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Authors: Ronald Reagan

Tags: #Non-fiction

The Notes (43 page)

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gt. “Put a pair of clean socks on every day”—end of the week the recruit couldn’t get his shoes on.

olitics—got so expensive—takes—lot—money just to get beat.

t’s not our pub. men can’t put your finger on, so it’s our pub. We are only fleas weighing over 100 lbs. We don’t know what we want, but we are ready to bite somebody to get it.

’ll bet you—time ain’t far off when a woman won’t know anymore than a man.

nly in a country where it takes you more intel. to fig. out your inc. tax than it takes to earn the inc.

f a rabbit foot is lucky—how come it didn’t work for the rabbit.

lderly motorist going down 1 way street—Cop: “Do you know where you’re going?”—“No,” the old fellow admitted, “but I must be late because everyone else is coming back.”

ong. biggest job—how to get money from the taxpayer without disturbing the water.

ways to get something done: Do it yourself—have someone else do it—or forbid your kids to do it.

ostrophobia—the fear of rising prices.

oday’s kids are studying in hist. what we studied in current events.

uman Nature—That’s what makes it easier to break a commandment than a habit.

ess Segt. “The men of Valley Forge would have loved this.” Soldier—“Sure, it was fresh then.”

BOOK: The Notes
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