The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone (138 page)

BOOK: The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone
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“Ava, What are you doing Honey?” But I didn’t hear her in my mission.

“Where the fuck are they Mason?” I asked myself as my eyes frantically searched the car. I noticed a section of the centre console didn’t look flush against the next section and I narrowed my eyes on it. Skimming my eyes over the wreck I had caused in the car I grabbed the penknife I had found in the glove box, knowing the action I used it for was the reason Mason kept it in the car. Prising it into the crack of plastic I levered it. The section flipped open to reveal a small clear plastic bag full of white powder.

“HA! There you are!” I whipped it up and raced back upstairs and hid it under my underwear. Connor and Marcy just followed me silently around the house.

Courtney popped her head around the door. “Baths ready, babe” she said. I nodded and walked in closing the door behind me. Courtney cocked her head at me and sighed. “Was he high?” I nodded as I climbed out of my clothes and climbed in the bath. She had already prepared an antiseptic wash for my neck and as I lay back, my head resting against the edge of the tub she swept my hair back and started to clean the bites. I winced at every swipe and Courtney silently seethed at the state of me.

My thigh was covered in a huge purple bruise outlining Mason’s fingers where he had gripped me, my neck had four savage bites that had pierced the skin and one more on my shoulder but it wasn’t these that caused the pain, it was his betrayal at scoring a hit and getting high that hurt me. I was so mad at him. He promised me no more but when the going got tough he’d rather just blot everything out instead of talking about it.

“Jesus Ava, he’s gone too far this time,” Courtney declared. I just shifted my eyes to hers, my neck too sore to rotate.

“He was high Courtney,” I defended and her eyes widened on me.

“Don’t you fucking dare, Ava,” she growled angrily but I sighed.

“Mason’s having some . . . some issues at the moment and we rowed, he couldn’t handle it so he took a hit,” I told her. “He didn’t mean it Courtney, he didn’t even realise what was happening.”

She stood up swiftly, her hands clenched along with her jaw. “FOR FUCKS SAKE AVA!” she roared. “When are you gonna fucking wake up and see this fucked up relationship for what it is?” she bellowed at me and I cringed. She was furious and I could see a vein twitching in her neck.

“Courtney, please,” I pleaded.

“No Ava, no fucking more. Do you hear me? NO. FUCKING. MORE!” She turned away, her eyes full of tears as she slammed the bathroom door shut behind her.

I sat up and hugged my knees to me as I pulled in a long quivering breath. What the hell was I going to do? I hadn’t anticipated just how addicted Mason was. His obvious need and craving to score at every single little problem in his life made me realise he had a serious problem and I didn’t know who to turn to. I was going to have to phone George for advice and hoped he would understand without flying off the handle. I had worked out that Mason had been snorting little amounts all day and I wondered if he had been high when he asked Connor to share our bed, it would make sense and it would give him the courage to open his mind to what he wanted.

I suddenly realised I wanted to see Nate, he always listened to what I had to say without his emotions erupting all over the place. He understood me and listened to me and I knew I couldn’t expect Courtney to take this on her shoulders; she was pregnant and didn’t need her stress levels any higher.

I climbed out of the bath and went in search of my phone then sat on the bed as I dialled his number, cringing when I realised what the time was.

“Ava?” He mumbled into the phone.

“Nate,” I sobbed as I heard his voice.

“Ava! What’s wrong, sweetheart?” he asked, now sounding awake and alert.

“I’m sorry for ringing so late but . . . but I need to see you.”

“I thought you were in Scotland,” he mumbled and I realised he was rubbing his face with his hand.

I heard him whisper something to Liv. “I am, but I’m gonna drive back so I’ll be there after dinner.”

He was silent for a while. “Ava, what’s happened?” he asked hesitantly and I gulped.

“Mason . . . he got high and . . . and, he raped me Nate . . .” I whimpered as the realisation of what he had done slammed into my foggy brain.

“W . . . w. .what?” he stammered and I choked out a sob.

“He got nasty Nate and . . .” I couldn’t finish.

“Listen sweetheart, do you want me to fetch you?” he asked softly.

“No, I’m gonna take Mason’s car, the drive will take my mind off it. I’m gonna set off soon.”

I heard him swallow harshly. “How about you just get a taxi back and I’ll pay for it?” he tried.

“No, I need to drive Nate. I’ll be fine I promise,” I told him.

He sighed heavily. “Okay, but stop and text me at regular intervals,” he resigned and I smiled.

“I will. Thank you.”

I closed my eyes and bit my lower lip. “Hey . . .” he breathed down the phone and I knew he was doing the same. “I love you, sweetheart,” he whispered.

I swallowed the sob that was threatening to erupt, “I know. I love you too. I’ll see you soon.”

I ended the call and pulled my case off the wardrobe and flung my belongings in it, making sure to take Mason’s coke with me.

I ventured down the stairs and scurried through Mason’s coat and sighed in relief as I found his keys. I quickly wrote a note to Courtney and the others about where I had gone and I crept from the house, not wanting to face Courtney’s wrath and refusal to let me leave.

I hurriedly swept all the contents from Mason’s glove box onto the floor and smiled wickedly as I turned the key and the engine purred. God! I loved this car; it was fast, lean and impressive. Mason had never let me drive it, well by rights he still wasn’t letting me drive it but fuck him!

I pulled away from the cabin slowly as not to disturb the others and as I pulled off the long driveway I turned the stereo on, selected an album on Mason’s iPod and blasted out some upbeat tunes and grinned as I pushed Mason’s Aston Martin to its limits all the way back down the motorway, stopping at regular intervals but not at the Services Mason and I had pulled into.

Every time I stopped to text Nate I discovered numerous missed calls on my phone. I sent Courtney a text explaining I had to leave and I would ring her when I got to Nate’s. She sent back an angry reply but I couldn’t be bothered getting upset about it, I had other things to worry about than Courtney’s anger and thanks to Mason’s mean machine I was pulling up to Nate’s driveway gates a little after 1 in the afternoon.

He opened the front door as I climbed out of the car. My legs couldn’t carry me fast enough as he walked to me and I walked to him, meeting halfway as he pulled me into him and I broke down and cried.

He scooped me up and carried me into his house where Liv was waiting with a bottle of vodka and two glasses.

He settled me onto the sofa as he pulled me onto his lap and let me sob hysterically and exhaustingly.


I HEARD THE hushed tones when I woke a little while later covered in a blanket. I stretched out realising it was now night time again. I groaned as I tried to roll my head around my stiff neck but realised it was sore not stiff and I winced in pain.

Liv appeared before me and crouched down in front of me. “Can I pop some cream on it for you, Ava?” she asked gently and I smiled and nodded.

She stroked my hair off my face and disappeared as I swung my legs off the sofa and sat up, jumping in shock when I saw Elijah sat in one of the armchairs. “Hey,” he smiled softly and I frowned at him. “You’re back so I’m back,” he informed me with a wink, “Nate rang me to say you had come back early so it’s back to normal I’m afraid.”

I nodded at him and smiled with a shrug. “That’s fine, I just don’t wanna intrude any more on Nate and Liv,” I told him and he nodded.

“It was my idea,” I heard Nate say from behind. I turned to look at him and then flinched at the pain.

He scowled and bit his lower lip in anger. “Nate,” Liv warned as she returned with a tube of something and sat beside me on the sofa. Sweeping my hair aside she grimaced as she saw the wounds properly for the first time

“Jesus Christ!” Nate hissed and I saw his fists clench. “What the fuck happened?” He asked and my eyes flicked to Elijah. “Would you mind leaving us alone for a while?” Nate asked him. Elijah stood and nodded but not before taking a good glimpse at my neck and wincing. He disappeared through the hallway and into the kitchen as Nate took the place next to me whilst Liv cleaned and applied cream to my bites. “Christ Ava, he’s literally took chunks out of you.” His face was dark and I grumbled as my phone rang in my bag.

“Shit, I didn’t ring Courtney,” I declared.

“Relax, I rang her to let her know you got here safe,” Nate informed me as I scuttled about in my bag for my phone and as I saw the name on the display I declined it and placed it on the table.

“I take it that was him?” Nate asked and I jumped in pain when Liv cleaned the deepest bite.

“Ava, I really think these need stitches.” She sighed and I closed my eyes and grumbled.


She nodded as she grimaced at me. “They’re really deep and one of them has a chunk of flesh missing.” I closed my eyes and grit my teeth as my phone rang again. I could see Nate flick a glance at my phone and his expression blackened.

“I haven’t seen them,” I told Liv trying to ignore the incessant ringing.

She smiled sadly, “We’ll have a coffee and then I’ll run you to hospital,” she said irately as my phone rang again.

Before I could stop him, Nate snatched it up and answered it. I groaned.

“LEAVE. HER. THE. FUCK. ALONE!” Nate exploded down the phone. I cringed as Liv winced with me. “Bring it fucking on!” he growled.

I had never seen Nate so angry; his cheek muscle twitched rapidly, his jaw clenched tightly and I could see his foot tapping the floor briskly. “Do you even realise what the fuck it is you’ve done to her?” he demanded and I reached for my phone.

“Nate leave it, please don’t get upset.”

He shook his head at me and then scoffed down the phone. “She needs stitches Mason, that’s how fucking bad she is. Do you even understand that? You’re supposed to love her and protect her yet you fucking rape her and brutally tear her to bits. NOW BACK THE FUCK OFF HER!” he roared and ended the call.

He flung my phone onto the table with a growl and stormed from the room. “Maybe I shouldn’t have come?” I admitted quietly.

“Don’t be silly, he’ll calm down,” Liv said as she stood, “Coffee?”

I smiled and nodded as she went to make coffee.

My phone rang again and I sighed exhaustedly as I saw it was Courtney. “Hey,” I answered softly and I heard her huff of breath.

“How are you, babe?” she asked gently and I smiled at her tenderness.

“I’m okay, I just needed to get out of there and see Nate,” I explained.

“Ava, that’s fine, I just wish you’d have told me first. You weren’t in any fit state to drive.”

I sighed. “I know, but I’m okay.” We were silent for a while, listening to each other’s calming breath before I braced myself and asked the question I was dying to know. “How is he?”

I cringed at her sharp intake of breath. “What the fuck, Ava? You shouldn’t even fucking care right now.”

I rolled my eyes in frustration. “It doesn’t matter, forget I asked. Listen I’ll ring you in the morning,” I said wearily and ended the call and then pulled my knees up underneath me.

Closing my eyes in exhaustion, I saw Mason’s name display on my phone as it rang happily in my hand. Taking a deep breath I answered but didn’t speak.

“Ava?” he choked out, “Ava? Baby?” He sounded hysterical and my heart broke for him but that didn’t mean I forgave him. “Baby, please,” he sobbed and I sucked in a breath at the rawness in his voice.

He was broken and devastated and I closed my eyes as a tear escaped from the corner of my eye. “Baby, I am so fucking sorry. Baby? I . . . I . . . Oh Jesus, Ava . . .” he sobbed and I choked out a sob. “Oh God,” he cried and I closed my eyes in distress at his desolation. “Please let me come and see you,” he asked no more than a whisper.

“NO!” I cried and the sound of his silence was louder than the sound of his pleas.

“I . . . I won’t hurt you, Ava . . .”

I gulped. “No Mason. Stay . . . stay away from . . . me,” I hiccupped and I heard his whimper.

“I didn’t mean to hurt you Ava, you’ve gotta believe me, baby. I didn’t mean to . . .” he cried and I bit my lip furiously.

“But you did Mason . . . so much,” I whispered and ended the call before he heard my desperate cries. I curled up, retreating into my protective shell, desperately trying to sturdy my erratic emotions.

Nate’s arms circled me and lifted me into him as he stroked my hair and whispered shushes until I calmed back down.

“Tell me what happened, Ava,” he urged when I settled and I sighed deeply.

“I think to understand it better I need to explain something first but please don’t judge, Nate,” I pleaded and he frowned.

“Of course I won’t, Ava.”

“It’s about Mason not me,” I told him and he nodded. “I think . . . I think he’s bi-sexual or to be correct, Mason thinks he’s bi,” I declared and Nate’s eyes widened.

“Okayyy,” he said as he pursed his lips.

“Mason and I have great sex,” I sighed, “Amazing sex even but Mason favourite thing for me to do is . . . is . . .” I cringed, knowing I was betraying Mason’s trust.

“Just tell me Ava, I’m a big boy.” Nate smiled encouragingly and I laughed.

“He likes me to finger his . . . arse.” Nate just nodded.

“Okay and?” he urged.

“Well I think he wanted to . . . to explore that side of him.” I smiled as I took the coffee from Liv and took a huge gulp of the caffeine, sighing in pleasure as it hit my taste buds. “Anyway Greg and Courtney had this guy over for the weekend and well . . . well Mason invited him in to . . . well he . . . he asked him to join us in . . .”

Nate sighed. “For god’s sake Ava, he invited him to make a threesome with you and Mason,” he finished for me and I nodded.

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