The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone (137 page)

BOOK: The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone
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I saw the others staring at me intently and I blushed, suddenly aware of how much I’d disclosed about how I felt. I had only ever told Nate what his betrayal had made me feel and now, here in front of Mason and my other friends I felt foolish and ashamed.

Greg stood up. “Come on you two, bed time.” They all stood and left us alone and I closed my eyes, knowing what was coming but he was silent for a long time and I started to feel uncomfortable.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered and he stilled. “I shouldn’t have said that in front of the others.”

He sighed heavily. “No,” he said sternly and I flinched. “You should have told me.” From the tone in his voice I could tell he was angry with me. I slid off his knee and stood, reaching for a towel and wrapped it around me as Mason remained still and didn’t even look at me.

I quietly padded in to the house and climbed the stairs. I sighed as I heard giggling coming from Courtney’s room and then my eyes widened as I heard Marcy’s giggle from the same room. I stood stock still as I then heard Sam moan and Greg’s laughter.

I chuckled to myself, glad they’d all sorted things out but as I opened the door to mine and Mason’s room, I gasped when I saw Connor laid flat out naked on the bed.

“What the Fuck?” I jolted backwards and slammed into Mason’s chest. I turned my wide eyed face to his as he pushed me gently into the room and closed the door behind him. “What the hell is going on?” I rasped as my throat instantly dried and started to close up.

“I thought you deserved a treat, baby,” Mason breathed in my ear and I frowned.

“What?” I asked, hoping this wasn’t going where I thought it was.

Connor stood up and stalked over to me until he was directly in front of me and pressing his hard body up against my breasts. “Mason thought you might like a little extra cock tonight, Ava,” he whispered.

I gulped, my body froze and my mouth hung open. I couldn’t find the courage to make my vocal chords work. “Tell me baby. You want my cock buried deep in your arse while Connor fucks your hot wet pussy?” Mason growled in my ear and I could feel from his warm breath whispering along my already hot cheeks.

Connor ground his erection into my stomach, his sheer height forbidding him anywhere near where he wanted to be and he cupped my jaw as he tipped my head back. “I can’t wait to sink my rock hard dick into you Ava, to make you scream in ecstasy while Mason ploughs into that tight fucking ass of yours.”

I bit my lip as my body electrified with my arousal but I was so mad at Mason for not discussing this with me first. I was frozen in shock at his thoroughly wrong perception. Connor’s hand came up slowly and he undid the twist of the towel, his eyes following it to the floor. He licked his lips in appreciation as his eyes feasted on my breasts and then he ran his finger along the edge of my bikini bra as Mason’s hand slipped into the bottoms.

“Move your fucking hands now,” I finally managed to spit out. Mason’s hand froze and Connor narrowed his eyes on me. “NOW!” I demanded; my breathing hard and erratic.

They both retreated and Connor held his hands up. “Sorry babe, just following orders,” he stated and picking his shorts up off the floor, he left the room, shutting the door quietly behind him.

I was still frozen in the same spot, my anger immobilising me and rooting me to the spot.

“Ava?” Mason whispered nervously as he appeared in front of me, his expression hard but cautious.

I rolled my eyes to his and glared at him. “Did you not think to ask if I wanted this before you just threw it on me?” I asked slowly and quietly. I could tell from his flinch that he knew I was beyond angry. “How dare you!” I spat at him as I stomped to the wardrobe and pulled out a blanket then made my way over to the door.

“I’m sorry baby, I just thought . . . I just . . . Hell I thought it’s what you wanted,” he begged and I snorted.

“Did you hear a damn word I said down there in the tub?” I asked him incredulously.

He frowned at me. “But that was another woman,” he stated obtrusively.

“Yes Mason but how do you think you would feel tomorrow morning when your dicks not hard and the little niggling thoughts crash your brain and you start thinking ‘Did she like the taste of him better?’ “Did she like his dick in her?’ ‘Did he make her come harder than I ever have?’ Hmm? What about then Mason?” I was livid at him. “Something as important as a threesome should be discussed and pre agreed between both of us. Just because Courtney and Greg engage in them doesn’t mean that I’d automatically want to and I’m fucking surprised you’d want to watch me being fucked by another man! What the hell is wrong with you?”

He narrowed his eyes on me. “But you enjoyed him watching you, Ava.”

I shook my head in incredulity. “I think there’s a bit of a difference between having someone watch you to someone fuck you,” I scoffed and then I cocked my head as a thought occurred to me. “Did you want him to join us for your pleasure or mine?” I asked hesitantly and he frowned at me.

“I don’t understand,” he stated. I narrowed my eyes on him as I saw his eyes flicker with something.

“Oh my God, you did!” I declared with my mouth wide and my jaw dropped.

He glowered at me and his fists clenched angrily. “Don’t go there, Ava,” he warned, his eyes flashing fiercely. It suddenly occurred to me what tonight was actually about.

“That’s it isn’t it?” I breathed as I sank onto the edge of the bed.

“OH FUCK OFF AVA” he bellowed as he stormed out of the door.

I knew I’d hit the nail on the head but I wasn’t sure if he wanted Connor with us for the plan of me in the middle or Mason in the middle.

I slumped on to the bed in astonishment. I knew the answer to the question without asking him and it floored me. My mouth dried at the realisation of what Mason wanted tonight but now I needed to know if he had wanted to just experiment or it was something he craved because if it was the latter then our relationship was in deep shit!


I HAD CLIMBED in to bed an hour after Mason had disappeared and he had not yet returned but I was tossing and turning wondering where he was.

We had to sort this out, it was an important point of our relationship and I was more considerate and open than he thought I was. If it was something he just wanted to explore just to try and sate his imagination then I’m sure we could sort something out but if he was out rightly denying his sexuality then we had a problem. I considered our sexual relationship and I couldn’t for the life of me imagine him being homosexual; our passion was intense, primal and mind blowing.

“Jesus,” I groaned and flung the covers back. Wearing just my shorts and vest, knowing the others were asleep I crept downstairs and fixed myself a coffee.

As I leaned against the counter and dropped my head in my hands I heard a crash behind me. I spun round to see Mason stumbling through the front door.

“Shit!” I cursed quietly. I remained still when he staggered past the doorway but he spotted me and halted.

I held my breath in preparation and realised he was drugged up as soon as his eyes landed on me. He cocked his head and curled his lip at me, “Well, well, if it isn’t Miss prim and proper,” he sneered.

I groaned, realising he’d had a big hit and he was in an angry and mocking mood. Sighing, I decided to leave him to it but as I pushed past him he gripped the top of my arm and slung me up against the wall.

“You think you’re too good for me don’t you? Like you’re better than the rest of us even though you grew up on the fucking streets with fucking nothing,” he sneered as he pushed me further into the wall, both of his hands now gripping hard on the tops of my arms.

“Mason, let me go Baby,” I urged calmly but he reared back and scoffed.

“Baby? Baby?” He laughed hysterically and I bit my lip at his cold treatment. He stopped laughing abruptly and his fingers gripped my hair, yanking roughly. I winced in pain.

“Mason, please,” I whimpered.

His mouth crashed over mine as he kissed me roughly and harshly, his teeth biting firmly on my lower lip. I tried to turn my face away but he gripped my jaw cruelly and turned my face back to his as he forced his lips on mine again. “Fucking kiss me!” he demanded.

I swallowed heavily. “Mason, no,” I hissed but he seemed to be lost in a place of his own, even though he was kissing me with open eyes, he wasn’t seeing me and I wondered if he actually knew I was there.

His tongue licked down my jaw and onto my neck and I tensed knowing what was coming. “You love my bite don’t you Ava, you need it cause you’re a dirty little bitch aren’t you?” he slurred. “It makes you fucking hot and ready doesn’t it? For how fucking rough you take it!” he growled.

I cried out in pain as he sunk his teeth deeply into my throat. I could feel his teeth pierce my skin but he carried on sinking down. I cried out in pain again, my toes curling and my brain screaming inside my head at the pain. Struggling underneath him, I froze as his hands started pulling at my shorts.

“No Mason, Nooo,” I shouted at him but he held me against the wall with his heavy frame and wrenched at my shorts. My hands were now free and I pushed at his chest but he was too damn strong. “MASON. NO. Don’t do this, baby” I pleaded as he had my shorts around my ankles and he started to unzip himself.

“I’m gonna fuck you fast and fucking hard, just the way you like to be taken,” he snarled and I started to panic.

“Mason, please,” I whimpered as he grabbed one of my thighs and lifted it up. “Noooo please,” I sobbed as I begged him to stop.

His fingers twisted cruelly in my hair as he pulled my head to the side and bit into my neck as he thrust into me painfully and brutally, his fingers clawing at me as though he was trying to climb inside me and tear away my soul.

I was sobbing and struggling. “Mason, no, don’t do this,” I pleaded as I sobbed but he grunted and thrust into me as he continued to take chunks out of my neck and shoulder, his fingers digging into my thigh painfully as his other hand tugged harder on my hair and I’m sure he ripped a chunk out.

He thrust deeply then stilled and came violently inside me. He cried out as if in pain but by then I had shut down, closed it off and climbed inside my own head.

He pulled out of me and I sagged to the floor in a crumpled heap, whimpering and sobbing as I curled into myself. I could feel the blood trickling down my neck, the wincing sting in the bites and the throb in my hair follicles . . . or the missing hair follicles, and the soreness between my legs at being taken roughly without being aroused.

He crouched down in front of me and cocked his head to one side. “Don’t cry, baby,” he pleaded softly as he stroked the hair off my face and stroked my cheek lovingly with his fingers. A loud choked sob tore from me at the tenderness in his voice and my heart broke; for me or him I wasn’t sure.

“WHAT THE FUCK!” I heard Greg thunder as the kitchen light flicked on.

“Hey,” Mason smiled and swayed, clinging on to the table for support. “Aww baby, he missed it,” he laughed as he slumped into a chair. “Ava likes people to watch us fuck,” he told Greg with a smirk.

Greg’s wide eyes shifted from Mason and then back to me and then returned to Mason. “What the fuck have you done?” he stuttered and then his brain kicked into gear. “COURTNEY!” he hollered and I saw Mason jolt at the volume.

Greg crouched in front of me. “You okay, Ava?” he asked gently, pain and sympathy evident in his tight expression as he tenderly pushed my hair off my face.

I just raised my wide wet eyes to his. He saw my neck and swiped his thumb across the blood. “Ava did he . . . did he?” He was struggling to ask but I nodded frantically at him and started to sob as I saw Courtney racing towards me.

“Fuck, Ava.” She took one look at me, her face darkened and her eyes glazed over as her breathing slowed and her lips tightened on her face. She spun round and flew for Mason, pummelling him and screaming at him.

“YOU FUCKING BASTARD!” she roared. I saw Sam and Connor stare at me and then to Mason and as realisation dawned Sam closed his eyes and groaned.

Courtney was still kicking the shit out of Mason and he just cowered with his arms, covering his face. Sam came over to me, scooping me up as Greg tried to pull Courtney off Mason.

Connor picked up my shorts and followed behind us, his face full of pity. “I’m so sorry Ava, I should never have left you,” he apologised but I just stared at him. I was numb and I was fucking glad I was numb. I didn’t want to feel, I didn’t want to think and I didn’t want to acknowledge what my lover, my soul mate, my man had just done to me.

Courtney appeared beside me, her face pale and streaked with tears as Sam laid me on my bed and Courtney went to run me a bath.

“Watch her while I run the bath” she ordered. Sam looked at me then at the doorway as Greg bellowed for him.

“Go, I’ll watch her,” Connor told him and Sam scuttled off.

I heard the front door slam and I cringed, knowing what Sam and Greg would do to Mason. I was still vacant and empty; glad that my emotions weren’t demanding an audience.

“Is he on coke?” Connor asked quietly and I raised my eyes to his. I nodded hesitantly and he sighed, his eyes full of concern and guilt. “I should never have left you with him,” he admitted but I couldn’t answer as realisation dawned on me.

I was more hurt by the fact that he’d gone out and scored than by what he’d done to me. The coke always made him like this and I knew tomorrow he’d have no recollection of what he had done tonight but I’m sure the beating Greg and Sam would by now be delivering would be a reminder to him for a while. Why the fuck had he needed to get high? We just rowed like every other fucking couple, yes it was a bad argument but it wasn’t a relationship threatening one. Where the hell had he got the coke from? Surely he wouldn’t know anybody around here, we were miles from home and it was Greg’s cottage not Mason’s but then it clicked.

I shot up, pulled on my shorts and raced down the stairs and out of the front door, a panicking Connor and a now awake Marcy hot on my tail as I ran over to Mason’s car and pulled at the door handle, hoping it wasn’t locked and sighing in relief when the door opened. Scanning the interior I leaned over and opened the glove box before rummaging through it, pulling papers, CD’s and various objects out but no luck with the drugs. I searched through the inside, lifting the carpets and opening each of the various little storage compartments.

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