.

I slapped his hand away when his finger scooped into the batter and he chuckled, “Damn you make good cake mixture.” Another finger dipped and I spun round, brandishing the gloopy wooden spoon as a weapon, “One more move and your nose gets it,” I warned playfully.

He grinned cheekily, his eyes lighting up with mischief as he took a step closer to the bowl. “Bring it on.” He laughed as he swiftly gouged a huge portion of mixture and darted round the table, me hot on his trail trying to smack him with the spoon. “Not fast enough, Darling,” he chuckled as we rounded the table on each other.

I narrowed my eyes on him and pursed my lips as I leaped onto the chair, onto the table and off the other end as he hot footed it into the lounge.

We were both laughing hysterically as he shot behind the sofa, me closely behind him and then back towards the door as I hurdled over the couch to catch up.

I was giggling wildly as I skidded barefoot across the hardwood floor in the entrance hall and slammed straight into a stony faced Mason. “Shit,” I squealed when I realised I couldn’t catch up with Neo now. “Hey baby,” I laughed, “get him.” I chuckled to Mason as I headed off towards Neo again.

I slammed back against Mason as he grabbed the back of my vest and the spoon skittered out of my hand and onto the floor. “HA!” Neo declared victorious and I narrowed my eyes on him.

“You made me lose,” I scolded Mason who had still to utter a single word. I saw Neo’s wary expression and I furrowed my brow and looked over my shoulder to Mason. His face was dark and surly as his eyes bore coldly into Neo. “Mason?” I asked apprehensively and he slowly lowered his eyes to mine.

“What are you doing?” he demanded slowly and quietly.

“Well . . .” I gulped. “I’m sorry, did we wake you?” I asked, knowing that wasn’t the problem.

He glared at me and I lowered my eyes from the anger blazing through his. “Why are you chasing Neo around the house in your fucking pyjamas?” he hissed and I flinched.

“I couldn’t sleep so I . . . I was baking and he . . . he kept pinching the mixture from the . . .” I trailed off when Mason cocked an eyebrow at me.

“In your pyjamas?” he repeated and I nodded faintly.

“My fault,” Neo defended as he walked over to us. Mason’s head slid round deliberately to regard Neo and he tipped his head with a sinister expression on his face.

Neo stepped back and raised his hands. “Hey, didn’t mean to cause offence, I was just trying to cheer Ava up, she looked a bit down,” he confessed and I suddenly felt angry at Mason’s unreasonable treatment to Neo.

“Mason,” I said firmly and he looked back at me, his eyes cold and hard and I narrowed my eyes on him, a horrible thought spearing my brain. I gasped as I saw his nose twitch. “Fuck!” I hissed as I bit my lip harshly. I saw his Adam’s apple bob as he gulped.

“Unbelievable! Well that lasted long!” I seethed angrily. I could see Neo’s head switching between the two of us as my fury slowly rose and I clenched my fists as I took some deep steady breaths. “Where is it?” I asked through clenched teeth. Mason’s eyes widened when he realised I knew and he nibbled furiously on his bottom lip. “I asked where it is!” I repeated icily but he stood stock still and silent.

I was now struggling to contain my wrath, my lungs filling too rigorously with each deep inhalation. “Tell me,” I demanded quietly but he still stood immobile. “THERE ARE FUCKING CHILDREN IN THIS HOUSE! NOW FUCKING TELL ME!” I roared. He flinched and closed his eyes. “One more chance Mason, the coke leaves or you do,” I ordered and he frowned, his internal struggle obvious across his features.

I struck my palm across his cheek, slapping him hard, “You bastard! Get the fuck out!”

He blinked, suddenly aware of what was happening. He shook his head at me rapidly. “Baby, no!” he pleaded. I shook my head in desolation and dejection.

“Get the fuck out and go get high Mason because right fucking now I don’t give a fucking shit.”

I pushed past him and charged up the stairs, silently begging him not to follow but hoping he didn’t leave. I sagged wearily on the landing as I heard the front door slam shut. Pulling my knees up I hugged them, resting my head hopelessly on the top of them.

I heard and felt Neo slide down beside me. “He’s gone,” he said quietly and I nodded. “How long’s he been snorting?” he asked calmly.

“A while but it’s got worse ever since Dane and he doesn’t seem to be able to control it anymore.”

He sighed deeply. “He needs rehab, Ava.”

I scoffed at his words. “I’ve tried that Neo but he refused to go, saying he just needs me to get him through but I know I can’t give him the support he needs.”

I slammed my fist on the floor. “God damn it!” I cried, “Twelve fucking hours . . . twelve bloody hours, that’s how long he lasted!” I shouted, my anger now at a dangerous level.

I stood up furiously and went in search of my phone; dialling Sam when I found it, “Hey Girl,” his cheerful voice greeted.

“Sam!” I barked. I could hear his cringe even if I couldn’t see it. “He’s fucking tanked up and I’m hoping he’s on his way to you. Can you text me if he turns up there?”

He sighed heavily. “Sure Darling. You okay Ava?” he asked despondently and I snorted.

“No but fuck him. He’s got fucking coke hidden somewhere near his fucking babies!”

Sam sighed. “I’ll get Greg and the boys over to search,” he stated and I sighed.

“Thanks. I don’t want it in the house!” I snapped, “Not near George and Katie.”

I could sense his frustration, the feeling of hopelessness and desolation that matched my own. “I know girl, I know,” he breathed. “They’ll be over in about an hour,” he said quietly and I nodded, aware that he couldn’t see me.

“Thanks Sam,” I whispered before I ended the call.

* * *

Two and a half hours later I was sat at the kitchen table with Greg staring at three full bags of coke and a bag of some small white pills. I ran my hands through my hair in frustration.

“Chin up, sweetheart,” Greg sighed as he walked to the freezer and removed a bottle of vodka. Taking two glass tumblers from the cupboard he proceeded to pour us a shot. I smiled gratefully and downed it in one; he filled it again and placed the bottle on the table. “Let’s get slaughtered, Courtney’s watching George and Katie.” He inhaled sharply, drained his glass and refilled us both again. “He needs help, Ava.”

I exhaled sharply. “Try telling him that,” I scoffed as I took another large mouthful and then sighed and straightened my shoulders. “It’s either an ultimatum or a locked room,” I deliberated and then turned to Greg for his opinion.

He frowned and pursed his lips in consideration. “Could you cope with a withdrawing Mason? He’s damn tenacious and unstable when he’s not high so he’ll be a fucking nightmare doing cold turkey,” he posed, “but even giving him an ultimatum won’t work because he will never stay away from you.”

I nodded, agreeing with him completely. “Then what the fuck do I do?” I asked as my phone alerted a message


He’s just turned up here, don’t worry, I’ll keep my eye on him x


How is he? The truth please x


High, very high!!! X


You gonna be okay with him or do you need me to come over? X


I’ll sort him sweetheart, try and get some sleep. I’ll ring you if I need you x


Okay, thanks Sam x

I rolled my head round my shoulders and downed another full glass of the mind numbing nectar. “He’s just turned up at the club shitfaced,” I told Greg who groaned loudly. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” I declared angrily as I filled my glass, the alcohol starting to blur my senses.

Courtney walked into the kitchen and side hugged me as a guy I hadn’t seen before approached Greg. “Can I have a word?” he asked Greg who nodded and they left the room together.

“How many are up there?” I asked, she lifted her brows and puffed out.

“About eight. You okay, babe?”

She filled the percolator then switched it on and got a collection of cups out of the dishwasher. I nodded. “You okay staying over and listening for the peanuts?” I asked as I gulped another swill of vodka. She nodded, placing sugar and milk on a tray with the cups and coffee before disappearing back up to the coke hunters as a grim Greg returned.

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