The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone (111 page)

BOOK: The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone
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“Oh God Baby, I’m so sorry,” he whispered painfully.

I scoffed, “You weren’t sorry at the time, in fact your moans of pleasure sounded as though you were far from sorry.”

I pulled my foot away and hobbled over to the fridge, grabbing the carton of milk and commenced with making coffee before the nausea rose with the memories of the images that would haunt me for the rest of my life. I held up a mug at him in query, even though I wasn’t sure why I was asking if he wanted one but he nodded and smiled timidly.

We were silent again as I poured and placed his mug on the table and sat down. “We have to sort out a rota for the twins,” I said despondently as I took a large gulp of coffee, the caffeine screaming happily through my body and I closed my eyes at the hit of faint contentment.

“What do you mean?” he asked slowly and I gawped at him.

“I don’t want you visiting while I’m there.”

He frowned. “Baby please.” He swallowed harshly and I glared at him.

“No Mason, it’s over. Besides you’re moving out to America so we won’t have this trouble soon.” I watched as the information sank in.

“Who told you?” he snarled but I shook my head.

“It doesn’t matter, what is important is that
should have told me but you just took the coward’s way out
and got fucking high! What were you going to do? Just fuck off out there without telling me again!” I slammed, shaking my head in disgust.

“Baby, I . . .”

“WILL YOU STOP WITH THE BABY!” I screamed and threw my cup across the room in rage, splattering the wall with ceramic and coffee.

“God damn it, Ava!” he yelled back, glaring at me.

I picked up his cup and flung it against the other wall. I then stood up, walked calmly over to the cupboard and removed a plate, giving it the same treatment as the mugs.

“AVA!” Mason shouted as he tried to get near me but I propelled a plate towards him. He shielded his face with his arms as I catapulted another at him, and another and another until I thought I had better save the last one for my lunch.

I angrily swiped the worktop clear of its contents. Mason bolted over to me and grabbed the tops of my arms and pulled me against him tightly. I screamed at him to let me go but he held on tightly as I kicked his shins angrily, he winced but didn’t release me.

My fury turned to despair and I was soon sobbing as I struggled against him. “Leave me alone,” I wept.

He held me closer. “I hate myself for what I’ve done Ava, please forgive me . . . I’m so sorry, baby,” he choked out but I shook my head.

“Not this time Mason, I won’t let you hurt me anymore.” I pulled back and regarded him. “Please Mason, let me be. I can’t look at you without seeing that . . . that tart on top of you, your fucking face contorted with absolute pleasure. Your fucking hands all over her tits. I can’t get it out of my head!”

He looked down at the floor. “I know,” he said simply and I gazed at him gravely and agonized.

“Let me go before you crush whatever I have left Mason, please,” I begged with a sob.

He looked down and gulped but nodded marginally and walked over to me. He cupped my face and placed his mouth against my forehead. “I am sorry Ava, for everything. I love you more than life itself and I’ll never stop loving you . . . never. But you’re right, I’m no good for you, I can’t seem to stop hurting you and it’s killing us both.” He gulped and sighed tremulously. “Take care of my babies Ava; I’ll make sure they’re provided for.” He gazed at me for a few moments, his eyes full of despair and grief. “I love you, baby,” he whispered as tears streamed both of our faces.

He placed a gentle kiss on my brow and turned to the door.

“And me, you Mason,” I whispered as he shut the door quietly behind him and I sank to the floor.


MASON AND I clashed twice at the hospital and we then worked out a rota, the agony of seeing each other was unbearable and quickly prompted a timetable so we wouldn’t be there at the same time.

As Friday arrived I was sick with nerves and Nate was getting worried about me. “Ava, you don’t have to do this,” he urged as he drove us to Scotland Yard but I shook my head.

“I have to do this last thing for him, Nate.” I had explained everything to him, realising it was unfair of me to keep him in the dark as he was doing this with me.

“No, Ava, you don’t, not after what he’s done to you.”

“Nate, he has had to do all this for me, not for himself. He put his own life on hold to give me mine. I have the chance to return his freedom and I am damn well gonna try, he’s still the father of my children.” I swallowed heavily as we exited the car and my legs wobbled. Nate’s arm flew out and I grabbed on to him.

He gazed at me. “Ready?”

I took a deep breath, smoothed down my black pencil skirt and my fitted white shirt; I needed the professional look for this and had pulled my hair into a severe bun and done my make-up sparingly but stylishly.

I nodded and we entered the building. I swallowed back the sickness as Nate approached the main reception desk while I clung on to the black leather folder I held tightly to my chest.

“Hi, Nathan Carter, I have an appointment with Commissioner Delaney,” he stated. “This is my assistant, Miss Stone.”

She smiled at us. “If you could just pop on these visitor passes, I’ll get someone to show you up to Mr Delaney’s office.” She signalled to someone behind her who came round and opened a door for us, gesturing for us to follow him as we clipped on our badges.

Nate held his elbow out for me and I loved him so much for his support at that moment. “Thank you,” I whispered as my voice shook as much as my body. He patted my hand and nodded.

We were silent as we were led through corridors, a series of stairs and more passageways until we came to a reception area with two reception desks. The uniformed policeman informed the secretary of our names and she smiled pleasantly, “If you would like to take a seat Commissioner Delaney will be with you shortly.”

Nate led me over to a black leather sofa and helped me sit down as my body trembled. I closed my eyes and pulled in a deep breath. “Calm down, Ava,” Nate whispered against my ear. I swallowed and mentally prepared myself for what I was about to do.

“Commissioner Delaney will see you now,” the secretary said, making me jump when I hadn’t seen her approach. I smiled and stood, willing my shaking legs to carry me across the room.

She led us to a door and opened it and announced Nate’s name as I took a deep breath and stepped inside, planting a wide smile on my face and tipped my head.

“Commissioner Delaney.” I smirked as his eyes widened and his face darkened. His hand shot to a red button on his desk.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” I warned as I flung a photograph on his desk. He choked out a whimper as his face contorted in shock. His hand froze over the buzzer as he took a look at the picture.

“May we?” I gestured to the two leather chairs in front of his desk. He nodded once and I smiled falsely. “Thank you.” I was amazed by the levelness of my voice. “Now, I think we have a few things to discuss.”

He narrowed his eyes on me. “I would like you to return the phone, the gun and any other evidence you have on me,” I stated frankly.

He let out a loud laugh. “What for this?” He held up the still image of him stood in the leather shorts.

I smiled internally, confirming my thoughts as to how he would react to the non-condemning photo. “No not for that.” I stood and walked over to his TV screen fixed to his wall. “May I?” he didn’t answer but I didn’t expect him to.

I flicked on the TV and slipped in the disc then turned to watch his face as the images appeared on the screen. I felt my heart race in elation and my blood pump furiously through my veins when I knew I had him trapped with the look of recognition on his face as he watched the recording play on.

He paled to an extreme and his breathing sped up, his lips pulled tight and his fist clenched. “Oh, I have more Mr Delaney.” I grinned happily as I ejected the disc and inserted the most damning one.

He gulped as a funny choking noise escaped from his throat when he realised what he was watching. He closed his eyes in resignation. “Okay, switch it off,” he breathed out slowly.

I tipped my head and removed the disc and placed them both on his desk with the photographs.

“What do you want?” he asked, his face pale and taut.

“Mr Delaney, I think you know what I want.” I laughed bitterly, “I will keep this information private and locked away for eternity if you return all evidence to me, every single piece you have. If you refrain from giving me any tiny little thing I will blow you so far out of the water you won’t know what’s hit you,” I warned. “I will proceed to send a copy of these to each and every newspaper, the home secretary, the director of the metropolitan police force and every news channel on the planet.”

He stared at me and I saw the terror in his eyes. “I also need you to give Mason back his freedom, he doesn’t love your daughter and he never did, Mr Delaney,” I continued as I passed him the paternity test results and watched as the anger flitted across his face.

“What the hell?” he gasped.

I nodded. “Don’t tell me you actually believed she was Mason’s?” I actually felt a little prickle of pity for him as his daughter’s betrayal became evident.

“I honestly did think Debora was Mason’s.” He frowned and looked at me. “I am afraid to inform you that your daughter is a lying, deceitful and manipulative bitch,” I informed him and he looked away. “I must also inform you that I have several copies of these documents in safe places and various people are informed to go straight to the police and newspapers with these if anything happens to myself, Mr Carter or Mason. Do you understand?”

He sighed but nodded.

“You have ruined my life, Mr Delaney and I won’t hesitate to ruin yours if need be, but I am an honest woman and I will keep my end of the bargain if you return everything to me and let Mason lead his own life again, well away from your daughter, who I add deserves everything she has coming to her.”

He stood and walked over to a cabinet in the corner of the room, bent and opened a door to reveal a safe. After turning it a series of turns he opened it, reached into the back and removed an evidence bag and walked back to me, passing it to me with a tremble.

“Is this everything, Mr Delaney?” I asked, narrowing my eyes on him.

He nodded, “I didn’t make copies. I thought I would wait until I needed to.” He sagged into his chair again.

“Are you sure because I don’t need to repeat to you what will happen if I find out you have lied?” He nodded and I had no option to take his word for it, but I had a feeling he wouldn’t be crossing me again in the future.

“You have my word.” He tipped his head.

I smiled and held my hand out to him. “It’s been a pleasure doing business with you Mr Delaney, but please keep yourself and your daughter away from Mason,” I said levelly and he nodded.

“I will make sure she stays well away,” he promised.

I smiled again. “Thank you.” I turned to Nate who stood and shook Delaney’s hand.

“Until next time, Mr Delaney.” He smirked and we walked out of the room, one foot after the other calmly and steadily until we entered the elevator.

Nate turned to me. A huge grin erupted on his face. He picked me up and swirled me round. “You did it, Ava” he laughed. I laughed with him as tears of freedom streamed down my face.

I couldn’t describe what this meant for Mason. “Way to go, Girl,” he beamed as he put me down and I breathed out slowly, the euphoric feeling coursing through me. I closed my eyes and enveloped myself in the utter feeling of finality and liberation.

* * *

I pulled up in Mason’s driveway and stole a minute for a deep breath against the heartache and excitement of seeing him again. He was due to leave for America on Monday and I knew he would be here packing and sorting his business out.

Taking hold of the clear evidence bag, I popped it into my bag and exited the car. Approaching his door, I rang the bell whilst trying to calm my breathing.

The door swung open to a confused Mason. “Ava?” He frowned but his eyes were shiny and hopeful.

“Can I come in?”

He froze. “Well . . . Rebecca is here,” he said quietly and I smiled slyly.

“Oh good.” He regarded me carefully. “I’d still like to come in.” His frowned deepened but he nodded.

“Sure, sorry.” He moved to the side and let me past.

I stood in the hallway and took a deep breath as Rebecca strode out of the kitchen. “Ava, what a pleasant surprise,” she smirked.

One side of my lips curled. “Isn’t it,” I mocked and walked over to her. “Where’s Debora?”

She looked at me with utter disgust as if I shouldn’t mention her. “Well, I don’t think it has anything to do with you but she’s at home with the nanny,” she sneered, as though the mention of a nanny made her a bigger person.

“That’s lucky for Debora then,” I chuckled and she frowned.


“Because she won’t witness this,” I snarled and punched her cleanly in the face. She shot backwards against the wall and slumped to the floor.

I sighed happily and closed my eyes in utter contentment. I grabbed her hair then pulled her up and slammed another fist into her face.

“Ava!” Mason cried and held on to the fist I had pulled back. “What the hell are you doing?”

I smirked, “What’s the problem, Mason?”

His eyes widened. “You know what the fucking problem is, she is going to go running to daddy now and you know what that means,” he whispered hurriedly.

I snorted and took the white envelope from my bag and threw it at Rebecca. Then I took the evidence bag out, a copy of the paternity results for Debora and one of the brown envelopes containing all the information on Robert Delaney and passed it to Mason.

“Thank you for everything, Mason. This is for you . . . enjoy.” I smiled tenderly, winked and kissed him softly, sliding my thumb over his cheek tenderly before I walked out.

I grinned as my phone rang in my bag before I had even pulled off his street.

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